
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  Z 


Accounting Distribution Rules report, 52.11
Accounting period ending date
defined, 51.3.4
Accounting Summarization Rules report, 52.12
Accounts Payable system
integration setup, 19.1
integration to create vouchers, 12.1
integration with, 18.2
payees, 19.1.2
integration with payroll, 19.2
vouchers, 18.2.1
Accrual basis accounting
accumulated wages, 48.5.13
system search criteria, 52.9.1
Accumulated wages
assigning DBAs, 48.5.15
how the system accumulates wages, 48.5.13
secondary jobs, 48.5.15
setup, 48.5.13
Activating history and turnover tracking, 43.5
Activating intercompany settlements for a payroll ID, 22.4
Additional Exemption Amounts form, 11.3.3
Adjusted pay
journal entries, 48.5.9
prioritizing DBAs, 48.5.9
DBA setup, 48.3.1
Agency arrearages
combined amounts wage assignment,
Approving the workfile
retroactive pay, 4.9
Arrearage information
wage assignment
variable wages, 13.7.5
wage assignments
combined amounts,
minimum net pay, 13.7.6
separate amounts,
Arreared amounts
journal entries, 48.5.9
reviewing and revising, 48.5.9
Assigning a DBA for a wage attachment, 13.2
Assigning a sequence of leave DBAs, 46.3
Assigning fees or interest to a wage attachment, 13.5
Assigning priorities to wage attachments, 13.8
Attaching calculation tables to DBAs, 49.3
Auto Deposit Instructions form, 34.1.1
detail area, 34.1.1
Automated Clearing House transactions, 34.1
Automatic accounting instructions
Accounting Distribution Rules report, 52.11
accruals setup, 52.9
billings setup, 52.2
burden and premium labor distribution, 52.3
clearings setup, 52.9
company burden rules, 52.4
equipment distribution setup, 52.2
intercompany settlements
business unit, 22.3.1
journal type defaults, 52.13
labor billings setup, 52.8
labor setup, 52.2
intercompany settlements, 22.3
setup for payroll, 52.1
system search criteria, 51.3.12
Automatic deposit forms
setup, 41.3
Automatic deposit tape, 34.2
Available leave
updating, 30.1


Basis of calculation, 48.1.1
determining PDBA codes, 48.2.1
setup, 48.2
Basis of Calculations form, 48.2
Basis of Calculations report, 48.6, 48.9
Basis tables
workers compensation, 54.6
Burden and premium labor
system search criteria, 52.3.2
Burden fringe
system search criteria, 52.3.1
Burden rules
business unit, 52.5
Business Unit Burden Rule form, 52.5
Company Burden Distribution Rules form, 52.4
Business Unit Burden Rules form, 52.5
Business unit constants
setup, 39.3
Business Unit Constants form, 39.3.1
Business Unit Constants report, 39.10


Calculating retroactive pay, 4.5
Calculation tables
attaching to DBAs, 49.3
attaching to multiple DBAs, 49.3.1
based on months of service, C.17
based on periods worked, C.18
setup, 49.1
viewing online, 49.2.1
Calculation Tables form, 11.2, 49.2
rollover, 16.1.2
Calculation Tables report, 49.4
Cash basis accounting
accumulated wages, 48.5.13
Cash in bank account distribution
automatic accounting instructions
setup, 52.6
incorrect account number, 52.6.2
system search criteria, 52.6.1, 52.6.2
Cash payslips
setup, 41.4
Category Code Setup form, 48.3.9
Category codes
pay types, 46.2.1
deductions, benefits, and accruals (DBAs), 48.3.9
tip processing, 48.3.10
Change reason code
history and turnover tracking, 5.2.3
Changing the current rate of pay in the Employee Master table, 2.2.1
Chart of accounts, 22.2
Check date
defined, 51.3.4
Check history reconciliation, 34.5.2
Check overflow forms
setup, 41.6
Cheque date
defined, 51.3.4
Choosing data for tracking purposes, 43.3
Choosing fields for future data revisions, 39.9
Classification/Pay X-Reference form, 46.5
Clearing fringe burden
system search criteria, 52.9.1
Clearing tax burden
system search criteria, 52.9.1
Company Burden Distribution Rules form, 52.4
Company constants
Payroll Company Constants form, 39.2.3
setting up an individual company, 39.2.2, 39.2.3
setting up the default company, 39.2.2
setup, 39.2
step progression, 24.2
Time Accounting functionality, 39.2.4
business unit
setup, 39.3
Constants Information form, 43.2
Contract Calendar Master form
create an initial calendar, 44.3.1
identify non-standard dates, 44.2
Contract calendars
create a calendar, 44.3
create an initial calendar, 44.3.1
deductions, benefits, and accruals (DBAs)
accumulated wages setup, 48.5.13
reviewing previous values for an employee, 44.3.2, 44.3.4
revise a calendar, 44.3.3
revising, 44.3.4
setup, 44.1
non-standard dates for all calendars, 44.2
updating for a new year, 44.4
Copy Bank Tape to Disk form, 34.5.1
Copy Disk to Tape form, 34.4.1
Copying PC timecard information to a batch file, 36.1
Copying the bank tape to the system, 34.5
Copying the payment workfile to the bank tape, 34.4
Corporate tax IDs, 54.4
revising, 29.1.2
setup, 54.4
Corporate Tax IDs form, 54.4
detail area, 54.4
Corporate Tax IDs report, 55.3
Correcting an overpayment, 2.3
Correcting an underpayment, 2.4
Correcting employee history, 6.3
Correcting historical pay for a group of employees, 3.4
Correcting integrity errors
automatically, 27.6
manually, 27.5
Correcting pay for a group of employees, 3.1
Correcting pay for individual employees, 2.1
Correcting pay rate
Employee Master table, 2.2.1
Correcting payments
correcting rate in time entry, 2.2.4
data entry errors, 2.2.4
entry errors, 2.2
future pay information, 2.5
mass change, 3.2
overpayments, 2.3
pay rate tables, 3.3
permanently, 2.2
temporary overrides, 2.2
underpayments, 2.4
Correcting rejected timecards
retroactive pay, 4.11
Correcting step progression history for an employee, 25.3
Correcting the rate in time entry, 2.2.4
Correcting turnover records, 9.1
Cost period
defined, 51.3.4
Create Auto Deposit Tape form, 34.2.1
Creating a payroll ID that uses step progression, 24.6
Creating an automatic deposit tape, 34.2
Creating contract calendars, 44.3
Creating retroactive timecards, 4.10
Creating the Last History Change workfile, 7.4
Creating the payment workfile, 34.3.1
Credit-Cash/Bank Account form, 52.6.1
Credit-Labor Billings form, 52.8.1
Credit-Liabilities form, 52.7.1
detail area, 52.7.1
Current HR Monitor Status form, 35.6


