58 Text Files Creation and Editing

This chapter contains these topics:

58.1 Overview

This process formats data from work files in agreement with Resolution IN86 and creates flat files that can be formatted into a text file to provide to the government authorities.

All the flat files are created with record length of 500 characters. When the content is transferred to PC to create the text file, the user must select the sub string with a length according to specifications from the fiscal authority.

58.2 Main Files

Main files consist of: Accounting transactions, Monthly Account Balances, Vendors / Customers, Goods Register, Merch/Serv F.N.Issued by Comp, Services F.N. Issued by Company, Merch/Serv F.N. Issued by Others, Stock Checking, Inventory Register, and Bill of Material.

58.2.1 Accounting transactions


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 2 - Accounting Transactions

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfiles:

  • Accounting projection (F76B10)

  • Accounts Plan (F76B72)

  • Business Unit/Expenditure (F76B74)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat files:

  • G/L Transactions Output text file (F76B100)

  • Accounts Plan Outfile (F76B720)

  • Business Unit/Expenditure TXT file (F76B740)

The Accounting Transactions program invokes the following DREAM Writers:

  • P76B108 Create G/L transactions TXT files. Establishes conditions on generation of G/L Transactions Output text file - F76B100. Calls P76B728, P76B748, P76B90, and P76B92.

  • P76B728 Chart of Accounts TXT file generation. Establishes conditions on generation of Accounts Plan Outfile - F76B720 by taking records from F76B72. According to P76B728 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B748 Cost Center / Branch Plant TXT file generation. Establishes conditions on generation of Business Unit/Expenditure TXT file - F76B740 by taking records from F76B74. According to P76B728 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B90 Print Control Report. Is called by P76B108, P76B728 or P76B748 according to the value of their Processing Options. Prints the Record Length of the files and the quantity of records that were loaded in the corresponding file.

  • P76B92 Print Consistency Report of TXT files. Is called by P76B108, P76B728 or P76B748 according to the value of their Processing Options. If errors are found, prints data to allow identification of the records and an error message. Error Messages are hardcode into the program. Data Structure

G/L Transactions Output Text File - Record Length 310 - F76B100

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 20 G/L Account Business Unit
21 26 G/L Account Object Account
27 34 G/L Account Subsidiary
35 42 G/L Account Subledger
43 43 G/L Account Subledger Type
44 71 Cost center/Branch Plant
72 83 Credit Account Business Unit
84 89 Credit Account Object Account
90 97 Credit Account Subsidiary
98 105 Credit Account Subledger
106 106 Credit Account Subledger type
107 123 Credit Account Amount
124 124 Credit Account Debit/Credit Flag
125 136 Transaction ID Batch Number
137 141 Transaction ID Document Company
142 143 Transaction ID Document Type
144 151 Transaction ID Document Number
152 158 Transaction ID JE Line Number
159 160 Transaction ID Line Extension Code
161 190 Explanations - Alpha Explanation
191 220 Explanations - Remark Explanation
221 310 Explanations - Filler Accounts Plan Outfile - Record Length 124 - F76B720

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 20 Account Number - Business Unit
21 26 Account Number - Object Account
27 34 Account Number - Subsidiary
35 42 Account Number - Subledger
43 43 Account Number - Subledger Type
44 44 Account Type
45 56 Total Account - Business Unit
57 62 Total Account - Object Account
63 70 Total Account - Subsidiary
71 79 Total Account - Filler
80 109 Total Account - Account description
110 124 Total Account - Filler Business Unit/Expenditure TXT File - Record Length 81 - F76B740

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 20 Cost Center- Business Unit
21 36 Cost Center - Filler
37 66 Cost Center - Account description
67 81 Cost Center - filler

Figure 58-1 Report: Integrity Report - R76B92

Description of Figure 58-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-1 Report: Integrity Report - R76B92''

Figure 58-2 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-2 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-3 Report: DUMPINI100

Description of Figure 58-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-3 Report: DUMPINI100''

Figure 58-4 Report: DUMPFIM100

Description of Figure 58-4 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-4 Report: DUMPFIM100''

Figure 58-5 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-5 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-5 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-6 Report: DUMPINI740

Description of Figure 58-6 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-6 Report: DUMPINI740''

58.2.2 Monthly Account Balances


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 3 - Monthly Account Balances

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfiles:

  • Monthly Account Balances (F76B80)

  • Chart of Accounts Text File (F76B72)

  • Business Unit/Expenditure (F76B74)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat files:

  • Monthly Account Balances (F76B80)

  • Chart of Accounts Text File (F76B72)

  • Business Unit/Expenditure (F76B74)

The Monthly Account Balances program invokes the following DREAM Writers:

  • P76B118 Final generation for Monthly Balances file. Establishes conditions on generation of Monthly Account Balances TXT file - F76B800. Calls P76B728, P76B748, P76B90, and P76B92.

  • P76B728 Chart of Accounts TXT file generation. Establishes conditions on generation of Accounts Plan Outfile - F76B720 by taking records from F76B72. According to P76B728 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B748 Cost Center / Branch Plant TXT file generation. Establishes conditions on generation of Business Unit/Expenditure TXT file - F76B740 by taking records from F76B74. According to P76B728 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B90 Print Control Report. Is called by P76B118, P76B728 or P76B748 according to the value of their Processing Options. Prints the Record Length of the files and the quantity of records that were loaded in the corresponding file.

