
This section of the document consists of information related to intermediate actions that needs to be performed while completing a task. The procedures are common to all the sections and are referenced wherever required. You can refer to the following sections based on your need.


RDBMS or relational database management system stores data in the form of tables along with the relationships of each data component. The data can be accessed or reassembled in many different ways without having to change the table forms.

RDBMS data source lets you define the RDBMS engine present locally or on a remote server using the FTP access. RDBMS can be defined to connect to any of the RDBMS such as Oracle, Sybase, IBM DB2, MS SQL Server and any RDBMS through native connectivity drivers or ODBC.

Passing Runtime parameters in Data Mapping/ Data File Mapping

The following Parameters are supported in Expressions, Joins and Filters used in the Data Mapping definition.

Apart from the above $Parameters, any other parameter can be passed within Square-Brackets. For example, [PARAM1], [PARAM2], [XYZ], [ABCD].

Additionally, L2H/H2H/T2H/H2T/F2H mappings also support following additional default parameters. Values for these are implicitly passed from ICC/RRF.

Note: The aforementioned parameters are not supported for T2T and F2T.

Two additional parameters are also supported for L2H mappings:

Passing values to the Runtime Parameters from the RRF module:

Passing values to the Runtime Parameters from the Operations module

Note:  If the Runtime parameter is a string or involves string comparison, ensure that appropriate single quotes are given in the DI UI. For example, Filter Condition can be   DIM_COUNTRY.CountryName = ‘[PARAMCNTRY]’.

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Real Application Clusters (RAC) allows multiple computers to run RDBMS software simultaneously while accessing a single database and providing a clustered database.

In an Oracle RAC environment, two or more computers (each with an instance) concurrently access a single database. This allows an application or user to connect to either of the computer and have access to a single coordinated set of data. RAC addresses areas such as fault tolerance, load balancing, and scalability.

Handling Partitioned Target Tables

Data loading into a partitioned Hive/Impala target table is supported. The partitioned columns are indicated using a superscript P in the DI Mapping window.

You can set a static value to a partitioned column from the AAI_FCT_PARTITION table. If it is set, you can view it from the DI Mapping window by pointing the mouse over the column name. You need not to map the target column to any source column. If you map a source column to a target partitioned column which already has a static value, the static value will get precedence.

If no static value is set to a partitioned column, you can pass a dynamic partitioned valued. You should map a source column to the target partitioned column. If there is no mapping and static value is not set, the empty or blank is passed as the partition value. Hive defaults the partition to _HIVE_DEFAULT_PARTITON_.  There is no loss of data in the non-partitioned columns.


Prescripts are fired on a Hive connection, before firing a select from or insert into a hive table. While defining Prescript, note the following:

All validations applicable in the UI are checked on execution also. If a prescript fails any of the validations or if there is an error in firing the pre-script, the load operation is exited.

Note: For H2T, the Prescript is fired on the source.

Dynamic Table Creation

This option allows you to create a new table on the fly if the target Information Domain of the Data Mapping or Data File Mapping definition is based on HDFS database. You can use the newly created table for mapping. The newly created table will be part of the OFSAAI data model and it is made visible and available to all other modules.  

You cannot create a table with partition.

To dynamically create a table

  1. From the DI Mapping window, click in the Target Entities pane. The Create Table window is displayed.

  2. Enter a table name and click Generate.  The new table name is displayed on the Target Entities pane.

  3. Select the required attributes from the Definition pane and map them to the new Table in the Target Entities pane by clicking button.

  4. After defining all mappings, click Save. The table will be created in the HDFS/ HIVE system, with the structure/data types of the mapped columns and it will be added to the metadata repository (both database xml and the object registration tables). The newly created table will be available for use in other metadata like Datasets, Hierarchies, and so on.

Flat File Types

A Flat File is a text and binary file which contains data in a single line, i.e. one physical record per line. For example, a list of names, addresses, and phone numbers. Flat Files are of two types namely, Delimated File and Fixed Width File.

Table Classification

DQ rules can be defined on a table is decided by a new Servlet parameter ENABLE_CLASSIFICATION, which is present in the web.xml file.

If ENABLE_CLASSIFICATION is set to Y, any tables with classification code 340 can be selected as base table for DQ rule definition. This is the old behavior.

If ENABLE_CLASSIFICATION is set to N, then irrespective of the classification any table can be selected as base table for DQ rule definition.

Workspace Options

The workspace option consists of the various elements available in the user interface to help you in selecting an option or to navigate to a specific location on the page. The available workspace options are discussed in detail.

Search and Filter

The Search and Filter option in the user interface helps you to find the required information. You can enter the nearest matching keywords to search, and filter the results by entering information in the additional fields.

For example, if you are in the User Maintenance screen and need to search for administrator details, enter the User ID and filter the results by specifying either the Name or Profile Description or both. The search results are always filtered based on the additional information you provide.

You can click to start a search and to reset the search fields.

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The Pagination toolbar as indicated below is available in the user interface screen and helps you to navigate through the display grid. The toolbar displays the total number of available list items and the number of list items displayed in the current view.

In the pagination toolbar, you can do the following:

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Customize work area

You can use the interface options to customize and auto adjusted the work area.

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Calendar icon in the user interface helps you to specify a date in the DD/MM/YYYY format by selecting from the pop-up calendar. You can navigate to the specific month or year by using the arrow buttons or select using the drop down list. When you click on the required date the details are auto updated in the date field.

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Function Mapping Codes

The following table lists the function codes with their description to help you identify the user functions who needs to access the Infrastructure system and map roles appropriately.

Function Code

Function Name

Function Description


Run Adapters

The user mapped to this function will have rights to run OFSAAI adapters


Add Process tree

The user mapped to this function can add the process tree


Add Rule

The user mapped to this function can add the rules


Add Run

The user mapped to this function can add the run


Administration Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Administration Screen


Access to Advanced drill through

The User mapped to this function will have access to Advanced Drill through


Add Cube

The user mapped to this function can add cubes


Authorize Cube

The user mapped to this function can authorize cubes


Delete Cube

The user mapped to this function will have rights to delete cubes


Modify Cube

The user mapped to this function can modify cubes


View Cube

The user mapped to this function can view cubes


Add Alias

The user mapped to this function can add Alias


Authorize Alias

The user mapped to this function can authorize Alias


Delete Alias

The user mapped to this function will have rights to delete Alias


Modify Alias

The user mapped to this function can modify Alias


View Alias

The user mapped to this function can view Alias


Application Server Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Application Server Screen


Authorize Process Tree

The user mapped to this function can authorize Process Tree


Authorize RDM

The user mapped to this function can authorize RDM


Authorize Rule

The user mapped to this function can authorize the rule


Authorize Run

The user mapped to this function can authorize run


Add Attributes

The user mapped to this function can add Hierarchy Attributes


Authorize Attributes

The user mapped to this function can authorize Hierarchy Attributes


Delete Attributes

The user mapped to this function can delete Hierarchy Attributes


Modify Attributes

The user mapped to this function can add Hierarchy Attributes


View Attributes

The user mapped to this function can view Hierarchy Attributes


Audit Trail Report Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Audit Trail Report Screen


Authorize Map(s)

The user mapped to this function can AUTHORIZE Map definitions


Metadata Authorize Screen

The user mapped to this function can see Authorization Screen


Batch Processing

The user mapped to this function will have rights to process batch


Authorize BBs

The user mapped to this function can authorize BBs


Batch Group Creation

The user mapped to this function will have rights to Creating Batch Group


Batch Group Execution

The user mapped to this function will have rights to Execute Batch Group


Batch Group Monitor

The user mapped to this function will have rights to Monitor Batch Group Execution


Batch Group Restart

The user mapped to this function will have rights to Restart Batch Group Execution


Add Business Processor

The user mapped to this function can add business processors


Authorize Business Processor

The user mapped to this function can authorize business processors


Delete Business Processor

The user mapped to this function can delete business processors


Modify Business Processor

The user mapped to this function can modify business processors


View Business Processor

The user mapped to this function can view business processors


Cash Flow Equation Definition

The user mapped to this function can view/add  the Cash Flow Equation definitions



The user mapped to this function will have access to configuration details


Add Computed Measure

The user mapped to this function can add computed measures


Computed Measure Advanced

The user mapped to this function will have rights to the advanced options of computed measure


Authorize Computed Measure

The user mapped to this function can authorize computed measures


Delete Computed Measure

The user mapped to this function will have rights to delete computed measures


Modify Computed Measure

The user mapped to this function can modify computed measures


View Computed Measures

The user mapped to this function can view computed measures



The user mapped to this function can Add RDM


Create Map

The user mapped to this function can CREATE/SAVEAS Map definitions


Document Management Access

The user mapped to this function can use Document Management APIS via Callable Services Framework


Call Remote Web Services

The user mapped to this function can call web services configured in the Callable Services Framework


Refresh Hierarchies

The user mapped to this function can refresh hierarchies through the Callable Services Framework


Execute Runs - Rules

The user mapped to this function can execute runs and rules through the Callable Services Framework


Remote SMS Access

The user mapped to this function can access SMS APIS through the Callable Services Framework


Remote UMM Access

The user mapped to this function can access UMM APIS through the Callable Services Framework


Result of request - Status of all

The user mapped to this function can access requests status through the Callable Services Framework


Result of own request only

The user mapped to the function can access own requests status using Callable Services Framework


Add Dataset

The user mapped to this function can add datasets


Authorize Dataset

The user mapped to this function can authorize datasets


Delete Dataset

The user mapped to this function will have rights to delete datasets


Modify Dataset

The user mapped to this function can modify datasets


View Dataset

The user mapped to this function can view datasets


Authorize DBs

The user mapped to this function can authorize DBs


Database Details

The user mapped to this function will have access to database details


Database Server

The user mapped to this function will have access to Database Server details


Add Derived Entities

The user mapped to this function can add derived entities


Authorize Derived Entities

The user mapped to this function can authorize derived entities


Delete Derived Entities

The user mapped to this function can delete derived entities


Modify Derived Entities

The user mapped to this function can modify derived entities


View Derived Entities

The user mapped to this function can view derived entities


Defi Administrator

The user mapped to this function will have Defi Administration rights


DeFi Excel

DeFi Excel


Defq Administrator

The user mapped to this function will have Defi Administration rights


Defq User

The user mapped to this function will have Defi user rights


Defi User

The user mapped to this function will have Defi user rights


Delete Process

The user mapped to this function can the process


Delete RDM

The user mapped to this function can delete RDM


Delete Rule

The user mapped to this function can delete the rules


Delete Run

The user mapped to this function can delete the run


Delete Map

The user mapped to this function can DELETE Map definitions


Design RDM

The user mapped to this function can design RDM


Design Reveleus Menu Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Design Reveleus Menu Screen


Add Dimension

The user mapped to this function can add dimensions


Authorize Dimension

The user mapped to this function can authorize dimensions


Delete Dimension

The user mapped to this function will have rights to delete dimensions


Modify Dimension

The user mapped to this function can modify dimensions


View Dimension

The user mapped to this function can view dimensions


Data Quality Add

This function is for Data Quality Map applet


Data Quality Add Rule

The user mapped to this function can add DQ Rule


Data Quality Authorization Rule

The user mapped to this function can authorize DQ Rule


Data Quality Copy Rule

The user mapped to this function can copy DQ Rule


Data Quality Delete Rule

The user mapped to this function can delete DQ Rule


Data Quality Edit Rule

The user mapped to this function can edit DQ Rule


Data Quality Add Rule Group

The user mapped to this function can add DQ Rule Group


Data Quality Copy Rule Group

The user mapped to this function can copy DQ Rule Group


Data Quality Delete Rule Group

The user mapped to this function can delete DQ Rule Group


Data Quality Edit Rule Group

The user mapped to this function can edit DQ Rule Group


Data Quality Execute Rule Group

The user mapped to this function can execute DQ Rule Group


Data Quality View Rule Group

The user mapped to this function can view DQ Rule Group


Data Quality View Rule

The user mapped to this function can view DQ Rule


Enable User Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Enable User Screen


DI Designer

Defining Application, Extract, Flat-File, Mapping



Data Quality Rules and Data Transformation


DI User

The user mapped to this function will be a Data Integrator user


Export Metadata

The user mapped to this function can Export Metadata


Alerts Administrator

The user mapped to this function can define admin mode rules


Alerts User

The user mapped to this function will be an Alerts user


Function Maintenance Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Function Maintenance Screen


Function Role Map Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Function Role Map Screen


