Object Security in OFSAAI

Object Security framework is based on water fall model for a user to perform an action on the object in the system. That is, if the user has first level of object access type, there is no need to check the second level whereas if the user does not have the first level, then the second level is checked.

User Authorization

User authorization is derived by access provided to a user for different types of objects. It will be divided to two parts.

To have access to object summary pages, the users should be part of the group which is mapped to Access role type in the system for a specific Infodom. Mapping between User Group-Role(s) and mapping between User groups-Infodom in the system is used to achieve this.

Note: Objects to be displayed in the Summary window for a specific user will be decided by the type of the folder to which the object belongs.

User Scope

User scope is controlled by segment/ folder types with which the object is associated.

Consumption of Higher Objects

For example, consider a Run definition in which a Classification Rule is used. Suppose the classification rule, say X is created in a Public folder called Y and the user belongs to user group UG. Then for the user to use X rule in the Run definition, the user group UG should have mapped to the Rule Read Only role. But if X rule is created in a Shared folder Z, the user group UG should have mapped to the folder Z and to the Rule Read Only role.

User Access Right

User Access Rights are derived by actions allowed for a user to be performed on an object. This is also controlled by the type of the folder/ segment with which the object is associated.

Object Access Type

Object Access Type derives the special functionalities which can be performed on object definitions by a user. It determines whether a user can do operations such as create, view, update, or delete for an object definition.

There are three access types which OFSAAI supports:

  1. Read only

User who creates the object set this property at object level, which will restrict other users to perform Create/Update/Delete operations on the object. Other users can only view the object details.

  1. Read/Write

User who creates the object set this property at object level, which will allow other users to perform Create/Read/Update/Delete operations on the object.

  1. Lock

Object will be locked by setting a flag during maintenance.

Since single user maintenance of an object is too restrictive, an override option is provided through Phantom role type. If the user group to which the user belongs is mapped to the Phantom role type, then the user will be able to perform CRUD operations irrespective of the object access type. Both Phantom and Write roles should be mapped to the user group.

Phantom role can be applied at 2 different levels.

Map the user group to infodom-folder from User Group Domain Map window and map the user group to the Phantom role for the required function from the User Group Role map window. For example, for a user to override object access type, his user group should be mapped to the folder in which the object is created and should have been mapped to the Phantom role, provided the folder in which the object is created is a Public folder. For information on how to do the mapping, see UserGroup Domain Map and UserGroup Role Map sections.

Map the user group to infodom-folder and then map it to the Phantom role for the required function from the User Group Folder Role map window if the folder in which the object is created is a Shared folder. For information on how to do the mapping, see User Group Folder Role Map section.

OFSAA Seeded Security

OFSAA will standardize and seed some of the security measures as per the business needs.

OFSAA Seeded User Groups

OFSAA will seed six user groups with infrastructure as per business as shown in the following table:

Seeded User Group Name


Mapped Roles


Users belonging to this user group have access to see the LHS link. By clicking the link, they can go to summary screen and see objects.


Business User

Users belonging to this user group will have access to LHS menu, Summary page and view the definition.


Read Only

Business Owner

Users belonging to this user group will have access to LHS menu, Summary page and make crud operation on the objects.


Read Only


Business Authorizer

Users belonging to this user group will have access to LHS menu, Summary page; and authorize the crud operations.


Read Only


Business Administrator

Users belonging to this user group will have access to LHS menu, Summary page; make and authorize the crud operations; execute and export definition.


Read Only





Users belonging to this group will have full control of the system.


Read Only





Note the following:

For example, consider a user belongs to Business Owner user group. As per the above table, he has Access, Read Only, and Write roles mapped to him by default. That means, he is assigned the functions such as Link, Summary, View, Add, Edit, Copy, Remove and so on. For a Public folder, he can do all the mentioned functions. However for a Shared folder, he cannot do an action such as Add or Edit unless he is mapped to Write role from the User Group Folder Role Map window.

OFSAA Seeded Roles

OFSAA will seed seven user roles with infrastructure for each object type. All seeded roles can be described as bellow.

Seeded Role Name

Role Type

Mapped Functions





Read Only



























Ignore Access Type

Ignore Lock

For Admin type of roles there will be other seeded roles from SMS module.

OFSAA Seeded Actions and Functions

Action is derived as a user event which triggers a function for a specific object type. Each action and object type combination will give a function.

OFSAA will seed following actions which shall be used by different object types to define its functions.

Seeded Action Name



If this action is mapped to an object the resulting function will give the user access to the LHS link.


Summary action if mapped to an object, the resulting function will give summary page access to the mapped user.


View action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped to the user will give access to view definition page of the object.


Trace action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped to the user will give access to trace definition page of the object.


Add action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped to the user will give access to add definition page of the object.


Edit action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped to the user will give access to edit definition page of the object.


Copy action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped to the user will give access to Copy definition page of the object.


This action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped to the user will give the power to remove the object from the system.


Purge action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped to the user will give access to purge the object data from the system.


Approve action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped to the user will give access to authorize an object by approving the same after any action has been performed.


Approve action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped to the user will give access to authorize an object by rejecting the same after any action has been performed.


Execute action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped to the user will give him the power to execute the object definition.


Export action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped to the user will give access to export definition out of the system.


Archive action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped with any user will give the access to archive a definition.


Restore action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped with any user will give the access to restore any archived definition.


Lock action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped with any user will give the access to lock any definition.


Compare action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped with any user will give the access to compare any definition with another.


Publish action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped with any user will give the access to publish any definition to MDB.


LATEST action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped with any user will give the access to make any authorized version definition of the definition latest.


IGNORE ACCESS action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped with any user will give the access to all the definitions to ignore the access right given by a user.


IGNORE LOCK action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped with any user will give the access to all the definitions to ignore the lock status given by a user.


ADVANCED action if mapped to an object, resulting function if mapped with any user will give the access to object specific special functionality.