9 Understand Derived Calculations

This chapter contains these topics:

For an assembly inclusion rule, you can define derived calculations to determine:

  • Quantity of a part to include on the work order or sales order

  • Value of a calculated segment

  • Run or machine hour multiplier for a routing

  • Price multiplier

9.1 Algebraic Formulas

Use algebraic formulas to combine different operations with the following operators: + , - , * , and /. You can imbed calculations by enclosing them in parentheses. You can imbed segment numbers in the formula to include segment values as part of the calculation.

For example, the following formula calculates the counter weight necessary so that the forklift will not tip over when its boom is extended to its tallest height with a full load:

Formula Calculation
Derived Calculation S10/(4*COS(2*S30*3.1416/360*2*3.1416))

9.2 Segment References

You can reference any segment within a formula. To reference a segment within the same configured item, enter S and the segment number. For example:

To reference a segment from a different configured item, enter S, the segment number, and the configured item name. Enclose the item name within equal signs. For example:

Reference Description
S3=Piston= Indicates segment three of item Piston

When you reference another segment in a multi-level configured item, you can only reference upper levels.

9.3 Trigonometric and Logarithmic Functions

You can use trigonometric or logarithmic functions independently or as part of a complex formula.

The following trigonometric functions are available:

Function Description
SIN(1.5) Indicates the sine of 1.5
COS (S3) Indicates the cosine of segment three
TAN(S3) Indicates the tangent of segment three
ARC(S3) Indicates the arctangent of segment three

All of these values are expressed in radians.

The following logarithmic functions are available:

Function Description
LOG Indicates log to base 10.
LN Indicates natural log.
** Indicates an exponent. For example, 2**5 represents 2 to the fifth power.

9.4 Substrings

You can use the SUBSTR (substring) function to include a portion of a larger string of characters in a formula.

To calculate a substring, you must reference the segment from which you want to take the substring, the starting position within the string where you want to begin referencing values, and the length of the string you want to reference. For example, if segment 10 is 400012 then:

Function Description
SUBSTR(S10,1,4) Indicates that the substring from segment 10 starts at the first position of the string and includes the next 4 positions. The substring value is 4000.
SUBSTR(S10,5,2) Indicates that the substring from segment 10 starts at the fifth position of the string and includes the next 2 positions. The substring value is 12.

9.5 Concatenations

You can use the CONCAT (concatenate) function to combine the values of two different segments. For example:

Function Description
CONCAT(S3,S4) Combines the values of segments 3 and 4. If the segment value of segment 3 is 1001 and the value of segment 4 is WH (white), the concatenated value is 1001WH.

9.6 Referencing External Fields

You can select field values from the External Files Reference form to use in derived calculations. Choose a field from the following tables:

  • F4101 - Item Master

  • F4102 - Item Branch

  • F41021 - Item Location

  • F4105 - Cost Ledger

  • F4106 - Base Price

  • F0101 - Address Book Master

  • F0301 - Customer Master

  • F41002 - Unit of Measure Conversion

  • F41092 - Supplemental Database

  • F46011 - Item/Unit of Measure Profile

After you reference a field value, the information appears in the Derived Calculation field preceded by an ampersand (&). You can use the field independently or within a complex expression.

For rule types P, R, X and C, the system uses the component item number and branch from the rule to retrieve the appropriate tables.

The system uses the Address Book number to retrieve data from the Address Book or Billing Instructions tables.

When you reference a Supplemental Database field, you must also specify the data type. Enter the data type after the field as follows:

Reference Description
&T2AMTU(WD) Indicates an amount field on the item supplemental database table, and the WD data type.

When you reference the Unit of Measure in Unit of Measure Conversion tables, you must specify the unit of measure in the same manner.

9.7 Referencing External Programs

You can use an external program to define a calculation. Enter the name of the external program. You must also indicate EXTVAR in the Derived Calculations field. After the system runs the external program, it places the results in EXTVAR, a 30 character variable in the inclusion rule.

For P and R rules, the external program references the component number, component branch, and sold to number.

For C or X rules, the external program references the configured item number, branch/plant, and sold to number.

The external program can also access and use the values of previously entered segments sorted in user indexes. The system passes the following parameters to the external program are:

  • Item number

  • Branch/Plant

  • DSKITP, a comprehensive data structure that contains many different values.


9.8 Calculating Smart Parts

For P and Q rules, you can build smart part numbers using the segment values from sales order entry. The system calculates smart parts in a similar manner to derived calculations, however the resulting smart part is an alphanumeric string. You must define smart part numbers in the Item Master (F4101) and Branch/Plant (F4102) tables.

You can build a part number by using following functions:

  • Segment referencing

  • Substring

  • Concatenation

  • Literal text, for example the letter P in part number P165

Smart part formulas can define short, second or third part numbers. Smart parts use the part numbering symbol conventions defined in Branch/Plant Constants. For example, if the smart part formula uses the symbol to identify the third part number along with the third part number, the system would place the second part number on the sales order and work order detail line.

When you define a smart part, you can also use a derived calculation to determine the quantity of the smart part to use.

For example:

Reference Description
'P'S4 Indicates a smart part number P2000, when the value of segment 4 is 2000.