Fusion Add Attributes

The user mapped to this function can Create New Attributes


Fusion Copy Attributes

The user mapped to this function can Copy Attributes


Fusion Attributes - View Dependent Data

The user mapped to this function can View Dependent Data for Attributes


Fusion Delete Attributes

The user mapped to this function can Delete Attributes


Fusion Edit Attributes

The user mapped to this function can Edit Attributes


Fusion Attribute Home Page

The user mapped to this function can view Attribute Home Page


Fusion View Attributes

The user mapped to this function can View Attributes


Fusion Add Expressions

The user mapped to this function can Create New Expressions


Fusion Copy Expressions

The user mapped to this function can Copy Expressions


Fusion View Dependency Expressions

The user mapped to this function can View Dependent Data for Expressions


Fusion Delete Expressions

The user mapped to this function can Delete Expressions


Fusion Edit Expressions

The user mapped to this function can Edit Expressions


Fusion Expressions Home Page

The user mapped to this function can view Expressions Home Page


Fusion View Expressions

The user mapped to this function can View Expressions


Fusion Add Filters

The user mapped to this function can Create New Filters


Fusion Copy Filters

The user mapped to this function can Copy Filters


Fusion Filters - View Dependent Data

The user mapped to this function can View Dependent Data for Filters


Fusion Delete Filters

The user mapped to this function can Delete Filters


Fusion Edit Filters

The user mapped to this function can Edit Filters


Fusion Filters Home Page

The user mapped to this function can view Filters Home Page


Fusion Filters - View SQL

The user mapped to this function can view SQL for Filters


Fusion View Filters

The user mapped to this function can View Filters


Fusion Add Hierarchies

The user mapped to this function can Create New Hierarchies


Fusion Copy Hierarchies

The user mapped to this function can Copy Hierarchies


Fusion Hierarchies - View Dependent Data

The user mapped to this function can View Dependent Data for Hierarchies


Fusion Delete Hierarchies

The user mapped to this function can Delete Hierarchies


Fusion Edit Hierarchies

The user mapped to this function can Edit Hierarchies


Fusion Hierarchy Home Page

The user mapped to this function can view Hierarchy Home Page


Fusion Hierarchies to UMM Mapping

The user mapped to this function can Map Fusion Hierarchies to UMM Hierarchies


Fusion View Hierarchies

The user mapped to this function can View Hierarchies


Fusion Add Members

The user mapped to this function can Create New Members


Fusion Copy Members

The user mapped to this function can Copy Members


Fusion Members - View Dependent Data

The user mapped to this function can View Dependent Data for Members


Fusion Delete Members

The user mapped to this function can Delete Members


Fusion Edit Members

The user mapped to this function can Edit Members


Fusion Member Home Page

The user mapped to this function can view Member Home Page


Fusion View Members

The user mapped to this function can View Members


Object Migration Create Migration Ruleset

The user mapped to this function can Create Migration Ruleset


Object Migration Source Configuration

The user mapped to this function can manipulate Source Configuration


Object Migration Copy Migration Ruleset

The user mapped to this function can Object Migration Edit Migration RulesetCopy Migration Ruleset


Cancel Migration Execution

The user mapped to this function can Cancel migration execution


Object Migration Delete Migration Ruleset

The user mapped to this function can Delete Migration Ruleset


Object Migration Edit Migration Ruleset

The user mapped to this function can Edit Migration Ruleset


Object Migration Home Page

The user mapped to this function can Object Migration Link


Execute/Run Migration Process

The user mapped to this function can Run the migration process


Object Migration ViewSource Configuration

The user mapped to this function can view Source Configuration


Object Migration View Migration Ruleset

The user mapped to this function can View Migration Ruleset


SQL Rule Add

This function is for SQL Rule Add


SQL Rule Copy

This function is for SQL Rule Copy


SQL Rule Delete

This function is for SQL Rule Delete


SQL Rule Edit

This function is for SQL Rule Edit


SQL Rule Run

This function is for SQL Rule Run


SQL Rule View

This function is for SQL Rule View


GMV Definition

The user mapped to this function can view/add  the General Market Variable definitions


Menu for Guest User

Menu for Guest User


Add Hierarchy

The user mapped to this function can add hierarchies


Authorize Hierarchy

The user mapped to this function can authorize hierarchies


Delete Hierarchy

The user mapped to this function will have rights to delete hierarchies


Modify Hierarchy

The user mapped to this function can modify hierarchies


View Hierarchy

The user mapped to this function can view hierarchies


Holiday Maintenance Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Holiday Maintenance Screen


Hierarchy Security

The user mapped to this function will have access to hierarchy security settings


Import Business Model

The user mapped to this function can import business models


Import Metadata

The user mapped to this function can Import Metadata


Information Domain

The user mapped to this function will have access to Information Domain details


Authorize KPIs

The user mapped to this function can authorize KPIs


Locale Desc Upload Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Locale Desc Upload Screen


Metadata Difference Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Metadata Difference Screen


Model Authorize

The user mapped to this function can Authorize Model Maintenance


Model Calibration

The user mapped to this function can view/add  the Model Calibration screen


Model Make Champion

The user mapped to this function can view the Champion Challenger screen


Model Definition

The user mapped to this function can view/add the Model definitions


Model Deployment

The user mapped to this function can access the Model Deployment screen


Model Execution

The user mapped to this function can access the Model Execution screen


Model Outputs

The user mapped to this function can view the Model Outputs


Metadata Segment Map

The user mapped to this function will have rights to perform metadata segment mapping


View Metadata

The user mapped to this function can access metadata browser


Modify Process Tree

The user mapped to this function can modify Process Tree


Modify RDM

The user mapped to this function can Modify RDM


Modify Rule

The user mapped to this function can modify the rules


Modify Run

The user mapped to this function can modify run


Modify Map

The user mapped to this function can SAVE Map definitions


Add Measure

The user mapped to this function can add measures


Authorize Measure

The user mapped to this function can authorize measures


Delete Measure

The user mapped to this function will have rights to delete measures


Modify Measure

The user mapped to this function can modify measures


View Measure

The user mapped to this function can view measures


Authorize Nested Views

The user mapped to this function can authorize Nested Views


OLAP Details Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the OLAP Details Screen


Create Batch

The user mapped to this function will have rights to define batches


Batch Cancellation

The user mapped to this function can Cancel Batch


Delete Batch

The user mapped to this function will have rights to delete batches


Execute Batch

The user mapped to this function will have rights to run, restart and rerun batches


Batch Monitor

The user mapped to this function will have rights to monitor batches


Optimizer Add

The user mapped to this function can view/add the Optimizer definitions


Optimizer Delete

The user mapped to this function can delete the Optimizer definitions


Add Oracle Cube

The user mapped to this function can add Oracle cubes


Authorize Oracle Cube

The user mapped to this function can authorize Oracle cubes


Delete Oracle Cube

The user mapped to this function will have rights to delete Oracle cubes


Modify Oracle Cube

The user mapped to this function can modify Oracle cubes


View Oracle Cube

The user mapped to this function can view Oracle cubes


Authorize Pages

The user mapped to this function can authorize Pages


Pooling Add

The user mapped to this function can view/add the Pooling definitions


Pooling Delete

The user mapped to this function can delete the Pooling definitions


PR2 Screens

The user mapped to this function can access PR2 screens


Profile Maintenance Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Profile Maintenance Screen


Authorize Reports

The user mapped to this function can authorize Reports


Restricted Passwords Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Restricted Passwords Screen


Rules Setup Configuration Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Rules Setup Configuration Screen


Role Maintenance Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Role Maintenance Screen


Rule Shock Definition

The user mapped to this function can define the rule shocks


Sandbox Authorize

The user mapped to this function can Authorize a Sandbox Maintenance


Sandbox Creation

The user mapped to this function can view/add  the Sandbox definitions


Sandbox Maintenance

The user mapped to this function can view the Sandbox Maintenance


Save Metadata Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Save Metadata Screen


Scenario Definition

The user mapped to this function can define the scenarios


Business Analyst User Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the business analyst user screen


Access to Designer

The User mapped to this function will have access to Designer


Operator Console

The user mapped to this function will have access to the operator console


Portal User

The user mapped to this function will be a portal user


Access to Runner

The User mapped to this function will have access to Runner


System Administrator Screen

The user mapped to this function can access system administrator screens


Access to Viewer

The User mapped to this function will have access to Viewer


Access to Operational Risk

The user mapped to this function can access Operational Risk


Segment Maintenance Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Segment Maintenance Screen


Stress Definition

The user mapped to this function can define the stress


System Administrator

The user mapped to this function will be a system administrator


System Authorizer

The user mapped to this function will be a system authorizer


Authorize Templates

The user mapped to this function can authorize Templates


Access to Transfer Ownership

The User mapped to this function will have access to Transfer Portal Objects


Access to My Tasks

The user mapped to this function can access My Tasks


User Group Domain Map Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the User Group Domain Map Screen


User Group Maintenance Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the User Group Maintenance Screen


User Group User Map Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the User Group User Map Screen


User Group Role Map Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the User Group Role Map Screen


User Activity Reports Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the User Activity Reports Screen


User Authorization Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the User Authorization Screen


User Attribute Upload Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the User Attribute Upload Screen


User-Batch Execution Mapping Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the User-Batch Execution Mapping Screen


User Maintenance Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the User Maintenance Screen


User Profile Report Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the User Profile Report Screen


Variable Definition

The user mapped to this function can view/add the Variable definitions.


Variable Shock Definition

The user mapped to this function can define the variable shocks


Variable Transformation

The user mapped to this function can view and add the Variable Transformation screen


View log

The user mapped to this function will have rights to view log


View Process

The user mapped to this function can view the process tree definitions


View Rule

The user mapped to this function can view the rules definitions


View Run

The user mapped to this function can view the run definitions



The user mapped to this function can view main LHS menu


Authorize Views

The user mapped to this function can authorize Views


View RDM

The user mapped to this function can view RDM


VariableSet Definition

The user mapped to this function can define the variablesets


Web Server Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Web Server Screen


Write-Protected Batch Screen

The user mapped to this function can access the Write-Protected Batch Screen


Excel Admin

The user mapped to this function can define Excel Mapping


Excel User

The user mapped to this function can Upload Excel Data

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Role Mapping Codes

By default, the following roles are defined within the Infrastructure application:

Role Code

Role Name

Role Description


CWS Administrator

CWS Administrator Role


DEFQ Manager

Data Entry Forma and Query Manager Role


DQ Rule Admin

Data Quality Rule Admin Role


ETL Analyst

ETL Analyst Role


Metadata Authorizer

Metadata Authorizer Role


Oracle Cube Administrator

Oracle Cube Administrator Role


PR2 Administrator

PR2 Administrator Role


System Administrator

System Administrator Role


Fusion AMHM Admin

Fusion Dimension Maintenance Admin Role


Fusion AMHM UMM Map Admin

Fusion UMM Maintenance Admin Role


System Authorizer

System Authorizer Role


Business Analyst

Business Analyst Role


Fusion Expressions Admin

Fusion Expressions Admin Role


Fusion Filters Admin

Fusion Filters Admin Role


Object Migration Admin

Object Migration Maintenance Admin Role


Data Centre Manager

Operator Console Role


SQL Rule Admin

SQL Rule Administrator Role

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Function Role Mapping

The default roles are mapped to the following functions within the Infrastructure application.


