4 Phase Four - Run Special Application Jobs

This chapter contains these topics:

4.1 Sign On as the User ID you entered during the OUI process

4.2 Access the Post Upgrade Menu

From any JD Edwards World menu, enter G97R4.

Figure 4-1 Post Upgrade Menu screen

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 Post Upgrade Menu screen"

4.3 Rebuild Menu Word Search

From the Post Upgrade Menu (G97R4), select Rebuild Menu Word Search.

The job submits to batch.

4.4 Run Special Application Jobs


You must select jobs in the order in which they appear for a product group. Be sure to read the menu message that appears after you select a job.

MULTI-PLANS: You must run the appropriate special application jobs against each data library defined in your plans.

  1. From the Post Upgrade Menu (G97R4), select Run Special Application Jobs.

    The A9.4 Special Jobs Menu appears.

    Figure 4-2 A9.4 Special Application Jobs screen

    Description of Figure 4-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-2 A9.4 Special Application Jobs screen"

    Each of the selections that appear on this menu access an A9.4 Special Application Jobs menu specific to the release level you are upgrading from.

  2. From this menu, select the release you are upgrading from.

    The appropriate A9.4 Special Application Jobs menu appears, as shown in the example below.

    Figure 4-3 A9.4 Special Application Jobs menu

    Description of Figure 4-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 4-3 A9.4 Special Application Jobs menu"

  3. Required jobs are listed by product group. To display the jobs for a particular product group, select the appropriate product group from the Special Application Jobs menu.

  4. Run the jobs for each product group you are using.


    If you are running any special application jobs to build logical files that did not built during create new files because of duplicate records, you must first delete the logical file from your environment if it exists as it would have been created with no members during the create new files process.
  5. Notes for Special Jobs:

    • For menu G97U64, option 18 MUST be executed before option 3. See Document ID 1585393.1 for more information.

    • For A73, G97U34 option 13 can be ignored if you ran the options on menu G97U141. For A81, G97U32 option 7 can be ignored if you ran the options on menu G97U121.

    • Option 3 on menus G97U74 and G97U72 require the A7.3 or A8.1DREAM Writer files.


    If you are upgrading from A8.1, A9.1, or A9.2, and you will use A9.4 Financials or Purchase Cards, you must ensure that the J0911QD2 job is run and completed normally before entering any data.

    The job is on menus G97U12 (option 21), G97U16 (option 18), or G97U15 (option 8). Use the menu that corresponds to the upgrade you are performing. This job will left justify any of the 8 character Enhanced Subledgers for Enhanced Subledger Types A, E, O, W, L, I, or J that were entered in the G/L file (F0911) for release A8.1, A9.1 or A9.2 OR to the Purchase Card Transaction file (F01P111) for release A9.1 or A9.2.

    If you have any questions, please contact the Oracle Support Services World Financials group.

4.5 Extensibility Merge

If you are upgrading from A9.3.1 or higher and are using the extensibility feature, you will need to run the Extensibility Data Merge on menu G98X31, option 3.

Based on the results on the R97820 report which is produced, you may also need to run the Extensibility Source Merge on menu G98X31, option 7.

Review the helps for both programs before running them. Always run the Extensibility Source Merge in PROOF mode first.

4.6 Activate Triggers

If you require triggers on your alternate environment, you must start with new audit files and activate the triggers in the alternate environment. Do not use Menu G946 option 8. If you use this option, triggers are activated for your alternate environment files but records are added to your production audit files.

4.7 Rebuild DD/VO

From the Post Upgrade Menu (G97R6), select Rebuild DD/VO only if you used the Data Dictionary workbench to apply any row or column changes.

Figure 4-4 Rebuild DD/VO screen

Description of Figure 4-4 follows
Description of "Figure 4-4 Rebuild DD/VO screen"

  1. From the Rebuild DD/VO screen, enter the names of the libraries where your data dictionary, vocabulary overrides, and DREAM Writer files are located. The job submits to batch.

4.8 Only if You Use a Comma for the Decimal Character

If your system uses a comma (,) for the decimal character, complete the checklist items in Appendix D - Change Decimal Character. Otherwise, continue to the next checklist item.

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