Data revisions
choosing fields, 39.9
Data Type Security form, 42.3
DBA Additional Information form, 48.3.2
override fields, 48.3.3
DBA Instructions form
assigning wage attachments, 13.2
DBA Integrity report, 27.4
DBA Limit form, 48.3.7
override fields, 48.3.8
rollover, 16.1.2
DBA Register
Setup, 40.7
DBA Setup form, 48.2
attaching calculation tables, 49.3
garnishment, 12.2.1
override fields, 48.2.1
rollover, 16.1.2
DBA Table Method Codes report, 49.5
on payroll register, 40.1.1
DBAs by Calendar Month form, 29.3
Debit-Burden/Premium Labor Distribution form, 52.3.1
Debit/Credit-Accruals/Clearing form, 52.9.1
detail area, 52.9.1
Declining balance
wage attachment deduction, 12.1
wage attachments, 12.1
Deductions, benefits, and accruals (DBAs), 47.2
additional information override fields, 48.3.3
adjust negative pay, 48.5.8, 48.5.16
advance deduction, 48.3.1
assigning codes, 47.2.1
assigning to dock pay, 46.3
assigning to employees, 47.2.2
attaching calculation tables, 49.3
basis of calculation
determining, 48.2.1
calculation by the system, 47.2.3
calculation information setup, 49.1
calendar month DBA history
revising, 29.3
category codes
setting up, 48.3.9
tip processing, 48.3.10
DBA Limit window, 48.3.7
DBA Setup form, 48.2
DBA calculations, 47.2.3
one-time override, 47.2.2
payroll calculations to adjust negative pay, 48.5.8
vacation rollover, 16.1.1
flat dollar amount
setup, 48.2
group benefit plans, 50.4.1
non-taxable cash benefit, 48.3.4
non-taxable non-cash benefit, 48.3.4
overpayment, 48.5.10
override fields, 48.2.1
payroll month PDBA history
revising, 29.2
percentage rate
setup, 48.2
prioritizing adjustments, 48.5.9
report, 48.8
reposting, 31.4
reposting to calendar month, 31.5
reposting to fiscal/anniversary history, 31.6
rollovers, 16.1
setup, 47.2, 48.1
accumulated wages, 48.5.13
adding descriptive text and notes, 48.2.1
based on another DBA, 48.3.11
calculate no gross pay, 48.5.12
groups, 50.4
tax status, 48.3.4
vacation accrual, 48.5.1
voucher information, 19.4
vouchers, 19.4.2
taxable cash benefit, 48.3.4
taxable non-cash benefit, 48.3.4
tax-deferred compensation deduction, 48.3.6
verifying setup, 48.4
group plans, 19.4.3
Default company
setup, 39.2.2
Define Turnover Columns form, 43.4.1
Define Types of Data form, 42.2.3
detail area, 42.2.4
Defining types of profile data, 42.2
Deleting multiple job history records, 8.3
Denomination codes, 39.1
setup, 39.7
Denomination Codes Revision form, 39.7.1
Detail Wage Attachment Ledger form, 14.2
Dock employee pay
default pay type, 46.3.3
more than one pay type, 46.3.3
setup, 46.3
Duplicate Pay Cycle form, 39.4.3


Earnings information
pay grades
setup, 46.6
pay type cross-reference tables, 46.5
setting up pay types, 46.2
setup, 46.1
shift rate differentials, 46.4
EEO Job Codes form, 38.1
wage attachment history, 14.1
Employee Entry Z file program (P060101Z), K.1.1
Employee history
accessing from employee entry forms, 6.2.1
correcting, 6.3
Last Change in History report, 7.5
last history change, 7.4
purging, 33.4
reports, 7.1
reviewing, 6.2
specific date, 6.2.1
reviewing salary history, 7.3
reviewing the Employee History Log, 7.2
Employee history and turnover
defined, 5.2
where stored, 5.2.4
Employee History form, 6.3
Employee History Inquiry
detail area, 6.2
Employee History Inquiry form, 6.2
Employee history records
system flow diagram, 5.2.4
working with, 6.1
Employee information
alternative entry method, 48.7.1
Employee master history
defined, 5.2.1
turnover and tracking
setup, 43.1
Employee multiple job history
defined, 5.2.2
Employee Multiple Job History form, 8.2
detail area, 8.2
Employee Progression Inquiry form, 25.3
Employee Wage Attachment Entry form, 13.2
combined amounts wage assignment,
garnishments, 13.3
loans, 13.4
minimum net pay arrearage information, 13.7.6
ongoing wage assignment, 13.7.1
separate amounts wage assignment,
tax levies, 13.6
variable wages wage assignment, 13.7.5
Entering a wage assignment with a split deduction, 13.7.3
Entering a wage attachment for a garnishment, 13.3
Entering a wage attachment for a loan, 13.4
Entering a wage attachment for a tax levy, 13.6
Entering additional information for a wage attachment, 13.9
Entering an ongoing wage assignment, 13.7.1
Entering employee wage attachments, 13.1
Entering pay rates for step progression, 24.3
Entering rollover information for a DBA, 16.1
Entering step progression information, 24.1
Entering step progression information for an employee, 24.5
Entering tax payees by company, 19.3.3
Entering time limits for job steps, 24.4
Entering voucher information for individual employees, 19.4.4
Error codes
DBA history integrity, 27.4.4
Error messages
voucher reports, 20.9
Execution control parameters, 39.1
setup, 39.8
Execution Control Parameters form, 39.8.1


Fee deduction
setup, 12.4
wage attachments
assigning for outside agencies, 13.5
assigning for your company, 13.5.2
Final update
reports, 28.3
Final Update
Technical overview, A.4
Fiscal/Anniversary Rollover Error report, 17.4.1
Fiscal/Anniversary Rollover report, 17.4.1
Flat dollar amount
deduction, benefit, and accrual setup, 48.2
Flat dollar deduction
wage assignment, 13.7.2
Additional Exemption Amounts, 11.3.3
Auto Deposit Instructions, 34.1.1
Basis of Calculation, 48.2
Business Unit Constants, 39.3.1
Calculation Tables, 11.2, 16.1.2, 49.2
Category Code Setup, 48.3.9
Classification/Pay X-Reference, 46.5
Company Burden Distribution Rules, 52.4
Constants Information, 43.2
Contract Calendar Master, 44.2, 44.3.1
Copy Bank Tape to Disk, 34.5.1
Copy Disk File to Tape, 34.4.1
Corporate Tax IDs, 54.4
Create Auto Deposit Tape, 34.2.1
Credit-Cash/Bank Account, 52.6.1
Credit-Labor Billings, 52.8.1
Credit-Liabilities, 52.7.1
Current HR Monitor Status, 35.6
Data Type Security, 42.3
DBA Additional Information, 48.3.2
DBA Instructions, 13.2
DBA Limit, 16.1.2, 48.3.7
DBA Setup, 12.2.1, 16.1.2, 48.2
DBAs by Calendar Month, 29.3
Debit-Burden/Premium Labor Distribution, 52.3.1
Debit/Credit-Accruals/Clearing, 52.9.1
Define Turnover Columns, 43.4.1
Define Types of Data, 42.2.3
Denomination Code Revisions, 39.7.1
Detail Wage Attachment Ledger, 14.2
Duplicate Pay Cycle, 39.4.3
EEO Job Codes, 38.1
Employee History, 6.3
Employee History Inquiry, 6.2
Employee Multiple Job History, 8.2
Employee Progression Inquiry, 25.3
Employee Wage Attachment Entry, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.6, 13.7.1
Execution Control Parameters, 39.8.1
Group Plan DBA Setup, 19.4.3, 50.4
Index of Tax Areas, 54.3
Job Classification Constants, 50.8
Job Progression Inquiry, 25.2
Journal Line Entries, 20.2
Journal Summarization Rules, 52.10.1
Master Pay Cycles, 39.4.1
Mode Prompt Window, 44.3.3
Pay & Taxes by Check, 29.1.3
Pay & Taxes by Month, 29.1.1
Pay Grade Step Table, 46.7.2
Pay Grades by Class, 46.6
Pay Rate Tables, 50.2
Pay Type Amounts/Hours, 4.6
Pay Type Setup, 46.2
Payee Voucher Rules, 19.5
Payroll Company Constants, 39.2.3
PDBAs by Payroll Month, 29.2
Progression Table, 24.4.1
Rate Revisions by Employee, 4.2.3
Rate Revisions by Pay Type, 4.2.4
Rate Revisions by Union, 4.2.1
Retro Pay Type Table, 4.3
Review Voucher Detail by Payee, 20.2
Review Vouchers by Employee, 20.3
Review Vouchers by Payee, 20.2, 20.2
Rollover Setup, 16.1.2
Rollover Setup Window, 48.5.2
Select Data for Tracking, 43.3
Shift Rate Differentials, 46.4
Specify Future Data Fields, 39.9
Standard Annual Exemption Amounts, 11.3.2
Tax Area Information, 54.2.2
Tax Area/Payee Cross Reference, 19.3.3
Tax Area/Payee Cross-Reference, 54.8
Tax Exempt Window, 48.3.4
Unemployment Insurance Rates, 54.5.1
Union Local/Job X-Reference, 50.6.1
Update Turnover Data, 9.1
Wage Attachment Additional Information, 13.8
Wage Attachment Fees and Interest Window, 13.5.2
Wage Attachment Review, 14.2
Wage Attachment Window, 13.2
Workers Compensation Insurance Basis Tables, 54.6.1
Workers Compensation Insurance Rates, 54.7.1
Workfile Maintenance, 4.6
Workfile Review, 4.6
Workfile Revisions, 4.8
Future data revisions
choosing fields, 39.9
fields, 39.1
Future pay, 2.5