Function Mappings

Business Analyst

Add Alias

Add Attributes

Add Business Processor

Add Computed Measure

Add Cube

Add Dataset

Add Derived Entities

Add Dimension

Add Hierarchy

Add Measure


Alias Admin

Authorize Hierarchy

Authorize Attributes

Authorize Dataset

Authorize Dimension

Authorize Measure

Business Analyst User Screen

Call Remote Web Services

Cash Flow Equation Definition

Computed Measure Advanced

Defi Administrator

Defi User

Delete Alias

Delete Attributes

Delete Business Processor

Delete Computed Measure

Delete Cube

Delete Dataset

Delete Derived Entities

Delete Dimension

Delete Hierarchy

Delete Measure

Delete RDM

Design RDM

Document management Access

Excel Admin

Excel User

Execute Runs and Rules

Export Metadata

GMV Definition

Hierarchy Attributes

Import Business Model

Import Metadata

Model Calibration

Model Definition

Model Deployment

Model Execution

Model Make Champion

Model Outputs

Modify Alias

Modify Attributes

Modify Business Processor

Modify Computed Measure

Modify Cube

Modify Dataset

Modify Derived Entities

Modify Dimension

Modify Hierarchy

Modify Measure

Modify RDM

Optimizer Add

Optimizer Delete

Pooling Add

Pooling Delete

Refresh Hierarchies

Remote SMS Access

Result of own request only

Result of Request and Status of all

Rule Shock Definition

Sandbox Creation

Sandbox Maintenance

Scenario Definition

Stress Definition

Variable Definition

Variable Shock Definition

View Alias

View Attributes

View Business Processor

View Computed Measures

View Cube

View Dataset

View Derived Entities

View Dimension

View Hierarchy

View Measure

View Metadata

View RDM

CWS Administrator

Call Remote Web Services

Document Management Access

Execute Runs - Rules

Refresh Hierarchies

Remote SMS Access

Remote UMM Access

Result of own request only

Result of request - Status of all

Data Centre Manager

Batch Cancellation

Batch Group Creation

Batch Group Execution

Batch Group Monitor

Batch Group Restart

Batch Monitor

Batch Processing

Create Batch

Delete Batch

Execute Batch

Operator Console

View log

DEFQ Manager

DeFi Excel

Defq User

Defq Administrator

DQ Rule Admin

Data Quality Delete Rule

Data Quality Authorization Rule

Data Quality Add Rule

Data Quality Edit Rule

Data Quality Copy Rule

Data Quality Execute Rule Group

Data Quality View Rule Group

Data Quality Copy Rule Group

Data Quality Delete Rule Group

Data Quality Add Rule Group

Data Quality View Rule

Data Quality Edit Rule Group

ETL Analyst

DI Designer


Data Quality Add

DI User

Fusion AMHM Admin

Fusion Add Attributes

Fusion Add Hierarchies

Fusion Add Members

Fusion Attribute Home Page

Fusion Attributes - View Dependent Data

Fusion Copy Attributes

Fusion Copy Hierarchies

Fusion Copy Members

Fusion Delete Attributes

Fusion Delete Hierarchies

Fusion Delete Members

Fusion Edit Attributes

Fusion Edit Hierarchies

Fusion Edit Members

Fusion Hierarchies - View Dependent Data

Fusion Hierarchy Home Page

Fusion Member Home Page

Fusion Members - View Dependent Data

Fusion View Attributes

Fusion View Hierarchies

Fusion View Members

Fusion AMHM UMM Map Admin

Fusion Hierarchies to UMM Mapping

Fusion Expressions Admin

Fusion Add Expressions

Fusion Copy Expressions

Fusion Delete Expressions

Fusion Edit Expressions

Fusion Expressions Home Page

Fusion View Dependency Expressions

Fusion View Expressions

Fusion Filters Admin

Fusion Add Filters

Fusion Copy Filters

Fusion Delete Filters

Fusion Edit Filters

Fusion Filters - View Dependent Data

Fusion Filters - View SQL

Fusion Filters Home Page

Fusion View Filters

Infrastructure Administrator


Database Details

Database Server

Hierarchy Security

Information Domain

Metadata Segment Map

Operator Console

Infrastructure Administrator

Infrastructure Administrator Screen

Metadata Authorizer

Authorize Alias

Authorize Attributes

Authorize BBs

Authorize Business Processor

Authorize Computed Measure

Authorize Cube

Authorize Dataset

Authorize DBs

Authorize Derived Entities

Authorize Dimension

Authorize Hierarchy

Authorize KPIs

Authorize Measure

Authorize Nested Views

Authorize Pages

Authorize Process Tree

Authorize RDM

Authorize Reports

Authorize Rule

Authorize Run

Authorize Templates

Authorize Views

Metadata Authorize Screen

Model Authorize

Sandbox Authorize

View Alias

View Attributes

View Business Processor

View Computed Measures

View Cube

View Dataset

View Derived Entities

View Dimension

View Hierarchy

View Measure

View Process

View RDM

View Rule

View Run

Object Migration Admin

Cancel Migration Execution

Execute/Run Migration Process

Object Migration Copy Migration Ruleset

Object Migration Create Migration Ruleset

Object Migration Delete Migration Ruleset

Object Migration Edit Migration Ruleset

Object Migration Home Page

Object Migration Source Configuration

Object Migration View Migration Ruleset

Object Migration ViewSource Configuration

Oracle Cube Administrator

Add Dataset

Add Dimension

Add Hierarchy

Add Measure

Add Oracle Cube

Authorize Oracle Cube

Business Analyst User Screen

Delete Oracle Cube

Modify Dataset

Modify Dimension

Modify Hierarchy

Modify Measure

Modify Oracle Cube

View Alias

View Dataset

View Dimension

View Hierarchy

View Measure

View Oracle Cube

PR2 Administrator

Access to Process

Access to Rule

Access to Run

Add Process tree

Add Rule

Add Run

Delete Process

Delete Rule

Delete Run

Modify Process Tree

Modify Rule

Modify Run

PR2 Screens

View Process

View Rule

View Run

SQL Rule Admin

SQL Rule Edit

SQL Rule View

SQL Rule Add

SQL Rule Run

SQL Rule Delete

SQL Rule Copy

System Administrator

Administration Screen

Application Server Screen

Audit Trail Report Screen

Batch Cancellation

Batch Monitor


Database Details

Database Server

Design OFSAAI Menu Screen

Enable User Screen

Function Maintenance Screen

Function Role Map Screen

Hierarchy Security

Holiday Maintenance Screen

Information Domain

Locale Desc Upload Screen

Metadata Difference Screen

Metadata Segment Map

OLAP Details Screen

Operator Console

Restricted Passwords Screen

Role Maintenance Screen

Rules Setup Configuration Screen

Save Metadata Screen

Segment Maintenance Screen

System Administrator

System Administrator Screen

User Activity Reports Screen

User Attribute Upload Screen

User Group Domain Map Screen

User Group Maintenance Screen

User Group Role Map Screen

User Group User Map Screen

User Maintenance Screen

User Profile Report Screen

User-Batch Execution Mapping Screen

View log

Web Server Screen

Write-Protected Batch Screen

System Authorizer

Administration Screen

Infrastructure Administrator Screen

Profile Maintenance Screen

System Administrator Screen

System Authorizer

User Authorization Screen

Note: To access an object, the respective Group or Role needs to be mapped instead of functions.

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SMS Auto Authorization

If auto authorization is enabled, the system authorizer needs not to manually authorize the user- user group mapping, user group-domain mapping, user group-role mapping and user group-role-folder mapping. The mappings get authorized automatically.  

To enable auto authorization

  1. Execute the following query in the Configuration Schema:


  1. Restart the OFSAA server.

Task Component Parameters

Components are individual functional units that are put together to form a process. Task Component Parameters reflect the parameters that are being applied to the selected task. Each component triggers its own set of processes in the back-end to achieve the final output.

Click on the following components to view the tabulated view of the parameters required for each of them:




Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

The unique combination of the Datastore Name and the Datastore Type determine the physical machine on which the task will be executed. It is assumed that the user gives the correct information else task invocations may fail at runtime.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired IP address.

Cube Parameter

Refers to the cube identifier as defined through the Business Metadata (Cube) menu option. Click the field in the Value column to select the cube code.


Refers to the operation to be performed. Click the drop-down list in the Value field to select the Operation. The available options are ALL, GENDATAFILES and GENPRNFILES.

Optional parameters

Refers to the additional parameter that has to be processed during runtime. You can specify the runsk value that should be processed as a runtime parameter during execution. By default, the value is set to "null".

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Component: CREATE CUBE



Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

The unique combination of the Datastore Name and the Datastore Type determine the physical machine on which the task will be executed. It is assumed that the user gives the correct information else task invocations may fail at runtime.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired IP address.

Cube Parameter

Refers to the cube identifier as defined through the Business Metadata (Cube) menu option. Click the field provided in the Value column to select the cube code.


Refers to the operation to be performed. Click the drop down list to select the Operation.

  • ALL - This option will execute BUILDDB and DLRU.

  • BUILDDB - This option should be used to build the outline in Essbase Cube. The outline is built based on the parentage file(s) contents.

  • TUNEDB - This option should be used to analyze data and optimize cube settings. For example, if you are trying to achieve the best block size, where 64K bytes is the ideal size.

  • PROCESSDB - This option will execute BUILDDB and DLRU, and is same as All option. Selecting this option will internally assign as ALL.

  • DLRU -  This option should be used to Load Data in the Essbase Cube and trigger a Rollup.

  • ROLLUP - ROLLUP refers to populating data in parent nodes based on calculations (E.g. Addition). This option should be used to trigger just the ROLLUP option where in the CALC scripts are executed. The same is applicable for DLRU option also.

  • VALIDATE - This option will validate the outline.

  • DELDB - This option will delete the Essbase cube.

  • OPTSTORE - This option will create the Optimized outline for the cube.

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Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

The unique combination of the Datastore Name and the Datastore Type determine the physical machine on which the task will be executed. It is assumed that the user gives the correct information else task invocations may fail at runtime.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired IP address.

Source Name

Identifies the Source from which the Extract is derived. This is defined in the Define Source Screen of Data Integrator. Select the source name from the drop down list.

Extract Name

Identifies the extract file definition file for the given source. This is defined in the Define Extract screen of Data Integrator.

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Component: LOAD DATA



Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

The unique combination of the Datastore Name and the Datastore Type determine the physical machine on which the task will be executed. It is assumed that the user gives the correct information else task invocations may fail at runtime.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired IP address.

Load Mode

Refers to the mode which user wants to work, which means the user, can transfer data from Table to Table or File to Table.

Source Name

Identifies the Source from which the extract is derived. This is defined in the Define Source Screen of Data Integrator. Select the source name from drop down list.

File Name

Identifies the Data File Mapping (F2T) definition name or Data Mapping (T2T) definition name as defined for the given source. This can be different from the data file. File Name is defined in the Data File Mapping window (F2T) or Data Mapping (T2T) window of Data Management Tools framework. Select the file name from the drop down list.

Data File Name

The data filename refers to the .dat file that exists in the database. Specifying Data File Name is mandatory for F2T definition and optional in case of T2T definition. If the file name or the .dat file name is incorrect, the task fails during execution.

Default Value

Used to pass values to the parameters defined in Load Data Definition.

You can pass multiple runtime parameters while defining a batch by specifying the values separated by 'comma'.

For example, $MIS_DATE=value,$RUNSKEY=value,[DLCY]=value and so on.

Note the following:

  • The parameters can either be specified with $ or within [ ]. For example, $RUNSKEY=value or [RUNSKEY]=value. When the definition is saved from the UI, no value is assigned to these parameters and these are just passed for syntax correctness only. Actual values will be passed to these parameters while defining an ICC batch or a RUN.

  • The list of valid Default Parameters are:

    • RUNID- Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2

    • PHID- Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2

    • EXEID- Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2

    • RUNSK- Data type is Integer and can be mapped to VARCHAR2 or INTEGER.

    • SYSDATE- Data type is Date and can be mapped to DATE, VARCHAR2.

    • TASKID- Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2

    • MISDATE- Data type is Date and can be mapped to DATE, VARCHAR2.

Note: RUNID, PHID, EXEID, RUNSK, MISDATE are implicitly passed through RRF. Rest must be explicitly passed.

    • EXEC_ENV_SOURCE- This parameter is used to replace the source of the T2T, T2H, H2T or H2H definition during run time, provided the structure of the source in the mapping definition is same as that of the replacing source. Thus you can convert a T2T definition into H2T or T2H into H2H or H2H into T2H. But the resultant definition should not be T2T, which is not supported.

For example, [EXEC_ENV_SOURCE]=newSourceName

  • EXEC_ENV_TARGET- This parameter is used to replace the target of the T2T, T2H, H2T or H2H definition during run time, provided the structure of the target in the mapping definition is same as that of the replacing target. Thus you can convert a T2T definition into T2H or H2T into H2H or H2H into H2T. But the resultant definition should not be T2T, which is not supported.

For example, [EXEC_ENV_TARGET]=newTargetName

Note: You can use both EXEC_ENV_SOURCE and EXEC_ENV_TARGET together as well. Only limitation is the resultant definition should not be T2T.

Note: If you are converting a mapping definition to T2H using EXEC_ENV_SOURCE/EXEC_ENV_TARGET, there is no provision in UI to specify the Split By Column/Generic Options. In such scenarios, execution via Sqoop may fail, when the split by column is defaulted to a string/date column.

    • EXECUTION_ENGINE_MODE- This parameter is used to execute H2H on Spark. For example, [EXECUTION_ENGINE_MODE]=SPARK

    •  CLOSE_SPARK_SESSION- This parameter is used to close the Spark session after executing the last H2H-Spark task in the batch.

In a batch execution, a new Spark session is created when the first H2H-Spark task is encountered, and the same Spark session is reused for the rest of the H2H-Spark tasks in the same run. For the Spark session to close at the end of the run, user needs to set the CLOSE_SPARK_SESSION to YES in the last H2H-spark task in the batch.


