37 Print Interim Cheques

This chapter contains this topic:

37.1 Printing Interim Cheques


From Canadian Payroll Master (G77), choose Pay Cycle Processing

From Pay Cycle Processing (G7713), choose Print Paycheques

You must print interim cheques within a payroll cycle. You can print interim cheques either by the computer or manually (handwritten or typed). You can print interim cheques in a regular payroll cycle or in a payroll cycle for interims only.

When you print interim cheques, the system also:

  • Prints attachments when required

  • Prints a register of all cheques issued

When you merge interim cheques into a payroll cycle, the system controls the merge with the following factors:

Factor Description
Cheque dates If the cheque date is the same as or earlier than the cheque date of the payroll run, the system merges the interim cheques in the payroll.
Pre-payroll processing types Pre-payroll processing types control when interim cheques are merged, as follows:
  • Type 1 - Full Pre-Payroll. The system merges interim cheques based on the cheque date for the payroll ID.

  • Type 3 - No Interim Pre-Payroll. The system does not merge interim cheques.

  • Type 5 - No Autopay Pre-Payroll. The system merges interim cheques based on the cheque date for the payroll ID.

  • Type I - Interims Only Pre-Payroll. The system processes interim cheques only based on the cheque date for the payroll ID.

37.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Printed cheques You cannot change or delete records of printed cheques.
Locked records The system locks an employee's interim cheque for any of the following reasons:
  • The employee's interim cheque is currently merged in a payroll cycle, and therefore cannot be printed or updated interactively.

  • You have voided the interim cheque.

  • The cheque is a manual interim cheque.