28 Define Tank Temperature and Density

This chapter contains these topics:

28.1 Defining Tank Temperature and Density


From Bulk Stock Management (G4150), enter 29

From Bulk Stock Management Setup (G415041), choose Default Tank Information

The system uses the default temperature and density specific to a tank to calculate volume and process stock movements. If you do not enter the temperature and density information when performing a stock movement, the system retrieves the default temperature and density for the tank from the Default Tank Information table (F41508).

28.1.1 Before You Begin

To define tank temperature and density

On Default Tank Information

Figure 28-1 Default Tank Information screen

Description of Figure 28-1 follows
Description of "Figure 28-1 Default Tank Information screen"

  1. Complete the following fields:

    • Branch/Plant

    • Tank ID

    • Tank Temperature

    • Tank Density

    • Density Temperature

    The Tank Status and Item Number fields appear.

  2. Access the detail area.

    Figure 28-2 Default Tank Information screen - Detail Area

    Description of Figure 28-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 28-2 Default Tank Information screen - Detail Area"

    The system calculates the temperature expiration date and time based on the temperature expiration period from Additional Tank Information.

  3. Complete the following fields to calculate this information manually:

    • Temperature Expiration Date

    • Temperature Expiration Time

Field Explanation
Tank Temp This field is used to indicate the temperature of the product in the tank. The temperature type specified on the Branch/Plant Constants - Page 3 is the default value. The system checks this entry against the minimum and maximum temperature range.
Tank Density The density of the product in the tank as determined by the laboratory sample. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the density type specified on Branch/Plant Constants - Page 3.

28.1.2 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Changing current tank values You can change the current tank value on the Default Tank Information form. This will change the current tank value defined on the Tank Master Maintenance form. For example, if you set the current tank field to Y (Yes) in the Tank Master Maintenance program, you can enter a N (No) in Default Tank Information. This changes the value in the Tank Master Maintenance form to N (No) and in the Tank Master table (F41500).
Entering the date and time If you enter the date and time, the system uses this information in all records added in all detail lines.

If you enter the date and time for each line in the detail area, you can display different information for each line.

Deleting records To delete a record, choose only the detail line for the tank you want to delete.