    • SRCHINT- This parameter is used to provide Source Hints. For example, [SRCHINT]=FIRST_ROWS(2)

Note that the value should not contain : /*+   */. Only the content should be given. 

    • SRCPRESCRIPT- This parameter is used to provide Source Prescript. For example, [SRCPRESCRIPT]=

Note: ALTER keyword is not supported. 

  • TARGETHINT- This parameter is used to provide Target Hints. For example, [TARGETHINT]=FIRST_ROWS(2)

Note that the value should not contain : /*+   */. Only the content should be given. 

    • TARGETPRESCRIPT- This parameter is used to provide Target Prescript. For example, [TARGETPRESCRIPT]=

Note: ALTER keyword is not supported. 

Apart from these, L2H/H2H/T2H/H2T/F2H data mappings also support following additional default parameters. Values for these are implicitly passed from ICC/RRF.

    • $MISDT_YYYY-MM-DD - Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be the MISDATE in ‘yyyy-MM-dd‘ format.

    • $MISYEAR_YYYY - Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be the year value in ‘yyyy‘ format from MISDATE.

    • $MISMONTH_MM - Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be the month value in ‘MM‘ format from MISDATE.

    • $MISDAY_DD - Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be the date value in ‘dd‘ format from MISDATE.

    • $SYSDT_YYYY-MM-DD- Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be the System date in ‘yyyy-MM-dd‘ format.

    • $SYSHOUR_HH24 - Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be the hour value in ‘HH24‘ format from System date.

Note: The aforementioned parameters are not supported for T2T and F2T.

  • Only those variable which start with $ or [, will be replaced at run time and the value of this variable will be equal to anything starting after “=” and ending before comma “,”.

For example, if $DCCY/[DCCY] =’USD’, $RUNSKEY=1, then the replaced value in query for $DCCY will be ‘USD’ and for $RUNSKEY will be 1.

  • If you are using “RUNSKEY” parameter in ICC Batch, then ensure that you specify the value of it instead of specifying $RUNSKEY / [RUNSKEY]. For example, FCT_STANDARD_ACCT_HEAD.N_RUN_SKEY=’$RUNSKEY’. Since the value of RUNSKEY will not be replaced during runtime.

  • If there are quotes specified in parameter name, then ensure not to use quotes while defining the expression or vice versa to avoid SQL errors. For example, if the parameter name is $DCCY=’USD’ and the expression is defined using ‘$DCCY’ instead of $DCCY, then the final value will be ‘ ‘USD’ ’.

  • When you execute a RUN, the run is always tagged with a RUNSK value (a unique value for each run fired directly from the RRF). You might have a DERIVED COLUMN in your T2T with expression like $RUNSK. If you execute this T2T through a RUN, a unique RUNSK value is passed implicitly to the T2T engine, which then assigns that value wherever $RUNSK is found. But if you try to execute the T2T through ICC, then you need to explicitly pass a $RUNSK as a parameter so that the T2T engine can use it.

Two additional parameters are now supported for L2H mappings:

  • [INCREMENTALLOAD] – Specify the value as TRUE/FALSE. If set to TRUE, historically loaded data files will not be loaded again (load history is checked against the definition name, source name, target infodom, target table name and the file name combination). If set to FALSE, the execution is similar to a snapshot load, and everything from the source folder/file will be loaded irrespective of load history.

  • [FOLDERNAME] – Value provided will be used to pick up the data folder to be loaded.

    • For HDFS based Weblog source: Value will be suffixed to HDFS File Path specified during the source creation.

    • For Local File System based Weblog source:  By default the system will look for execution date folder (MISDATE: yyyymmdd) under STAGE/<source name>. If the user has specified the FOLDERNAME for this source, system will ignore the MISDATE folder and look for the directory provided as [FOLDERNAME].

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Component: MODEL



Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

The unique combination of the Datastore Name and the Datastore Type determine the physical machine on which the task will be executed. It is assumed that the user gives the correct information else task invocations may fail at runtime.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired IP address.

Model Code

Refers to the model that has to be processed. This is a system generated code that is assigned at the time of model definition.


The All definition for the Operation field conveys the process of extracting the data from the flat files and applying the run regression on the data extracted.

For Batches that are being built for the first time the data will be extracted from the flat files and the run regression will be applied on it.

Optional Parameters

Refers to the set of parameters specific to the model that has to be processed. This set of parameters is automatically generated by the system at the time of definition.

You must NOT define a Model using the Define mode under Batch Scheduling.  You must define all models using the Modeling framework menu.

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This component will combine all the rules to create single or multiple merge queries. Only rules defined on the same dataset can be merged. For creation of queries the current order of the rules inside the process or sub-process will be taken into consideration. Following validations are performed to determine single or multiple DMLs for merging Rules that is, validation on subsequent rules.

All the merge queries created after satisfying all the conditions will be executed in a single transaction.

Note the following:



Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired IP address.

Process Code

Display the codes of the RRF Processes defined under the selected Infodom.

Sub Process Code

Display the codes of the Sub Processes available under the selected Process.

Build Flag

Select the required option from the drop down list as “Yes” or “No”.

Build Flag refers to the pre-compiled rules, which are executed with the query stored in database. While defining a Rule, you can make use of Build Flag to fasten the Rule execution process by making use of existing technical metadata details wherein the rule query is not rebuilt again during Rule execution.

Built Flag status set to “No” indicates that the query statement is formed dynamically retrieving the technical metadata details. If the Build Flag status is set to “Yes” then the relevant metadata details required to form the rule query is stored in database on “Save” of a Rule definition. When this rule is executed, database is accessed to form the rule query based on stored metadata details, thus ensuring performance enhancement during Rule execution. For more information, refer Significance of Pre-Built Flag.

Optional Parameters

Refers to the set of parameters which would behave as filter criteria for the merge query.

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Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired IP address.

Rule Code

Display the codes of the RRF Rules defined under the selected Infodom.

Build Flag

Select the required option from the drop down list as "Yes" or "No".

Build Flag refers to the pre-compiled rules, which are executed with the query stored in database. While defining a Rule, you can make use of Build Flag to fasten the Rule execution process by making use of existing technical metadata details wherein the rule query is not rebuilt again during Rule execution.

Built Flag status set to "No" indicates that the query statement is formed dynamically retrieving the technical metadata details. If the Build Flag status is set to "Yes" then the relevant metadata details required to form the rule query is stored in database on "Save" of a Rule definition. When this rule is executed, database is accessed to form the rule query based on stored metadata details, thus ensuring performance enhancement during Rule execution. For more information, refer Significance of Pre-Built Flag.

Optional Parameters

Refers to the set of parameters which would behave as filter criteria for the merge query.

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Component: RUN DQ RULE



Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

The unique combination of the Datastore Name and the Datastore Type determine the physical machine on which the task will be executed. It is assumed that the user gives the correct information else task invocations may fail at runtime.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired IP address.

DQ Group Name

Refers to the Data Quality Groups consisting of associated Data Quality Rule definition(s). Select the required DQ Group from the drop down list.

Rejection Threshold

Specify the percentage of Rejection Threshold (%) limit in numeric value. This refers to the maximum percentage of records that can be rejected in a job. If the percentage of failed records exceeds the Rejection Threshold, the job will fail. If the field is left blank, the default the value is set to 100%.

Additional Parameters

Specify the Additional Parameters as filtering criteria for execution in the pattern Key#Data type#Value; Key#Data type#Value;...etc.

Here the Data type of the value should be "V" for Varchar/Char, or "D" for Date with "MM/DD/YYYY" format, or "N" for numeric data. For example, if you want to filter some specific region codes, you can specify the Additional Parameters value as $REGION_CODE#V#US;$CREATION_DATE#D#07/06/1983;$ACCOUNT_BAL#N#10000.50;

Note: In case the Additional Parameters are not specified, the default value is fetched from the corresponding table in configuration schema for execution.

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Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

The unique combination of the Datastore Name and the Datastore Type determine the physical machine on which the task will be executed. It is assumed that the user gives the correct information else task invocations may fail at runtime.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired IP address.


Refers to the executable path on the DB Server. The Executable parameter contains the executable name as well as the parameters to the executable. These executable parameters have to be specified as they are specified at a command line. In other words, the Executable parameter is the exact command line required to execute the executable file.

The path to the executable has been entered in quotes. Quotes have to be used if the exe name has a space included in it. In other words, the details entered here should look exactly as you would enter it in the command window while calling your executable. The parameter value is case-sensitive. So, ensure that you take care of the spaces, quotes and case. Also, commas are not allowed while defining the parameter value for executable.


When the file is being executed you have the choice to either wait till the execution is complete or proceed with the next task. Click the drop down list to select either Yes or No. Clicking Yes confirms that you wish to wait for the execution to be complete. Clicking No indicates that you wish to proceed.

Batch Parameter

There are four Batch Parameters in the screen: Batch Id, BatchRun Id, Infodate and Infodom. Click the drop-down list to select either Yes or No. Clicking Yes would mean that the Batch parameters are also passed to the executable being started. Else, the Batch parameters will not be passed to the executable.

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Component: SQLRULE



Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

The unique combination of the Datastore Name and the Datastore Type determine the physical machine on which the task will be executed. It is assumed that the user gives the correct information else task invocations may fail at runtime.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired IP address.


Refers to the location where the SQL Rule definition resides. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired Folder.

SQL Rule Name

Refers to the defined SQL rule. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the SQL Rule.

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Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

The unique combination of the Datastore Name and the Datastore Type determine the physical machine on which the task will be executed. It is assumed that the user gives the correct information else task invocations may fail at runtime.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired IP address.

Rule Name

Refers to the Data transformation name that was defined in the Post Load Transformation screen of Data Integrator framework. Select the rule name from the drop down list.

Parameter List

Is the list of parameters defined in Data Transformation check the parameters must be in the same order as in the definition and must be separated by a comma (","). Irrespective of the data type of the parameter defined in the procedure, the parameter specified through the front-end does not require to be specified within quotes ('  ').

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Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

The unique combination of the Datastore Name and the Datastore Type determine the physical machine on which the task will be executed. It is assumed that the user gives the correct information else task invocations may fail at runtime.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired IP address.

Variable Shock Code

Refers to the variable shock that has to be processed. This is a system generated code that is assigned at the time of variable shock definition.


Refers to the operation to be performed. Click the drop-down list in the Value field to select the Operation. The available options are ALL, GENDATAFILES and GENPRNFILES.

Optional Parameters

Refers to Process ID and the User ID. Click in the text box adjacent to the Optional Parameters field and enter the Process ID and User ID.

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Component: DIH Connector



Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

The unique combination of the Datastore Name and the Datastore Type determine the physical machine on which the task will be executed. It is assumed that the user gives the correct information else task invocations may fail at runtime.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the Value drop-down list to select the desired IP address.


Select the DIH Connector you want to execute from the drop-down list. This list displays all published connectors.


Enter the required Runtime parameters for the connector.

For example, MISDATE=’10-Jan-2015’

Note the following points:

  • If there are multiple parameters, they can be passed by separating them with a comma.

For example: MISDATE=’10-Jan-2015’,BATCHID=22015

  • MISDATE and BATCH ID can also be passed dynamically so that it is loaded from Batch Execution Screen as follows:


In the preceding example, the date format appended to MISDATE has to conform to Simple Date Format. If no date format is specified, the default date format used is yyyymmdd.

  • If variables are being used as part of connector mappings or filter expressions, they should be passed within single quotes as follows:

For example: MISDATE=‘$MISDATE:dd-MM-yyyy’, BATCHID=‘$BATCHID’

  • If the date format is expected in dd-MON-yyyy format, then in Batch Task it has to be specified in the following format. Note the difference in month format in the following example:

For example: MISDATE=‘$MISDATE:dd-MMM-yyyy’

  • If parameter is used in connector filter expression for an EDD of source type Hive, date format is expected in yyyy-MM-dd format.

For example: MISDATE=‘$MISDATE:yyyy-MM-dd’

Note: This is only applicable if the patch (Bug - 24487929) is applied.

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Component: Workflow Execution



Datastore Type

Refers to the type of data store such as Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) which refers to the Multi-dimensional Database/Cubes.

Datastore Name

Refers to the name of the Information Domain. Click the drop down list in the Value column to select the Information Domain.

The unique combination of the Datastore Name and the Datastore Type determine the physical machine on which the task will be executed. It is assumed that the user gives the correct information else task invocations may fail at runtime.

IP Address

Refers to the IP Address of the machine on which Infrastructure Database Components have been installed. Click the drop down list box in the Value column to select the desired IP address.

Object ID

Enter an object ID of your choice. This ID will appear as Entity ID in the Process Monitor window.


Select the workflow you want to execute from the drop-down list. It displays all the workflows defined in the Process Modeller window.