defined, 10.2
Employee Wage Attachment Entry form, 13.3
entering, 13.3
setup, 12.2
setup, 11.2
General information
setup, 37.2, 39.1
General ledger
posting vouchers, 20.10
General ledger account structure, 51.3.3
General ledger date
defined, 51.3.4
General Ledger Post Payroll Vouchers report, 20.10.1
General Liability Insurance Register
setup, 40.6
General setup, 37.2
Generating the retroactive pay workfile, 4.4
Generating the title search table, 42.4
Group constants
group DBAs, 50.1
job classification constants, 50.1
pay rate tables, 50.1, 50.2
setup, 50.1
union local/job cross references, 50.1
Group pay rates
correcting, 3.1
Group Plan DBA Setup form, 19.4.3, 50.4
detail area, 50.4
Group Plans report, 50.5


Historical pay
See Retroactive pay
History and turnover
activating, 43.5
selection for tracking, 43.3
setting up constants, 43.2
HR subsystem and monitor
multiple environments, 35.2.1
starting, 35.2
stopping, 35.3
system backups, 35.2.1


IAT processing, 34.1
Identifying non-standard dates for all contract calendars, 44.2
Importing Mass Data, K
Index of Tax Areas form, 54.3
Index of transactions
review, 46.2.1
Insured Basis Tables report, 55.4
Accounts Payable system, 19.1
payroll history, 26.2
Integrity errors
automatically, 27.6
manually, 27.5
verifying correction, 27.7
Intercompany settlements, 21.2
activating for a payroll ID, 22.4
automatic accounting instructions
search criteria, 22.3.1
automatic accounting instructions (AAIs), 22.3
chart of accounts, 22.2
entering a business unit, 22.3.1
using document type T2, 22.1.1
setup, 22.1
subsidiary and subledger values, 22.3.1
wage attachments
assigning for outside agencies, 13.5
assigning for your company, 13.5.2
Interest deduction
wage attachment
setup, 12.4
International ACH Transaction, 34.1


Job classification constants
setup, 50.8
Job classification Constants form, 50.8
Job Descriptions Copy/Move report, 42.5.1
Job Progression Inquiry form, 25.2
Job steps
last step, 24.4.2
time limits, 24.4
Job summarization rules
equipment transactions, 52.10.2
Job Summarization Rules form (P06914), 52.10.1
Journal entries
adjusted and arreared amounts, 48.5.9
associated dates, 51.3.4
codes used, 51.3.6
document and journal types, 51.3.11
payroll example, 51.3.4
system search criteria, 51.3.12
type T1-payroll disbursements, 51.3.7
type T2-labor distributions,
type T3-actual burdens,
type T4-labor billing distributions, 51.3.8
type T5-equipment distributions, 51.3.9
type T6-payroll accruals and deferrals, 51.3.10
when created, 51.3.1
Journal Line Entries form, 20.2
Journal summarization rules
setup, 52.10
Journal type
defaults setup, 52.13


Labor billings
system search criteria, 52.8
Labor distribution
system search criteria, 52.2.1
Labor, billings, equipment distribution
system search criteria, 52.2.2
Leave sequence
assigning to pay type, 46.3
more than one source, 46.3
for different employees, 46.3.3
one source of leave, 46.3
when to use, 46.1
distribution account values, 52.7.2
setup for automatic accounting instructions, 52.7
system search criteria, 52.7.1, 52.7.2
assigning interest, 13.5
defined, 10.2
Employee Wage Attachment Entry form, 13.4
entering wage attachments, 13.4
setup, 12.3
Locating tax areas using the tax area index, 54.3


Magnetic tapes, 34
automated reconciliation tapes, 34.3
bank tapes, 34.4
copying bank tape to system, 34.5
automatic deposit, 34.2
file name field, 34.5.2
invalid control data, 34.2.2
Mass import of payroll month PDBA history data, 29.2
Master pay cycle
for next year, 39.4.3
Master pay cycles, 39.1
setup, 39.4
Master Pay Cycles form, 39.4.1
detail area, 39.4.1
Master Pay Cycles report, 39.11
Minimum net pay, 48.5.9
ongoing wage assignments, 13.7.2
wage assignments, 13.7.6
Mode Prompt Window, 44.3.3
starting, 35.5
status, 35.6
stopping, 35.4
Multiple job history, 8.1
defined, 5.2
deleting records, 8.3
purging, 33.3
reviewing, 8.2


Negative gross pay
retroactive pay, 4.10.1
Negative pay
DBA setup, 48.5.8, 48.5.16
payroll calculations to adjust negative pay, 48.5.8
minimum net pay, 48.5.9
Non-taxable cash benefit, 48.3.4
Non-taxable non-cash benefit, 48.3.4


One TIme Overrides Z file program (P060101Z), K.1.3
correcting, 2.3
deduction DBA
setup, 48.5.10
Override date
defined, 51.3.4
Overriding the rate in time entry, 2.2.3


