C DBA Table Methods

This appendix contains these topics:

There are five general, arbitrary categories that are distinguishable by what the DBA method is based on.

Category Available Calculations
Salary Amounts:

Pay Period Monthly Annual Life Insurance 2nd Life Insurance

For each of the salary figures, you can perform one of the following calculations:
  • Table amount x Employee rate

  • Salary x Employee rate x Table amount

  • Use the table amount as the actual DBA amount

  • Hours worked x Table amount

  • Gross earnings x Table amount

  • Salary x Employee rate Result rounded down x Table amount

  • Salary x Employee rate Result rounded up x Table amount

  • Salary x Table amount x Excess rate

Employee's Age: Based on the employee's age, you can perform one of the following calculations:
  • Salary x Employee rate x Table amount

  • Salary x Employee rate Result rounded down x Table amount

  • Salary x Employee rate Result rounded up x Table amount

  • Salary x Employee rate Result rounded down / 1000

  • Salary x Employee rate Result rounded up / 1000

  • Salary x Table amount x Excess rate


Leave of Absence Original Hire Participation Start

For each of the dates, you can perform one of the following calculations:
  • Table amount x Employee rate

  • Table amount x Employee rate, (calculates hours only)

  • Table amount x Hours worked (can optionally calculate Rate x Hours)

  • Table amount x Hours worked (calculates hours only)

  • Table amount x Hours worked

  • Use the table amount as the actual DBA amount

  • Table amount x Gross earnings

  • Annual salary x Table amount x Excess rate

  • Pay period salary x Table amount x Excess rate

  • Monthly salary x Table amount x Excess rate

  • Life insurance salary x Table amount x Excess rate

  • 2nd life insurance salary x Table amount x Excess rate


Hours Gross Amounts Flat Dollar

You can perform various calculations against an employee's rate, hours, and gross wages. These include:
  • Average hourly rate

  • Rage from the detail area of the table


Pay Period Number Variable Months Excess Life Insurance

You can use various tables depending on the following:
  • Pay period number for the month

  • Number of months of history to use as a basis

  • Group term life insurance premiums

C.1 Based or Calculated on Monthly Salary

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
NA Monthly Salary Table amount x amount or rate retrieved from one of the 3 DBA files associated with the employee. 1
NB Employee's Age in Years Employee's monthly salary x amount or rate associated with the employee x Table amount. 3
ND Monthly Salary Table amount equals the actual amount of the DBA. 1
NH Monthly Salary Number of hours worked by the employee x Table amount or rate. 1
NP Monthly Salary Employee's gross earnings for the current period x Table amount or rate. 1
NQ Monthly Salary Employee's monthly salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded down to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 1
NR Monthly Salary Employee's monthly salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded up to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 1
NS Employee's Age in Years Employee's monthly salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded up to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 3 or 9
NT Employee's Age in Years Employee's monthly salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded down to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 3 or 9
NY Employee's Age in Years Employee's monthly salary x amount or rage associated with the employee. Result rounded down to the next 1000 / 1000. The system does not calculate a DBA amount. 3 or 9
NZ Employee's Age in Years Employee's monthly salary x by the amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded up to the next 1000 / 1000. 3 or 9
N% Employee's Age or Monthly Salary Employee's monthly salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 3, 9, or 1

C.2 Based or Calculated on Annual Salary

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
AA Annual Salary Table amount x amount or rate retrieved from one of the 3 DBA files associated with the employee. 1
AB Employee's Age in Years Employee's annual salary x amount or rate associated with the employee x Table amount. 3
AD Employee's Age in Years Table amount equals the actual amount of the DBA. 1
AH Employee's Age in Years Number of hours worked by the employee x Table amount or rate. 1
AP Employee's Age in Years Employee's gross earnings for the current period x Table amount or rate. 1
AQ Employee's Age in Years Employee's annual salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded down to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 1
AR Employee's Age in Years Employee's annual salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded up to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 1
AS Employee's Age in Years Employee's annual salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded up to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 3 or 9
AT Employee's Age in Years Employee's annual salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded down to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 3 or 9
AY Employee's Age in Years Employee's annual salary x amount or rage associated with the employee. Result rounded down to the next 1000 / 1000. The system does not calculate a DBA amount. 3 or 9
AZ Employee's Age in Years Employee's annual salary x by the amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded up to the next 1000 / 1000. 3 or 9
A% Employee's Age or Annual Salary Employee's annual salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 3, 9, or 1

