15 Work with Vouchers

This chapter contains these topics:

15.1 Working with Vouchers

After you set up your Payroll system to integrate with the Accounts Payable system, the system creates vouchers during the payroll cycle. When you integrate the Payroll and Accounts Payable systems, you do not need to make a separate request for vouchers for payroll payees.

During pre-payroll processing, the system uses the information you entered when you set up A/P integration to determine which DBAs require vouchers and who the payees are for those vouchers. It stores this information in the DBA Transaction Detail table (F0609).

Voucher rules enable you to specify whether one or more vouchers will be generated, as well as what information prints on the employee's pay stub. For example, you can select a voucher rule to generate separate vouchers when there are multiple payments to the same payee for the same employee and the same DBA, but where the payments represent separate wage attachments (case numbers, case dates, etc.).

During the journal entries step of the payroll cycle, the system uses the information that you entered when you set up accounts payable integration to determine which tax transactions require vouchers and who the payees are for the vouchers.

The system creates pro forma vouchers for both the DBA and tax transactions and stores them in a batch. The system also creates pro forma journal entries for other types of Payroll transactions and stores them in a separate batch. Each batch has a unique batch number and batch type. For vouchers, you can choose to have the system create one batch for DBA vouchers and a separate batch for tax vouchers. This allows you to post journal entries for DBA vouchers separately from those for tax vouchers.

The batch of pro forma journal entries for other Payroll transactions contains document types T1 thru T6. The Pay Period Journal Batch Proof report lists these document types. The batches of pro forma voucher entries contain document type T7. The Pay Period Journal Batch Proof/Edit for Vouchers report lists this document type.

During the journal entries step, the system creates the debits to the liability accounts as one-sided entries. The system creates the offsetting credit when you post the vouchers to the general ledger.

Before you process the final update, you should review pro forma voucher information to verify that the information is correct.

During final update, the system creates the actual vouchers for voucher journal entries and stores them in the Accounts Payable Ledger table (F0411). It creates these actual vouchers only if the pro forma vouchers had no errors. After you process the final update, you can no longer review pro forma vouchers.

Caution: If the batch of pro forma vouchers contain any errors when you process final update, the system deletes the batch without creating the actual vouchers.

The system does not post vouchers automatically. You must manually post the vouchers to the general ledger.

The data on the sample forms might not match the sample data installed on your Payroll System.

15.1.1 Before You Begin

  • Process a payroll cycle that includes vouchers.

See Also:

15.2 Reviewing Pro Forma Vouchers by Payee


From Canadian Payroll Master (G77), choose Pay Cycle Processing

From Pay Cycle Processing (G7713), choose Review Vouchers by Payee

The system creates pro forma vouchers for DBA transactions during pre-payroll and pro forma vouchers for tax transactions during the journal entries step. Before you process the final update, you should review this information online to verify that it is correct. After you process final update, you can no longer review these pro forma vouchers online.

To review pro forma vouchers by payee

On Review Vouchers by Payee

Figure 15-1 Review Vouchers by Payee screen

Description of Figure 15-1 follows
Description of "Figure 15-1 Review Vouchers by Payee screen"

  1. To limit the vouchers that appear, complete the following optional field and press Enter:

    • Payee Number

  2. Choose the Review Voucher option.

    Figure 15-2 Review Vouchers by Payee screen

    Description of Figure 15-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 15-2 Review Vouchers by Payee screen"

  3. On the second Review Vouchers by Payee form, to limit the vouchers that appear complete the following optional field:

    • Payroll ID

  4. Access the detail area.

    Figure 15-3 Review Vouchers by Payee screen

    Description of Figure 15-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 15-3 Review Vouchers by Payee screen"

  5. Review the information in the following fields:

    • Batch Number

    • Voucher Control

  6. Choose the Review Employees option.

    Figure 15-4 Review Voucher Detail by Payee screen

    Description of Figure 15-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 15-4 Review Voucher Detail by Payee screen"

  7. On the Review Voucher Detail by Payee form, choose the Detail function to review additional information.

  8. To view the journal entries associated with a voucher, choose the Journal Line Entries function.

    Figure 15-5 Review Journal Line Entries screen

    Description of Figure 15-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 15-5 Review Journal Line Entries screen"

  9. On Review Journal Line Entries, access the detail area to review additional information.

15.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Reviewing batches of vouchers After you process the journal entries step of the payroll cycle, you can use the payroll journal batch review feature to review batch status for pro forma vouchers.

See Reviewing Batches of Payroll Journal Entries in JD Edwards World Canadian Payroll I Guide.

Reviewing vouchers with negative amounts Vouchers that have negative amounts usually result from voided cheques. For a negative tax voucher, the system creates reversing entries in the Accounts Payable system. For a negative DBA voucher, you must manually enter reversing entries in the Accounts Payable system.

