
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y 


A0010 - Interactive Subfile Inquiry program, C.2
A0020 - Interactive Single Record Inquiry program, C.3
Abbreviations for the program types index, 30.1
abbreviations for the program types index, 30.1
action diagramming, 27
additional tools, 24.2
changing generated source, 17
clone status all/only active toggle, 30.3
creating or modifying program types, 30
edit screen, 9.2
foundation information, 2.1
glossary K, 30.4.3
logic modules, 31
master source code, 1.4.6
option and function exits, 10.1
options for program types, 30.2.1
program design language, 13.2, 16.2
program generator, 1.4.4
program specifications, 1.4.7
program types, 1.4.5
program types cross reference, 30.3
program types index, 30.2
quick start application tool, 26
source modifications, 16.2
special characters, 9.1
the detailed programming facility screen, 11
user defined PDL, 34.1
using the source code inventory and database, 28.1, 28.2
CASE profiles, 4.5
data item formula revisions, 15.4
program generator, 6.1
program generator options, 6.1
program generator specifications, 5.1
quick start CL generator, 25.1
the logic module index, 31.4
Action diagram
building, 27.1
overview, 27
viewing, 27.2
new Q & A dialogue, 33.3
PDL to a field, 15.4
Additional tools, 24.2
All help instructions, 31.3.2
Answer Entry screen (P98552), 33.3, 33.3
Application development cycle, 1.1
Arrays for EMK, @MK and @ER, B.1
Assignments in PDL, 14.4.1
Authorities for objects, 4.6


B0010 - Interactive Single Record Maintenance program, C.4
Blocks of statements, 14.2.1
Browse for screens or reports using quick start, 26.4
Browse screen, 11.5.1, 12.2, 12.2
Building an action diagram, 27.1


C0010 - Batch Report with Totals program, C.5
C0020 - Batch Report with Totals and Subheadings program, C.6
C0025 - Batch Report with Totals and Subheadings program, C.7
overview, 1.1
changing, 18.2
benefits, 1.2.1
menus, 1.5
accessing, 4.5
understanding, 4.5
program types, C
specifications inquiry overview, 31.14
CASE Profiles screen (P98009), 4.5
CASE Specifications Inquiry screen (P93130), 31.14
a dialogue, 33.4
CAP status, 18.2
program specifications, 26.6
data file design aid, A.1
program generator, A.4
report design aid, A.3
screen design aid, A.2
overview, 19
program compile using quick start, 25.1
Comments in PDL, 14.3.1
CL programs using quick start, 25.1
using quick start, 26.5, 26.7
Computer Assisted Design, 1.1
Computer Assisted Programming, 1.1
Conditional directives, 32.4
Conditions in PDL, 14.8.1
Control language, 19
Copy File screen (CPYF), 4.2
a dialogue, 33.4
model control language, 19.1
program specifications, 31.10
Create/Modify Logic Modules screen (P93001SEU), 31.8
Create/Modify Program Types screen (P93001), 30.4.3, 34.1
*ENTRY PLIST entries, 11.5
a partial KLIST for a file, 11.8
formula library entry, 31.9
JDESRC file for use with Program Generator, 4.2
logic modules, 31.8
report programs, 23
subheadings, 23.3
total formats, 23.2
user defined PDL, 34.1
Customizing model control language, 19.1