Pay & Taxes by Check form, 29.1.3
Pay & Taxes by Month form, 29.1.1
Pay Grade Step Table form, 46.7.2
Pay grades
set up steps individually, 46.7.2
set up steps with rate multiplier, 46.7.3
setup, 46.6
in pay grade/step table, 46.7.1
setup, 46.7
when to use, 46.1
Pay Grades by Class form, 46.6
detail area, 46.6
Pay period ending date
defined, 51.3.4
Pay rate
temporarily, 2.2.3
Pay rate revisions
retroactive pay type tables, 4.3
setup, 4.2
setup by employee, 4.2.3
setup by pay type, 4.2.4
setup by union, 4.2.1
Pay rate tables
billing rates, 50.2.1
group constants, 50.2
hourly rates, 50.2.1
Pay Rate Tables form, 50.2
detail area, 50.2
Pay Rate Tables report, 50.3
Pay rates
step progression, 24.3
Pay Type Amount/Hours form, 4.6
Pay Type Setup form, 46.2
Pay types, 46.1
assigning a leave sequence, 46.3
attach notes and text, 46.2.1
category codes, 46.2.1
cross reference, 46.1
cross-reference tables, 46.5
default to dock employee pay, 46.3.3
index of transactions, 46.2.1
setup, 46.2
tax exempt, 46.2.1
tip processing, 46.2.1
Payee Voucher Rules form, 19.5
by company for taxes, 19.3.3
defined, 19.1.2
deleting voucher rules, 19.5.1
entering, 19.4.1
reviewing voucher rules, 19.5.1
voucher rules, 19.5
specifying for vouchers, 19.3.1
Payment adjustments, 1.2
Payment date
defined, 51.3.4
Payment workfile
copying to the bank tape, 34.4
creating, 34.3.1
changing current pay rate, 2.2.1
employees with contract calendars, 2.2.1
correcting employee pay, 2.1
group payments
correcting, 3.1
rate extension methods, 4.2
retroactive, 4.1
updating employee current pay, 2.2
Payroll business unit constants, 39.1
Payroll Check Register
setup, 41.5
Payroll checks
setup, 41.2
Payroll company constants, 39.1
Payroll Company Constants form, 39.2.3
Payroll cycle
payroll register
setup, 40.1
processing rollovers between, 17.3
report setup, 40
Payroll history
about integrity, 26.2
audit report, 28.2
error codes
DBA history integrity, 27.4.4
integrity errors
correcting automatically, 27.6
correcting manually, 27.5
DBA error codes, 27.4.4
verifying correction, 27.7
integrity of summary history, 27.1
reposting, 31.1
manually, 29
payroll month PDBA, 29.2
tax, 29.1
Tax History Integrity report, 27.2
types of, 26.2.1
verifying integrity of, 28.1
Payroll ID
activating intercompany settlements, 22.4
step progression, 24.6
modifying existing, 24.6.1
Payroll journal entries
journal types, 51.3.7
Steps, programs, and tables, A.3
Payroll Journal Proof/Edit for Vouchers report, 20.4
Payroll month PDBA history mass import of data, 29.2
Payroll Register
setup, 40.1
Payroll Voucher Journal Detail report, 20.5
Payroll Voucher Journal Summary report, 20.5
PC timecards
copying information, 36.1
PDBA Integrity report, 27.3
PDBAs by Payroll Month form, 29.2
Percentage deduction
wage assignment, 13.7.2
Percentage rate
deduction, benefit, and accrual setup, 48.2
Posting Edit report, 20.10.1
Posting payroll vouchers to the general ledger, 20.10
processing fiscal or anniversary rollovers, 17.2
Pre-Payroll Processing
Technical overview, A.1
Print payments
Steps, programs, and tables, A.2
Processing retroactive payroll, 4.1
Processing rollovers, 17.1
Profile data
defining types, 42.2
Profile information
code format, 42.2
define code format
user defined codes, 42.2.4
define in code format, 42.2.4
define in program format, 42.2.5
setting up a code format, 42.2.1
generating title search table, 42.4
narrative format, 42.2
program format, 42.2
set up security, 42.3
setup, 42.1
transfer data
sample report, 42.5.1
transferring from one data type to another, 42.5
Program IDs
P065051, A.2
P065501, A.2
Programs and IDs
P00051 (EEO job codes), 38.1
P0080 (data type security), 42.3
P060101Z (employee entry z file), K.1.1
P060119 (employee multiple job history), 8.2
P060181 (DBA instructions), 13.2
P060182 (employee wage attachment entry), 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 13.6, 13.7.1
P06041 (specify future data fields), 39.9
P06085 (job progression inquiry), 25.2
P06086 (wage attachment review), 14.2
P060861 (detail wage attachment ledger), 14.2
P06100 (employee progression inquiry), 25.3
P06197 (review vouchers by payee), 20.2
P062091 (execution control parameters), 39.8.1
P06272 (workfile maintenance), 4.6
P06272 (workfile revisions), 4.8
P06273 (workfile review), 4.6
P06494 (review vouchers by payee), 20.2
P06495 (review journal line entries), 20.2
P06499 (review voucher detail by payee), 20.2
P064991 (review vouchers by employee), 20.3
P065011 (auto deposit instructions), 34.1.1
P065511 (create auto deposit tape), 34.2.1
P065603 (copy disk file to tape), 34.4.1
P065612 (copy bank tape to disk), 34.5.1
P069011 (index of tax areas), 54.3
P069012 (tax area information), 54.2.2
P069021 (calculation tables), 16.1.2, 49.2
P069040 (credit-cash/bank account), 52.6.1
P069041 (credit-liabilities), 52.7.1
P069041 (debit/credit-accruals/clearing), 52.9.1
P069042 (debit-burden/premium labor distribution), 52.3.1
P069044 (credit-labor billings), 52.8.1
P069051 (business unit constants), 39.3.1
P069061 (master pay cycles), 39.4.1
P069071 (workers compensation insurance basis tables), 54.6.1
P069072 (retro pay type table), 4.3
P069081 (corporate tax IDs), 54.4
P069091 (payroll company constants), 39.2.3
P069101 (group plan DBA setup), 19.4.3, 50.4
P069116 (pay type setup), 46.2
P069117 (DBA setup), 12.2.1, 16.1.2, 48.2
P069118 (basis of calculations), 48.2
P069121 (pay rate tables), 50.2
P06914 (Journal summarization rules), 52.10.1
P06919 (denomination code revisions), 39.7.1
P069211 (workers compensation insurance rates), 54.7.1
P06922 (unemployment insurance rates), 54.5.1
P06923 (job classification constants), 50.8
P069241 (shift rate differentials), 46.4
P069261 (tax area/payee cross reference), 19.3.3
P069261 (tax area/payee cross-reference), 54.8
P06927 (payee voucher rules), 19.5
P069301 (union local/job X-reference), 50.6.1
P06931 (calculation tables), 11.2
P069311 (additional exemption amounts), 11.3.3
P06932 (classification/pay X-reference), 46.5
P06933 (progression table), 24.4.1
P069361 (rate revisions by union), 4.2.1
P069362 (rate revisions by employee), 4.2.3
P069363 (rate revisions by pay type), 4.2.4
P069901 (pay & taxes by month), 29.1.1
P069951 (PDBAs by payroll month), 29.2
P069951Z (transaction history revisions z file), 29.2
P069961 (DBAs by calendar month), 29.3
P06999 (pay & taxes by check), 29.1.3
P06ADW (DBA additional information), 48.3.2
P06BDR (company burden distribution rules), 52.4
P06CBR (business unit burden rule), 52.5
P06OTO1Z (one time overrides z file), K.1.3
P06PAH (pay type amounts/hours), 4.6
P06RPT (category code setup), 48.3.9
P06RSW (rollover setup), 16.1.2
P06RSW (rollover setup window), 48.5.2
P06SEA (standard annual exemption amounts), 11.3.2
P06TAX (tax exempt window), 48.3.4
P06WAA (wage attachment additional information), 13.8
P06WAF(wage attachment fees and interest), 13.5.2
P06WAW (wage attachment window), 13.2
P075511 (create auto deposit tape)
Canadian Payroll, 34.2.1
P08040 (constants information), 43.2
P08041 (select data for tracking), 43.3
P08042 (employee history inquiry), 6.2
P080420 (employee history), 6.3
P08045 (update turnover data), 9.1
P08046 (define turnover columns), 43.4.1
P08090 (define types of data), 42.2.3
P082001 (pay grades by class), 46.6
P082003 (pay grade step table), 46.7.2
P08201Z (review and rank employees z file), K.1.2
P08930 (contract calendar master), 44.2, 44.3.1
P08HST (current HR monitor status), 35.6
P08MODE (mode prompt window), 44.3.3
Z file processing programs, K
Progression Table form, 24.4.1
employee master history, 33.4
multiple job history, 33.3
profile data, 33.1
turnover records, 33.5
Purging employee information, 33.1
Purging employee master history, 33.4
Purging multiple job history, 33.3
Purging profile data, 33.2
Purging turnover records, 33.5


