
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  L  M  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W 


configuration management tables, 12.1, 13.1
configured items, 17.2
configured items in distribution systems, 21
configured items in manufacturing systems, 20
sales orders, 15.2
setup, 2.2
Advanced Rule Functions form (P32931), 10.2.3
Advanced rules
setting up, 10.2.3
AIR Segment Where Used form (P329301), 10.3
Analyzing your configured item, 1.2.1
Assembly Inclusion form (P3293), 10.2, 13.6
Assembly inclusion rules, 1.2
advanced, 10.1.2
linking a table to, 13.6
locating, 10.3
processing, 10.2.1
setting up, 10.1, 10.2
Assembly Inclusion Rules (F3293), 1.3
Associated text
working with, 16.5
Associated Text Window form (V401), 16.5
ATO Specification Text Format form (P32941), 16.1
Availability, 21.2


Base Price (F4106), 1.3
Base Price Revisions form (P4106), 5.3
Branch/Plant (F4102), 1.3
Branch/plant information, 3.2


Checking availability, 21.2
Component information
locating, 10.3
Component Where Used form (P32930), 10.3
Configuration Management
constants, 2.2
overview, 1
setup, 2.1
Configuration Management tables, 12.1, 13.1
calculated value (type C), 12.1, 13.1
deleting a table value, 13.3.1
pricing (type X), 12.1, 13.1
quantity (types P and Q), 12.1, 13.1
returning multiple values, 13.4.1
setting up, 13.2
Configurator Constants (F3209), 1.3
Configurator Constants form (P3209), 6.1
Configurator Custom Messages form (P0016), 8.3
Configurator Rules form (P3292W1), 16.4
Configured Item Cross Reference form (P3282), 13.4
Configured item cross-reference, 13.4
setting up, 13.4
Configured Item Segments (F3291), 1.3
Configured Item Segments form (P3291), 4.2, 7.2
Configured Item Specifications form (P3294), 16.2, 16.6
Configured Item/Rules Table Cross-Reference (F3282), 1.3
Configured items, 1.2, 21
inventory, 21.1
working with, 17.2
Configured string, 1.2
Configured string history
generating, 19.1
reviewing, 19.2, 19.2
working with, 19
Configured String History (F3294), 1.3
Configured String History form (P3296), 16.1, 16.2, 16.3.1
Configured String History form (P32961), 19.2
Configured String Master (F32941), 1.3
Configured String Segments (F32942), 1.3
setting up, 6.1
sales quote to sales order, 16.7.1
assembly inclusion rules, 10.2.3
cross segment editing rules, 8.2.2
Cost Ledger (F4102), 1.3
Cross Segment Editing form (P3292), 8.2
Cross Segment Where Used form (P32920), 8.4
generic, 13.4.1
Cross-segment editing rules, 1.2
reviewing, 8.4
setting up, 8.1
Cross-Segment Editing Rules (F3292), 1.3


Define Item Price Group form (P4092), 5.4.1, 5.4.1
Define Subsystem form (P40105), 18.1.1
Discounting information
setting up, 5.5
Distribution information
setting up, 5
Distribution systems
configured items, 21


Enter/Change Routing form (P3003), 3.3
a sales order in assisted mode, 16.2
a sales order in assisted prompt mode, 16.3
a sales order in text mode, 16.1
branch/plant information, 3.2
custom error message, 8.3
item and customer information, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3
item master information, 3.1
previously ordered configured item, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3.1
routings, 3.3
Enterprise Requirements Planning and Execution, 1.4.1
overview, 1.4.1
Error messages
custom, 8.1.2
setting up, 8.3
hard, 8.1.2
soft, 8.1.2
system, 8.1.2
working with, 16.4
working with hard, 16.4
working with soft, 16.4
adjustments, 21.1.3
checking availability during sales order entry, 21.2.1
detailed availability, 21.2.3
entering a sales order or a forklift, 1.5
invoice, 21.5.1
issues, 21.1.1
pick lists, 21.3.1
reviewing customer service information, 21.2.4
reviewing tables with column lock, 12.1.2
reviewing tables with exact lock, 12.1.1
summary availability, 21.2.2
transfers, 21.1.2