C.3 Based or Calculated on Life Insurance Salary

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
IA Life Insurance Salary Table amount x amount or rate retrieved from one of the 3 DBA files associated with the employee. 1
IB Employee's Age in Years Employee's life insurance salary x amount or rate associated with the employee x Table amount. 3
ID Life Insurance Salary Table amount equals the actual amount of the DBA. 1
IH Life Insurance Salary Number of hours worked by the employee x Table amount or rate 1
IP Life Insurance Salary Employee's gross earnings for the current period x Table amount or rate. 1
IQ Life Insurance Salary Employee's life insurance salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded down to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 1
IR Life Insurance Salary Employee's life insurance salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded up to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 1
IS Employee's Age in Years Employee's life insurance salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded up to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 3 or 9
IT Employee's Age in Years Employee's life insurance salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded down to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 3 or 9
IY Employee's Age in Years Employee's life insurance salary x amount or rage associated with the employee. Result rounded down to the next 1000 / 1000. The system does not calculate a DBA amount. 3 or 9
IZ Employee's Age in Years Employee's life insurance salary x by the amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded up to the next 1000 / 1000. 3 or 9
I% Employee's Age or Life Insurance Salary Employee's life insurance salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 3, 9, or 1

C.4 Based or Calculated on Second Life Insurance Salary

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
FA 2nd Life Insurance Salary Table amount x amount or rate retrieved from one of the 3 DBA files associated with the employee. 1
FB Employee's Age in Years Employee's 2nd life insurance salary x amount or rate associated with the employee x Table amount. 3
FD 2nd Life Insurance Salary Table amount equals the actual amount of the DBA. 1
FH 2nd Life Insurance Salary Number of hours worked by the employee x Table amount or rate. 1
FP 2nd Life Insurance Salary Employee's gross earnings for the current period x Table amount or rate. 1
FQ 2nd Life Insurance Salary Employee's 2nd life insurance salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded down to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 1
FR 2nd Life Insurance Salary Employee's 2nd life insurance salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded up to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 1
FS Employee's Age in Years Employee's 2nd life insurance salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded up to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 3 or 9
FT Employee's Age in Years Employee's 2nd life insurance salary x amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded down to the next 1000 x by the Table amount or rate. 3 or 9
FY Employee's Age in Years Employee's 2nd life insurance salary x amount or rage associated with the employee. Result rounded down to the next 1000 / 1000. The system does not calculate a DBA amount. 3 or 9
FZ Employee's Age in Years Employee's 2nd life insurance salary x by the amount or rate associated with the employee. Result rounded up to the next 1000 / 1000. 3 or 9
F% Employee's Age or 2nd Life Insurance Salary Employee's 2nd life insurance salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 3, 9, or 1

C.5 Based or Calculated on Spousal Life Insurance Coverage

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
UB Spouse's Age in Years Spouse's life insurance coverage x amount or rate associated with the employee x amount field on the table. 3, 9, or Z
UL Spouse's Age in Years Amount in the table = actual amount of the DBA (flat dollar amount). 3, 9, or Z
US Spouse's Age in Years Employee's life insurance coverage x amount or rate associated with the employee. Round the result up to the next 1000 / 1000 x amount or rate in the table. 3, 9, or Z
UT Spouse's Age in Years Spouse's life insurance coverage x amount or rate associated with the employee. Round the result down to the next 1000 / 1000 x amount/rate in the table. 3, 9, or Z
UY Spouse's Age in Years Spouse's life insurance coverage is rounded down to the next 1000 / 1000. The results are stored in Hours Worked. The amount is zero. The system does not calculate a DBA amount. 3, 9, or Z
UZ Spouse's Age in Years Spouse's life insurance coverage is rounded up to the next 1000 / 1000. The results are stored in Hours Worked. The amount is zero. The system does not calculate a DBA amount. 3, 9, or Z
U% Spouse's Age in Years, or the Spouse's Life Insurance Coverage Spouse's life insurance coverage x amount or rate in the table x Excess rate in the same table. 3, 9, or Z

