8 Set Up Distribution Messages

This chapter contains these topics:

8.1 Setting Up Distribution Messages

You can define two types of messages throughout JD Edwards World systems:

  • Print messages, which are messages that you attach to different document types, customers, or suppliers

  • Item notes, which are messages that you attach to items

You set up print messages and item notes in the same way. An easy and efficient method is to choose an existing message as a base and modify the description and text. Using a base message is also helpful when you need to define the same message or note in multiple languages.

This section contains the following:

  • Defining a Message

  • Defining Documents on Which to Print Messages

  • Defining Document Type Exceptions

8.1.1 What You Should Know About

Topic Description
Displaying messages You can display:

Print messages or item notes

Current messages

All messages, including those that have expired

Messages for a specific language

Printing messages To print a message, you can select an existing version from the versions list or create your own version.
Deleting messages Before you delete a message, consider the following:

If you delete a message in a specific language, the system deletes only that message. No other languages are affected.

If you delete the base message, the system deletes all messages that are related to the base message.

The system removes the message code, detail information, and text lines from the text tables.

8.1.2 Defining a Message


From Localizations - Brazil (G76B), enter 29

From Localization Setup - Brazil (G76B41B), choose Print Message Revisions

Defining messages involves attaching text to different document types, customers, or suppliers.

Defining a message consists of the following:

  • Define a message using a base message

  • Define a base message in another language

To define a message using a base message

On Print Message Revisions

Figure 8-1 Print Messages Revisions screen

Description of Figure 8-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 8-1 Print Messages Revisions screen''

  1. Choose option 2, Details, for a specific message code.

    Figure 8-2 Text Detail Revisions window

    Description of Figure 8-2 follows
    Description of ''Figure 8-2 Text Detail Revisions window''

  2. On Text Detail Revisions, complete the following fields:

    • Print Message

    • Description

    • Effective From

    • Effective Thru

    • Print Before

    • Choose the option to access Text.

Figure 8-3 Text Messages screen

Description of Figure 8-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 8-3 Text Messages screen''

  • On Text Messages, enter the text for the message.

    Field Explanation
    Print Message A code (table 40/PM) that represents a predefined message set up on Print Message Revisions. You can print the message on sales orders, purchase orders, and so forth.
    Description A user defined name or remark.
    Effective From The date on which a transaction, text message, contract, obligation, or preference becomes effective.
    Effective Thru The date on which a transaction, text message, agreement, obligation, or preference has expired or been completed.
    Print Before A one-character code that indicates whether the print message/item note text prints before or after the detail line on the order. The default is to print after the detail line.

To define a base message in another language

On Print Message Revisions:

  1. Select a message code.

  2. Complete the following field:

    • Language

  3. Access Text Messages.

  4. Enter the text.

Field Explanation
Language A user defined code (system 01/type LP) that specifies a language to use in forms and printed reports.

For World, if you leave the Language field blank, the system uses the language that you specify in your user preferences. If you do not specify a language in your user preferences, the system uses the default language for the system.

Before any translations can become effective, a language code must exist at either the system level or in your user preferences.

8.1.3 Messages in Other Languages

You can use any base message that you create as a "template" for the same message in other languages. Also, you can use the same message code for all languages.

8.1.4 Defining Documents on Which to Print Messages


From Localizations - Brazil (G76B), enter 29

From Localization Setup - Brazil (G76B41B), choose Print Message Revisions

You must define the documents on which to print messages. For example, you might print special delivery instructions on every work order.

You can specify a program for each type of print message.

To define documents on which to print

On Print Message Revisions

  1. Choose option 3, Documents.

    Figure 8-4 Document Selection window

    Description of Figure 8-4 follows
    Description of ''Figure 8-4 Document Selection window''

  2. Complete the following field:

    • Y/N

Field Explanation
Y/N This flag indicates whether or not the print message/item note text should print on a specific report. Valid values are:

Y Yes, the text will print on the report

N No, the text will not print on the report

You must define the documents on which to print messages. For example, you might print special delivery instructions on every work order.

8.1.5 What You Should Know About

Topic Descriptions
New print programs To display new print programs on Document Selection, you must set them up in the user defined code table 40/OR. Additionally, you must customize these programs to recognize the Y/N field in Document Selection.
Printing item notes You cannot define individual print programs for item notes. All item notes print on all documents.

8.1.6 Defining Document Type Exceptions


From Localizations - Brazil (G76B), enter 29

From Localization Setup - Brazil (G76B41B), choose Print Message Revisions

Sometimes a print program generates a document that is used for multiple purposes. For example, you can use the Purchase Order Print program to print both purchase orders and other documents such as blanket orders and sales bids. In this example, you might have a message that you only print on blanket orders. For each print program, you can define the document types that exclude messages.

To define document type exceptions

On Document Selection

  1. Select the document for which you do not want to print messages.

    Figure 8-5 Document Selection window

    Description of Figure 8-5 follows
    Description of ''Figure 8-5 Document Selection window''

  2. On Document Selection, enter N in the field Y/N.