Features, 1.1
Advanced Rule Functions, 10.2.3
AIR Segment Where Used, 10.3
Assembly Inclusion, 10.2, 13.6
Associated Text window, 16.5
ATO Specification Text Format, 16.1
Base Price Revisions, 5.3
Component Where Used, 10.3
Configurator Constants, 6.1
Configurator Custom Messages, 8.3
Configurator Rules, 16.4
Configured Item Cross Reference, 13.4
Configured Item Segments, 4.2, 7.2
Configured Item Specification, 16.2, 16.6
Configured String History, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3.1, 19.2
Cross Segment Editing, 8.2
Cross Segment Where used, 8.4
Define Item Price Groups, 5.4.1, 5.4.1
Define Subsystem, 18.1.1
Enter/Change Routing, 3.3
Inventory Pricing Rules, 5.5
Item Branch/Plant Information, 3.2
Item Master Information, 3.1
Multi-level Product Selection, 16.6
Order Activity Rules, 5.2
Order Line Types, 5.1
Plant Manufacturing Data, 3.2
Rules Copy Window, 8.2.2, 10.2.3
Sales Order Entry, 1.5, 1.5, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.3, 16.5, 16.7.1
Segment UDC Where Used, 7.4
Segment Value Selection, 16.2
Table Definition, 13.3
Table Keys, 13.5
Table Values, 13.5
User Defined Code Revisions, 7.3, 13.3
User Defined Code Types, 7.3
Value Selection, 8.2, 8.2.1, 10.2.1, 10.2.2


Generating the configured string history, 19.1
entering a sales order for a forklift, 1.5
ERPx, 1.4.1
system integration, 1.4
table key, 12.1


reviewing, 20.1


Inventory Pricing Rules form (P4271), 5.5
working with, 21.5
Item and customer information
entering, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3
Item Branch/Plant Information form (P41026), 3.2
Item information
setting up, 3
Item Location (F41021), 1.3
Item Master (F4101), 1.3
Item master information
entering, 3.1
Item Master Information form (P4101), 3.1


calculating, 18.1.2
Line types
setting up, 5.1
Linking a table to an assembly inclusion rule, 13.6
assembly inclusion rules, 10.3
component information, 10.3
segment information, 7.4, 10.3
Logic statements, 8.1.1, 10.1.1


Manufacturing accounting
working with, 20.2
Manufacturing systems
configured items, 20
assisted, 16
assisted prompt, 16
text, 16
Multi-level configured item, 1.2
Multi-level Product Selection form (P3298), 16.6


Order activity rules
setting up, 5.2
Order Activity Rules form (P40204), 5.2
Order Line Types form (P40205), 5.1
ERPx, 1.4.1


Pick lists
working with, 21.3
Plant Manufacturing Data form (P41027), 3.2
Previously ordered configured item
entering, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3.1
Price information
setting up, 5.3
Pricing groups
setting up, 5.4
Printing table information, 13.7
Processing work orders, 18.1
Product costing
working with, 20.2
Programs and IDs
P00041 (user defined code types), 7.3
P00051 (user defined code revisions), 7.3, 13.3
P0016 (configurator custom messages), 8.3
P3003 (enter/change routing), 3.3
P3209 (configurator constants), 6.1
P3281 (table definition), 13.3
P3282 (configured item cross reference), 13.4
P3283 (table keys), 13.5
P32831 (table values), 13.5
P3291 (configured item segments), 4.2, 7.2
P32910 (segment UDC where used), 7.4
P3292 (cross segment editing), 8.2
P32920 (cross segment where used), 8.4
P32921 (value selection), 8.2, 8.2.1, 10.2.1, 10.2.2
P3292W1 (configurator rules), 16.4
P3293 (assembly inclusion), 10.2, 13.6
P32930 (component where used), 10.3
P329301 (AIR segment where used), 10.3
P32931 (advanced rule functions), 10.2.3
P3294 (configured item specifications), 16.2, 16.6
P32941 (ATO specification text format), 16.1
P3295 (segment value selection), 16.2
P3296 (configured string history), 16.1, 16.2, 16.3.1
P32961 (configured string history), 19.2
P3297 (rules copy window), 8.2.2, 10.2.3
P3298 (multi-level product selection), 16.6
P40105 (define subsystem), 18.1.1
P40204 (order activity rules), 5.2
P40205 (order line types), 5.1
P4092 (define item price groups), 5.4.1, 5.4.1
P4101 (item master information), 3.1
P41026 (item branch/plant information), 3.2
P41027 (plant manufacturing data), 3.2
P4106 (base price revisions), 5.3
P42111 (sales order entry), 1.5, 1.5, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.3, 16.5, 16.7.1
P4271 (inventory pricing rules), 5.5
V401 (associated text window), 16.5