Optional Parameters

Enter the value you want to pass to the Dynamic Parameters of the Run Task during the execution of the workflow.

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<BATCH BATCHNAME="Name of the Batch" NOOFTASKS="Total no of tasks in the Batch" SYSTEMLOCALE="The locale of the system where the batch is defined " INFODOMAIN="The Information domain where the batch is defined" REVUSER="User who defined the batch" DEFTYPE="To Identify whether the XML file describes a batch definition or run (can take values 'D' in case of definition and 'R' in case of run)">

<RUNINFO REVUID="Batch Run ID" EXTUID="External Unique ID for the Batch Run" BATCHSTATUS="Status of the Batch Run" INFODATE="The info Date for the system" LAG="Defines the Lag for the Batch"/>


<PARAMETER name="IP ADDRESS" value="A.B.C.D">

<PARAMETER name="Source Name" value="RemoteSrc">











<PARAMETER name="EXECUTABLE" value="">

<PARAMETER name="WAIT" value="Y">











<PARAMETER name="Source Name" value="CardSrc">

<PARAMETER name="Extract Name" value="Extract1">











The valid values for FILTER are:

Filter Status










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AAI support for R Scripts and Oracle R Enterprise (ORE) Statistical Functions

Data usage when R script is used entirely

While defining a model scripted in R, user can select Dataset and Variables to assign data (table columns) to the R/ ORE objects used within the script. AAI framework will prepare data from the dataset,  variables and other attributes like filters chosen for the model and will make the same available as user specified R objects/ frames.

No specific treatment is required in the script for using the data. User can just have an R data.frame object say ‘GDP’ and a variable (table.column) assigned to it and use ‘GDP’ as is in the script.

Data usage when ORE native implementation is employed - AAI Specifics to be considered

The data which is prepared from the dataset and variables as explained in the previous section, will be available in this case as a named ORE ore.frame object (‘OFSDATASET’) when ORE native implementations are used (that is, when the Is ORE implementation used? checkbox is selected). Hence, the R objects(data) must always be accessed through the ore.frame object ‘OFSDATASET’.

For instance, if two objects say ‘x’ and ‘y’ are used and dataset/ variables are chosen for ‘x’ and ‘y’ in the model definition, then the objects ‘x’ and ‘y’ should be accessed in the script as ‘OFSDATASET$x’ and ‘OFSDATASET$y’ respectively.

An illustration to explain the R and ORE cases is given in the following section:-

For a simple regression model which is entirely scripted in R, that uses a dataset and three variables (DependentVariable, IndependentVariable1 and IndependentVariable2), the user should not select the Is ORE implementation used? checkbox. In this case the R script is as follows:

art.mod<-lm(DependentVariable ~ IndependentVariable1 + IndependentVariable2)


coef( art.summ )

art.summ[[ "r.squared" ]]

#do some line plots

new.x.datafrme = data.frame(x=seq(from=range(IndependentVariable1)[ 1 ],to=range( IndependentVariable1)[2],length=length(DependentVariable)))


Here the variables chosen for the model are accessed directly in the script as IndependentVariable1, IndependentVariable2 and DependentVariable.

Whereas for a parallel ORE implementation of the same (a dataset and three variables DependentVariable, IndependentVariable1 and IndependentVariable2) using ORE statistical functionalities, user must check the Is ORE implementation used? checkbox and the script is as folllows:

art.mod<-ore.lm(DependentVariable ~ IndependentVariable1 + IndependentVariable2, data=OFSDATASET)


coef( art.summ )

art.summ[[ "r.squared" ]]

#do some line plots

new.x.orefrme = data.frame(x=seq(from=range(OFSDATASET$IndependentVariable1 )[ 1 ],to=range(OFSDATASET$IndependentVariable1)[2],length= length(OFSDATASET$DependentVariable)))

#perform some operations on the new data

Here the variables chosen for the model are accessed from OFSDATASET as OFSDATASET$IndependentVariable1, OFSDATASET$IndependentVariable2, OFSDATASET$DependentVariable.

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Data Handling

It is highly recommended that data required from the database should be pulled through the framework provided mechanism, that is, using dataset and variables and not with any explicit DB connections. This ensures proper security, authenticity, and auditing.

Auditing is enabled in the definition windows by introducing audit trials that captures and displays the user details and the date of creation/ modification, along with comments.

For instance, here is a sample script where data is fetched from the DB directly (not through framework). This way of accessing the database resident data in a model is not recommended.


qry<-"select EventLoss as Y, CardType as X1, AccBalance as X2, CustSalary as X3 from CustTable where  Default= 'Y' "

res<- dbSendQuery(con, qry)



#Model Logic

NewRegModel<-lm(Y~X1+X2+X3, data= OperationalData)



Here is how a script for the same purpose can be created for accessing data via framework dataset and variables. Define ‘EventLoss’, ‘CardType’, ‘AccBalance’ and ‘CustSalary’ from the table ‘CustTable’ as variables in the AAI framework. While defining the model, select these variables and assign them to R objects (the R names used within the script) say, ‘IndepVariable1’, ‘IndepVariable2’, ’IndepVariable3’ and ‘DepVar’ from the Configure Inputs window.

#Assuming EventLoss, CardType, AccBalance, CustSalary from #CustTable are defined as variables in a data set, and that #dataset is selected for variable assignments to the respective R #variable names: Y, X1, X2 and X3.

NewRegModel<-lm(DepVar ~ IndepVariable1+ IndepVariable2+ IndepVariable3)

#The variables are made directly available to the R

#environment by the framework




R processing log that captures script processing information, any warnings, errors or exceptions from the script, gets generated in the database server at '$ORACLE_HOME/dbs', since the R executable runs completely on the database server. Purging of the files is recommended at a regular basis.

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Prediction Techniques



Regression Techniques

Generalized Linear Mixed Models with Gamma Errors

Generalized Linear Mixed Models with Gaussian Errors

Linear Regression

Logistic Regression

Linear Regression with Mixed Effects - ML

Linear Regression with Mixed Effects - REML

Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization

Poisson Regression

Stepwise Regression


K-means and Boundary Based Prediction

Discriminant Analysis

Hierarchical Clustering

Classification and Regression Trees


Factor Analysis

Principal Component Extraction Method

Time Series


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Model Parameters

The grid in the Model Details section displays the various parameters applicable when a technique is selected. It is mandatory to update the required information in the input parameters and the displayed parameters vary depending on the technique selected. Some of the common input parameter types are explained below.

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In the Filter tab, you can add multiple non-time hierarchy members as filters.

  1. In the Model Definition screen, click button from the Filters toolbar. The Filter browser is displayed.

  2. Select the required filter or hierarchy from the list and click . The selected filter is added to the Selected Hierarchies pane.

  3. Click OK. The selected Filters are displayed in the grid.

Filters can be applied to both Production and Sandbox Information Domains. Select the required option Apply in Production or Apply in Sandbox to apply the filter in the required information domain.

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For R scripted Technique:

The variables you have declared in the R script of the technique are displayed under the Configure Script Variables pane.

  1. Select a variable from the Available Variables pane by expanding the required variable type and a variable in the Configured Script Variables pane, and click Map. The mapping details are displayed in the Variable-Mapping grid. To unmap, select the variable from the Configured Script Variables pane and click Unmap.

Note the following:

  1. From the Input Parameters grid, select the Evaluation Type from the drop-down list. You can execute model on complete set of records in the dataset, on a group of records or on a set of rows.

Note: For Evaluation Type as Row, graphical output (plot) is not supported and the number of records processed is five times the value given in the Number of Rows field. These are limitations.

  1. All single value parameters declared in the technique are displayed. Displays the Value if it was given while defining the technique. Else enter the appropriate value.

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Include Scripts

This tab is used to source already defined algorithms to your script.

  1. Select the required algorithms/ scripts from the Scripts List tree and click .

You can view the scripts by selecting the script and clicking .

  1. After adding scripts, you can position the scripts as required by selecting it and clicking and .


For R Scripted Techniques and For Script Based Models

The Outputs tab allows you to store the output values computed during the model execution to a table in your atomic schema by mapping the output value to a variable, which you have defined through the Variables Definition window. This is supported only for record level outputs. Additionally, you can create a new table to store the output if it is a dataframe, vector or matrix.

NOTE: You can view the Outputs tab only after declaring Output variables (## Output -->)in the model script.

1.      From the Outputs tab, click corresponding to the decalred output varibale whose value you want to map to a variable. The Variable Browser window is displayed.

2.      Select the appropriate variable and click Ok.

3.      Select the checkbox corresponding to Store in New Table if you want to create a new table to store the output. New table name is <<Outputname>>_<<ModelID>>_<<Version Number>>. The combined length should not be more than 30. So ensure the Output name does not have any special characters.

Note the following limitations:

         Creating new tables for storing the model outputs is supported only for scripted models, executed using ORE engine.

         New table creation may not work for Evaluation type selected as Group and Row.

Note: For models executed using ORE engine, you can map only row level outputs to variables.


Consider the following script where outputs are not configured. Then the framework output will be just the graphical output. The output tree will not be formed as there are no non-graphical results. That is, when the outputs are not chosen by the user, then the framework reports the last line’s output as the only default output.

Note that the plots are always produced.

##  ---------DECLARATION------------

## Variable --> DepVar,IndepVar1,IndepVar2

## Single Value Parameter -->

## Multi Value Parameter -->

## Output -->

##  --------------------------------

art.mod<-lm(DepVar ~ IndepVar1 + IndepVar2)


coef( art.summ )

art.summ[[ "r.squared" ]]

#do some line plots


#form new data.frame object

new.x.datafrme = data.frame(x=seq(from=range(IndependentVariable1)[ 1 ],to=range( IndependentVariable1)[2],length=length(DependentVariable)))

#form new regression model

RegModel<-lm(DepVar ~ new.x.datafrme$x + IndepVar2)

#perform some operations on the new data


If you want to see the regression model components too, you will have to configure the same by right-click selection or by directly declaring in the Script Declaration Block. See the following script:

##  ---------DECLARATION------------

## Variable -->

## Single Value Parameter -->

## Multi Value Parameter -->

## Output --> RegModel

##  --------------------------------

art.mod<-lm(DepVar ~ IndepVar1 + IndepVar2)


coef( art.summ )

art.summ[[ "r.squared" ]]

#do some line plots


#form new data.frame object

new.x.datafrme = data.frame(x=seq(from=range(IndependentVariable1)[ 1 ],to=range( IndependentVariable1)[2],length=length(DependentVariable)))

#form new regression model

RegModel<-lm(DepVar ~ new.x.datafrme$x +


#perform some operations on the new data


In this case, the output window will have a tree containing the components of ‘RegModel’ object with the same name as the root node.

Alternatively, you can also put the intended objects name at the last line of the script as:

##  ---------DECLARATION------------

## Variable -->

## Single Value Parameter -->

## Multi Value Parameter -->

## Output --> RegModel

##  --------------------------------

art.mod<-lm(DepVar ~ IndepVar1 + IndepVar2)


coef( art.summ )

art.summ[[ "r.squared" ]]

#do some line plots


#form new data.frame object

new.x.datafrme = data.frame(x=seq(from=range(IndependentVariable1)[ 1 ],to=range( IndependentVariable1)[2],length=length(DependentVariable)))

#form new regression model

RegModel<-lm(DepVar ~ new.x.datafrme$x +


#perform some operations on the new data



Here the output window will show a tree containing the components of ‘RegModel’ object, but since the output name was not configured or specified, it will be held under a generic framework name ‘OFSAAOutput’

One of the added advantages of configuring the outputs is that one can get more than one object as output as shown in the following script:

##  ---------DECLARATION------------

## Variable -->

## Single Value Parameter -->

## Multi Value Parameter -->

## Output --> RegModel, art.mod

##  --------------------------------

art.mod<-lm(DepVar ~ IndepVar1 + IndepVar2)


coef( art.summ )

art.summ[[ "r.squared" ]]

#do some line plots


#form new data.frame object

new.x.datafrme = data.frame(x=seq(from=range(IndependentVariable1)[ 1 ],to=range( IndependentVariable1)[2],length=length(DependentVariable)))

#form new regression model

RegModel<-lm(DepVar ~ new.x.datafrme$x +


#perform some operations on the new data


For the above script, the output window will contain trees for both ‘RegModel’ and ‘art.mod’.

Here are the possible scenarios and the respective framework behavior:

The value of the last evaluated expression is returned with the name ‘OFSAAOutput’ for the model execution.

All the objects from the script execution environment get listed as a tree with each object as separate nodes. Now you can choose the outputs to be reported. The selected ones will be placed in the declaration block. If you do not select any object as output, then the behavior will be the same as case A, for the model execution.