C.6 Based or Calculated on Leave of Absence Date

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
LA Months of Service from Leave of Absence Table amount x amount or rate retrieved from one of the 3 DBA files associated with the employee. 2
LB Months of Service from Leave of Absence Table amount x amount or rate associated with the employee. This method generates no dollars, only hours. 2
LH Months of Service from Leave of Absence Table amount x Number of hours worked equaling hours to accrue x Employee's hourly rate for the DBA amount. 2
LI Months of Service from Leave of Absence Table amount x Number of hours worked equaling hours to accrue x Employee's hourly rate for the DBA amount. 2
LR Months of Service from Leave of Absence Table amount x Number of hours worked equaling the DBA amount. 2
L$ Months of Service from Leave of Absence Table amount equals the actual amount of the DBA. 2
L% Months of Service from Leave of Absence Employee's gross earnings x Table rate percentage. 2
L1 Months of Service from Leave of Absence Employee's annual salary x Table amount or rate x the Excess rate. 2
L2 Months of Service from Leave of Absence Employee's pay period salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2
L3 Months of Service from Leave of Absence Employee's monthly salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2
L4 Months of Service from Leave of Absence Employee's life insurance salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2
L5 Months of Service from Leave of Absence Employee's 2nd life insurance salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2

C.7 Based or Calculated on Original Hire Date

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
OA Months of Service from Original Hire Date Table amount x amount or rate retrieved from one of the 3 DBA files associated with the employee. 2
OB Months of Service from Original Hire Date Table amount x amount or rate associated with the employee. This method generates no dollars, only hours. 2
OH Months of Service from Original Hire Date Table amount x Number of hours worked equaling hours to accrue x Employee's hourly rate for the DBA amount. 2
OI Months of Service from Original Hire Date Table amount x Number of hours worked equaling hours to accrue x Employee's hourly rate for the DBA amount. 2
OR Months of Service from Original Hire Date Table amount x Number of hours worked equaling the DBA amount. 2
O$ Months of Service from Original Hire Date Table amount equals the actual amount of the DBA. 2
O% Months of Service from Original Hire Date Employee's gross earnings x Table rate percentage. 2
O1 Months of Service from Original Hire Date Employee's annual salary x Table amount or rate x the Excess rate. 2
O2 Months of Service from Original Hire Date Employee's pay period salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2
O3 Months of Service from Original Hire Date Employee's monthly salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2
O4 Months of Service from Original Hire Date Employee's life insurance salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2
O5 Months of Service from Original Hire Date Employee's 2nd life insurance salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2

C.8 Based or Calculated on Participation Date

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
PA Months of Service from Participation Date Table amount x amount or rate retrieved from one of the 3 DBA files associated with the employee. 2
PB Months of Service from Participation Date Table amount x amount or rate associated with the employee. This method generates no dollars, only hours. 2
PH Months of Service from Participation Date Table amount x Number of hours worked equaling hours to accrue x Employee's hourly rate for the DBA amount. 2
PI Months of Service from Participation Date Table amount x Number of hours worked equaling hours to accrue x Employee's hourly rate for the DBA amount. 2
PR Months of Service from Participation Date Table amount x Number of hours worked equaling the DBA amount. 2
P$ Months of Service from Participation Date Table amount equals the actual amount of the DBA. 2
P% Months of Service from Participation Date Employee's gross earnings x Table rate percentage. 2
P1 Months of Service from Participation Date Employee's annual salary x Table amount or rate x the Excess rate. 2
P2 Months of Service from Participation Date Employee's pay period salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2
P3 Months of Service from Participation Date Employee's monthly salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2
P4 Months of Service from Participation Date Employee's life insurance salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2
P5 Months of Service from Participation Date Employee's 2nd life insurance salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2

C.9 Based or Calculated on Start Date

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
SA Months of Service from Start Date Table amount x amount or rate retrieved from one of the 3 DBA files associated with the employee. 2
SB Months of Service from Start Date Table amount x amount or rate associated with the employee. This method generates no dollars, only hours. 2
SH Months of Service from Start Date Table amount x Number of hours worked equaling hours to accrue x Employee's hourly rate for the DBA amount. 2
SI Months of Service from Start Date Table amount x Number of hours worked equaling hours to accrue x Employee's hourly rate for the DBA amount. 2
SR Months of Service from Start Date Table amount x Number of hours worked equaling the DBA amount. 2
S$ Months of Service from Start Date Table amount equals the actual amount of the DBA. 2
S% Months of Service from Start Date Employee's gross earnings x Table rate percentage. 2
S1 Months of Service from Start Date Employee's annual salary x Table amount or rate x the Excess rate. 2
S2 Months of Service from Start Date Employee's pay period salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2
S3 Months of Service from Start Date Employee's monthly salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2
S4 Months of Service from Start Date Employee's life insurance salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2
S5 Months of Service from Start Date Employee's 2nd life insurance salary x Table amount or rate x Excess rate in the table. 2

