26 Overview to Equipment Billing Reports

This chapter contains these topics:

26.1 Objectives

  • To identify the DREAM Writer reports available for Equipment Billing

  • To use DREAM Writer reports for reporting equipment billing information

26.2 About Equipment Billing Reports

You can print and review Equipment Billing reports to help you manage Equipment Billing information. You can print the following types of Equipment Billing reports:

Type of Report Description
Standard reports Print standard reports to review and manage equipment information such as:
  • Current billing rates

  • Location history

  • Supplemental data

Analytical reports Print analytical reports to review and analyze equipment costs and transactions
Other reports Use the STAR and World Writer reporting tools to create customized reports and access data from any table that you use in Equipment Billing

Printing Equipment Billing reports consists of the following tasks:

  • Printing standard reports

  • Printing analytical reports

  • Printing other reports

See Also:

  • Understand DREAM Writer in the JD Edwards World Technical Foundation Guide for information about running, copying, and changing DREAM Writer versions