Now, only those which are listed in the declaration block will come in the Configure Outputs window (as checked ones, since you have already selected them as the outputs explicitly).

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Transition Matrix

Transition Matrix is a statistical technique used across multiple applications in OFSAAI. Transition Matrix is defined as a set of measures that quantify the probability of moving data from one state to another. Transition Probability defines the probability of transitioning data from one state to another over the time interval. The time interval and the horizon on which probabilities are estimated are derived from the User Input in the model definition interface.

Transition Matrix technique parameters are completely based on historical data. You can create multiple transition matrices and calibrated a set of data. For example institutions may calibrate different transition matrices for wholesale and retail exposures.

You can calibrate the parameters of a Transition Matrix technique by defining the required options in the Model Definition screen. The Model Definition screen within the Model Management section of OFSAAI consists of the following five different types of transition matrix techniques. Click on the required section to view the details.

Transition Matrix - EWMA

In EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average) method the Decay factor is the mandatory parameter required as user input. There is no calibration associated with the EWMA Model. The framework predicts transition probabilities based on user input of decay factor and time interval.

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Transition Matrix - Linear Regression

Linear Regression method is used to establish relationship between Explanatory Variable(s) with a Scalar Variable. Linear Regression technique uses Linear functions for data modeling which can also estimate the unknown model parameters.

Regression scenario: Suppose you want to learn more about the purchasing behavior of customers of different ages. You can build a model to predict the ages of customers as a function of various demographic characteristics and shopping patterns. The prediction can then be done using a regression algorithm.

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Transition Matrix - Multi Factor

The Multi Factor technique of model calibration refers to the process of estimating measures such as the Average Z-Score (difference between Standard Deviation from Mean), Average Transition, and so on. The historical data is transferred to the Sandbox Information Domain for model calibration. The following are the steps required for the estimation of the above measures:

In addition to calculating realized z-scores, the calibration process also computes the average z-score for each row of historical z-score time series and a parameter Alpha which is the standard deviation of average z-score shifts.

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Transition Matrix - Stepwise Regression

In stepwise regression, the independent variables are selected automatically and the model is constructed in an iterative fashion. The three approaches for achieving the stepwise regression are:

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Transition Matrix - Time Series

Time series regression includes a series of data points considered at consecutive time intervals. This type of analysis is done to validate the time series data and to extract the statistics of the data under consideration. This model can also predict the future values using the previously observed values.

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List of Objects Created in Information Domain

On saving an Information Domain a list of objects will be created in the atomic database, mapped to this Information Domain. You can view the list in My Oracle Support Portal by clicking on the Document ID: 1566694.1

If the required objects have not been created, there could be a problem in connecting to the database, required privileges are not set to the database users, or not enough space in the database. Ensure to rectify any of the above noted issues and then save the Information Domain.

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Authentication and Logging

During the Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications Infrastructure installation you will be provided the options of selecting the authentication type required for OFSAAI Users. You can select either SMS authentication and authorization or the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authentication for OFSAAI login.

LDAP is a standalone access directory that provides for a logon and requires only one user name and password, while accessing different Software. During installation, if you have selected the LDAP Users option in the User Configuration screen the same will be configured for authentication.

For example, ldap://iflexop-241:389

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Scenario to Understand Hierarchy Security

Consider a bank "ABC" which has presence across the country and has split their business based on regions. Each region is being managed by a Relationship manager reporting the Chief Executive Officer. The Hierarchy is as indicated below.

Retail Assets Sales Head

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Each product is marketed by a separate team and which is headed by a Sales Manager who reports to the Sales Head. Each Sales Manager in turn has two Sales Officers who are responsible for sales and profitability of the product.

The Sales Head has decided that the Sales Officer of each product will not have access to the information of other products. However, each Sales Manager will have access to Sales figures of the other products.

Using the Oracle Infrastructure Security Hierarchy feature Administrator can provide information security at hierarchy level by defining security options for each hierarchy node. Thus, the Bank can control access of information at a node level and not increase the overheads.

This is how it is done in Oracle Infrastructure:

For example, the administrator maps Sales Officer 1 and Sales Officer 2 to only the Personal Loans Node in the Product hierarchy. This restricts Sales Officer 1 and 2 to only viewing and maintaining their particular node in the hierarchy.

By default, all the users mapped to a domain can access all the hierarchy levels to which they are mapped. This function allows the administrator to restrict or exclude a user/s from accessing restricted nodes.

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Create Tree View Form

The process to create a Form using the Tree View Layout differs from the procedure as explained for other layouts. You can create a Form using the Tree View Layout, by selecting either Dimensional Table Tree or Parent Child Tree.

Dimensional Table Tree

If you want to create a Form using the Dimension table Tree, select Tree view > Dimension Table Tree option in the DEFQ - Layout screen. On clicking Next, you need to provide the required details in the following screens:

  1. Dimension Table Selection: Enter the Root Name and select the Table. Click Next.

  2. Fields Selection: Select required Fields to Display from Available fields and click Next.

  3. Dimension Node Selection: Select Field Nodes from Available fields and click Next.

  4. Select Dimensional Tree Nodes for the selected fields and click Next.

  5. DEFQ Field Properties screen: Specify the required details. For more information, refer DEFQ Field Properties.

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Parent Child Tree

If you want to create a Form using the Parent Child Tree, select Tree view > Parent Child Tree option in the DEFQ - Layout screen. On clicking Next, you need to provide the required details in the following screens:

  1. Hierarchy Table Selection: Enter the Root Name and select the Table. Click Next.

  2. Parent-Child Node Selection: Select Parent Node, Child Node, and Node Description from the drop down list.

  3. Fields Selection: Select required Fields to Display from Available fields and click Next.

  4. DEFQ Field Properties screen: Specify the required details. For more information, refer DEFQ Field Properties.

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Applying Rules

You can apply rules to Validate Form Data to specific fields such as Text Field, Text Area, or Protected Field. To specify rules for a field in the DEFQ - Forms Designer DEFQ Field Properties screen:

  1. Click Rule adjacent to the required field. The Specifying Rules and Expressions for Data Validations screen is displayed.

  2. Select the required Fields, Operators, and Functions from the list.

  3. Enter the Rule Expression in the Expression Viewer field.

  4. Depending on the data type of the selected field, the following column constraints are displayed. Select the required check box.

  1. Select the Alignment type from the drop down list.

  2. Click OK and save the details.

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Define List of Values

While creating a Form, if you choose the Select List field parameter option in the In Edit/Add column in the DEFQ Field Properties screen, you need to define the list of values in the Select List Screen. However, you do not need to define the values for foreign key fields and primary key fields.

In the Select List Screen, select the required Field Type from the following options:

If Comma Separated Values is selected:

  1. Enter the List of Values to be displayed.

  2. Specify Alternate Display Values to be displayed.

  3. Click OK and save the specified list of values.

If Dynamic List of Values is selected:

  1. Select Table Value, List Value, and Display Value field.

  2. Select the Field, Operator, and Functions from the list.

  3. Define a filter condition for the selected values.

  4. Click OK and save the specified list of values.

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Define Messaging Details

While creating a Form, you can click Message Details in the DEFQ Field Properties screen to define the messaging details. You can specify an alert message which is sent to the Creator of the Form or to an Authorizer.

In the Messaging Details for a Form screen:

  1. Select Messaging Required checkbox to activate the Messenger feature.

Note: If the option is not selected, a single mail is sent for the entire batch. Message details such as recipients, subject, and contents are fetched from the metadata.

  1. Select the required Available Message Types from the list and click button.

  2. Select the Message Type from the drop-down list based on specific action.

  3. Select Specific Messages Required to add a specific message.

  4. Select Available Fields for Subject, Content, & Recipients from the list and click button.

  5. Click Save and save the messaging details. You also need to select Save with Authorization in the DEFQ Field Properties screen for the messages to be functional.

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Form Data Versioning

You can perform data versioning on an authorized Form. The modifications made to the particular Form is tracked and displayed as per date versioning. In the Data Versioning for Form screen, do the following:

  1. Select Enable Data Versioning checkbox to ensure that the version is tracked.

  2. Select the Table and Version Identifier from the drop down list.

  3. Click OK and save the versioning details.

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Flat File

Flat files are data files that store records with no structured relationships. You can define the data source of a flat file present locally or on a remote server.

Flat-File present in local data source resides in the staging area of the Infrastructure Database Server. Additional metadata information such as file format properties is required to interpret these files. Flat-File present on a remote server can be accessed through FTP connection to load the remote data-file into the Staging area of the Infrastructure Database Server.

The Data Source for a Flat-File serves the purpose of logically grouping a set of Flat-Files getting loaded into the Warehouse from a defined source application.

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Save With Authorization

The Save with Authorization feature in Forms Designer (Sort Fields Selection screen) allows you to authorize the uploaded data. Authorization serves as a checkpoint for validation of uploaded data.

To authorize the uploaded data, you need to create a Form in DEFQ with the Save with Authorization checkbox selected.

  1. Before any DEFQ Form is created to authorize the data, the underlying table in the data model needs to have below columns added to its table structure. You need to perform a data model upload to have the new structures reflected in the application.

Columns required:








  1. Navigate to Create a New Form in the Forms Designer section and complete the design steps up to Step 6. From the DEFQ Field Properties screen, select the appropriate values as listed below for Store Field As depending on the columns selected:



D_MAKER_DATE - Maker Date

D_CHECKER_DATE - Checker Date


V_MAKER_REMARKS - Maker Remarks

V_CHECKER_REMARKS - Checker Remarks

  1. Click Save with Authorization. Once data is loaded into the table, you can login as 'Authorizer' and navigate to the Data Entry screen. Select the Form to open and authorize the records loaded.

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Define Expression

You can define an expression in the Specify Expression screen to join two selected tables. Click button. The Specify Expression window is displayed.

The Specify Expression window consists of the following sections:



Transact SQL

Specific to MS SQL server which consists of Date & Time, Math and System functions.


Specific to Microsoft OLAP which consists of Array, Dimension, Hierarchy, Logical, Member, Number, Set, and String functions.


Specific to Oracle which consists of String, Aggregate, Date and Time, and Mathematical functions.

Note: It is not mandatory to specify a Function for a join condition.




+, -, %, * and /


'=', '!=', '< >', '>', '<', >=, <=,'IN', 'NOT IN', 'ANY', 'BETWEEN', 'LIKE', 'IS NULL', and 'IS NOT NULL'.


'NOT', 'AND' and 'OR'




The Other operators are 'PRIOR', '(+)', '(' and ')'.



To specify the join condition:

  1. Select the Entity of the fact table to which you want join the dimension entities.

  2. Select a Function depending on the database type.

  3. Select the Operator which you want to use for the join condition.

  4. Select the second Entity from the Entities pane that you want to join with the first entity. You can also select more than one dimension table and link to the fact table.

The defined expression is displayed in the Expression section. You can click button to reset the values or click button to erase the specific value.

  1. Click OK. The defined expression is validated as per the selected table and entity definition and on successful validation, is displayed in the main screen.

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Search Hierarchies

To search for a particular member:

  1. Enter the keyword and click GO.

  2. If a result containing the keyword is located, the corresponding member is highlighted.

  3. Click Search again and the next member that contains the keyword is highlighted.

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Hierarchical Member Selection Modes

To aid the selection process, certain standard modes are offered through a drop-down. The available modes are Self, Self & Descendants, Self & Children, Parent, Siblings, Children, Descendants, and Last Descendants.

Based on the hierarchy member security applied, the nodes/members of the hierarchy are displayed in enabled or disabled mode. The members which are in enabled mode only can be selected. That is, the members which are mapped to your user group only can be selected. For example, if you choose Self & Children, the immediate children of the selected hierarchy, which are mapped to your user group only will be moved to the RHS pane.

You can also click to select all the members to the Selected Members pane. Click to deselect a selected member from the Selected Members pane or click to deselect all the members.

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Default Member

To mark an item as a default member:

  1. Select a member in the Selected Members pane.

  2. Select Mark as Default checkbox and the Default Member field is displayed with the selected member name.

If more than one item is selected the Mark as Default option is disabled. The item marked as default is automatically mapped to the non-leaf member combinations of hierarchies selected as source. At the least one member must be marked as the default member to save the rule definition.

To change the default member:

  1. Select the current default member.

  2. Deselect the Mark as Default checkbox.

  3. Select a new hierarchy member and mark as default.

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Tools Menu

This section comprises of the common tool menu buttons present in the Rules, Processes, and Run sections of the Rules Framework component in the Infrastructure system. The Rules menu, Process menu, and Run menu have the following buttons in common.