15.3 Reviewing Pro Forma Vouchers by Employee


From Canadian Payroll Master (G77), choose Pay Cycle Processing

From Pay Cycle Processing (G7713), choose Review Vouchers by Employee

The system creates pro forma vouchers for DBA transactions during pre-payroll and pro forma vouchers for tax transactions during the journal entries step. Before you process final update, you should review this information online to verify that it is correct. After you process final update, you can no longer review these pro forma vouchers online.

To review pro forma vouchers by employee

On Review Vouchers by Employee

Figure 15-6 Review Vouchers by Employee screen

Description of Figure 15-6 follows
Description of "Figure 15-6 Review Vouchers by Employee screen"

  1. Complete the following field:

    • Employee

  2. To limit the vouchers that appear, complete the following optional field:

    • Company

  3. Access the detail area to view additional information.

Figure 15-7 Review Vouchers by Employee screen (Detail area)

Description of Figure 15-7 follows
Description of "Figure 15-7 Review Vouchers by Employee screen (Detail area)"

15.3.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Reviewing batches of vouchers After you process the journal entries step of the payroll cycle, you can use the payroll journal batch review feature to review batch status for pro forma vouchers.

See Reviewing Batches of Payroll Journal Entries in JD Edwards World Canadian Payroll I Guide.

Reviewing vouchers with negative amounts Vouchers that have negative amounts usually result from voided cheques. For a negative tax voucher, the system creates reversing entries in the Accounts Payable system. For a negative DBA voucher, you must manually enter reversing entries in the Accounts Payable system.

15.4 Reviewing the Payroll Journal Proof/Edit for Vouchers Report

When you process the payroll journal entries step of the payroll cycle, the system prints the Payroll Journal Proof/Edit for Vouchers report. This report lists Payroll voucher entries for the T7 document type.

If you did not specify a payee for any tax type or DBA, this report contains a payee not specified message. When this error appears, the system does not create the pro forma voucher for that tax type or DBA. You must enter a payee for the tax type or DBA and then complete the steps for revising voucher information.

Figure 15-8 Payroll Journal Proof/Edit for Vouchers report

Description of Figure 15-8 follows
Description of "Figure 15-8 Payroll Journal Proof/Edit for Vouchers report"

15.5 Reviewing the Payroll Voucher Journals

You can request the following reports during the reports only step of the payroll cycle:

Report Description
Payroll Voucher Journal Summary You can use this report to verify information about tax vouchers.
Payroll Voucher Journal Detail You can use this report to verify information about DBA vouchers.

You should review these journals before you process the final update to verify the accuracy of the pro forma vouchers. The system prints the reports during the final update. At that time, these journals include the document numbers and pay items.

Figure 15-9 Payroll Voucher Journal Summary report

Description of Figure 15-9 follows
Description of "Figure 15-9 Payroll Voucher Journal Summary report"

Figure 15-10 Payroll Voucher Journal Detail report

Description of Figure 15-10 follows
Description of "Figure 15-10 Payroll Voucher Journal Detail report"

See Also:

15.6 Revising Voucher Information for a Tax Type


From Canadian Payroll Master (G77), enter 29

From Payroll Setup (G774), choose Taxes and Insurance

From Taxes and Insurance (G7744), choose

Occasionally, you might need to revise payroll voucher information. For example, you might need to change the payee for a voucher or set up vouchering in the DBA instructions for an employee. You might also need to change the information for a payee that has been entered in the Accounts Payable system.

If you revise voucher information while you are processing a payroll cycle, you must typically rerun some steps in the cycle to ensure that the system creates the appropriate vouchers. The steps you must rerun vary depending on whether the voucher information that you revise is for a tax type or for a DBA.

If you revise voucher information for a tax type while you are processing a payroll cycle, you do not need to reset the payroll ID. Instead, you rerun the journal entries step of the payroll cycle, which re-creates the Payroll Journal workfile (F06395). To reduce processing time you can choose to run A/P integration only.

To revise voucher information for a tax type

On Tax Area Information

  1. To locate the tax area, complete the following fields:

    • Tax Area

    • Tax Type

  2. Make the necessary revisions to the voucher information.

  3. On Pay Cycle Processing (G0713 or G7713) choose Payroll Journal Entries.

  4. On the first Payroll Journal Entries form, complete the steps for creating the pro forma journal entry workfile.

What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Revising supplier information If the supplier information is incorrect, revise it in the Accounts Payable system and not on Tax Area Information.

15.7 Revising Voucher Information for a DBA

Occasionally, you might need to revise payroll voucher information. For example, you might need to change the payee for a voucher or set up vouchering in the DBA instructions for an employee. You might also need to change the information for a payee that has been entered in the Accounts Payable system.

You must use different DBA forms depending on the type of correction you need to make. Use the following form that contains the information that needs to be revised:

  • DBA Setup

  • Group Plan DBA Setup

  • DBA Instructions

If you revise voucher information for a DBA while you are processing a payroll cycle, you must reset the payroll ID and rerun a full pre-payroll processing. You cannot run a pre-payroll only for the changes.

