A Technical Overview of Payroll Cycle

This appendix contains these topics

A.1 Technical Overview of Pre-Payroll Processing

The following table presents a technical overview of the pre-payroll processing step of the payroll cycle.

Step Explanation Tables Read Tables Updated
Payroll Processing Control (P062001) Selects timecards based on pay cycle, group, and home company Assigns lockout code Creates autopay transactions F060116 F06210 F06106 F06116 F060116 F06116 F06210xxx F0609
DBA Calculation (P072011) Calculates all user defined deductions and all benefits/accruals requested (based on gross pay)*

(See * on the following page.)

F0609 F06116 F06210 F06146 F06145 F069116 F0609 F0605
Vertex Workfile Build (P072031) Calculates current and YTD wages for all tax authorities. F060116 F06116 F0609 F0713 F06017 F0712 F07126
Payroll Tax Calculation Module (J06VTXXML) Module calls Vertex Q Series program (VprtXML) and calculates all applicable payroll taxes. F0712 F0712
Net Deduction Calculation (P07202) Calculates all user defined deductions that are based on net pay to compile the following reports:
  • Deductions Not Taken -R062021

  • Deductions Arrearage - R062023

F069116 F0712 F07126 F06116 F0609 F06107 F0609 F0712 F07126
Merge Interim Checks (P07204) Merges qualifying employee interim checks into pay cycle workfiles to compile the following reports:
  • Unprocessed Interims R062042

  • Terminated Employees - R062041

F06350I F0712I F07126I F0712I F07126I F06350I F0609 F06116
Step Explanation Tables Read Tables Updated
Paycheck Workfile Build (P07350) Calculates detailed transactions used to generate various reports and files, including:
  • Net Pay Instruction Register

  • Paychecks in the Print Paychecks step

  • Payroll registers

F065016 F06116 F0609 F06146 F0712 F07126 F0713 F063501
Time and Pay Register (P063001) Reports on time entered and included in the payroll cycle. F06116 F060116  
Payroll Register (P063012 and P063013) Reports that detail employee gross-to-net, available in detail or summary format.

This report lists pay types, deductions, benefits, and accruals, which simplifies the process of reconciling total accrual liability.

F060116 F063501 F06146 F065106 F0712 F07126 F0713  
Federal Tax Distribution Summary (P073170) Optional report of current, MTD, QTD, and YTD taxes. F063501 F0713  
Update Status Flag (P062101) Moves 1 to data field PPST on Pay Cycle Review/Reset. F06210 F060116 F06210 F060116

* Pre-Payroll Processing calculates benefits defined with a Y (Yes) in the Calculate in Pre-Payroll field on the DBA Setup screen. The system calculates benefits with N (No) in the Calculate in Pre-Payroll field during the Journal Entries Payroll Cycle step.

A.2 Technical Overview of Print Payments

The following chart presents a technical overview of the print payments step of the payroll cycle.

Step Explanation Tables Read Tables Updated
Auto Deposit Selection (P072301) If auto deposits are included in the version, Auto Deposit Selection displays. Data area: Net Pay Instructions in version library  
Auto Deposit DREAM Writer Version Processing (P98300) If auto deposits are included, the DREAM Writer versions available for the Auto Deposit External File Build job display.    
Auto Deposit Batch Job (J075501) If auto deposits are included, this job is submitted.

1. Create Bank deposit Tape Workfile (P065501)

2. Print Auto Deposit Register (P065051)





Print Net Pay Instructions (P07230) Controls the printing of Net Pay Instructions as necessary. F063501 F063501

A.3 Technical Overview of Payroll Journal Entries

The following chart presents a technical overview of the payroll journal entries step of the payroll cycle.

Step Explanation Tables Read Tables Updated
Benefit/Accrual Calculation (P062012) Calculates remaining benefits and accruals associated with the employee. F060116 F0609 F06146 F06145 F0609
Paycheck Workfile Supplemental (P063503) Calculates remaining detailed transactions to be used to generate various reports and files. F0609 F063501
Establish Batch for Payroll Journals (P062902) Creates a batch of payroll journal entries. F06210 F06210 F0011
Workers Compensation Journal Entries (P07290) Calculates workers compensation premiums and generates all payroll journal entries for those employees being processed. Creates a member equal to the batch number within your production physical file. F06116 F0609 F063501 F0712 F06290 F0624 (Optional)
Summarize Detail Journal Entries (P06228) Summarizes all detailed journal entry transactions to the level requested. Creates a member equal to the batch number within the production physical file. F06290 F06901 F06395
Journal Batch Proof/Edit (P06229) Creates the Journal Batch Proof report and edits for error conditions. F06395 F0901 F0011
A/P Integration (J06498JQ) Determines whether accounts payable integration is in effect, based on the A/P flag in company constants.    
A/P Batch Setup (P064901) Creates batch header for the current payroll cycle, deletes the previous batch header, and clears the workfiles if you reran an existing payroll ID. F06210 F06491 F06492 F06490 F06210 F06491 F06492 F06490
A/P Detail Workfile Build (P06490) Builds the A/P voucher detail workfile. F069096 F06210 F06926 F06927 F069086 F069016 F06904 F063501 F0609 F060116 F06490
A/P Summary Workfile Build (P064902) Builds the A/P voucher summary file. F06927 F069086 F0626 F06490 F06492 F06491
A/P Journal Voucher Creation (P064904) Creates the batch proof journal entries for A/P vouchers. F06490 F06290
A/P Journal Compression (P064228) Summarizes journal entries and prints the Journal Batch Proof report (P06229). Updates the A/P status flag (P062101). F06914 F069116 F06290 F06395 F06395 F06210
Update Status Flag (P062101) Moves 1 to the Status Code field for Journal Entries on the Pay Cycle Review/Reset screen. F06210 F06210

A.4 Technical Overview of the Final Update

The following chart presents a technical overview of the Final Update step of the Payroll Cycle.

Step Explanation Tables Read Tables Updated
Update Employee History tables (P073901) Updates the various history tables. F060116 F0609 F063501 F06116 F0712 F07126 F06145 F06146 F06156 F06176 F0618 F0619 F06216 F06226 F0713 F0716
Update General Ledger (P06395) Generates General Ledger transactions. F06395 F0911
Post General Ledger (P09870) Updates balance records in General Ledger. F0911 F0902
Update Integrity table (P063911) Updates Payroll Integrity table. F063501 F0620 F06502
Update Employee Master (P06394) Updates future changes to Employee Master data. F06042 F060116