  • P76B92 Print Consistency Report of TXT files. Is called by P76B118, P76B728 or P76B748 according to the value of their Processing Options. If errors are found, prints data to allow identification of the records and an error message. Error Messages are hardcode into the program. Data Structure

Monthly Account Balances TXT File - Record Length 113 - F76B800

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 20 Analytic Account Business Unit
21 26 Analytic Account Object Account
27 34 Analytic Account Subsidiary
35 42 Analytic Account Subledger
43 43 Analytic Account Subledger Type
44 60 Initial balance amount
61 61 Initial balance Debit/Credit Indicator
62 78 Debits Total Amount
79 95 Credit Total Amount
96 112 Final balance amount
113 113 Final balance Debit/Credit Indicator

Accounts Plan Outfile - Record Length 124 - F76B720

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 20 Account Number - Business Unit
21 26 Account Number - Object Account
27 34 Account Number - Subsidiary
35 42 Account Number - Subledger
43 43 Account Number - Subledger Type
44 44 Account Type
45 56 Total Account - Business Unit
57 62 Total Account - Object Account
63 70 Total Account - Subsidiary
71 79 Total Account - Filler
80 109 Total Account - Account description
110 124 Total Account - Filler

Business Unit/Expenditure TXT File - Record Length 81 - F76B740

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 20 Cost Center- Business Unit
21 36 Cost Center - Filler
37 66 Cost Center - Account description
67 81 Cost Center - filler

Figure 58-7 Report: Integrity Report - R76B92

Description of Figure 58-7 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-7 Report: Integrity Report - R76B92''

Figure 58-8 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-8 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-8 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-9 Report: DUMPINI110

Description of Figure 58-9 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-9 Report: DUMPINI110''

Figure 58-10 Report: DUMPFIM110

Description of Figure 58-10 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-10 Report: DUMPFIM110''

Figure 58-11 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-11 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-11 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-12 Report: DUMPINI740

Description of Figure 58-12 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-12 Report: DUMPINI740''

58.2.3 Vendors / Customers


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 4 - Vendors/Customers

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfiles:

  • Customers and Suppliers (F76B20)

  • Accounts Plan (F76B72)

  • Address Book Registry (F76B70)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat files:

  • G/L Transactions Output text file for A/P and A/R (F76B200)

  • Accounts Plan Outfile (F76B720)

  • Transaction output text file for Address Book Registry (F76B700)

The Vendors/Customers program invokes the following DREAM Writers:

  • P76B208 Final generation on Accounts Receivables and Payables. Establishes conditions on generation of G/L Transactions Output text file for A/P and A/R -- F76B200. Calls P76B728, P76B708, P76B90, and P76B92.

  • P76B728 Chart of Accounts TXT file generation. Establishes conditions on generation of Accounts Plan Outfile - F76B720 by taking records from F76B72. According to P76B728 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B708 Address Book Registry . Establishes conditions on generation of Address Book Registry Outfile - F76B700 by taking records from F76B70. According to P76B708 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B90 Print Control Report. Is called by P76B208, P76B728 or P76B708 according to the value of their Processing Options. Prints the Record Length of the files and the quantity of records that were loaded in the corresponding file.

  • P76B92 Print Consistency Report of TXT files. Is called by P76B208, P76B728 or P76B708 according to the value of their Processing Options. If errors are found, prints data to allow identification of the records and an error message. Error Messages are hardcode into the program. Data Structure

G/L Transactions Output Text File for A/P and A/R - Record Length 210 - F76B200

Start End Description
1 12 Analytic Account Business Unit
13 18 Analytic Account Object Account
19 26 Analytic Account Subsidiary
27 34 Analytic Account Subledger
35 35 Analytic Account Subledger Type
36 49 Analytic Account Code of participant - Address Number
50 51 Operation Date Day
52 53 Operation Date Month
54 55 Operation Date Century
56 57 Operation Date Year
58 107 Remarks
108 124 Operation Amount (17 2)
125 125 Operation Type
126 128 Document Type
129 140 Document Number
141 157 Original Amount
158 159 Emission Date Day
160 161 Emission Date Month
162 163 Emission Date Century
164 165 Emission Date Year
166 167 Due Date Day
168 169 Due Date Month
170 171 Due Date Century
172 173 Due Date Year
174 185 Batch Number
186 210 Invoice Number

Accounts Plan Outfile - Record Length 124 - F76B720

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 20 Account Number - Business Unit
21 26 Account Number - Object Account
27 34 Account Number - Subsidiary
35 42 Account Number - Subledger
43 43 Account Number - Subledger Type
44 44 Account Type
45 56 Total Account - Business Unit
57 62 Total Account - Object Account
63 70 Total Account - Subsidiary
71 79 Total Account - Filler
80 109 Total Account - Account description
110 124 Total Account - Filler

Address Book Registry - Record Length 264 - F76B700

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 22 Address Number
23 36 Tax ID
37 50 Tax ID - Additional
51 64 Municipality Inscription
65 134 Alpha Name
135 174 Address Number 1
175 194 Address Number 2
195 214 Neighborhood
215 234 Township
235 236 State
237 256 Country
257 264 Zip Code

58.2.4 Goods Register


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 5 - Goods Register

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfiles:

  • Assets Registry (F76B63)

  • Accounts Plan (F76B72)

  • Business Unit/Expenditure (F76B74)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat files:

  • Assets Registry TXT (F76B630)

  • Accounts Plan Outfile (F76B720)

  • Business Unit/Expenditure TXT file (F76B740)

The Goods Register program invokes the following DREAM Writers:

  • P76B638 Asset Registry TXT Creation. Establishes conditions on generation of Assets Registry TXT file - F76B630. Calls P76B728, P76B748, P76B90, and P76B92.

  • P76B728 Chart of Accounts TXT file generation. Establishes conditions on generation of Accounts Plan Outfile - F76B720 by taking records from F76B72. According to P76B728 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B748 Cost Center / Branch Plant TXT file generation. Establishes conditions on generation of Business Unit/Expenditure TXT file - F76B740 by taking records from F76B74. According to P76B728 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B90 Print Control Report. Is called by P76B638, P76B728 or P76B748 according to the value of their Processing Options. Prints the Record Length of the files and the quantity of records that were loaded in the corresponding file.

