29 Print Other Reports

This chapter contains these topics:

You can customize reports to review Equipment Billing information using Report Writer and World Writer.

29.1 Working with Report Writer


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), choose Cost Inquiries and Reports

From Cost Inquiries and Reports (G1312), choose Report Writer

You can use Report Writer to maintain and execute various versions of the Spreadsheet Tool For Asset Reporting (STAR). Report Writer performs functions similar to the standard DREAM Writer Version, but you can define your columns to suit your needs. Report Writer reports on information that the system stores in the Item Master table (F1201) and the Item Balances table (F1202).

See Also:

  • STAR Guide for information about running, copying, and changing STAR versions

29.2 Working with World Writer

You can use World Writer reports to access information from all the tables on your system. You can create World Writer reports from any record or table in your database. JD Edwards World provides several predefined World Writer reports. In Equipment Billing, these predefined reports are based on the License Master table (F1206), the Location Tracking table (F1204), and the Status History table (F1307). You can change the fields and data selection on any of these reports.

You can access several predefined World Writer reports by choosing the following navigation paths:

  • From the Equipment Information menu (G1311), choose World Writer Reports. The following reports are available:

    • License Renewal Report

    • Equipment Status History Report

  • From the Equipment Location Tracking menu (G1314), choose Location World Writer Reports. The following reports are available:

    • Equipment Location History Report

    • Equipment Location Detail with Remarks Report

    • Equipment Location Detail with Audit Trail Report

See Also:

  • JD Edwards World World Writer Guide for additional information about creating, running, and changing World Writer reports