33 Purge Employee Information

This chapter contains these topics:

33.1 Purging Employee Information

To conserve disk space, you can purge outdated employee information. Your system functions more efficiently when you purge information.

Purging employee information includes the following tasks:

  • Purging Profile Data

  • Purging Employee Multiple Job History

  • Purging Employee Master History

  • Purging Employee Turnover Information

33.2 Purging Profile Data


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 27

From Payroll Advanced/Technical Operations (G073), choose Purge Profile Data

To conserve computer disk space and eliminate obsolete information from your system, you need to purge profile data periodically. For example if you are using profile data to track information about a specific project, you might want to delete the profile data after the project has been completed.

You can purge profile data for a single data type, or for multiple data types. You can delete all profile data or only narrative profile data. This program deletes data from the Profile Data Base User Defined Codes table (F08092) and the Profile Data Base Narration table (F08093).

When you purge profile date, the system does not create a report.

33.2.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Running a DEMO version If you run the DEMO version, all profile data for the employee address you select is purged. If you want to only purge narrative data, you must add a new version.

33.3 Purging Employee Multiple Job History


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 27

From Payroll Advanced/Technical Operations (G073), choose Purge EE Multiple Job File

The system purges obsolete multiple job records during payroll processing when you run the final update. The system uses the pay stop date for the job to determine whether the job is obsolete. An obsolete job is one that has a pay stop date that is less than the pay period ending date.

Use this program to purge information for multiple jobs separately from the payroll process. If you purge history data without specifying that you want the system to transfer the records to a storage device, the system deletes the records and they cannot be retrieved. The only information you will have about the purged data is the report generated by the system.

33.4 Purging Employee Master History


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 27

From Payroll Advanced/Technical Operations (G073), choose History & Turnover Menu

From History & Turnover Technical Operations (G0733), choose Purge History Data

To conserve computer disk space, you can purge obsolete employee history records from your system. You can choose to archive purged records to tape or to an alternate backup system. When you know that you no longer need certain history records, such as records that are more than five years old, you can delete history records for a specified date or for selected employees. When you run this program, the system purges only the information in the HR History table (F08042). It does not purge information in the Employee Multiple Job history table.

If you purge history data without specifying that you want the system to transfer the records to a storage device, the system deletes the records and they cannot be retrieved. The only information you will have about the purged data is the report generated by the system.

You can run the purge in either proof or update mode. When you run the purge in proof mode, the system prints a report that shows the records to be purged. Use this report to verify that you want to purge those records. After you run the purge in proof mode, run it again in update mode. When you run the purge in update mode, the system prints a report and purges the records. You can also choose to transfer deleted records to a storage device you specify in the processing options.

33.4.1 Before You Begin

33.5 Purging Employee Turnover Information


From Payroll Master (G07), enter 27

From Payroll Advanced/Technical Operations (G073), choose History & Turnover Menu

From History & Turnover Technical Operations (G0733), choose Purge Turnover Data

To conserve computer disk space, you should periodically purge obsolete turnover records. You can choose to archive purged records to tape or to an alternate backup system. When you know that you no longer need certain turnover records, such as records that are more than five years old, you can delete turnover records for a specified date or for selected employees.

If you purge turnover data without specifying that you want the system to transfer the records to a storage device, the records are deleted and cannot be retrieved. The only information you will have about the purged data is the report generated by the system.

This program purges data from the Employee Turnover Analysis table (F08045).

If you need to define the data you want to purge beyond what the processing options allow:

  • Type the menu selection for purging turnover data and choose the function to display the versions.

  • Change the ZJDE0001 version and define the data you want to purge. Do not add a new version. The system recognizes only the ZJDE0001 version to execute the purge program.

To purge turnover records

On the message form

Choose the purge function.