Rate extension methods, 4.2
Rate multiplier
pay grade steps
setup, 46.7.3
Rate Revisions by Employee form, 4.2.3
Rate Revisions by Pay Type form, 4.2.4
Rate Revisions by Union form, 4.2.1
Reconciliation tapes, 34.3
Rejected timecards
retroactive pay, 4.11
Accounting Distribution Rules, 52.11
Accounting Summarization Rules, 52.12
Basis of Calculations, 48.9
Business Unit Constants, 39.10
Calculation Tables, 49.4
Corporate Tax IDs, 55.3
DBA Integrity, 27.4
DBA Table Method Codes, 49.5
Deduction, Benefit, and Accrual, 48.8
Fiscal/Anniversary Rollover Errors, 17.4.1
Fiscal/Anniversary Rollovers, 17.4.1
General Ledger Post Payroll Vouchers, 20.10.1
Group Plans, 50.5
Insured Basis Tables, 55.4
Job Descriptions - Copy/Move, 42.5.1
Master Pay Cycles, 39.11
Pay Rate Tables, 50.3
Pay Types, 46.8
Payroll History Audit, 28.2
Payroll Journal Proof/Edit for Vouchers, 20.4
Payroll Register
setup, 40.1
Payroll Voucher Journal Detail, 20.5
Payroll Voucher Journal Summary, 20.5
PDBA Integrity, 27.3
Posting Edit, 20.10.1
Retroactive Time and Pay Register, 4.7
Retroactive Timecard Exceptions, 4.10.1
Retroactive Timecard Posting, 4.10
Salary History Analysis, 7.3
setting up for the payroll cycle, 40
net pay, 41.1
Shift Table, 46.9
Step Progression History, 25.4
Tax Areas, 55.2
Tax History Integrity, 27.2
Unemployment Insurance Rates, 55.6
Union/Job Cross-Reference, 50.7
Wage Attachment Voucher, 20.6
Workers Compensation/General Liability Insurance, 55.5
Reposting DBAS to fiscal/anniversary history, 31.6
Reposting DBAs to the calendar month, 31.5
Reposting DBAs to the payroll month, 31.4
Reposting pay types to the payroll month, 31.3
Reposting payroll history, 31.1
Reposting the tax ledger to the tax summary, 31.2
Reposting workers compensation summary, 31.7
Retro Pay Type Table form, 4.3
rate extension calculation
rerunning, 4.5.1
Retroactive pay
target pay types, 4.3.1
adding a record, 4.8.1
manually, 4.9.1
approving and resetting, 4.8.1
approving the workfile, 4.9
blank values for hourly rate
correcting, 4.8.1
business unit security, 4.10.1
calculating, 4.5
correcting account number or date, 4.8.1
correcting employee master information, 4.10.1
creating timecards, 4.10
deleting a record, 4.8.1
deleting batches, 4.9.1
excluding pay type in autopay, 4.3.1
generating the workfile, 4.4
load job types and steps function, 4.2.2
more than one union contract, 4.2.2
multiple rate tables for unions, 4.2.2
negative adjustment, 4.3.1
negative gross pay, 4.10.1
pay rate revisions
setup, 4.2
Pay Type Amounts/Hours form, 4.6
processing, 4.1
rate extension
flat amounts method, 4.2
hourly method, 4.2
percentage method, 4.2
rate extension calculation, 4.5
rejected timecards
correcting, 4.11
Retro Timecard Exceptions report, 4.10.1
Retro Timecard Posting report, 4.10
reviewing workfile records online, 4.6
revising batch records, 4.8.1
revisions by employee, 4.2.3
revisions by pay type, 4.2.4
revisions by union, 4.2.1
pay type tables, 4.3
unextended records
correcting, 4.8.1
Workfile Maintenance form, 4.6
workfile records
revising, 4.8
workfile reports, 4.7
zero gross pay, 4.10.1
Retroactive Time and Pay Register, 4.7
Retroactive Timecard Exceptions report, 4.10.1
Retroactive Timecard Posting report, 4.10
Review and Rank Employees Z file program (P060101Z), K.1.2
Review Voucher Detail by Payee form, 20.2
Review Vouchers by Employee form, 20.3
detail area, 20.3
Review Vouchers by Payee form, 20.2, 20.2
detail area, 20.2
Reviewing actual voucher reports, 20.9
Reviewing employee history, 6.2
Reviewing error codes for DBA history integrity, 27.4.4
Reviewing fiscal or anniversary rollover reports, 17.4
Reviewing multiple job history, 8.2
Reviewing pro forma vouchers by employee, 20.3
Reviewing pro forma vouchers by payee, 20.2
Reviewing retroactive pay workfile records online, 4.6
Reviewing step progression history, 25.4
Reviewing step progression history by job, 25.2
Reviewing tax setup reports, 55.1
Reviewing the Calculation Tables report, 49.4
Reviewing the corporate tax IDs report, 55.3
Reviewing the DBA Integrity report, 27.4
Reviewing the DBA Table Method Codes report, 49.5
Reviewing the Deduction, Benefit, and Accrual report, 48.8
Reviewing the Employee History Log, 7.2
Reviewing the final update integrity reports, 28.3
Reviewing the Insured Basis Tables report, 55.4
Reviewing the Last Change in History report, 7.5
Reviewing the Pay Rate Tables report, 50.3
Reviewing the Pay Types report, 46.8
Reviewing the Payroll History Audit report, 28.2
Reviewing the Payroll Journal Proof/Edit for Vouchers report, 20.4
Reviewing the payroll voucher journals, 20.5
Reviewing the retroactive pay workfile reports, 4.7
Reviewing the SAlary History Analysis, 7.3
Reviewing the Shift Table report, 46.9
Reviewing the status of the monitor, 35.6
libraries, 35.6.1
Reviewing the Tax Areas report, 55.2
Reviewing the Tax History Integrity report, 27.2
Reviewing the Union and Job Cross-Reference report, 50.7
Reviewing the wage attachment history report, 14.3
Reviewing the Wage Attachment Voucher report, 20.6
Reviewing the Workers Compensation/General Liability report, 55.5
Reviewing wage attachment history online, 14.2
Revising calendar month DBA history, 29.3
Revising payroll history manually, 29
Revising payroll month PDBA history, 29.2
Revising retroactive pay workfile records, 4.8
Revising taxation history, 29.1
Revising voucher information for a DBA, 20.8
Revising voucher information for a tax type, 20.7
Rollover Setup form, 16.1.2, 48.5.2
Rollovers, 15.2
and wage attachments, 16.1.3
anniversary history
storing, 17.1
employee history, 17.4.1
entering, 16.1
anniversary date, 16.1.3
related PDBAs, 16.1.3
timing fiscal or anniversary by check date, 17.1.2
timing fiscal or anniversary by pay period end date, 17.1.1
vacation rollover, 16.1.1
fiscal and year-to-date balances, 17.4.1
fiscal history
storing, 17.1
fiscal or anniversary
processing during pre-payroll, 17.2
inception-to-date limits, 16.1.3
pay cycles that cross years, 17.1.4
processing, 17.1
processing between payroll cycles, 17.3
reviewing anniversary history, 17.1.4
reviewing fiscal history, 17.1.4
vacation accrual, 48.5.1