To revise voucher information for a DBA

On the appropriate DBA form

  1. Make the necessary revisions to the voucher information for the DBA, group, or employee.

  2. On Pay Cycle Processing (G0713 or G7713) choose Pay Cycle Review/Reset.

  3. On Pay Cycle Review/Reset, complete the steps for resetting the payroll ID for the payroll cycle.

  4. On Pay Cycle Processing (G0713 or G7713) choose Pre-Payroll Processing.

  5. On the first Pre-Payroll Processing form, complete the steps for running a full pre-payroll processing.

  6. On Pay Cycle Processing (G0713 or G7713) choose Payroll Journal Entries.

  7. On the first Payroll Journal Entries form, complete the following field:

    • Pre-Payroll ID

  8. On the second Payroll Journal Entries form, enter N in the following field:

    • Run Accounts Payable Integration Only

  9. Complete the steps for creating the pro forma journal entry workfile.

Field Explanation
Accounts Payable Integration The Yes or No Entry field is a single-character entry field for a yes or no response. The default is No.

Form-specific information

This code will rerun A/P integration without rerunning pay period journals.

Valid codes are:

N – Run pay period journals and accounts payable integration.

Y – Run accounts payable integration only.

15.8 Reviewing Actual Voucher Reports

When you process the final update for a payroll cycle that includes vouchers, the Payroll system provides several reports that you can print to verify voucher information before you post the vouchers to the general ledger. You can also review reports that indicate whether the vouchers posted correctly.

During final update, the system automatically prints the following reports:

  • Payroll Voucher Edit report

  • Payroll Voucher Journal Detail report

  • Payroll Voucher Journal Summary report

You should also have printed the detail and summary journals during the print payroll cycle reports step of the payroll cycle. When the system prints these reports during final update, they include document numbers and pay items. You can use this information to verify voucher information before you post vouchers to the general ledger.

Use the Payroll Voucher Edit Report to determine whether any voucher-related errors occurred when the system created the actual vouchers during final update. This report lists payment items that are in error and conditions that require a warning. If no errors occurred, the system prints the message informing you there are no errors.

If you set up Enhanced Subledger Accounting, you can view these values on the report. See Work with Enhanced Subledger Accounting in the JD Edwards World General Accounting I Guide for more information.

This report prints two types of messages:

Message Type Description
Error messages The system does not create a voucher for the pay item. You must manually enter the pay items into the Accounts Payable system.

When all pay items in a batch are in error, the system deletes the batch and its batch header record. In this case, the batch does not appear on the Payroll Journal Batch Review report.

Warning messages The system creates a voucher for the pay item. You should review the voucher to determine whether you need to revise the pay items in the Accounts Payable system.

Figure 15-11 Payroll Voucher Edit report

Description of Figure 15-11 follows
Description of "Figure 15-11 Payroll Voucher Edit report"

15.8.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Reviewing actual vouchers online After you process the final update, you can review actual vouchers online using the payroll journal batch review feature and its associated options. This feature uses the multi-company format.

See Reviewing Batches of Payroll Journal Entries in JD Edwards World Canadian Payroll I Guide.

Reviewing messages You can use the Data Dictionary to view a detailed description of an error or warning message. Use the four-digit error message number to locate the error in the Data Dictionary.

See the JD Edwards World Technical Foundation Guide for information about using the Data Dictionary.

15.9 Posting Payroll Vouchers to the General Ledger


From Canadian Payroll Master (G77), choose Pay Cycle Processing

From Pay Cycle Processing (G7713), choose Review Post Vouchers to G/L

After you process the final update step of a payroll cycle that includes vouchers, you must post the journal entries for the vouchers (T7 document types) to the general ledger. Although you can set your payroll company constants to automatically post the journal entries for other types of payroll transactions (T1 through T6 document types), the system does not automatically post journal entries for vouchers.

When you post journal entries for vouchers, the system creates an offset entry in the screen of a credit to the appropriate A/P account. This entry has a document type of AE (automatic entry).

If you delete an actual payroll voucher from the Accounts Payable system, the system reopens the batch. You must repost the batch in the payroll system to create the reversing T7 entry.

When you post vouchers, the system prints the following reports:

Report Description
Posting Edit report Use the Posting Edit Report to determine whether the vouchers posted. When no errors occur during posting, the report contains a message that no errors were found and the system will post the batch.
General Ledger Post Payroll Vouchers report Use the General Ledger Post Payroll Vouchers report to review posted vouchers. This report lists the following document types:

T7 – The Payroll voucher entries

AE – The offsetting credit entries to the accounts payable liability account that the system creates during posting

15.9.1 Before You Begin

  • For the home company of each employee for whom the system creates a voucher, verify that the business unit and object account to be used for the offset are set up in the Accounts Payable system. See Setting Up AAIs for A/P in the JD Edwards World Accounts Payable Guide.

  • Review any warning messages that appear on the Voucher Edit report. Use the Accounts Payable system to make any necessary corrections.

Figure 15-12 Voucher Edit report

Description of Figure 15-12 follows
Description of "Figure 15-12 Voucher Edit report"