3.5 Using a Packaged Apps Only Workspace


This information does not apply to Oracle Database Cloud Service (Database Schema).

This section describes how to request and use a Packaged Apps Only workspace.

3.5.1 What Is a Packaged Apps Only Workspace?

A Packaged Apps Only workspace enables developers to share packaged applications with other developers and administrators. It does not include any access to development tools such as Application Builder or SQL Workshop. A Packaged Apps Only workspace includes the Packaged App Gallery, Packaged App Dashboard, and the Packaged App Administration page.


End users cannot access a Packaged Apps Only workspace. End users can only run existing database or Websheet applications.

3.5.2 Requesting a Packaged Apps Only Workspace

To request a Packaged Apps Only workspace:

  1. In a web browser, navigate to the Oracle Application Express Sign In page.

    The Sign In page appears.

  2. Under Workspace, click Request a Workspace.

    The Request Service Wizard appears.

  3. Select Packaged Apps Only and click Next.

  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    To learn more, see field-level Help.


You can manually control whether a workspace includes development tools, such as Application Builder, by disabling access to development components. See "Configuring Workspace Preferences" and "Managing Component Availability for an Instance" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide.

3.5.3 Signing In To a Packaged Apps Only Workspace

To sign in to a Packaged Apps Only workspace:

  1. Sign in to the Packaged Apps Only workspace.

    The home page appears.

  2. Click an icon:

3.5.4 Using the Packaged App Gallery

To access the Packaged App Gallery:

  1. Sign in to the Packaged Apps Only workspace.

  2. Click the Packaged App Gallery icon.

    The Packaged Apps Gallery appears.

  3. To search for an application, enter search terms in Search field.

  4. Select an application to view.

    The Packaged Application Details page appears. Use this page to view information about a packaged application, install an application, remove an application, or change the authentication of a previously installed packaged application.


Sample packaged applications are not available in a Packaged App Only workspace. Otherwise, the Packaged App Gallery in a Packaged Apps Only workspace works the same as in a full development environment. See "Managing Packaged Applications in a Full Development Environment."

3.5.5 Utilizing Packaged App Administration

This section describes functionality available on the Packaged App Administration page.

See Also:

"Workspace and Application Administration" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide Making a Service Request


Only users with administrator rights can access this functionality.

To make a service request for more storage or to terminate service:

  1. Sign in to the Packaged Apps Only workspace.

  2. Click Packaged App Administration.

  3. Click Make a Service Request.

  4. For Identify the type of service you would like to request, select one of the following:

    • Request Storage

    • Request Termination


      To see the amount of free space available in a workspace, expand Tablespace Utilization and select Detailed Tablespace Utilization Report (may take several seconds).
  5. Follow the on-screen instructions. Setting Workspace Preferences


Only users with administrator rights can access this functionality.

Administrators can configure account login controls on the Set Workspace Preferences page.

To set workspace preferences:

  1. Sign in to the Packaged Apps Only workspace.

  2. Click Packaged App Administration.

  3. Click Set Workspace Preferences.

  4. Under Account Login Control:


    To learn more about any attribute, see field-level Help.
    1. Account Expiration and Locking - Make a selection to determine whether Application Express end user accounts can be expired or locked. This feature applies only to end-user accounts created using the Application Express user management interface.

    2. Maximum Login Failures Allowed - Enter a positive integer for the maximum number of consecutive unsuccessful authentication attempts allowed before an end-user account is locked. If you do not specify a value in this field, the instance-level setting for Maximum Login Failures Allowed is used.

    3. End User Account Lifetime (days) - Enter a positive integer for the maximum number of days an end-user account password may be used before the account expires. If you do not specify a value in this field, the instance-level setting for Account Password Lifetime is used.

  5. Click Apply Changes. Managing Users


Only users with administrator rights can access this functionality. This option is only available in a Packaged Apps Only workspace, but not in full workspace.

Click Manage Users to create new user accounts, manage existing user accounts, and change user passwords.

To manage users in a Packaged Apps Only workspace:

  1. Sign in to the Packaged Apps Only workspace.

  2. Click Packaged App Administration.

  3. Click Manage Users.

    Managing users works the same in a Packaged Apps Only workspace as it does at the workspace-level.

See Also:

"Managing Users in a Workspace" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide Managing Saved Interactive Reports

Click Saved Reports to view and manage interactive reports created by users of packaged applications.

To manage saved interactive reports:

  1. Sign in to the Packaged Apps Only workspace.

  2. Click Packaged App Administration.

  3. Click Saved Reports.

    Managing saved interactive reports works the same in a Packaged Apps Only workspace as it does at the workspace-level.

See Also:

"Viewing and Deleting Saved Interactive Reports" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide Managing Interactive Report Subscriptions

Click Subscriptions to view and manage interactive report subscriptions created by users of packaged applications.

To manage interactive report subscriptions:

  1. Sign in to the Packaged Apps Only workspace.

  2. Click Packaged App Administration.

  3. Click Subscriptions.

    Managing interactive report subscriptions works the same in a Packaged Apps Only workspace as it does at the workspace-level.

See Also:

"Managing Interactive Report Subscriptions" in Oracle Application Express Administration Guide Viewing Activity Reports

Click Application Activity to view a monthly calendar of application activity reporting distinct users and total page views by day.

To view Application Activity report:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.

  2. Click Packaged App Administration.

  3. Click Application Activity. Viewing Page Views

Click Page Views to view an interactive report of each view and detailing the user, elapses time, and page.

To view the Page View report:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.

  2. Click Packaged App Administration.

  3. Click Page Views. Viewing Top Users

Click Top Users to view a report of page views aggregated by user.

To view the Top Users report:

  1. Sign in to Oracle Application Express.

  2. Click Packaged App Administration.

  3. Click Top Users.