Salary History Analysis
reviewing, 7.3
Select Data for Tracking form, 43.3
Setting up a DBA based on another DBA, 48.3.11
Setting up a DBA to calculate if no gross pay, 48.5.12
Setting up a deduction DBA for overpayment, 48.5.10
Setting up a deduction DBA for overpayments, 48.5.10
Setting up a deduction DBA to adjust negative pay, 48.5.8, 48.5.16
Setting up a denomination code, 39.7
Setting up a fee or interest deduction, 12.4
Setting up a garnishment deduction, 12.2
Setting up a loan deduction, 12.3
Setting up a similar master pay cycle for the next year, 39.4.3
Setting up a tax levy deduction, 12.5
Setting up a tax-deferred compensation deduction, 48.3.6
Setting up a vacation accrual, 48.5.1
Setting up a wage assignment deduction, 12.6
Setting up AAIS for accruals and clearing, 52.9
Setting up AAIs for burden and premium labor distribution, 52.3
Setting up AAIs for cash in bank account distribution, 52.6
Setting up AAIs for intercompany settlements, 22.3
Setting up AAIs for labor billings, 52.8
Setting up AAIs for labor, billings, and equipment distribution, 52.2
Setting up AAIS for liabilities, 52.7
Setting up additional exemption amounts, 11.3.3
Setting up an accrual DBA for accumulated wages, 48.5.13
Setting up an advance deduction, 48.3.1
Setting up an individual company, 39.2.2, 39.2.3
setting up automatic deposit forms, 41.3
Setting up business unit burden rules, 52.5
Setting up business unit constants, 39.3
Setting up calculation tables, 49.2
Setting up cash payslips, 41.4
Setting up category codes for DBAs, 48.3.9
Setting up check overflow forms, 41.6
Setting up company burden rules, 52.4
Setting up company constants, 39.2
Setting up contract calendar information, 44.1
Setting up corporate tax IDs, 54.4
Setting up deductions for wage attachments, 12.1
Setting up earnings information, 46.1
Setting up employee master history and turnover, 43.1
Setting up employee profile information, 42.1
Setting up execution control parameters, 39.8
Setting up garnishment tables, 11.2
Setting up general information, 39.1
Setting up group constants, 50.1
Setting up group DBAs, 50.4
Setting up history and turnover constants, 43.2
Setting up intercompany settlements in payroll, 22.1
Setting up job classification constants, 50.8
Setting up journal summarization rules, 52.10
Setting up master pay cycles, 39.4
Setting up more complex DBAs, 48.5
Setting up net pay reports and forms, 41.1
Setting up new pay rate tables to update current pay, 3.3
Setting up pay grade steps, 46.7
Setting up pay grades, 46.6
Setting up pay rate revisions, 4.2
Setting up pay rate revisions by employee, 4.2.3, 4.2.4
Setting up pay rate revisions by union, 4.2.1
Setting up pay rate tables, 50.2
Setting up pay type cross-reference tables, 46.5
Setting up pay types, 46.2
Setting up payee voucher rules, 19.5
Setting up payroll checks, 41.2
Setting up payroll company constants
for integration with accounts payable, 19.2
Setting up retroactive pay type tables, 4.3
Setting up security for profile data, 42.3
Setting up shift rate differentials, 46.4
Setting up simple DBAs, 48.2
Setting up standard annual exemption amounts, 11.3.2
Setting up step progression in company constants, 24.2
Setting up tables for wage attachments, 11.1, 11.1
Setting up tax area information, 54.2
Setting up tax information, 54.1
Setting up tax status for a DBA, 48.3.4
Setting up the DBA Register, 40.7
Setting up the default company, 39.2.2
Setting up the General Liability Insurance Register, 40.6
Setting up the Payroll Check Register, 41.5
Setting up the payroll register, 40.1
Setting up the Summary Payroll Register, 40.2
Setting up the Terminated Employees report, 40.10
Setting up the Time and Pay Exception report, 40.3
Setting up the Time and Pay Register, 40.9
Setting up the Transaction Audit report, 40.4
Setting up the Wage Attachment report, 40.8
Setting up the Workers Compensation Register, 40.5
Setting up turnover columns, 43.4
Setting up typical DBAs, 48.3
Setting up unemployment insurance rates, 54.5
Setting up union local and job cross-reference, 50.6
Setting up user defined codes for payroll, 38.1
Setting up voucher information for DBAs, 19.4
Setting up voucher information for tax transactions, 19.3
Setting up vouchering for DBAs, 19.4.2
Setting up vouchering for tax transactions, 19.3.2
Setting up workers compensation insurance basis tables, 54.6
Setting up workers compensation insurance rates, 54.7
intercompany, 21.2
Accounts Payable integration, 19.1
accruals and clearing
automatic accounting instructions, 52.9
activating history and turnover, 43.5
automatic accounting instructions, 52.1
automatic deposit forms, 41.3
burden and premium labor
automatic accounting instructions, 52.3
business unit burden rules, 52.5
business unit constants, 39.3
calculation tables, 49.1
cash in bank account distribution
automatic accounting instructions, 52.6
cash payslips, 41.4
category codes for DBAs, 48.3.9
check overflow forms, 41.6
company burden rules, 52.4
company constants, 39.2
default company, 39.2.2
individual company, 39.2.2, 39.2.3
company information, 37.2
contract calendars, 44.1
non-standard work dates for all calendars, 44.2
corporate tax IDs, 54.4
DBA based on another DBA, 48.3.11
DBA Register, 40.7
DBA to adjust negative pay, 48.5.8, 48.5.16
deductions for wage attachments, 12.1
deductions, benefits, and accruals (DBAs), 47.2, 48.1
accrual to accumulate wages, 48.5.13
deduction if no gross pay, 48.5.12
overpayment, 48.5.10
simple, 48.2
vacation accrual, 48.5.1
verifying, 48.4
voucher information, 19.4
denomination codes, 39.7
docking employee pay, 46.3
earnings information, 46.1
employee master history
tracking, 43.1
execution control parameters, 39.8
exemption tables for tax levies, 11.3
garnishment tables, 11.2
general, 37.2
general information, 37.2, 39.1
General Liability Insurance Register, 40.6
group constants, 50.1
history and turnover
constants, 43.2
turnover columns, 43.4
intercompany settlements, 22.1
job classification constants, 50.8
labor billings
automatic accounting instructions, 52.8
labor, billings, and equipment distribution
automatic accounting instructions, 52.2
automatic accounting instructions, 52.7
master pay cycle for next year, 39.4.3
master pay cycles, 39.4
net pay reports, 41.1
pay grade steps, 46.7
pay grades, 46.6
pay grade/step table, 46.6.1
pay rate revisions, 4.2
pay rate tables for group constants, 50.2
pay type cross-reference tables, 46.5
pay types, 46.2
attach notes or text, 46.2.1
category codes, 46.2.1
tip processing, 46.2.1
payee voucher rules, 19.5
Payroll Check Register, 41.5
payroll checks, 41.2
payroll cycle reports, 40
profile information, 42.1
code format, 42.2.4
narrative format, 42.2.3
program format, 42.2.5
types of, 42.2
security for profile information, 42.3
shift rate differentials, 46.4
step progression, 24.2
Summary Payroll Register, 40.2
tax areas, 54.2, 54.2.1
tax exempt pay types, 46.2.1
tax information, 53.2, 54.1
tax-deferred compensation deduction, 48.3.6
voucher information, 19.3
Terminated Employee, 40.10
Time and Pay Exception report, 40.3
Time and Pay Register, 40.9
Transaction Audit report, 40.4
unemployment insurance rates, 54.5
union local and job cross-reference, 50.6
user defined codes, 37.2, 38.1
wage attachment
fee or interest deduction, 12.4
garnishment, 12.2
loan deduction, 12.3
tax levy, 12.5
wage assignment, 12.6
Wage Attachment report, 40.8
wage attachments
additional exemption amounts, 11.3.3
standard annual exemption amounts, 11.3.2
workers compensation insurance rates, 54.7
Workers Compensation Insurance Register, 40.5
Shift rate differentials, 46.1
setup, 46.4
Sift Rate Differentials form, 46.4
Specify Future Data Fields form, 39.9
Split deductions
wage assignments, 13.7.3
Standard Annual Exemption Amounts form, 11.3.2
Starting the monitor only, 35.5
Starting the subsystem and monitor, 35.2
Step progression, 23.2
automatic processing, 24.1.1
entering employee information, 24.5
entering information, 24.1
history, 25.1
correcting for an employee, 25.3
reviewing, 25.4
reviewing by job, 25.2
job steps
time limits, 24.4
last step, 24.4.2
pay rates, 24.3
payroll ID
creating, 24.6
company constants, 24.2
determines fields, 24.4.2
Step Progression History report, 25.4
Stopping the HR subsystem and monitor, 35.3
Stopping the monitor only, 35.4
Summary Payroll Register
setup, 40.2
System setup
journal summarization rules, 52.10
tax area/payee cross-reference, 54.8