C.10 Based or Calculated on Hours Worked

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
HA Hours Worked Employee's total wages / Employee's total hours x Table amount or rate. 4
HD Inception to Date Hours Worked Table amount equals the actual amount of the DBA. 4
HP Inception to Date Hours Worked Employee's hours worked during the current period x Table rate. 4
H1 Hours Worked Table amount equals the number of hours that the DBA is based on. 4

C.11 Based or Calculated on Gross Amount

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
GA Gross Amount Amount or rate associated with the employee x Table amount. 8
GD Gross Amount Table amount equals the actual amount of the DBA. 8
GH Gross Amount Hours worked x Table amount. 8
GP Gross Amount Amount of employee's gross earnings x Table rate. 8
G% Gross Amount Amount of employee's gross earnings x Table rate. 3
G@ Gross Amount Amount of employee's gross earnings x Table rate. 8

C.12 Based or Calculated on Flat Dollar

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
DD Hours Worked If possible, use the amount in the table. If employee worked fewer hours:

Calculate days worked

Days worked x Rate in the detail area

DH Hours Worked If possible, use the amount in the table. If employee worked fewer hours, Actual hours worked x Rate in the detail area. 4
DL Employee's Age in Years Table amount equals the actual amount of the DBA. 3 or 9
DP Pieces Produced If possible, use amount in table. If employee produced fewer pieces, Actual pieces produced x Rate in the detail area. 5

C.13 Based or Calculated on Pay Period Number

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
WD Pay Period Number (1 - 5) Days worked (based on number of time card records) x Table amount or rate. 0
WH Pay Period Number (1 - 5) Hours worked x Table amount or rate. 0
WP Pay Period Number (1 - 5) Pieces produced x Table amount or rate.  
W$ Pay Period Number (1 - 5) Table amount equals the actual amount of the DBA.  
W% Pay Period Number (1 - 5) Gross earnings x Table amount or rate.  

C.14 Based or Calculated on Variable Months

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
MH Variable Months The table is a one-line entry indicating how many months back to look at history. Accumulated hours worked for the number of months specified in the table x Table rate. 6
MI Variable Months The table is a one-line entry indicating how many months back to look at history. Accumulated hours worked for the number of months specified in the table rounded up to the next whole hour x Table rate. 6
MJ Variable Months The table is a one-line entry indicating how many months back to look at history. Accumulated hours worked for the number of months specified in the table rounded down to the next whole hour x Table rate. 6
MP Variable Months The table is a one-line entry indicating how many months back to look at history. Accumulated gross earnings for the number of months specified x Table rate. 6
MR Variable Months The table is a one-line entry indicating how many months back to look at history. Accumulated pieces produced for the number of months specified x Table rate. 6

C.15 Based or Calculated on Excess Life Insurance

Table Method Lower/Upper Ranges Represent Calculation Method
XL Employee's Age in Years The "maximum amount" for data dictionary item #XL1 - Hours basis. Remainder x Table amount. 3 or 9
XC Employee's Age in Years The "maximum amount" for data dictionary item #XLC - Hours basis. Remainder x Table amount. 3 or 9

C.16 Example: Calculation Table Based on Months of Service

When you set up a table based on months of service, the system uses only whole numbers for the lower and upper limits.

Figure C-1 Calculation Tables screen

Description of Figure C-1 follows
Description of "Figure C-1 Calculation Tables screen"

For example, the system reads the above limits as:

  • 0 to 5

  • 6 to 11

  • 12 to 83

  • 84 to 179

  • 180 to 9,999,999

The system considers the months between the specified date and the payroll date, not the number of days. The system does not convert number of days to months. For example, the system would calculate months of service as follows:

  • Start Date = 1/15 and Pay Date = 1/31

The system calculates one month of service. The employee started in January and was paid in January.

  • Start Date = 1/15 and Pay Date = 2/15

The system calculates two months of service. The employee started in January and was paid in February.

C.17 Example: Calculation Table Based on Periods Worked

You might want to set up a calculation table based on different amounts based on pay periods worked. For example, you might want to split a 75.00 a month health insurance premium between two pay periods.

The following list shows the information to enter on each line of the calculation table:

Line Description
Line one for the first pay period Lower Limit = 1

Upper Limit = 1

Amount/Rate = 40

Line two for the second pay period Lower Limit = 2

Upper Limit = 2

Amount/Rate = 35

Based on this calculation, the system deducts 40.00 the first pay period and 35.00 the second pay period.