11 Set Up Tax Codes

This chapter contains these topics:

11.1 Setting Up Tax Codes


From Localizations - Brazil (G76B), enter 29

From Localization Setup - Brazil (G76B41B), choose Tax Code Revision

Set up tax codes to define the incidence of tax to the item. The tax codes are assigned to an item in the Item Master table. When you enter a purchase order for the item, the default tax code comes from the Item Master table.

11.1.1 Before you Begin

To set up tax codes

On Tax Code

Figure 11-1 Tax Code Revisions screen

Description of Figure 11-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 11-1 Tax Code Revisions screen''

  1. To set up or locate a specific code, complete the following fields:

    • Tax Code

    • Explanation

  2. To further define the tax specifications for the code, complete the following fields:

    • ICMS Code

    • IPI Code