23 Create Location Billings

This chapter contains this topic:

Run the Create Billings program to bill locations for equipment use. The Create Billings program is a batch program in which you use data selections to indicate what Location Tracking information you want to include in the billing. The system accesses the location information that matches your selection criteria and creates the appropriate debit and credit transactions.

The Create Billings program creates debit journal entries that affect the appropriate jobs or business units for the use of equipment based on the location information in the Location Tracking Table (F1204). The General Ledger Post program creates the credit side of the journal entry using the automatic accounting instructions that define rate components.

When you select Create Billings, the system displays a versions list. The versions lists includes DEMO versions that you can run or copy and modify to suit you needs. When you run a version, the system displays Processing Option Revisions before submitting the job for processing.

You can review and approve your batch transactions on Billing Journal Review to verify equipment location information before posting the new billing information.


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), choose Equipment Location Billing

From Equipment Location Billing (G1321), choose Create Billings

Before You Begin

Enter any location information for the equipment you want to include in the billing.

23.1 Verifying the Location Billing

When you run a version of the Create Billings program, the system prints a location billing register that shows:

  • All equipment billed and the amount

  • An explanation for all locations for which the system could not process the billing

Figure 23-1 Location Billings - Final report, part 1

Description of Figure 23-1 follows
Description of "Figure 23-1 Location Billings - Final report, part 1"

Figure 23-2 Location Billings - Final report, part 2

Description of Figure 23-2 follows
Description of "Figure 23-2 Location Billings - Final report, part 2"

23.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Running in proof or final mode You can run the proof version of Create Billings to verify that the billing and location information that you entered for the equipment is correct. When you run the proof version, the program prints the location billing report without creating journal entries or updating equipment information. The system does not assign batch numbers to billings that you create using the proof version. When you run the final version, the program updates equipment information and creates a batch of journal entries that you must post to the general ledger and equipment balances.
Excluding non-billable location information You can use Data Selections to exclude location tracking information that you do not want to bill. If you do not exclude location tracking information on the system before you create a location billing, the information appears on the billing register as Not able to be billed. Possible selections that you might want to use to exclude billing information are:
  • Beginning Date after the date you install the Location Billing program

  • Billing Rate Codes not equal to blank

23.1.2 Processing Options

See Section 53.1, "Location Billings - Proof (P1304)".