29 Define Product Groups

This chapter contains these topics:

29.1 Defining Product Groups


From Bulk Stock Management (G4150), enter 29

From Bulk Stock Management Setup (G415041), choose Allowed Products Matrices

You must define the product groups that a tank or filling line can hold. You must also specify the order in which products can be put into the tank without requiring the tank to be cleaned. The system displays a warning message if you need to flush the tank prior to adding another product.

The system uses this information whenever you perform any of the following activities:

  • Transfer product into the tank as part of a general stock movement

  • Receive product into the tank

  • Change the current product in the tank on the Additional Tank Information form

You can set up the product groups for individual tanks or by tank type, depending on your needs.

To define product groups

On Allowed Products Matrices

Figure 29-1 Allowed Products Matrices screen

Description of Figure 29-1 follows
Description of "Figure 29-1 Allowed Products Matrices screen"

  1. Complete the following field:

    • Branch/Plant

  2. Complete one of the following fields:

    • Tank ID

    • Tank Type

  3. For each "From" and "To" group, complete the following field:

    • Intersection Value

Field Explanation
Intersection Value - Allowed Products 02 The designation of what product groups are allowed and in what order. The valid values are:

Y – Can fill the tank/line/vehicle with the "To" product after the "From" product. (Default)

F – Can fill the tank/line/vehicle with that product group, but have to flush the tank/line/vehicle first.

N – Do not allow "To" product to be placed in the tank/line/ vehicle after the "From" product.

29.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Updating information for all tanks of the same type If you set up the allowed products by tank type and then change the product matrix, you can use a function key to quickly update the information for all tanks of this type.
Deleting obsolete records You cannot delete a matrix. However, you can use Delete Obsolete Matrix Records to delete obsolete records from the matrix. Obsolete records have a From or To group which has been removed from the user defined codes table for either the product or dispatch group. Obsolete records do not appear on the matrix, but remain in the system until you delete them.