  • P76B92 Print Consistency Report of TXT files. Is called by P76B638, P76B728 or P76B748 according to the value of their Processing Options. If errors are found, prints data to allow identification of the records and an error message. Error Messages are hardcode into the program. Data Structure

Assets Registry TXT - Record Length 333 - F76B630

Start End Description
1 20 Asset Number
21 21 Asset Nature
22 41 Main Asset Number
42 71 Description 1
72 101 Description 2
102 131 Description 3
132 143 Asset Account Business Unit
144 149 Asset Account Object
150 157 Asset Account Subsidiary
158 166 Filler
167 178 Depreciation Account Business Unit
179 184 Depreciation Account Object
185 192 Depreciation Account Subsidiary
193 201 Filler
202 203 Acquisition Date Day
204 205 Acquisition Date Month
206 207 Acquisition Date Century
208 209 Acquisition Date Year
210 212 Document Type
213 217 Document Serial
218 229 Document Number
230 246 Acquisition Amount
247 263 Real Amount
264 278 Filling Number
279 280 Depreciation Date Day
281 282 Depreciation Date Month
283 284 Depreciation Date Century
285 286 Depreciation Date Year
287 291 Depreciation Rate
292 308 Accumulated depreciation
309 325 Depreciation
326 327 Disposal Date Day
328 329 Disposal Date Month
330 331 Disposal Date Century
332 333 Disposal Date Year

Accounts Plan Outfile - Record Length 124 - F76B720

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 20 Account Number - Business Unit
21 26 Account Number - Object Account
27 34 Account Number - Subsidiary
35 42 Account Number - Subledger
43 43 Account Number - Subledger Type
44 44 Account Type
45 56 Total Account - Business Unit
57 62 Total Account - Object Account
63 70 Total Account - Subsidiary
71 79 Total Account - Filler
80 109 Total Account - Account description
110 124 Total Account - Filler

Business Unit/Expenditure TXT File - Record Length 81 - F76B740

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 20 Cost Center- Business Unit
21 36 Cost Center - Filler
37 66 Cost Center - Account description
67 81 Cost Center - filler

Figure 58-13 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-13 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-13 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-14 Report: DUMPINI630

Description of Figure 58-14 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-14 Report: DUMPINI630''

58.2.5 Merch/Serv F.N.Issued by Comp


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 6 - Merch/Serv F.N.Issued by Comp

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfiles:

  • Fiscal Note Master Merchandise/services (F76B81)

  • Fiscal Note Master Merchandise/services - Items (F76B82)

  • Address Book Registry (F76B70)

  • Transaction Nature master file (F76B76)

  • Item list (F76B78)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat files:

  • Fiscal Note Master - text file (F76B300)

  • Fiscal Note Detail - text file (F76B310)

  • Transaction output text file for Address Book Registry (F76B700)

  • Transaction Nature TXT Outfile (F76B760)

  • Item master TXT Outfile (F76B780)

The Merchandise/Services Fiscal Note program invokes the following DREAM Writers:

  • P76B308 Fiscal Notes issued by Company TXT files. Establishes conditions on generation of G/L Transactions Output text file - F76B300. Calls P76B708, P76B768, P76B788, P76B90, and P76B92.

  • P76B708 Address Book Registry. Establishes conditions on generation of Address Book Registry Outfile - F76B700 by taking records from F76B70. According to P76B708 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B768 Transaction Nature Code TXT Outfile. Establishes conditions about generation of Transaction Nature TXT Outfile -- F76B760 by taking records from F76B76 file. According to P76B768 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B788 Item Master TXT Outfile. Establishes conditions about generation of Item Master TXT Outfile -F76B780, by taking records from F76B78 file. According to P76B788 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B90 Print Control Report. Is called by P76B308, P76B708, P76B768 or P76B788 according to the value of their Processing Options. Prints the Record Length of the files and the quantity of records that were loaded in the corresponding file.

  • P76B92 Print Consistency Report of TXT files. Is called by Is called by P76B308, P76B708, P76B768 or P76B788 according to the value of their Processing Options. If errors are found, prints data to allow identification of the records and an error message. Error Messages are hardcode into the program. Data Structure

Fiscal Note Master File - Record Length 349 - F76B300

Start End Description
1 1 Movement Indicator
2 3 Document Template
4 8 Document Serial and Sub serial
9 14 Nota Fiscal Number
15 16 Issue Date Day
17 18 Issue Date Month
19 20 Issue Date Century
21 22 Issue Date Year
23 36 Address Number
37 38 Actual Ship Date Day
39 40 Actual Ship Date Month
41 42 Actual Ship Date Century
43 44 Actual Ship Date Year
45 61 Nota Fiscal Total Amount
62 78 Nota Fiscal Discount
79 95 Nota Fiscal Freight
96 112 Nota Fiscal Insurance
113 129 Accessory Expenses
130 146 IPI Tax
147 163 ICMS Substitute
164 180 Nota Fiscal Total
181 194 Contributor State Reg. Id
195 209 Transport Way
210 223 Carrier Number
224 240 Volumes Quantity
241 250 Volumes Type
251 267 Gross Weight
268 284 Liquid Weight
285 287 Freight Mode
288 302 Transport Truck ID Number
303 303 Cancel Situation Indicator
304 304 Bill Type
305 349 Remark