D0010 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, without Options, by Relative Record Number program, C.8
D0020 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance without Action Code, without Options, by Relative Record Number program, C.9
D0030 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance without Action Code, without Options, by Relative Record Number with Read Next Modified Record program, C.10
D0040 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, with Options, by Key program, C.11
D0050 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Two Master Files, with Action Code, with Options, by Relative Record Number program, C.12
D0060 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, without Options, by Key program, C.13
D0070 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, with Options, by Relative Record Number program, C.14
D0080 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance without Action Code, with Options, by Relative Record Number program, C.15
D0090 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, without Options, by Relative Record Number, Balance program, C.16
D0100 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Two Master Files, with Action Code, with Options, by Key program, C.17
Data dictionary
editing disabled, 11.7
glossary update, 26.8
Data fields to select using quick start, 26.3
Data file design aid checklist, A.1
Data Item Formula Revisions screen (P93109), 14.9.2,,, 34.1
Data structure
I00DSPROG source, D.1
I00SC source, D.2
Database operations in PDL, 14.5.1
Database update function for subfiles, 11.4
Date and time standards, B.6
Define Generator Specification screen (P93100M), 7.1, 8.1, 9.2, 10.1, 11.1, 12.4, 18.2, 18.2, 34.1
Define Program Generator Specifications screen (P93100M), 6.1
applications using quick start, 26.2
general instructions, 9
option and function exits, 10.1
processing options, 12.1
program purpose and type, 7.1
Deleting a dialogue, 33.4
Detailed information
CAD, 1.4.2
CAP, 1.4.3
Detailed Programming Facility, 11, 21.5, 22.5
Detailed Programming Facility screen (P93105), 11.1, 11.8.1, 15.4, 34.1
Development libraries, 4.1
changing, 33.4
copying, 33.4
deleting, 33.4
existing, 33.4
rename, 33.4
reviewing the flow, 33.4
running, 33.4
Dialogue Copy screen (P98536), 33.4, 33.4
Dialogue Descriptions screen (P98541), 33.3
Dialogue Flow Revisions screen (P98531), 33.4, 33.4
Dialogue Lists screen (P98530), 33.4, 33.4, 33.4, 33.4, 33.4
Dialogue Selection screen (P98533), 7.1, 33.4
Dialogue Test screen (P98535), 33.4, 33.4
Dialogue Test screen (P98537), 33.4
conditional, 32.4
exception, 32.3
functional, 32.1
substitution, 32.2
understanding, 32
Disable data dictionary editing, 11.7
Display Action Diagram screen (P92705), 27.2, 27.2.1, 27.2.2
DREAM Writer considerations for report formats, 23.4


E0010 - Interactive Window program, C.18
Edit screen, 9.2, 9.2
Editing, parsing, and source generation of PDL, 15
Enabling database update function for subfiles, 11.4
ENTRY PLIST entries, 11.5
Error handling using arrays, B.1
Exception directives, 32.3


Features, 1.2
Field Definition screen, 23.2
Field protection, 11.6
File specifications, 8.1
File Specifications screen (P93102), 8.1, 8.2
Formula library entry for creating or modifying, 31.9
Formula Library Entry screen (P93109), 14.9.2, 31.9
Full data field parameters
accessing, 11.2
understanding, 11.2.1
Full Data Field Parameters screen (P93125), 11.2.1, 11.3.2, 11.3.2, 11.4, 11.5.1, 11.6, 11.6.1, 11.7
Function exits
previous profile, 4.5.1
Function exits set up, 10.1
Functional directives, 32.1
Functional servers
example, G.1
overview, G


General instructions for help text, 9
Generated source code
changing, 17.1
regenerating, 18
resolving errors, 18.3
Generator Updates screen (P9366), 31.13
Global program regeneration, 31.3.3
Glossary K, 30.4.3
Glossary revisions screen (P92001), 26.8
Glossary updates, 26.8
Guidelines for program types, C.1


Help file updates, 9.2
Help instructions
rebuild for a single program, 31.3.1
rebuild for all programs, 31.3.2
Help Instructions Master file (F98HELP), 9.2


I00DSPROG data structure source, D.1
I00SC data structure source, D.2
Interactive non-subfile program flow, E.2.1


Job queues, 4.3


in blocks of statements, 14.2.1
in comments, 14.3.1
KLIST standards, B.4


Line structure, 29.2
Loading VCO description fields, 11.3
a dialogue flow, 33.4
screens or reports using quick start, 26.4
Logic Module Cross Reference screen (P93952), 31.5
Logic modules, 31
accessing the index, 31.4
creating or modifying, 31.8
detail, 31.2
maintaining, 31.7
viewing cross reference, 31.5
viewing op codes, 31.6
Logic translation feature, 27.3
Loops in PDL, 14.7.1


Maintaining logic modules
remove logic module, 31.7.2
resequence logic module, 31.7.1
Master dialogue questions, 33.2
Miscellaneous keywords and syntax in PDL, 14.9.1
Model Control Language Programs
customizing, 19.1
overview, 19
provided by JD Edwards World, 19.2
formula library entry, 31.9
logic modules, 31.8
program specifications, 26.6
Moving program specifications, 31.10
Multi-member source file, 4.2


Naming convention standards, B.3
New Q & A dialogue, 33.3


Object authorities, 4.6
job control, 4.6.1
job queues, 4.6.4
source file, 4.6.3
source library, 4.6.2
Op Codes screen (P93108), 31.6
Operators in assignments, 14.4.1
Option & Function exits screen (P93104), 10.1
defining, 10.1
overview, 10.1