Click button to add a new Rule, Process, or Run definition.

In order to proceed with creating a new Rule definition you must select the source dataset type from the Source Dataset drop down menu on the top of the Designer screen. The Process definition can be a baseline definition or a variation of the baseline definition (scenario definition). The Run definition may be a baseline definition or a variation of the baseline definition termed as simulation run.

If you are working on a new definition and subsequently move to the New/Open menu option without saving the new definition, the system displays an alert that requests for your confirmation.

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  1. Click button to open an existing Rule, Process, or Run definition. The list of Information Domains mapped are displayed in the Open dialog.

  2. Select the Information Domain to view the list of available Segments mapped to the selected Information Domain.

  3. Double-click to select the Segment within the pop-up menu to view either the list of associated definitions or the list of definitions.

  4. Select the definition from the list and click Open.

If you open a Process or Run definition, you are prompted to select the Process Type or Run Type.

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  1. Click button to save a new definition or a modified definition.

The Save dialog is displayed with the existing definitions available in the selected Information Domain.

  1. Enter the Name for the new definition in the Name text box provided.

  2. Click Save to save the definition in the selected Information Domain and Segment. A confirmation message is displayed if the operation is successful.

A source to target mapping must be defined to save a Rule definition and at least one rule must be defined as a sub-process member to save a Process definition.

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Save As

  1. Click button and the Save As dialog is displayed.

  2. Enter a Name for the definition in the Name field.

  3. Click Save to save the definition in the selected Information Domain and Segment. A confirmation message is displayed if the operation is successful.

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  1. Click button and the Properties Dialog is displayed.

The Properties Dialog displays the metadata such as Created By, Created Date, Modified By, Modified Date, Authorized By, and Authorized Date in the Property (default) tab.

  1. Click Comments tab in the Properties Dialog and enter the narration/comments about the created definition.

  2. If you are working on a Rule definition or a Run Definition:

  1. Select the Process Type as End to End or Non-End to End in case you are working on a Process definition.

  2. Click OK and save the definition with the changes.

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Map button is enabled only in the Rules Framework Designer screen for Scenario Process definition.

  1. Click button from the tools menu.

The Base Process Selector dialog is displayed with the list of mapped End to End processes.

  1. In the Base Process Selector dialog:

  1. Click OK to map the selected End to End Base process from the list.

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Process Hierarchy Members

The Process Hierarchy Members and their description are as tabulated.



Data Extraction Rules

Display all the Extract definitions defined through OFSAAI Data Integrator.

Load Data Rules

Display the following two sub types of definitions:

  • File Loading Rules display the entire File to Table definitions defined through OFSAAI Data Integrator.

  • Insertion Rules (Type1 Rules) display all the Table to Table definitions defined through OFSAAI Data Integrator.

Transformation Rules

Display the following definition sub type:

  • Database Functions - Transformations display all the DT definitions defined in OFSAAI Data Integrator.

Base Rules

Display the following two sub types of definitions for both PR2 and RRF:

In case of PR2:

  • Classification Rules (type 2 rule) display all the type 2 rules defined in the Rules Designer.

  • Computation Rules (type 3 rule) display all the type 3 rules defined in the Rules Designer.

In case of RRF:

  • Classification Rules (type 2 rule) display all the type 2 rules defined in the Rules framework which have Active status as "Yes" and Version "0".

  • Computation Rules (type 3 rule) display all the type 3 rules defined in the Rules framework which have Active status as "Yes" and Version "0".


In case of PR2, Process displays all the existing Non End-to-End processes defined through Process Designer.

In case of RRF, Process displays all the existing processes defined through Process Framework which have Active status as "Yes" and Version "0".

Essbase Cubes

Displays all the Essbase cubes defined for the selected Information Domain in OFSAAI unified metadata manager.

Note: The cubes under the segment to which the user is mapped only will be displayed.

Oracle Cubes

Displays all the Oracle cubes defined for the selected Information Domain.

Note: The cubes under the segment to which the user is mapped only will be displayed.


Displays all the existing model definitions defined in the Modeling framework screens.

Stress Testing

Displays all the existing stress testing definitions defined in the Variable Shock Library, Scenario Management, and Stress Definition screens.

Data Quality

Displays all data quality groups defined from the OFSAAI Data quality Framework.

The DQ Rule framework has been registered with RRF. While passing additional parameters during RRF execution, the additional parameters are passed differently (when compared to DQGroup execution). For example, if the additional parameters to be passed are : $REGION_CODE#V#US;$CREATION_DATE#D#07/06/1983;$ACCOUNT_BAL#N#10000.50, then they are passed as: "REGION_CODE","V","US","CREATION_DATE","D","07/06/1983", "ACCOUNT_BAL","N","100 00.50". In case the user wants to input threshold percentage (for example,: 50%), then the parameter string passed is as follows: "50","REGION_CODE","V","US","CREATION_DATE","D","07/06/1983","ACCOUNT_BAL","N", "10000.50". In the absence of the threshold parameter, it is assumed to be 100%, by default.

The parameters needed to execute all the listed components are explained in References > Seeded Component Parameters section.

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Scenario to understand Data set Functionality

Consider the scenario, where you want to analyze the Customer Relationship Management through various profiles of a customer against the various transactions and the channels of transaction through which the actual transactions have happened.

This information is maintained in relational tables. In a typical Star Schema implementation of the relations, Customer profiles like Age, Gender, Sex, Residence, and Region are maintained in Individual Dimension tables. Similarly, the Transaction Types and Channels would be maintained in a separate Dimension tables. The actual transaction performed by the Customers will be stored in a Fact table.

A Data Set allows you to collate all the tables with a valid join condition. The tables defined in the data set would form the FROM clause while aggregating for the Cube.

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List Unauthorized

When you are searching for a derived entity code, you can select the List Unauthorized checkbox in the search dialog to view all the unauthorized Derived Entity definitions.

The unauthorized list displays the modified Derived Entities, and the Derived Entity which are to be authorized. Users having Authorize rights will only be able to view the list of unauthorized Derived Entity definitions.

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Create Expression

You can define an expression in the Expression screen to join two selected tables. Click button. The Expression screen is displayed.

The Expression screen consists of the following sections:



Transact SQL

Specific to MS SQL server which consists of Date & Time, Math and System functions.


Specific to Microsoft OLAP which consists of Array, Dimension, Hierarchy, Logical, Member, Number, Set, and String functions.


Specific to Oracle which consists of Character, Conversion, Date and Numeric functions.

Note: It is not mandatory to specify a Function for a join condition.




+, -, %, * and /


'=', '!=', '< >', '>', '<', 'IN', 'NOT IN, 'ANY', 'SOME', 'LIKE' and 'ALL'.


'NOT', 'AND' and 'OR'




The Other operators are 'PRIOR', '(+)', '(' and ')'.

To specify the join condition:

  1. Select the Entity of the fact table to which you want join the dimension entities.

  2. Select a Function depending on the database type.

  3. Select the Operator which you want to use for the join condition.

  4. Select the second Entity from the Entities pane that you want to join with the first entity. You can also select more than one dimension table and link to the fact table.

  5. Click OK and save the join condition details.

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Base and Computed Measures

A Base Measure refers to a measure where the aggregation is done directly on the raw data from the database. It represents some operation on the actual data available in the warehouse and its storage in its aggregated form in another data store. This is different from metrics that is not stored in physical form, but as functions that can be operated on other measures at viewing time. The choice of base or computed measure is based on the user requirement of a design issue on storage optimality as it is on query response speeds desired. These functions defined on other measures are called Computed Measures and dealt separately. It is the metric definition like amount of sales or count of customers.

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Define Business Hierarchy Types

The available Business Hierarchies are as tabulated.

Hierarchy Type

Description / Hierarchy Sub Type


In a Regular Hierarchy Type, you can define the following Hierarchy Sub Types:

In a non Business Intelligence Enabled Hierarchy, you need to manually add the required levels. The levels defined will form the Hierarchy.

You can Enable Business Intelligence hierarchy when you are not sure of the Hierarchy structure leaf values or the information is volatile and also when the Hierarchy structure can be directly selected from RDBMS columns. The system will automatically detect the values based on the actual data.

This option can be selected to define a Parent Child Type hierarchy.


A Measure Hierarchy consists of the defined measure as nodes and has only the Non Business Intelligence Enabled as Hierarchy Sub Type.


A Time Hierarchy consists of the levels/nodes of high time granularity and has only the Business Intelligence Enabled as Hierarchy Sub Type.

You can select the required Business Hierarchy from the drop down list and specify the Hierarchy Sub Type details. The screen options differ on selecting each particular Hierarchy type. Click on the following links to view the section in detail.

Define Regular Hierarchy

When you select Regular Hierarchy, you can define the Hierarchy Sub Type for Non Business Intelligence Enabled, Business Intelligence Enabled, and Parent Child Hierarchy. Select the required Hierarchy Sub Type from the drop down list. Click on the following links to view the section in detail.

Define Non Business Intelligence Enabled Hierarchy

When you have selected Regular - Non Business Intelligence Enabled Hierarchy option, do the following:

  1. Click button in the Entity field. The Entity and Attribute screen is displayed.

Note: Ensure that the values present in Attribute column do not contain new line characters. Because the hierarchy node descriptions in the hierarchy browser are considered as text fields and do not permit new line characters.

  1. Click button from the Business Hierarchy tool bar. The Add Node Values screen is displayed.




The Node value is auto-populated and is editable.

Short Description

Enter the required short description for the node.

Node Identifier

Click button and define an expression in the Expression screen for the Node Identifier. For more information, refer Create Expression.

Sort Order

Enter the Sort order in numeric value.

Note: The sort order of the default (OTHERS) node should be greater than the rest of the nodes if this hierarchy is used in RRF Filter condition.

There are four Storage Types as tabulated.



Data Store

This storage type allocates a data cell for the information to be stored in the database. The consolidated value of the data is stored in this cell. The consolidation for the node occurs during the normal process of rollup.

Dynamic Calc

In this storage type, no cell is allocated and the consolidation is done when the data is viewed. The consolidation for the node is ignored during the normal process of rollup. The consolidation of node occurs when you use the OLAP tool for viewing data.

Dynamic Calc & Store

In this storage type, a cell is allocated but the data is stored only when the data is consolidated when viewed, for the first time. The consolidation for the node is ignored during the normal process of rollup. It occurs only when you first retrieve the data from the database.


In this storage type, a cell is not allocated nor is the data consolidated. It is only viewed.

Note: The Label storage type is specific to Essbase MOLAP. Storage type is applicable only for the Regular hierarchy type and Measure. If the user wants to specify a dynamic calc option at level members in a multi-level time hierarchy, the same is provided through OLAP execution utility.

  1. Click Save in the Add Business Hierarchy screen and save the details.

In the Business Hierarchy tool bar, you can also do the following:



Add Hierarchy Node

Click button adjacent to Child of field and select the required Member in the Hierarchy Browser screen. Click OK.

Consolidation Type

Consolidation Type option is available to Essbase MOLAP. There are six consolidation types such as Addition, Subtraction, Product, Division, Percent, and Ignore. Select the required option from the drop down list.

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Define Business Intelligence Enabled Hierarchy

When you have selected Regular - Business Intelligence Enabled Hierarchy option, do the following:

  1. (Optional) Select Total Required checkbox, if you want the total of all the nodes.

  2. (Optional) Select List checkbox to retrieve information from database when queried.

Note: List hierarchy can have only one level and you cannot select List option if the Total Required option has been selected. Refer List hierarchy.

  1. Click button in the Entity field. The Entity and Attribute screen is displayed.

Note: Ensure that the values present in Attribute column do not contain new line characters. Because the hierarchy node descriptions in the hierarchy browser are considered as text fields and do not permit new line characters.

  1. Click button from the Business Hierarchy tool bar. The Add Hierarchy levels screen is displayed.




The Level value is auto-populated and is editable.

Short Description

Enter the required short description for the level.

Level Identifier

Click button and define an expression in the Expression screen for the Level Identifier. For more information, refer Create Expression.

Level Description

Click button and define an expression in the Expression screen for the Level Description. For more information, refer Create Expression.

Note: BI Hierarchy value refresh on On Load property is not functional for data loads performed through Excel Upload. It is applicable only for data loads which run through a batch process.

  1. Click Save in the Add Business Hierarchy screen and save the details.

In the Business Hierarchy tool bar, you can also do the following:

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Define Parent Child Hierarchy

When you have selected Regular - Parent Child Hierarchy option, do the following:

  1. Click button in the Entity field. The Entity and Attribute screen is displayed.

Note: Ensure that the values present in Attribute column do not contain new line characters. Because the hierarchy node descriptions in the hierarchy browser are considered as text fields and do not permit new line characters.