Fiscal Note Detail - Text File - Record Length 296 - F76B310

Start End Description
1 1 Movement Indicator
2 3 Document Template
4 8 Document Serial and Sub serial
9 14 Nota Fiscal Number
15 16 Issue Date Day
17 18 Issue Date Month
19 20 Issue Date Century
21 22 Issue Date Year
23 25 Item Line Number
26 45 Item
46 90 Description
91 93 Transaction Code
94 99 Transaction Suffix
100 107 Fiscal Classification
108 124 Quantity
125 127 Unit of measure
128 144 Price per unit
145 161 Amount
162 178 Fiscal Note Total Discount
179 179 IPI Tax Indicator - Item
180 184 IPI Tax Rate
185 201 IPI Taxable Amount
202 218 IPI Amount
219 221 ICMS Tax Situation Code
222 222 ICMS Tax Indicator
223 227 ICMS Tax Rate
228 244 ICMS Taxable Amount
245 261 ICMS Amount
262 278 ICMS Substitute Taxable Am.
279 295 ICMS Substitute Amount
296 296 Physical Movement Indicator

Address Book Registry File- Record Length 264 - F76B700

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 22 Address Number
23 36 Tax ID
37 50 Tax ID - Additional
51 64 Municipality Inscription
65 134 Alpha Name
135 174 Address Number 1
175 194 Address Number 2
195 214 Neighborhood
215 234 Township
235 236 State
237 256 Country
257 264 Zip Code

Transaction Nature File - Record Length 59 - F76B760

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 12 Operation Type Code
13 14 Transaction Nature Suffix
15 44 Description
45 59 Filler

Item Master File - Record Length 78 - F76B780

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 33 Item
34 63 Description
64 78 Filler

Figure 58-15 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-15 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-15 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-16 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-16 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-16 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-17 Report: DUMPINI310

Description of Figure 58-17 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-17 Report: DUMPINI310''

Figure 58-18 Report: DUMPFIM310

Description of Figure 58-18 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-18 Report: DUMPFIM310''

Figure 58-19 Report: DUMPFIM300

Description of Figure 58-19 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-19 Report: DUMPFIM300''

Figure 58-20 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-20 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-20 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-21 Report: DUMPINI700

Description of Figure 58-21 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-21 Report: DUMPINI700''

Figure 58-22 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-22 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-22 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-23 Report: DUMPINI760

Description of Figure 58-23 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-23 Report: DUMPINI760''

Figure 58-24 Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-24 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-24 Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-25 Report: DUMPINI780

Description of Figure 58-25 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-25 Report: DUMPINI780''

Figure 58-26 Report: DUMPFIM780

Description of Figure 58-26 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-26 Report: DUMPFIM780''

58.2.6 Services F.N. Issued by Company


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 7 - Services F.N. Issued by Company

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfiles:

  • Services Fiscal Notes (F76B40)

  • Services Fiscal Notes Detail (F76B41)

  • Address Book Registry (F76B70)

  • Item list (F76B78)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat files:

  • Services Notes wo ICMS Header - text file (F76B400)

  • Services Notes wo ICMS Header - text file (F76B400)

  • Services Notes wo ICMS Detail - text file (F76B410)

  • Transaction output text file for Address Book Registry (F76B700)

  • Item master TXT Outfile (F76B780)

The Services Fiscal Note Issued without ICMS program invokes the following DREAM Writers:

  • P76B408 TXT File Services Notes s/ICMS issued by company. Establishes conditions on generation of Fiscal Note Master and Fiscal Note Detail - text files - F76B400 and F76B410. Calls P76B708, P76B788, P76B90, and P76B92.

  • P76B708 Address Book Registry. Establishes conditions about generation of Address Book Registry Outfile - F76B700 by taking records from F76B70. According to P76B708 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports.

  • P76B788 Item Master TXT Outfile. Establishes conditions about generation of Item Master TXT Outfile - F76B780 by taking records from F76B78. According to P76B788 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports.

  • P76B90 Print Control Report. Is called by P76B408, P76B708 or P76B788 according to the value of their Processing Options. Prints the Record Length of the files and the quantity of records that were loaded in the corresponding file.

  • P76B92 Print Consistency Report of TXT files. Is called by P76B408, P76B708 or P76B788 according to the value of their Processing Options. If errors are found, prints data to allow identification of the records and an error message. Error Messages are hardcode into the program. Data Structure

Service Notes wo ICMS Header- Record Length 107 - F76B400

Start End Description
1 5 Document Serial and Sub serial
6 11 Nota Fiscal Number
12 13 Issue Date Day
14 15 Issue Date Month
16 17 Issue Date Century
18 19 Issue Date Year
20 33 Address Number
34 50 Nota Fiscal Total Amount
51 67 Nota Fiscal Discount
68 72 IR Tax Rate
73 89 IR Taxable Amount
90 106 IR Tax Amount
107 107 Cancel Situation Indicator

Services Notes wo ICMS Detail - Text File - Record Length 160 - F76B410

Start End Description
1 5 Document Serial and Sub serial
6 11 Nota Fiscal Number
12 13 Issue Date Day
14 15 Issue Date Month
16 17 Issue Date Century
18 19 Issue Date Year
20 22 Item Line Number
23 42 Item
42 87 Description
88 104 Service Amount
105 121 Service Discount Amount
100 107 Fiscal Classification
122 126 ISS Tax Rate
127 143 ISS Taxable Amount
144 160 ISS Tax Amount

Address Book Registry - Record Length 264 - F76B700

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 22 Address Number
23 36 Tax ID
37 50 Tax ID - Additional
51 64 Municipality Inscription
65 134 Alpha Name
135 174 Address Number 1
175 194 Address Number 2
195 214 Neighborhood
215 234 Township
235 236 State
237 256 Country
257 264 Zip Code

Item Master - Record Length 78 - F76B780

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 33 Item
34 63 Description
64 78 Filler

Figure 58-27 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-27 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-27 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-28 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-28 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-28 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-29 Report: DUMPINI410

Description of Figure 58-29 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-29 Report: DUMPINI410''

Figure 58-30 Report: DUMPFIM410

Description of Figure 58-30 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-30 Report: DUMPFIM410''

