44 Employee Information Processing Options

This chapter contains these topics:

44.1 Employee Initial Entry (P060101)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
* These Processing Options Control:

* * P060101 = Employee Entry

* * P060111 = Basic Employee Data *

1. Security Business Unit will be updated to the employee's Address Book record.

Note: This must be set the same as P0801.

Enter '1' for Yes or ' ' for No.

2. Choose the Edit for Workers Comp Code

'1' = Edit against User Defined Codes

'2' = "Hard" Error if Blank

'3' = "Soft" Error if Blank (Default)

3. Display the Social Security Number (Tax ID) on Inquiry and Change.

Enter '1' for Yes or ' ' for No.

4. All new employees will be added to the COBRA Dep/Beneficiary file.

Enter '1' for Yes or ' ' for No.

5. Enter your display preference for the Salary and Hourly Rate.

' ' or '1' = Always Display

'2' = Do Not Display on Inquiry

'3' = Never Display

6. When adding new employees through the Employee Setup screen, enter the default format for the Mailing Name in Address Book. (Optional)

' ' = Name entered in Employee Entry will not be used in the address book window. You must also

enter the name in the window.

'1' = John Doe (No middle initial)

'2' = John R. Doe

'3' = Doe, John R. (Alpha Name value)

Note: For users who have the double byte flag turned on in the JDE System Values, a default of ' ' is used.

7. Enter the method for assigning Tax


' ' = manually enter Work and Res.

Tax Areas. (Default)

'1' = allow Work and Res. Tax Areas to be left blank.

'2' = use GeoCoder to update Work and Res. Tax Areas.

Note: For values (1-2), you must first install the Vertex GeoCoder system. If you do not install the system, the default value ' ' will be used for assigning Tax Areas.

8. When an employee is deleted, the profile data will also be deleted

Enter '1' for yes or ' ' for no

9. The Job Information file (F08001) EDITS the Job Type and Step and DEFAULTS the Job Information and Category Codes on ADDS and CHANGES depending on which of the following options are selected.

' '= Edit Job Type/Step against UDCs & use Data Dictionary for defaults.

'1'= Default Job Info ONLY when blank.

'2'= Default Job Info & Category Codes ONLY when the field is blank.

'3'= Default Job Info WHETHER OR NOT the field is blank.

'4'= Default Job Info & Category Codes WHETHER OR NOT the field is blank.

10. Enter '1' when you are using the Job Information file, as specified in processing option 9, and want to override the default of the Benefit Group, Union Code, Worker's Comp Code and Subclass when changing the Business Unit or Job with those values defined in the Business Unit-Job Cross Reference file (F08005).

If processing option 9 is set to 'Default Only When Blank', then the Cross Reference file values will 'Default Only When Blank'. Likewise, if processing option 9 is set to 'Always Default', the Cross Reference file values will 'Always Default'.

11. For an Add, enter the default value for the Benefit Status field which displays on the Dates, Eligibility & EEO screen.

Note: This code is used for Batch Enrollment in Benefits.


44.2 Labor Distribution (P060151)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Choose how you wish the Worker's Comp Code to default:

'1' = From the Employee Master file regardless if the field in the Employee Labor Distribution fold area is Blank.

'2' = From the Employee Master file Only if the field is left Blank

'3' = From the Data Dictionary if the field is left Blank. (Default)

2. Select the default screen format:

' ' = Standard Distribution

'1' = Enhanced Subledgers


44.3 Extended Employee - Dates, Eligibility (P060190)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter your display preference for Ethnic Code:

Enter '1' for Yes.

Enter ' ' for No.

2. Enter the candidate requisition status, with a status of type 'DET', for the system to use when you terminate an employee. This will detach the employee from all reqs that the employee has a candidate requisition status type of 'FIL'.

(The candidate requisition status type is defined in the special handling code of the user defined code 08/CN)

3. Enter a '1' to have the termination date default into the date pay stops field.

Leave this blank if the termination date should not default into the date pay stops field.

Note: If FSA claims are being used, leave this field blank so that the employee will not have a date in the date pay stops field and will still be included in the payroll.


44.4 Employee Job Entry (P060118)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter your display preference for the Salary and Hourly Rate.

' ' or '1' = Always Display

'2' = Do not Display on Inquiry

'3' = Never Display

2. Enter a '1' next to each to suppress its display:

Workers Comp/Sub

FLSA Exempt

Union Code

EEO Job Category

Shift Code

Job Step

Hourly Rate

3. To display the Address Book European Tax ID Number in the Address Book window select '1' for Yes.

Enter '1' for Yes.

Enter ' ' for No.

4. The Job Information file (F08001) EDITS the Job Type and Step and DEFAULTS the Job Information and Category Codes on ADDS or CHANGES, depending on which of the following options are selected.

