2 Overview to Employee Information

This chapter contains these topics:

2.1 Objectives

  • To enter information about employees to track labor costs

  • To enter job-related information to track compensation by job

  • To create, change, and update an employee's master record

2.2 About Employee Information

You can use your Time Accounting system to track detailed information about employees. Use this information to analyze and report on employees by jobs or business units.

The system supports and maintains the following types of information:

  • Employee master

  • Employee profile

Complete the following tasks:

  • Enter employee information

  • Enter additional employee information

  • Enter employee multiple job information

  • Work with employee profile data

  • Review employee information

  • Revise employee information

2.2.1 Employee Master

Before you can track time and labor or recharge distribution for an employee, you must create a record for each employee. This record contains personal, company, job, pay, and billing information for the employee.

You can also enter optional information about your employees in addition to the standard data that the system requires to track an employee's time. Optional employee information is commonly used for reporting purposes or other requirements of your company.

After you create a record of employee information, you can:

  • Make changes, corrections, or updates

  • Review the information, as necessary

  • Terminate employment

  • Reactivate employment

2.2.2 Employee Profile

The Time Accounting system also gives you the flexibility to track any type of information that your organization needs. You can use the profile data feature to track entire categories of auxiliary information for your employees, such as job skills, languages, or professional licenses. The system makes it easy to search on this information to locate employees who meet specific criteria.