Figure 58-31 Report: DUMPINI400

Description of Figure 58-31 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-31 Report: DUMPINI400''

Figure 58-32 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-32 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-32 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-33 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI780

Description of Figure 58-33 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-33 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI780''

Figure 58-34 Report: DUMPFIM780

Description of Figure 58-34 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-34 Report: DUMPFIM780''

58.2.7 Merch/Serv F.N. Issued by Others


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 8 - Merch/Serv F.N.Issued by Other

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from:

  • Master Notes of Goods/Services Emitted by Third Parties (F76B35)

  • Items Notes of Goods/Services Emitted by Third Parties (F76B36)

  • Address Book Registry (F76B70)

  • Transaction Nature master file (F76B76)

  • Item list (F76B78)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat files:

  • Fiscal Note Others - text file (F76B350)

  • Fiscal Note Detail Others- text file (F76B360)

  • Transaction output text file for Address Book Registry (F76B700)

  • Transaction Nature TXT Outfile (F76B760)

  • Item master TXT Outfile (F76B780)

The Merchandise / Services Fiscal Notes Issued by Others invokes the following DREAM Writers:

  • P76B358 Txt creation fiscal notes issued by Thirds. Establishes conditions on generation of Fiscal Note Master and Fiscal Note Detail - text files - F76B400 and F76B410. Calls P76B708, P76B768, P76B788, P76B90, and P76B92.

  • P76B708 Address Book Registry. Establishes conditions about generation of Address Book Registry Outfile - F76B700 by taking records from F76B70. According to P76B708 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports.

  • P76B768 Transaction Nature Code TXT Outfile. Establishes conditions about generation of Transaction Nature TXT Outfile -- F76B760 by taking records from F76B76 file. According to P76B768 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B788 Item Master TXT Outfile. Establishes conditions about generation of Item Master TXT Outfile - F76B780 by taking records from F76B78. According to P76B788 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports.

  • P76B90 Print Control Report. Is called by P76B358, P76B708, P76B768 or P76B788 according to the value of their Processing Options. Prints the Record Length of the files and the quantity of records that were loaded in the corresponding file.

  • P76B92 Print Consistency Report of TXT files. Is called by P76B358, P76B708, P76B768 or P76B788 according to the value of their Processing Options. If errors are found, prints data to allow identification of the records and an error message. Error Messages are hardcode into the program. Data Structure

Fiscal Note Others - Record Length 239 - F76B350

Start End Description
1 2 Document Template
3 7 Document Serial and Sub serial
8 13 Nota Fiscal Number
14 15 Issue Date Day
16 17 Issue Date Month
18 19 Issue Date Century
20 21 Issue Date Year
22 35 Address Number
36 37 Actual Ship Date Day
38 39 Actual Ship Date Month
40 41 Actual Ship Date Century
42 43 Actual Ship Date Year
44 60 Nota Fiscal Total Amount
61 77 Nota Fiscal Discount
78 94 Nota Fiscal Freight
95 111 Nota Fiscal Insurance
112 128 Accessory Expenses
129 145 IPI Tax
146 162 ICMS Substitute
163 179 Nota Fiscal Total
180 193 Contributor State Reg. Id
194 194 Bill Type
195 239 Remark

Fiscal Note Detail Others - Text File - Record Length 309 - F76B360

Start End Description
Start End Description
1 2 Document Template
3 7 Document Serial and Sub serial
8 13 Nota Fiscal Number
14 15 Issue Date Day
16 17 Issue Date Month
18 19 Issue Date Century
20 21 Issue Date Year
22 35 Address Number
36 38 Line Number
39 58 Item
59 103 Description
104 106 Transaction Code
107 112 Transaction Suffix
113 120 Fiscal Classification
121 137 Quantity
138 140 Unit of measure
141 157 Price per unit
158 174 Amount
175 191 Fiscal Note Total Discount
192 192 IPI Tax Indicator - Item
193 197 IPI Tax Rate
198 214 IPI Taxable Amount
215 231 IPI Amount
232 234 ICMS Tax Situation Code
235 235 ICMS Tax Indicator
241 257 ICMS Tax Rate
258 274 ICMS Taxable Amount
275 291 ICMS Amount
292 308 ICMS Substitute Taxable Am.
309 309 Physical Movement Indicator

Address Book Registry - Record Length 264 - F76B700

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 22 Address Number
23 36 Tax ID
37 50 Tax ID - Additional
51 64 Municipality Inscription
65 134 Alpha Name
135 174 Address Number 1
175 194 Address Number 2
195 214 Neighborhood
215 234 Township
235 236 State
237 256 Country
257 264 Zip Code

Transaction Nature - Record Length 59 - F76B760

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 12 Operation Type Code
13 14 Transaction Nature Suffix
15 44 Description
45 59 Filler

Item Master - Record Length 78 - F76B780

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 33 Item
34 63 Description
64 78 Filler

Figure 58-35 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-35 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-35 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-36 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-36 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-36 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-37 Report: DUMPINI360

Description of Figure 58-37 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-37 Report: DUMPINI360''

Figure 58-38 Report: DUMPFIM360

Description of Figure 58-38 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-38 Report: DUMPFIM360''

Figure 58-39 Report: DUMPINI350

Description of Figure 58-39 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-39 Report: DUMPINI350''

Figure 58-40 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-40 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-40 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-41 Report: DUMPINI700

Description of Figure 58-41 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-41 Report: DUMPINI700''

Figure 58-42 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-42 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-42 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-43 Report: DUMPINI760

Description of Figure 58-43 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-43 Report: DUMPINI760''

Figure 58-44 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-44 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-44 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-45 Report: DUMPINI780

Description of Figure 58-45 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-45 Report: DUMPINI780''

Figure 58-46 Report: DUMPFIM780

Description of Figure 58-46 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-46 Report: DUMPFIM780''

58.2.8 Stock Checking


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 9 - Stock Checking

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfiles:

  • Stock Checking (F76B50)

  • Item list (F76B78)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat files:

  • Stock Checking - TXT file (F76B500)

  • Item master TXT Outfile (F76B780)

The Stock Checking program invokes the following DREAM Writers:

  • P76B508 Txt Stock checking. Establishes conditions about generation of Stock Transaction TXT file - F76B500. Calls P76B788, P76B90, and P76B92.

