User Group Domain Map

User Group Domain Map facilitates System Administrators to view the available user groups and map the required Domain to User Group(s). System Administrators can also remove user group mapping for specific domain or map additional domains to a specific user group to ensure confidentiality of restricted Information Domains.

You can access User Group Domain Map screen by expanding User Administrator section within the tree structure of LHS menu. The User Group Domain Map screen displays a list of available user groups in alphabetical order with the User Group ID. Group Name and Description. On selecting a user group, the list of available mapped domains are displayed.

NOTE: It is mandatory to map at least one information domain to a user group.

You can search for specific user group based on User Group ID, Group Name, and Description. For more information, refer Pagination and Search & Filter.

To map a User Group to a Domain, do the following:

  1. Select the checkbox adjacent to the required User Group ID.
    The User Group Domain Map screen is refreshed to display the existing mapped domains.

  2. Click button in the Mapped Domains section tool bar.
    The User Group Domain Map screen is displayed.

  3. In the User Group Domain Map screen, you can search for a Domain using the Search field and edit the mapping.

  4. Click OK to save the mappings and return to User Group Domain Map screen.

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