Parameter Copy/Move screen (P93890), 31.10
Partial KLIST created for a file, 11.8
editing, parsing, and source generation
parsing, 15.1
source code generation, 15.3
statements, 13.2
constants, 14.1.5
database files, 14.1.3
keywords, 14.1.1
operations, 14.1.1
operators, 14.1.4
punctuation, 14.1.6
variables, 14.1.2
user defined
creating, 34.1
common user defined codes, 3.1.2
Program Generator files, 3.1.1
source code for copy modules, 3.1.3
source code for JD Edwards World files, 3.1.4
Primary module, 30.4.2
Print Program Specification screen (P98300), 31.11
Printing program generator specifications, 31.11
Process for quick start, 26.1
Processing options defined, 12.1
Processing Options Setup screen (P98304), 12.4
Program calls in PDL, 14.6.1
Program code sample, F
Program Design Language (PDL), 13.2, 16.2
Program Generator
accessing, 6.1
checklist, A.4
files, 3.1.1
program design language, 3.1.1
source modifications/helps, 3.1.1
specifications, 3.1.1
merging updates, 31.13
printing specifications, 31.11
reviewing options, 6.1
accessing, 5.1
Program purpose and type definition, 7.1
Program Purpose and Type screen (P93100), 7.1, 18.2
Program specifications
modifications using quick start, 26.6
Program specifications to copy or move, 31.10
Program types
B0010 example, F
conversion, 1.4.8
creating or modifying, 30
cross reference, 30.3
index, 30.2
interactive, 1.4.8
report, 1.4.8
server, 1.4.8
window, 1.4.8
Program Types
A0010 - Interactive Subfile Inquiry, C.2
A0020 - Interactive Single Record Inquiry, C.3
B0010 - Interactive Single Record Maintenance, C.4
C0010 - Batch Report with Totals, C.5
C0020 - Batch Report with Totals and Subheadings, C.6
C0025 - Batch Report with Totals and Subheadings, C.7
D0010 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, without Options, by Relative Record Number, C.8
D0020 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance without Action Code, without Options, by Relative Record Number, C.9
D0030 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance without Action Code, without Options, by Relative Record Number with Read Next Modified Record, C.10
D0040 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, with Options, by Key, C.11
D0050 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Two Master Files, with Action Code, with Options, by Relative Record Number, C.12
D0060 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, without Options, by Key, C.13
D0070 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, with Options, by Relative Record Number, C.14
D0080 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance without Action Code, with Options, by Relative Record Number, C.15
D0090 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Action Code, without Options, by Relative Record Number, Balance, C.16
D0100 - Interactive Subfile Maintenance with Two Master Files, with Action Code, with Options, by Key, C.17
E0010 - Interactive Window, C.18
guidelines, C.1
overview, C
X0010 - Batch Update with Report, C.19
X0020 - Batch Update, C.20
X0030 - Batch Update with Subroutine S001, C.21
X0040 - Batch Update with Report, C.22
Y0010 - Conversion, Two Files with Error Report, C.23
Y0020 - Conversion, One File Update with Error Report, C.24
Y0030 - Conversion, One File Write with Error Report, C.25
Program Types Index screen (P93900), 30.2
Program Types X-Reference screen (P93953), 30.3
Programming standards, B.1
Programs and IDs
CPYF (copy file), 4.2
P00051 (user defined code revisions), 3.1.2
P2710 (translation table), 27.3
P92001 (glossary revisions), 26.8
P92705 (display action diagrams), 27.2, 27.2.1, 27.2.2
P93001 (create/modify program types), 30.4.3, 34.1
P93001SEU (create/modify logic modules), 31.8
P93100 (program purpose and type), 7.1, 18.2
P93100M (define generator specification), 7.1, 8.1, 9.2, 10.1, 11.1, 12.4, 18.2, 18.2, 34.1
P93100M (define generator specifications), 6.1
P93102 (file specifications), 8.1, 8.2
P93104 (option & function exits), 10.1
P93105 (detailed programming facility), 11.1, 11.8.1, 15.4, 34.1
P93108 (logic module op codes), 31.6
P93109 (data item formula revisions), 14.9.2,,, 15.4, 34.1
P93109 (formula library entry), 14.9.2, 31.9
P93125 (full data field parameters), 11.2.1, 11.3.2, 11.3.2, 11.4, 11.5.1, 11.6, 11.6.1, 11.7
P93130 (CASE specifications inquiry), 31.14
P93513 (quick start application tool), 26.2
P93513J (quick start CL generator), 25.1
P93515V (quick start application tool), 26.3, 26.4, 26.5, 26.6, 26.7, 26.8, 26.8
P93515V (quick start CL generator), 25.1
P9366 (generator updates), 31.13
P93890 (parameter copy/move), 31.10
P93900 (program types index), 30.2
P93952 (logic module cross reference), 31.5
P93953 (program types x-reference), 30.3
P98009 (CASE profiles), 4.5
P9801 (software versions repository), 4.5, 8.2
P98300 (build action diagrams), 27.1
P98300 (print program specification), 31.11
P98304 (processing options setup), 12.1
P98529 (simple question & answer), 33.2
P98530 (dialogue lists), 33.4, 33.4, 33.4, 33.4, 33.4
P98531 (dialogue flow revisions), 33.4, 33.4
P98533 (dialogue selection), 7.1, 33.4
P98534 (quiz answer review), 33.4
P98535 (dialogue test), 33.4, 33.4
P98536 (dialogue copy), 33.4, 33.4
P98537 (dialogue test), 33.4
P98541 (dialogue descriptions), 33.3
P98551 (question entry), 33.3
P98552 (answer entry), 33.3, 33.3
RM/M (remove member), 4.2
Project management, 4.4
Protecting fields from being cleared, 11.6