  • P76B788 Item Master TXT Outfile. Establishes conditions about generation of Item Master TXT Outfile -F76B780, by taking records from F76B78 file. According to P76B788 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B90 Print Control Report. Is called by P76B508 or P76B788 according to the value of their Processing Options. Prints the Record Length of the files and the quantity of records that were loaded in the corresponding file.

  • P76B92 Print Consistency Report of TXT files. Is called by P76B508 or P76B788 according to the value of their Processing Options. If errors are found, prints data to allow identification of the records and an error message. Error Messages are hardcode into the program. Data Structure

Stock Transactions TXT File - Record Length 159 - F76B500

Start End Description
1 25 2nd. Item Number
26 26 Document Type Nature
27 29 Document Type
30 34 Document Serial and Sub serial
35 46 Document Number
47 48 G/L Date Day
49 50 G/L Date Month
51 52 G/L Date Century
53 54 G/L Date Year
55 104 Explanation transaction
105 107 Unit of Measure transaction
108 124 Quantity Transaction
125 125 Movement Indicator
126 142 Unit Cost
143 159 Extended Cost Amount
15 44 Description
45 59 Filler

Item Master - Record Length 78 - F76B780

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 33 Item
34 63 Description
64 78 Filler

Figure 58-47 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-47 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-47 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-48 Report: DUMPINI500

Description of Figure 58-48 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-48 Report: DUMPINI500''

Figure 58-49 Report: DUMPFIM500

Description of Figure 58-49 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-49 Report: DUMPFIM500''

Figure 58-50 Report: Integrity Report R76B90

Description of Figure 58-50 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-50 Report: Integrity Report R76B90''

Figure 58-51 Report: DUMPINI780

Description of Figure 58-51 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-51 Report: DUMPINI780''

58.2.9 Inventory Register


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 10 - Inventory Register

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfiles:

  • Registration of stock (F76B51)

  • Item list (F76B78)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat files:

  • Stock Transactions Output TXT file (F76B510)

  • Item master TXT Outfile (F76B780)

The Inventory Register program invokes the following DREAM Writers:

  • P76B518 Generate TXT file of Stock Registry. Establishes conditions about generation of Stock Transactions Output TXT file - F76B510. Calls P76B788, P76B90, and P76B92.

  • P76B788 Item Master TXT Outfile. Establishes conditions about generation of Item Master TXT Outfile -F76B780, by taking records from F76B78 file. According to P76B788 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B90 Print Control Report. Is called by P76B518 or P76B788 according to the value of their Processing Options. Prints the Record Length of the files and the quantity of records that were loaded in the corresponding file.

  • P76B92 Print Consistency Report of TXT files. Is called by P76B518 or P76B788 according to the value of their Processing Options. If errors are found, prints data to allow identification of the records and an error message. Error Messages are hardcode into the program. Data Structure

Stock Transactions Output TXT File - Record Length 71 - F76B510

Start End Description
1 2 Stock Date Day
3 4 Stock Date Month
5 6 Stock Date Century
7 8 Stock Date Year
9 9 Stock Situation
10 34 Item Code
35 37 Unit of measure
38 54 Transaction Quantity
55 71 Total Amount

Item Master TXT Outfile - Record Length 78 - F76B780

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 33 Item
34 63 Description
64 78 Filler

Figure 58-53 Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-53 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-53 Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-54 Report: DUMPINI510

Description of Figure 58-54 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-54 Report: DUMPINI510''

Figure 58-55 Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-55 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-55 Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-56 Report: DUMPINI780

Description of Figure 58-56 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-56 Report: DUMPINI780''

Figure 58-57 Report: DUMPFIM780

Description of Figure 58-57 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-57 Report: DUMPFIM780''

58.2.10 Bill of Material


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 11 - Bill of Material

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfiles:

  • Bill of Material for Reporting Purpose (F76B60)

  • Item List (F76B78)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat files:

  • Bill of material - TXT File (F76B600)

  • Item Master TXT Outfile (F76B780)

The Stock Checking program invokes the following DREAM Writers:

  • P76B608 Bill of Material TXT creation. Establishes conditions about generation of Bill of material - TXT file - F76B600. Calls P76B788, P76B90, and P76B92.

  • P76B788 Item Master TXT Outfile. Establishes conditions about generation of Item Master TXT Outfile -F76B780, by taking records from F76B78 file. According to P76B788 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu.

  • P76B90 Print Control Report. Is called by P76B608 or P76B788 according to the value of their Processing Options. Prints the Record Length of the files and the quantity of records that were loaded in the corresponding file.

  • P76B92 Print Consistency Report of TXT files. Is called by P76B608 or P76B788 according to the value of their Processing Options. If errors are found, prints data to allow identification of the records and an error message. Error Messages are hardcode into the program. Data Structure

Bill of Material TXT File - Record Length 106 - F76B600

Start End Description
1 25 Kit Item Number
26 28 Unit of Measure
29 53 Item Number
54 70 Quantity
71 75 Scrap Percentage
76 78 Unit of Measure
79 80 From Day
81 82 From Month
83 84 From Century
85 86 From Year
87 88 Thru Day
89 90 Thru Month
91 92 Thru Century
93 94 Thru Year
95 106 Branch

Item Master - Record Length 78 - F76B780

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 33 Item
34 63 Description
64 78 Filler

Figure 58-58 Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-58 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-58 Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-61 Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-61 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-61 Integrity Report - R76B90''

58.3 Complementary Files

Complimentary files consist of: Physical / Juridic Person, Chart of Accounts, Cost Center / Branch Plant, Transaction Code, Merchandise / Services, Profit/Discount Codes, Export Transactions, Import Transactions, Payment Sheet, and Employee Register.