revising, 8.2.2, 10.2.3
Range Detail (F32922), 1.3
setting up, 8.2.1, 10.2.2
Invoice, 21.5.1
Pick Lists, 21.3.1
Segment Rules, 14.1
configured string history, 19.2
cross segment editing rules, 8.4
hours, 20.1
Reviewing quantities, 20.1
entering, 3.3
calculated segment, 8.2.3
calculation (c), 10.1
component part (p), 10.1
setting up, 10.2
generic branch/plants set up, 8.2.3
multi-level configured items, 8.2.3
pricing (x), 10.1
routing (r), 10.1
separating, 8.2.3
to set up, 10.2
work order component part (q), 10.1
Rules Copy Window form (P3297), 8.2.2, 10.2.3
Rules Table Definition (F3281), 1.3
Rules Table Value Definition (F32821), 1.3


Sales order, 15.2
assisted mode
entering, 16.2
assisted prompt mode
entering, 16.3
revising, 16.6.1, 18.1.2
text mode
entering, 16.1
updating, 18.1.2
Sales Order Detail (F4211), 1.3
Sales order entry
setting up line types, 5.1
Sales Order Entry form (P42111), 1.5, 1.5, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.3, 16.5, 16.7.1
Sales Order Header (F4201), 1.3
Sales quotes
configured items, 16.7
converting to a sales order, 16.7.1
Segment, 1.2
Segment information
locating, 10.3
Segment UDC Where Used form (P32910), 7.4
Segment Value Selection form (P3295), 16.2
Segment Values
Comparing, 7.5
calculated, 7.1
locating, 7.4
optional, 7.1
required, 7.1
setting up, 7.1, 7.2
setting up values, 7.3
Setting up
a segment, 7.2
assembly inclusion rules, 10.2
configured item cross-reference, 13.4
constants, 6.1
cross-segment editing rules, 8.1
custom error messages, 8.3
discounting information, 5.5
distribution information, 5
item information, 3
line types, 5.1
logic statements in cross-segment editing rules, 8.1.1
order activity rules, 5.2
price information, 3.1
pricing groups, 5.4
segments, 7.1
table dimensions, 13.3
table values, 13.5
tables, 13.2
user defined codes, 7.3
working with, 21.4
Smart Parts
About, 4.1
Standard costs
updating, 18.1.2
starting, 18.1.2
working with, 18.1.1
System integration, 1.4


Table Definition form (P3281), 13.3
Table Detail (F3283), 1.3
Table dimensions
setting up, 13.3
Table information
printing, 13.7
Table Keys form (P3283), 13.5
Table values
setting up, 13.5
Table Values form (P32831), 13.5
Terms and concepts, 1.2
Training class case study, 1.5


See User Defined Code
User Defined Code
User Defined Code Revisions form (P00051), 7.3, 13.3
User Defined Code Types form (P00041), 7.3
User Defined Codes (UDC)
setting up, 7.3


revising, 8.2.1
Value Selection form (P32921), 8.2, 8.2.1, 10.2.1, 10.2.2
setting up, 8.2, 10.2.1
Values Detail (F32921), 1.3


Work order
recosting, 18.1.2
reprocessing, 18.1.2
Work order completions, 20.3
Work orders
processing, 18.1
Working with
associated text, 16.5
configured item inventory, 21.1
configured string history, 19
error messages, 16.4
invoices, 21.5
manufacturing accounting, 20.2
pick lists, 21.3
shipments, 21.4
work order completions, 20.3
Working with sales quotes, 16.7