Q & A dialogue, 33.3
Question and answer system overview, 33
Question Entry screen (P98551), 33.3
Questions in a master dialogue, 33.2
Quick reference of program types, C
Quick Start
application tool overview, 26
CL generator for creating programs, 21.3, 22.3, 25.1
generating subfile inquiry programs, 21.7
generator to create subfile maintenance programs, 22.7
steps for process, 26.1
Quick Start Application Tool screen (P93513), 26.2
Quick Start Application Tool screen (P93515V), 26.3, 26.4, 26.5, 26.6, 26.7, 26.8, 26.8
Quick Start C L Generator screen (P93515V), 25.1
Quick Start CL Generator screen (P93513J), 25.1
Quiz Answer Review screen (P98534), 33.4
Quiz to determine program type, 33.4


RDA, 23.1
Rebuild help instructions, 31.3.1
Record Formats List screen, 23.3
Regenerating source code, 31.3.3
Remove logic module, 31.7.2
Remove Member (RM/M), 4.2
Renaming a dialogue, 33.4, 33.4
Report design aid
checklist, A.3
Report Design Aid
creating reports, 23
Report format considerations for DREAM Writer, 23.4
Report program with subheadings flow, E.2.4
Report program without subheadings flow, E.2.3
Report programs subheadings and totals, 23
Reports or screens
browse or update using quick start, 26.4
compiling using quick start, 26.5
Resequence logic module, 31.7.1
dialogue flow, 33.4
questions, 33.2
source modifications, 31.12
RPG subroutines, E.1
Running a dialogue, 33.4, 33.4
Running a quiz, 33.4