58.3.1 Physical / Juridic Person


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 14 - Physical / Juridic Person

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfile:

  • Address Book Registry (F76B70)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat file:

  • Transactions Output text file for Address Book Registry (F76B700)

The Physical / Juridic program invokes the following DREAM Writers:

  • P76B708 Generation of Output file of Address Book Registry. Establishes conditions about generation of Transactions Output text file for Address Book Registry - F76B700. Calls P76B90.

  • P76B90 Print Control Report. Is called by P76B708. Prints the Record Length of the files and the quantity of records that were loaded in the corresponding file. Data Structure

Address Book Registry - Record Length 264 - F76B70

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 22 Address Number
23 36 Tax ID
37 50 Tax ID - Additional
51 64 Manucipality Inscription
65 134 Alpha Name
135 174 Address
175 194 Address
195 214 Neighborhood
215 234 Township
235 236 State
237 256 Country
257 264 Zip Code

Figure 58-64 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-64 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-64 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-65 Report: DUMPINI700

Description of Figure 58-65 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-65 Report: DUMPINI700 ''

58.3.2 Chart of Accounts


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 15 - Chart of Accounts

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfile:

  • Accounts Plan (F76B72)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat file:

  • Accounts Plan Outfile (F76B720)

The Chart of Accounts menu option invokes the following DREAM Writer:

  • P76B728 Chart of Accounts TXT file generation. Establishes conditions on generation of Accounts Plan Outfile - F76B720 by taking records from F76B72. According to P76B728 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. This program can be run separately from the menu. Data Structure

Accounts Plan Outfile - Record Length 124 - F76B72

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 20 Business Unit
21 26 Object Account
27 34 Subsidiary
35 42 Subledger
43 43 Subledger Type
44 44 Account Type
45 56 Business Unit of Total Account
57 62 Object Account of Total Account
63 70 Subsidiary of Total Account
71 79 Filler
80 109 Account description of Total Account
110 124 Filler

Figure 58-66 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-66 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-66 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-67 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI720

Description of Figure 58-67 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-67 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI720''

Figure 58-68 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPFIM720

Description of Figure 58-68 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-68 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPFIM720''

58.3.3 Cost Center / Branch Plant


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 16 - Cost Center / Branch Plant

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfile:

  • Business Unit/Expenditure (F76B74)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat file:

  • Business Unit/Expenditure TXT file (F76B740)

The Monthly Account Balances menu option invokes the following DREAM Writer:

  • P76B748 Cost Center / Branch Plant TXT file generation. Establishes conditions on generation of Business Unit/Expenditure TXT file - F76B740 by taking records from F76B74. According to P76B748 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. Data Structure

Business Unit/Expenditure - Record Length 81 - F76B74

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 20 Cost Center
21 36 Filler
37 66 Description
68 81 Filler

Figure 58-69 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-69 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-69 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-70 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI740

Description of Figure 58-70 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-70 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI740''

58.3.4 Transaction Code


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 17 - Transaction Code

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfile:

  • Transaction Nature master file (F76B76)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat file:

  • Transaction Nature TXT Outfile (F76B760)

The Transaction Code menu option invokes the following DREAM Writer:

  • P76B768 Transaction Nature Code TXT Outfile. Establishes conditions about generation of Transaction Nature TXT Outfile -- F76B760 by taking records from F76B76 file. According to P76B768 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. Data Structure

Transaction Nature - Record Length 59 - F76B76

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 12 Operation Type Code
13 14 Transaction Nature Suffix
15 44 Description
45 59 Filler

Figure 58-71 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-71 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-71 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-72 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI760

Description of Figure 58-72 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-72 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI760''

58.3.5 Merchandise / Services


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 18 Merchandise / Services

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfile:

  • Item list (F76B78)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat file:

  • Item master TXT Outfile (F76B780)

The Merchandise / Services menu option invokes the following DREAM Writer:

  • P76B788 Item Master TXT Outfile. Establishes conditions about generation of Item Master TXT Outfile - F76B780 by taking records from F76B78. According to P76B788 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. Data Structure

Merchandise and Service - Record Length 78 - F76B780

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 33 Item Number
34 63 Item Description
64 78 Filler

Figure 58-73 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-73 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-73 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-74 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI780

Description of Figure 58-74 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-74 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI780''

Figure 58-75 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPFIM790

Description of Figure 58-75 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-75 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPFIM790''

58.3.6 Profit/Discount Codes


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 19 Profit / Discount Codes

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfile:

  • Profit / Discount Code (F76B79)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat file:

  • Profit / Discount Codes TXT file (F76B790)

The Profit / Discount Codes menu option invokes the following DREAM Writer:

  • P76B798 Profit / Discount Codes TXT creation. Establishes conditions about generation of Profit / Discount Codes TXT file - F76B790 by taking records from F76B79. According to P76B798 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. Data Structure

Profit / Discount Codes - Record Length 78 - F76B790

Start End Description
1 2 G/L Date Day
3 4 G/L Date Month
5 6 G/L Date Century
7 8 G/L Date Year
9 11 Profit Discount Code
12 41 Description
42 56 Filler

Figure 58-76 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-76 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-76 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-77 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI790

Description of Figure 58-77 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-77 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI790''

58.3.7 Export Transactions


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 21 Export Transactions

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfile:

  • Export File (F76B44)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat file:

  • Export TXT file (F76B440)