T1-payroll disbursements, 51.3.7
T2-labor distributions,
T3-actual burdens,
setup when no gross pay, 52.3.2
T4-labor billing distributions, 51.3.8
T5-equipment distributions, 51.3.9
T6-payroll accruals and deferrals, 51.3.10
T7-payroll vouchers, 51.3.11
Account Ledger (F0911), 51.3.2, 51.3.6
Accounts Payable Ledger (F0411), 20.1
Bank Reconciliation - Paid (F06561), 34.5
Burden Distribution (F0624), 52.5.1
Business Unit Master (F0006), B.1
Calendar Month DBA Summary History (F06145), 15.2, 17.1, 17.1, 26.2.1, 27.1, 27.4, 31.5
Company Constants (F0010), 39.2.1
Corporate Tax ID (F069086), 27.2.4, 27.2.4, 27.3.3, 27.3.3, 27.4.3, 27.4.3
Cost Code Master (F0901), B.1
Date Fiscal Patterns (F0008), 51.3.4
DBA Detail History (F0619), 26.2.1, 31.4, 31.5, 31.6
DBA Transaction Detail (F0609), 17.1.4, 20.1
employee history and turnover, 5.2.4
Employee Master (F060116), 2.2.2, 27.2.4, 27.3.3, 27.4.3, 35.6.1, 50.8, B.1, B.1
changing current rate of pay, 2.2.1
Employee Multiple Job (F060118), 2.2.2, B.1
Employee Multiple Job History (F060119), 8.1
Employee Transactions Batch (F06116Z1), 36.1
Employee Turnover Analysis (F08045), 33.5
Fiscal/Anniversary Year History (F06147), 15.2, 17.1, 17.1, 17.4.1, 26.2.1, 31.6
Labor Distribution Instructions (F06106), B.1
Last History Change workfile (T08042W), 7.4
Occupational Pay Rates (F060146), B.1, B.1
Pay and Taxes by Check (F06166), 26.2.1
Pay Type Specifications (F069116), 4.2.4, 4.11
Paycheck Summary (F06156), 34.3.1, 34.5.2
Payment Workfile (F06560), 34.3.1
Payroll Journal (F06395), 51.3.2
Payroll Month PDBA Summary History (F06146), 15.2, 17.1, 17.1, 17.4.1, 26.2.1, 26.2.1, 27.1, 31.3, 31.4
Payroll Month PDBAs Summary History (F06146), 27.3, 29.2
Payroll Transaction History (F0618), 4.4, 31.3, 31.6, 31.7, 50.8
Payroll Transaction History (F0619), 26.2.1
Rental Rules (F1302), B.1
Retro Timecard (F06278), 4.9
Shift (F069246), B.1
Tax Area Constant (F069016), 27.2.4, 27.2.4
Tax Area Constants (F069016), 27.2.4
Tax Area Transaction Summary History (F06148), 26.2.1
Tax Ledger (F06166), 27.2.4, 27.2.4, 27.2.4, 27.2.4, 27.2.4, 27.2.4
Tax Ledger Table (F06166 or F07166), 29.1
Taxation Summary History (F06136), 27.1, 27.2
Time Entry (F06116), 54.7
Transaction Parameter (F069116), 27.3.3, 27.4.3
Union Rates (F069126), B.1, B.1, B.1
used by Payroll, E
Workers Compensation Summary (F0627), 31.7
Workers Compensation Summary History (F0627), 26.2.1
Z file processing table examples, K
creation, 34.2
magnetic, 34
Tax area index, 54.3
Tax Area Information form, 54.2.2
Tax Area Payee/Cross Reference form, 19.3.3
Tax areas
code, 54.2.1
example, 54.2.1
setup, 54.2
tax area index, 54.3
terms, 11.1.1
Tax Areas report, 55.2
Tax Exempt form, 48.3.4
Tax History Integrity report, 27.2
Tax levies
defined, 10.2
Employee Wage Attachment Entry form, 13.6
entering a wage attachment, 13.6
setting up, 11.3.1
setup, 12.5
tax exemption tables
setup, 11.3
Tax status
deduction, benefits, and accruals (DBAs), 48.3.4
Tax types
adjusting minimum amount taxes, 29.1.2
Taxable cash benefit, 48.3.4
Taxable non-cash benefit, 48.3.4
activating vouchers, 19.3
changing corporate ID, 54.4.1
corporate tax IDs, 54.4
Corporate Tax IDs report, 55.3
federal, 54.4.1
index of tax areas, 54.3
Pay & Taxes by Check form, 29.1.3
payees by company, 19.3.3
reposting tax ledger to the tax summary, 31.2
revising corporate tax IDs, 29.1.2
revising taxation history, 29.1
tax areas, 54.2
tax information, 54.1
voucher information, 19.3
vouchers, 19.3.2
setup reports, 55.1
Tax area/payee cross-reference, 54.8
Tax Area/Payee X-Reference form (P069261), 54.8
types H and Z, 54.4.1
Technical considerations for z file processing programs, K.1
Technical features
copying PC timecards, 36.1
HR subsystem and monitor, 35
purging employee information, 33.1
working with magnetic tapes, 34
Terminated Employee report
Setup, 40.10
Time Accounting functionality
setup programs, 39.2.4
Time and Pay Exception report
setup, 40.3
Time and Pay Register
setup, 40.9
Time entry
changing rate of pay
temporarily, 2.2.3
correcting pay rate, 2.2.4
retroactive pay, 4.10
Tip processing
category codes, 48.3.10
pay types, 46.2.1
user defined codes
job type, 38.1.1
Title search table
generating, 42.4
Transaction Audit report
setup, 40.4
Transaction History Revisions Z File program (P069951Z), 29.2
summarization overview, 18.2.2
Transferring profile data, 42.5
Transition period
defined, 51.3.4
Turnover columns
setup, 43.4
Turnover records
Correcting, 9.1
purging, 33.5