Sample program code, F
Screen design aid checklist, A.2
Answer Entry, 33.3, 33.3
Browse, 11.5.1, 12.2, 12.2
Build Action Diagrams, 27.1
CASE Profiles, 4.5
CASE Specifications Inquiry, 31.14
Copy File (CPYF), 4.2
Create/Modify Logic Modules, 31.8
Create/Modify Program Types, 30.4.3, 34.1
Data Item Formula Revisions, 14.9.2,,, 15.4, 34.1
Define Generator Specification, 7.1, 8.1, 9.2, 10.1, 11.1, 12.4, 18.2, 18.2, 34.1
Define Generator Specifications, 6.1
Detailed Programming Facility, 11.1, 11.8.1, 15.4, 34.1
Dialogue Copy, 33.4, 33.4
Dialogue Descriptions, 33.3
Dialogue Flow Revisions, 33.4, 33.4
Dialogue Lists, 33.4, 33.4, 33.4, 33.4, 33.4
Dialogue Selection, 7.1, 33.4
Dialogue Test, 33.4, 33.4, 33.4
Display Action Diagram, 27.2, 27.2.1, 27.2.2
Edit, 9.2, 9.2
Field Definition, 23.2
File Specifications, 8.1, 8.2
Formula Library Entry, 14.9.2, 31.9
Full Data Field Parameters, 11.2.1, 11.3.2, 11.3.2, 11.4, 11.5.1, 11.6, 11.6.1, 11.7
Generator Updates, 31.13
Glossary, 26.8
Logic Module Cross Reference, 31.5
Op Codes, 31.6
Option & Function exits, 10.1
Parameter Copy/Move, 31.10
Print Program Specification, 31.11
Processing Options Setup, 12.4
Program Purpose and Type, 7.1, 18.2
Program Types Cross Reference, 30.3
Program Types Index, 30.2
Question Entry, 33.3
Quick Start Application Tool, 26.2, 26.3, 26.4, 26.5, 26.6, 26.7, 26.8, 26.8
Quick Start CL Generator, 25.1, 25.1
Quiz Answer Review, 33.4
Record Formats List, 23.3
Remove Member, 4.2
Simple Question & Answer, 33.2
Software Versions Repository, 4.5, 8.2
Source Entry Utility, 19.1
Translation Table, 27.3
User Defined Code Revisions, 3.1.2
Screens or reports
browse or update using quick start, 26.4
compiling using quick start, 26.5
Selecting data fields using quick start, 26.3
Serial numbers, 29.1, 29.3
Simple Question & Answer screen (P98529), 33.2
Software Action Request (SAR), 4.4
Software Versions Repository screen (P9801), 4.5, 8.2, 19.1
Solving generation problems, 18.3
Source code
for copy modules, 3.1.3
for JD Edwards World World files, 3.1.4
inventory and database, 28.1
regenerating, 18
when to regenerate, 18.1
Source Entry Utility screen, 19.1
Source Listings, D
Source modifications
about, 16.2
code review, 31.12
Source sequence line numbers, 29
Source sequence line structure, 29.2
Source serial numbers, 29.1
Special characters
about, 9.1
within the help file, 9.2
Standards for programming, B.1
Standards using functional servers, G
Statements in PDL, 13.2
Structure of serial numbers, 29.3
Subfile Inquiry Program
components, 21.1
overview, 21
Subfile Maintenance Program
components, 22.1
overview, 22
special considerations, 22.6
Subfile program with options flow, E.2.2
Subfiles database update function, 11.4
formats, 23.3
overview, 23.1
Submit program to compile using quick start, 26.7
Subroutines for RPG, E.1
Substitution directives, 32.2
in assignments, 14.4.1
in blocks of statements, 14.2.1
in comments, 14.3.1
System integration, 1.1
application development cycle, 1.1
fundamentals, 1.1.2
history of program generator, 1.1.3
specifications, 1.1.1


Terms and concepts, 1.3.1
overview, 23.1
Translation Table screen (P92710), 27.3


assignments, 14.4.2
operator and syntax, 14.4.1
rules, 14.4.2
blocks of statements, 14.2.2
keywords and syntax, 14.2.1
rules, 14.2.2
CASE profiles, 4.5
keywords and syntax, 14.3.1
rules, 14.3.2
keywords and syntax, 14.8.1
rules, 14.8.3
symbols, 14.8.2
database operations
keywords and syntax, 14.5.1
rules, 14.5.2
directives, 32
full data field parameters, 11.2.1
keywords and syntax, 14.7.1
rules, 14.7.2
miscellaneous keywords and syntax
keywords and syntax, 14.9.1
rules for include, 14.9.2
rules for return, 14.9.3
program calls
keywords and syntax, 14.6.1
rules, 14.6.2
source sequence line numbers, 29
source sequence line structure, 29.2
source serial numbers, 29.1
structure of the serial number, 29.3
data dictionary, 26.8
glossary, 26.8
help file, 9.2
screens or reports using quick start, 26.4, 26.4
Usage indicator standards, B.2
User Defined Code Revisions screen (P00051), 3.1.2
User Defined Codes, 3.1.2
User-provided prerequisites, 4
CASE specifications inquiry, 31.14
program generator updates, 31.13


VCO description fields for screens, 11.3
an action diagram, 27.2
logic module cross reference, 31.5
logic module op codes, 31.6


Work field standards, B.5
Working with
file specifications, 8
the question and answer system, 33
user provided prerequisites
development libraries, 4.1
job queues, 4.3
multi-member source file, 4.2
overview, 4
project management, 4.4


X0010 - Batch Update with Report program, C.19
X0020 - Batch Update program, C.20
X0030 - Batch Update with Subroutine S001 program, C.21
X0040 - Batch Update with Report program, C.22


Y0010 - Conversion, Two Files with Error Report program, C.23
Y0020 - Conversion, One File Update with Error Report program, C.24
Y0030 - Conversion, One File Write with Error Report program, C.25