The Export Transactions menu option invokes the following DREAM Writer:

  • P76B448 Generation of Export Final File. Establishes conditions about generation of Export TXT file - F76B440 by taking records from F76B44. According to P76B448 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. Data Structure

Export Transactions - Record Length 44 - F76B440

Start End Description
1 2 Document Template
3 7 Serie/Subserie
8 13 Fiscal Note Number
14 15 Day
16 17 Month
18 19 Century
20 21 Year
22 32 Export Registry
33 44 Export Dispatch

Figure 58-78 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-78 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-78 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-79 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI440

Description of Figure 58-79 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-79 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI440''

58.3.8 Import Transactions


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 22 Import Transactions

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfile:

  • Import File (F76B45)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat file:

  • Import TXT file (F76B450)

The Import Transactions menu option invokes the following DREAM Writer:

  • P76B458 Generation of Import Final File. Establishes conditions about generation of Import TXT file - F76B450 by taking records from F76B45. According to P76B458 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. Data Structure

Import Transactions - Record Length 31 - F76B450

Start End Description
1 2 Document Template
3 7 Serie/Subserie
8 13 Fiscal Note Number
14 15 Day
16 17 Month
18 19 Century
20 21 Year
22 31 Import Declaration Number

Figure 58-80 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-80 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-80 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-81 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI450

Description of Figure 58-81 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-81 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI450''

58.3.9 Payment Sheet


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 23 Payment Sheet

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfiles:

  • Payment Sheet (F76B64)

  • Profit / Discount Code (F76B79)

  • Employee Register (F76B65)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat files:

  • Transactions Output Text file for Payment Sheet (F76B640)

  • Profit / Discount Codes TXT file (F76B790)

  • Employee Registry TXT file (F76B650)

The Payment Sheet menu option invokes the following DREAM Writers:

  • P76B648 Generation of TXT File of Payment Sheet. Establishes conditions about generation of Import TXT file - F76B640 by taking records from F76B64. According to P76B648 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports.

  • P76B798 Profit / Discount Codes TXT Creation. Establishes conditions about generation of Profit / Discount Codes TXT file - F76B790 by taking records from F76B79.

  • P76B658 Employee Register TXT Creation. Establishes conditions about generation of Employee Registry TXT file - F76B650 by taking records from F76B65. Data Structure

Payment Sheet - Record Length 51 - F76B640

Start End Description
1 1 Sheet Type
2 13 Employee Register Number
14 15 Competition Date - Day
16 17 Competitio Date - Month
18 19 Competition Date - Century
20 21 Competition Date - Year
22 23 Payment Date - Day
24 25 Payment Date - Month
26 27 Payment Date - Century
28 29 Payment Date - Year
30 32 Profit Code
33 49 Profit Amount
50 50 Profit Discount Indicator
51 51 IRRF Indicator

Profit / Discount Code - Record Length 56 - F76B790

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 11 Profit Discount Code
21 41 Description
42 56 Filler

Employee Register - Record Length 151 - F76B650

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 20 Employee Register ID
21 34 CPF
35 104 Full Name
105 106 Birth Date - Day
107 108 Birth Date - Month
109 110 Birth Date - Century
111 112 Birth Date - Year
113 114 Admision Date - Day
115 116 Admission Date - Month
117 118 Admission Date - Century
119 120 Admission Date - Year
121 122 Dismissal Date - Day
123 124 Dismissal Date - Month
125 126 Dismissal Date - Century
127 128 Dismissal Date - Year
129 148 Function
149 151 IRRF Dependent Quantity

Figure 58-82 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90 of P76B648

Description of Figure 58-82 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-82 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90 of P76B648''

Figure 58-83 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI640

Description of Figure 58-83 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-83 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI640''

Figure 58-84 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90 of P76B798

Description of Figure 58-84 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-84 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90 of P76B798''

Figure 58-85 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI790

Description of Figure 58-85 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-85 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI790''

Figure 58-86 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90 of P76B658

Description of Figure 58-86 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-86 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90 of P76B658''

Figure 58-87 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI650

Description of Figure 58-87 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-87 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI650''

58.3.10 Employee Register


From Localization - Brazil (G76B), choose 20 - Fiscal Books

From Fiscal Books - Brazil (G76B00), choose 10 - Text Files Creation & Editing

From Text Files Creation & Editing - Brazil (G76B0070), choose 24 Employee Register

This program executes the Text Files Creation and Editing step, taking data from workfile:

  • Employee Register (F76B65)

The data is formatted in agreement with the Fiscal Authority specifications and loaded into flat file:

  • Employee Registry TXT file (F76B650)

The Employee Register menu option invokes the following DREAM Writer:

  • P76B658 Employee Register TXT Creation. Establishes conditions about generation of Employee Registry TXT file - F76B650 by taking records from F76B65. According to P76B658 processing options, prints R76B90 printer file and Dump reports. Data Structure

Employee Register - Record Length 151 - F76B650

Start End Description
1 2 Day
3 4 Month
5 6 Century
7 8 Year
9 20 Employee Register ID
21 34 CPF
35 104 Full Name
105 106 Birth Date - Day
107 108 Birth Date - Month
109 110 Birth Date - Century
111 112 Birth Date - Year
113 114 Admision Date - Day
115 116 Admission Date - Month
117 118 Admission Date - Century
119 120 Admission Date - Year
121 122 Dismissal Date - Day
123 124 Dismissal Date - Month
125 126 Dismissal Date - Century
127 128 Dismissal Date - Year
129 148 Function
149 151 IRRF Dependent Quantity

Figure 58-88 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90

Description of Figure 58-88 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-88 Report: Integrity Report - R76B90''

Figure 58-89 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI650

Description of Figure 58-89 follows
Description of ''Figure 58-89 Report: Integrity Report - DUMPINI650''