6 Overview to Agreement Management Setup

This chapter contains these topics:

Section 6.1, "Objectives"

Section 6.2, "About Agreement Management Setup"

Section 6.3, "Before You Begin"

6.1 Objectives

To complete the setup tasks that customize the Agreement Management system

6.2 About Agreement Management Setup

Before you can use the Agreement Management system, you must complete certain tasks to define information that the system uses during processing. You can customize much of this information to meet your company's business needs.

To set up the Agreement Management system, complete the following tasks:

  • Set up user defined code (UDC) lists

  • Set up agreement penalties

  • Set up agreement selection or assignment

  • Set up automatic accounting instructions (AAIs)

Task Description
UDC lists Define customized codes, such as documents types and pools, that are appropriate for your business needs.
Penalties Use the advanced pricing adjustments to define the formulas that the system uses to calculate penalties when a partner does not comply with the agreement terms.
Agreement selection or assignment Set the agreement constants to indicate whether you want to manually assign agreements or have the system search for applicable agreements.
Automatic accounting instructions Define the rules for the chart of accounts and establish how the system creates automatic entries.

6.3 Before You Begin

  • To use all features and functionality of the Agreement Management system, verify that the following systems are installed:

    • Load and Delivery Management

    • Bulk Stock Management

    • Sales Order Management

    • Advanced Pricing

If you do not install these additional systems, you can use Agreement Management as a repository to create agreements and adjustments.