47 Update Fixed Asset Information

This chapter contains these topics:

Update fixed asset information to maintain consistent and current account information for accurate equipment billing and location tracking.

47.1 Updating Company Numbers and Accounts


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), enter 27

From Advanced Operations (G1331), choose Fixed Assets Global Updates

From Advanced Operations (G1231), choose Update Company Number, BU/Obj/Sub-1202

Company numbers and account numbers in the Item Balances table (F1202) should always be the same as those in the Account Master table (F0901). Run Update Company Number, Business Unit/Object/Subsidiary in the F1202 from the F0901 to correct any situations in which these numbers do not match.

Run Update Company Number, Business Unit/Object/Subsidiary any time you change an existing account in your chart of accounts. For example:

  • When you change the object or subsidiary of an existing account

  • When you assign existing accounts to a different business unit

  • When you assign an existing business unit to a different company

When you update company numbers and business unit/object/subsidiary, the system submits the job directly to batch. The program updates information from the Account Master table based on the system-assigned, short account ID number.


JD Edwards World recommends that you run this program during non-business hours. Verify that no one accesses the general accounting or fixed asset tables when you run this program. The program is unable to update accounts that are locked by other system applications. There is no affect on any account that a user accesses elsewhere in the system during the update.

47.2 Reposting Damaged Account Balances


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), enter 27

From Advanced Operations (G1331), choose Fixed Assets Global Updates

From Advanced Operations (G1231), choose Repost Ledger

You can repost damaged account balances in the Item Balances table (F1202) to restore system integrity. You should run the repost only if you have no other method of restoring account information. Run the repost, for example, if account balance information is damaged as a result of hardware failure.

This program reposts only the transactions that include all of the following:

  • A valid period number.

  • A code that indicates a post to both the general ledger and fixed assets or equipment.

  • A valid equipment number that exists in the Item Master table (F1201).

  • A transaction ledger type set up in Depreciation Default Coding, if one does not already exist in the Item Balances table.

  • A transaction account number in the Account Master table (F0901). The account number must fall within the Item FX range of accounts in the automatic accounting instructions.

  • Period postings for individual equipment. The transaction must not be a balance forward record and cannot be summarized by period and account.


The Repost Ledger program changes all summarized account balances to zero. Do not use this program if your system includes item balance records without general ledger transactions, as in the case of summarized depreciation computations or beginning balances created without an audit trail.

47.2.1 Before You Begin

  • Verify that the following procedures are complete:

    • All transactions that have been posted to the General Ledger have also been posted to Fixed Assets or Equipment

    • All depreciation and transfer transactions that have been posted to Fixed Assets have also been posted to the General Ledger

  • Verify that no one accesses the general accounting or fixed asset tables. The program is unable to update accounts that are locked by other system applications. There is no affect on any account that a user accesses elsewhere in the system during the update.

47.2.2 Processing Options

See Section 56.1, "Item Balance Repost (P12910)"

47.3 Updating the Item Number


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), enter 27

From Advanced Operations (G1331), choose Fixed Assets Global Updates

From Advanced Operations (G1231), choose Refresh Item Number in F0911

Run this program only if you change the identifying symbol for the item number in your system. You can run this program to ensure that all posted account ledger transactions contain the current item number format.

The system stores the item number and the symbol that you use to identify the item number in the Account Ledger table (F0911). If you change the symbol you use to identify the item number, this program updates the Account Ledger table with the new symbol.

When you select Refresh Item Number in F0911, the system submits the job directly to batch.


Verify that no one accesses the Account Ledger table (F0911) while you run this program. The program is unable to update accounts that are locked by other system applications. There is no affect on any account that a user accesses elsewhere in the system during the update.

47.4 Updating Planned Equipment Locations


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), enter 27

From Advanced Operations (G1331), choose Fixed Assets Global Updates

From Advanced Operations (G1231), choose Location Code Batch Update

You can update equipment locations from a planned location to a current location. Run Location Code Batch Update to change planned equipment locations to current equipment locations when the system date reaches the "As of" date that you enter in the Date Selection processing option.

For example, if you plan to distribute a fleet of trucks to a new location as of a certain date and enter that information into the system, you can run this program to automatically change the location information from a planned location status to a current location status. The program updates all planned locations that fit the criteria that you select in the data selection list.

The Location Code Batch Update program updates the Location Tracking table (F1024) and the Item Master table (F1201).

When you choose Location Code Batch Update, the system displays a versions list. The versions list includes DEMO versions that you can run or copy and modify to suit your needs. When you run a version, the system displays Processing Options Revisions before submitting the job for processing.


In the data selection, verify that you enter only the equipment which you want to update to the current location.

47.5 Purging Selected Asset Information


From Equipment/Plan Management (G13), enter 27

From Advanced Operations (G1331), choose Fixed Assets Global Updates

From Advanced Operations (G1231), choose Purge Selected Asset Files

You can purge selected equipment information from your system. When you select Purge Selected Asset Files, the system displays a versions list. The versions list includes a DEMO version that you can run or copy and modify to suit your needs. Use the Purge Selection processing options to delete only those records that meet your criteria. The company number and item number are mandatory data selections for this program.

Run this program to perform one or both of the following:

  • Purge a piece of equipment that you disposed of in a prior year

  • Purge the Item Balances table (F1202) for a prior year

Back up any of the following tables that you want to include in the purge program:

  • Item Master (F1201)

  • Item Balances (F1202)

  • Location Tracking (F1204)

  • Item Messages (F1205)

  • License Master (F1206)

  • Maintenance Schedule (F1207)

  • Parent History (F1212)

  • Equipment Rental Rate (F1301)

  • Status History (F1307)

This program moves all information that you specify to a separate purge table. The purge table name is the same as the original table name with a P at the end. For example, the purge table for F1201 is F1201P, and so on.

You can save the purge tables on a disk or tape and then delete them from your system. If there are purge tables you do not want to save, delete them from the system.

If purge tables do not currently exist on your system, this program creates purge tables in the same library in which the corresponding tables exist. If the purge tables already exist on your system, this program adds purged records to the existing tables.

The program includes a report with the following information that the program moves from the tables to the purge tables:

  • Equipment number

  • Description

  • Responsible business unit

  • Disposal date (if applicable) of the equipment

The report also includes a list of the tables that you chose to remove data from and a summary of how many records the program moves from each table to a purge table.

47.5.1 Before You Begin

  • Run the Asset Account Balance Close

  • Verify that no one accesses the fixed asset tables while you run this procedure. The program is unable to purge information that is locked by other system applications. There is no affect on any information that a user accesses elsewhere in the system during the purge.

47.5.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Purging Item Balances (F1202) If you purge the Item Balances for a piece of equipment, the system automatically purges all of the other information that exists for the equipment.

See Also:

  • About Data Removal in the JD Edwards World General Accounting II Guide for more information about purging tables

  • Work with DREAM Writer in the JD Edwards World Technical Foundation Guide for information about running, copying, and changing a DREAM Writer version