27 Print Standard Reports

This chapter contains these topics:

Print a standard report to review and manage information such as billing rates, location history, specification data, and so on.

27.1 Printing the Billing Rates Report


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), enter 29

From Equipment/Plan Management Setup (G1341), choose Equipment Billing

From Equipment Billing Setup (G1343), choose Billing Rates Report

Print the Billing Rates report to review the billing rates that are established for specific pieces of equipment or groups of equipment. The report includes the following information:

  • Rate table

  • Rate group

  • Equipment number

  • Effective dates

  • Rate code

  • Billing Rate

Figure 27-1 Billing Rates report, part 1

Description of Figure 27-1 follows
Description of "Figure 27-1 Billing Rates report, part 1"

Figure 27-2 Billing Rates report, part 2

Description of Figure 27-2 follows
Description of "Figure 27-2 Billing Rates report, part 2"

27.1.1 Processing Options

See Section 54.1, "Equipment Billing Rates (P12426)"

27.2 Printing the Location Tracking Report

You can print the Location Tracking report to review equipment location information. This report prints current, historical, and planned locations for each piece of equipment. You can specify that the report print location tracking text associated with a piece of equipment. The system draws information for this report from the Location Tracking table (F1204). You can print this report by equipment number or by location.


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), choose Equipment Location Tracking

From Equipment Location Tracking (G1314), choose Location Tracking Report

Figure 27-3 Location Tracking report

Description of Figure 27-3 follows
Description of "Figure 27-3 Location Tracking report"

27.3 Printing Supplemental Data Reports

You can print supplemental data reports to review supplemental data information for equipment. For example, you can print the Specification Data report to review all of the specification data that you assigned to a piece of equipment.

Printing supplemental data reports consists of the following tasks:

  • Printing the Data by Item Number report

  • Printing the Data by Data Type report

  • Printing the Specification Data report

27.4 Printing the Data by Item Number Report


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), choose Equipment Information

From Equipment Information (G1311), choose Supplemental Data

From Supplemental Data (G1318), choose Report by Item

Print the Data by Item Number report to review all the supplemental data for a specific piece of equipment. The system accesses information from the following tables to generate this report:

  • Fixed Asset Supplemental Data Types (F12090)

  • Fixed Asset Supplemental Data Codes Type (F12092)

  • Fixed Asset Supplemental Data Text (F12093)

  • Item Master (F1201)

Figure 27-4 Fixed Assets Supplemental Data - By Item Number report

Description of Figure 27-4 follows
Description of "Figure 27-4 Fixed Assets Supplemental Data - By Item Number report"

27.5 Printing the Data by Data Type Report


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), choose Equipment Information

From Equipment Information (G1311), choose Supplemental Data

From Supplemental Data (G1318), choose Report by Data Type

Print the Data by Data Type report to review selected supplemental data by type for individual pieces of equipment. The system accesses information from the following tables to generate this report:

  • Fixed Asset Supplemental Data Types (F12090)

  • Fixed Asset Supplemental Data Codes Type (F12092)

  • Fixed Asset Supplemental Data Text (F12093)

  • Item Master (F1201)

Figure 27-5 All Item Numbers by Data Type report - Item #4

Description of Figure 27-5 follows
Description of "Figure 27-5 All Item Numbers by Data Type report - Item #4 "

27.6 Printing the Specification Data Report


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), choose Equipment Information

From Equipment Information (G1311), choose Supplemental Data

From Supplemental Data (G1318), choose Specification Data Report

Figure 27-6 Specification Data Report

Description of Figure 27-6 follows
Description of "Figure 27-6 Specification Data Report"