' '=Edit Job Type/Step against UDC's and use DD for defaults.

'1'=Default Job Info ONLY when blank

'2'=Default Job Info and Category Codes ONLY when blank.

'3' Always default Job Information.

'4' Always default Job & Cat. Codes

5. Enter '1' when you are using the job Information File, as specified in processing option 4, and want to override the default of the Benefit Group, Union Code, Worker's Comp Code and Subclass when changing the Business Unit or Job with those values defined in the Business Unit - Job Cross Reference file (F08005).

If processing option 4 is set to 'Default Only When Blank', then the Cross Reference file values will 'De- fault Only When Blank'. Likewise, if processing option 4 is set to 'Always Default', the Cross Reference file values will 'Always Default'.

6. Enter a '1' if you want F18 to exit to Canadian Payroll Employee Setup program (P070101).

Default of blank will exit to US Payroll Employee Setup program (P060101).

7. Enter a '1' to automatically redisplay the information.  

44.5 Employee Information (P08092)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Profile Data Base code for the type to be reviewed:

A = Applicants

E = Employees

J = Jobs

H = Case Numbers

P = Dep/Beneficiaries

R = Requisitions

A default of blank will select Employees

2. Enter the specific Type of Data on which to inquire.

A default of blank will use the first data type within the data base.


44.6 Profile by Employee (P080200)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Record Code for the type of information that you wish to review as follows:

A = Applicants

E = Employees (default value)

H = Injury/Illness Case Number

J = Jobs

P = Dependents/Beneficiaries

R = Requisitions

2. For Detailed Employee Inquiry Only:

Enter a '1' if you do not wish to display the employee's salary information.

(Default of blank will display the information.)

3. For Detailed Employee Inquiry Only:

Enter a '1' if you do not wish to display the employee's Social Security Number.

(Default of blank will display the number.)


44.7 Inquiry by Applicant (P080210)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the Profile Data Base name for the type of information you wish to review as follows:

A = Applicants

E = Employees (default value)

J = Jobs

H = Case Number

P = Dependents/Beneficiaries

R = Requisitions

2. Enter the specific Type of Data on which to inquire within the chosen data base.  
3. Enter a '1' to see inactive employees (Employee Pay Status not numeric) in addition to active employees.

Default of blank will show active employees only (Pay Status numeric)


44.8 Employee Profile Multiskills Search (P080250)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the search criteria code you want to direct your search:

A = Search for Applicants

E = Search for Employees

B = Search for both types.

A default of blank will display both Applicants and Employees . . . . . .

2. To limit the search to only active employees, enter the Pay Statuses, separated by commas, that define an active employee.

A blank will search for all employees.

3. To limit the search to specific employment statuses, enter the employment statuses, separated by commas, or *ALL for all employment statuses.

The typical default for full time regular is a blank, so a blank followed by a comma must be entered to include this in the search.

4. To limit the search to specific application statuses, enter the application statuses, separated by commas, or blank for all application statuses. Since this field is two characters wide, you should always enter two characters between commas including a blank if necessary. For example, to search for 5 and 99, the entry would be: 5 ,99 (NOT 5,99).  
5. Enter the earliest application date to limit the search. Only applications on or after this date will be included in the list.

A blank will search through all applications, regardless of date.


44.9 Employee Profile - Alphabetical Sequence (P080410)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter a '1' to bypass printing text information on the report.

(Default of blank will print the text.)

2. Enter a '1' if you wish to bypass printing the employee's salary information.

(Default of blank will print the information.)

3. Enter a '1' if you wish to bypass printing the Social Security number.

(Default of blank will print the number.)


44.10 Employee Info by Data Type - Alpha Seq (P080400)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter '1' to bypass printing text information on the report.  

44.11 Employee Roster (P064011)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
If you wish to print full employee address, enter a 'Y'. (Y/N)  

44.12 Employee Roster with Rate (P064021)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Select the employee number you wish to print.

A = Address Book Number

S = Social Security Number

O = Additional Employee Number


44.13 Extended Employee - Termination/Rehire (P060161)

Processing Option Processing Options Requiring Further Description
1. Enter the candidate requisition status, with a status of type 'DET', for the system to use when you terminate an employee. This will detach the employee from all reqs that the employee has a candidate requisition status type of 'FIL'.

(The candidate requisition status type is defined in the special handling code of the user defined code 08/CN)

2. Enter the default value for Requisition Status when an employee is terminated and a requisition is created.

(F1 for valid values)

3. Enter a '1' to have the termination date default into the date pay stops field.

Leave this blank if the termination date should not default into the date pay stops field.

Note: If FSA claims are being used, leave this field blank so that the employee will not have a date in the date pay stops field and will still be included in the payroll.