correcting, 2.4
Unemployment insurance
rates, 54.5
state rates
adjusting, 54.5.2
Unemployment Insurance Rates form, 54.5.1
Unemployment Insurance Rates report, 55.6
Union local and job cross-reference
setup, 50.6
Union Local/Job Cross-Reference form, 50.6.1
Union/Job Cross-Reference report, 50.7
Update History Data form
detail area, 6.3
Update Turnover Data form, 9.1
Updating available leave, 30.1
Updating current pay using mass changes, 3.2
Updating employee records for contract calendars, 44.4
Updating future pay information for an individual, 2.5
User defined code lists
code type functions, 38.1.1, 51.3.1, 51.3.5, 51.3.13
for batch type, 38.1.1
setup, 37.2, 38.1


Variable wages
wage assignments, 13.7.5
Verifying DBA setup, 48.4
Verifying integrity of payroll detail, 28.1
Verifying that integrity errors have been corrected, 27.7
Vertex tables
overriding, 54.5.2
Vouchers, 20.1
activating, 19.3
creating, 18.2.1
deleting payee voucher rules, 19.5.1
due dates, 19.1.2, 19.5.1
individual employees, 19.4.4
payroll summarization, 18.2.2
posting to general ledger, 20.10
pro forma
reviewing by payee, 20.2
error messages, 20.9
warning messages, 20.9
Review Voucher Detail by Payee form (P06499), 20.2
pro forma by employee, 20.3
reviewing actual voucher reports, 20.9
reviewing batches, 20.2.1, 20.3.1
reviewing journals, 20.5
reviewing payee rules, 19.5.1
reviewing payment remarks, 19.3.1
deductions, benefits, or accruals (DBAs), 20.8
tax type, 20.7
deduction, benefit, and accruals (DBAs), 19.4
group plans, 19.4.3
payee voucher rules, 19.5
tax transactions, 19.3, 19.3.2
specifying payees, 19.3.1


Wage assignments
defined, 10.2
entering, 13.7
agency arrearage, 13.7.4
for combined amounts,
ongoing, 13.7.1
separate amounts,
split deduction, 13.7.3
variable wages, 13.7.5
entering costs, 13.7.2
splitting deduction between families, 13.7.3
flat dollar deduction, 13.7.2
minimum net pay, 13.7.2, 13.7.6
percentage deduction, 13.7.2
setup, 12.6
combined amounts, 13.7.4
minimum net pay, 13.7.4
separate amounts, 13.7.4
variable wages, 13.7.4
Wage Attachment Additional Information form
assigning priorities, 13.8
Wage Attachment Fees and Interest Window
assigning for outside agencies, 13.5
assigning for your company, 13.5.2
Wage attachment history
reviewing, 14.1
Wage Attachment report
setup, 40.8
Wage Attachment Review form, 14.2
Wage Attachment Voucher report, 20.6
Wage Attachment Window form, 13.2
Wage attachments, 10.2
assigning a DBA, 13.2
assigning fees or interest, 13.5
assigning priorities, 13.8
common terms, 10.2
creating vouchers, 12.1
amount due, 12.1
declining balance, 12.1
effect on disposable wage, 12.1
negative pay situations, 12.1
when to calculate, 12.1
deleting, 13.2.1
entering, 13.1
additional information, 13.9
duplicate case numbers, 13.2.1
garnishments, 13.3
loans, 13.4
wage assignments, 13.7
fees or interest
assigning for outside agencies, 13.5
assigning for your company, 13.5.2
garnishments, 10.2
history, 14.1
report, 14.3
reviewing online, 14.2
loans, 10.2
calculations, 12.3.1
declining balance, 12.3.1
new disposable wage, 13.3.1
payment remarks, 19.4.1
voucher report, 20.6
additional exemption amounts, 11.3.3
deductions, 12.1
fee or interest deduction, 12.4
garnishment, 12.2
loans, 12.3
standard annual exemption amounts, 11.3.2
tax levies, 12.5
wage assignment deduction, 12.6
set up, 11.1
tax levies, 10.2
calculations, 12.5.2
declining balance, 12.5.2
entering, 13.6
wage assignments, 10.2
calculations, 12.6.1
Warning messages
voucher reports, 20.9
Work date
defined, 51.3.4
Workers compensation
reposting the survey, 31.7
exempt deduction, 54.6.2
insurance basis tables, 54.6
insurance rates, 54.7
Workers Compensation/General Liability Insurance report, 55.5
Workers Compensation Insurance Basis Tables form, 54.6.1
Workers Compensation Insurance Rates form, 54.7.1
Workers Compensation Insurance Register
setup, 40.5
Workfile Maintenance form, 4.6
Workfile Review form, 4.6
Workfile Revisions form, 4.8
detail area, 4.8
Last History Change, 7.4
Working with employee history records, 6.1


Z file
data selection, K.3
data sequence, K.4
processing options, K.2
processing programs for payroll, K
technical considerations for payroll programs, K.1
Zero gross pay
retroactive pay, 4.10.1