  1. The Business Hierarchy section displays the pre-defined nodes such as Child code, Parent Code, Description, Storage Type, Consolidation Type and Formula. You can modify the node values by doing the following:

  1. Click Save in the Add Business Hierarchy screen and save the details.

Note the following:

For using the Roll-up option, it is required to specify parameters in the Consolidation Type for the node field. Based on the column that is specified in the Consolidation Type field, the values of the child nodes will be rolled up i.e. added to the parent level. This can then be viewed using the OBIEE reporting server. However, when Consolidation type is not selected, then it is referred to as Parent Child Hierarchy with Rollup option.

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Define Measure Hierarchy

When you select Measure Hierarchy, the Hierarchy Sub Type is selected as Non Business Intelligence Enabled by default. To define a Measure Hierarchy in the Add Business Hierarchy screen, do the following:

  1. Click button in the Entity field. The Entity and Attribute screen is displayed.

Note: Ensure that the values present in Attribute column do not contain new line characters. Because the hierarchy node descriptions in the hierarchy browser are considered as text fields and do not permit new line characters.

  1. In the Add Business Hierarchy screen, select the Hierarchy Type as Measure.

  2. Click button in the Entity field. The Entity and Attribute screen opens.

  1. Click button from the Business Hierarchy tool bar. The Add Node Values screen is displayed. Enter the details in the Node Details section as tabulated.




The Node value is auto-populated and is editable.

Short Description

Enter the required short description for the node.

  1. Click Save in the Add Business Hierarchy screen and save the details.

In the Business Hierarchy tool bar, you can also do the following:



Select Hierarchy Node

Click button adjacent to Child of field and select the required Member in the Hierarchy Browser screen. Click OK.

Consolidation Type

Consolidation Type option is available to Essbase MOLAP. There are six consolidation types such as Addition, Subtraction, Product, Division, Percent, and Ignore. Select the required option from the drop down list.

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Define Time Hierarchy

When you select Time Hierarchy, the Hierarchy Sub Type is selected as Business Intelligence Enabled and the "Total Required" checkbox is selected by default. To define a Time Hierarchy in the Add Business Hierarchy screen, do the following:

  1. Click button in the Entity field. The Entity and Attribute screen is displayed.

Note: Ensure that the values present in Attribute column do not contain new line characters. Because the hierarchy node descriptions in the hierarchy browser are considered as text fields and do not permit new line characters.

  1. Select the Time Hierarchy Type from the drop down list. Depending on the selection, the Hierarchy Levels are displayed in the Business Hierarchy section.

You can also Edit the required Hierarchy Level. Select the checkbox adjacent to the required Level and click button. The Edit Hierarchy Levels screen is displayed. You can update Short Description, Level Identifier, and Level Description details.

  1. Specify Hierarchy Start Date by selecting Month and Day from the drop down list.

  2. Click Save and save the Time Hierarchy details.

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Large Hierarchy Type

A large hierarchy refers to a hierarchy having large number of leaf levels. In order to provide an efficient and optimized hierarchy handling, a hierarchy is defined as Large in Oracle Infrastructure. A default value is set to accommodate the number of hierarchy nodes that a hierarchy can contain, for example, 100. If a hierarchy exceeds the default value specified, then the system treats it as a large hierarchy.

Note the following:

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List Hierarchy Type

A list hierarchy is a flat hierarchy i.e. with only one level. In a list hierarchy, all the nodes are displayed unlike the large hierarchy. You can create hierarchy based on business terms like, Customer, Product, Geography, and so on. The information for this hierarchy is generated from the metadata framework, which encapsulates these business terms. This enables the user to generate a report in OBIEE reporting server based on these business terms.

The advantage of defining a list hierarchy is that you need not know technical terminology or have technical knowledge. It also allows the user to specify a range of values. You can also define a summary or group total and perform a sort on the list hierarchy based on the hierarchy member value or attribute value; these two features are available only for the fact-less view.

Ensure that when you save a BI enabled hierarchy, the defined hierarchy structure is formed (in the back-end process) and stored in an xml format (as Hierarchycode.xml) in the application server. However, when you save a BI-enabled List hierarchy, the hierarchy structure is not formed and hence there will be no BIHIER.XML formed. Whenever this hierarchy is queried, the data is fetched from the atomic database.

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Measure Types

You can choose the type of computed measure you want. The type options available are as follows:

Each of the computed measure types has sub-types. Each of these sub-options is explained below to help you choose the right computed measure type.

Simple Relationship Type

The Simple Relationship type computed measures are of five types. They are:

  1. When you select the Ratio option, the screen displays a simple ratio of two measures. To define the relationship as a ratio, double click the first <<Select Measure>> option to open the Select Measure pop-up.

  2. The pop-up displays will display the Measure folder. Double-click the folder to expand the list of measures under it. Depending on the Information Domain you are logged in to, the measures for that domain are displayed.

  3. Select the measure for which you want to compute the ratio and click OK. To close the pop-up without saving the selected measure option, click Cancel. Repeat the same procedure to choose the second measure.

Note: The method of selecting the Measures is common to all the sub-options of the Simple Relationship type.

When you select the Ratio as Percentage option, the screen displays the ratio percentage of the selected measures. When you select the Difference option, the value displayed will be the difference between two selected measures. When you select the Addition option, the summated value of the selected measures will be displayed. When you select the Percentage Difference option, the percentage value of the selected measures is computed.

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Growth Type

Growth type computed measures are used to calculate the growth of a measure over a certain time period. The Growth type measures are of two types:

Absolute Growth Option

  1. Select the Absolute Growth option and enter the details as tabulated.



Select the base on which to calculate the growth

Select it from the drop down list. The available option is Consecutive Period.

Select the period

Select the period from the drop down list for which you want the growth to be monitored. The available options are Year, Quarter or month.

Note: If the time Dimension period specified in the cube is Year, Quarter and Month, it takes the previous period of the Time Level.

  1. Select the measure from the Select the Measure pane. Depending on the Information Domain you are logged in to, the measures for that domain are displayed in the pane. Select the measure from the pane. On selecting the measure, the growth of the measure will be calculated for the consecutive period for a year.

Percentage Growth Option

  1. Select the Percentage Growth option and enter the details as tabulated.



Select the base on which to calculate the growth

Select it from the drop down list. The available option is Consecutive Period.

Select the period

Select the period from the drop down list for which you want the growth to be monitored. The available options are Year, Quarter or month.

  1. Select the measure from the Select the Measure pane. Depending on the Information Domain you are logged in to, the measures for that domain are displayed in the pane. Select the measure from the pane. On selecting the measure, the growth of the measure will be calculated for the consecutive period for a year.

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Time-Series Type

The Time Series type measures are time dependent. The Time Series types are:

Aggregation Type Option

  1. Select the Aggregate option.

  2. Select the measure from the Select the Measure pane. Depending on the Information Domain you are logged in to, the measures for that domain are displayed in the pane.

Rolling Average Option

  1. Select the Rolling Average option.

  2. Enter the rolling average in the Select the number of periods for which to calculate the rolling average field.

Note: The duration/period refers to the number of periods with respect to the current level in the time dimension of the chosen cube i.e. if the Current Value of the time dimension + the previous X values (where 'x' is 10 as you have specified) / 10 +1.

  1. Select the measure from the Select the Measure pane. Depending on the Information Domain you are logged in to, the measures for that domain are displayed in the pane.

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Other (Advanced Mode) Type

The Advanced computed measures option allows you to specify a formula for computation of the measure. In order to enter the formula, it is assumed that the user is familiar with MDB specific OLAP functions.

There are two ways that you can enter a formula.

You can define the function/condition for a measure and/or dimension by entering the expression in the pane. It is not essential that you select the measure/dimension and the function in the order displayed. You can select the function and then proceed to specify the parameters, which can be either a measure or dimension or both.

You can define it by following the procedure mentioned below:

Selecting the Measure

  1. Click Insert Measure to open the Select Measure pop-up. The pop-up displays will display the Measure folder. Double-click the folder to expand the list of measures under it. Depending on the Information Domain you are logged in to, the measures for that domain are displayed.

  2. Click OK to select the measure selection. To close the pop-up without saving the selected measure option, click Cancel.

Selecting the Dimension

  1. Click Insert Dimension to open the Select Dimension pop-up. The pop-up displays will display the Dimension folder. Double-click the folder to expand the list of dimensions under it. Depending on the Information Domain you are logged in to, the dimensions for that domain are displayed.

  2. Click OK to select the dimension selection. To close the pop-up without saving the selected dimension option, click Cancel.

Selecting the Function

  1. Click Insert Function to open the Select Function pop-up. Double-click the Functions folder to expand the list of functions within in it. The functions available are those specific to Essbase. The parameters for the function are displayed in the Parameters pane.

Note: The functions displayed are based on the OLAP type and therefore, vary for SQL OLAP and Essbase.

  1. Click OK to select the function. To close the pop-up without saving the selected function option, click Cancel.

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Assign Hierarchy Attribute

Hierarchy attributes can be assigned to both types of hierarchy

While assigning a Hierarchy attribute, all the leaves are treated as one level. Assigning hierarchy attributes for a non-BI enabled hierarchy and BI enabled hierarchy vary.

Non BI-Enabled Hierarchy

For assigning hierarchy attribute for a Non BI Enabled Hierarchy,

  1. Enter the details as tabulated.




Select a Hierarchy from the drop-down list. Based on the Information Domain you have chosen, the hierarchies generated for that domain are displayed in the list. Select a non-BI enabled hierarchy. You will recognize a BI enabled hierarchy when you select it because the Business Intelligence Enabled option will be enabled.


Enter a distinct identifier/Code for the hierarchy attribute that you are creating or click Search to select the Hierarchy Attribute code. It is recommended that you define a code that is descriptive or indicative of the hierarchy attribute you are going to assign.

Note the following:

  • The Code should be a minimum of one character and a maximum of eight characters in length; it can be alphabetical, numerical (only 0-9) or alphanumerical characters.

  • The Code cannot contain special characters with the exception of the underscore symbol.

  • Once the Code and Description has been saved, it cannot be changed.

List Un Authorized

Check the List Un Authorized checkbox to view all the un authorized hierarchy attribute definitions. By default the search dialog will display all the authorized hierarchy attribute definition codes.

In UnAuthorized State, the modified hierarchy attribute definitions and the hierarchy attribute definitions to be authorized by the user will be displayed.

In UnAuthorized State, the users having Authorize Rights will be able to view all the unauthorized hierarchy attribute definitions.

Short Description

Enter a Short Description based on the code you have defined for the hierarchy attribute definition.

Note the following:

  • It is mandatory to enter a Description.

  • The Description should be a minimum of one character and a maximum of eighty characters in length.

  • The Description cannot contain special characters with the exception of the underscore symbol.

Long Description

Enter a Long Description based on the code you have defined for the hierarchy attribute definition.

The Description should be a minimum of one character and a maximum of hundred characters in length.


Select the entity for which you want to define the hierarchy attribute from the drop down list.

The entity chosen is not part of the selected hierarchy, which means, a join condition has to be defined. However, if an entity like DIM_PRODUCT were selected, a join condition would not be required as it belongs to the same dimension table.


Double-click the Expression field to open the Define Expression screen where you can select an expression for the selected entity. For more information refer, Expression section.

Join Condition

Double-click the Join Condition field to open the Define Expression screen where you can define the join condition between the selected entity node and the table column of the selected hierarchy node. This is similar to selecting the Expression.

It is not mandatory to specify a Function for a join condition.

  1. Click Next to go to the second screen of the Hierarchy Attributes wizard.

  2. The table displays the Hierarchy and the Attribute Value columns. In the Hierarchy column, the selected hierarchy folder will be displayed i.e. Product Total. Double-click the folder to view the nodes within it. The intermediate nodes where you can enter the value are represented by a dotted line under Attribute Value column. Enter the attribute value.

  3. The table displays the Level against which you can specify the entity-attribute, to get the values of that attribute.

  4. Click Save to save all details.

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BI-Enabled Hierarchy

For assigning hierarchy attribute for a BI Enabled Hierarchy,

  1. Enter the details as tabulated.




Select a Hierarchy from the drop-down list. Based on the Information Domain you have chosen, the hierarchies generated for that domain are displayed in the list. Select a BI enabled hierarchy. You will recognize a BI enabled hierarchy when you select it because the Business Intelligence Enabled option will be enabled.


Enter a distinct identifier/Code for the hierarchy attribute that you are creating or click Search to select the Hierarchy Attribute code. It is recommended that you define a code that is descriptive or indicative of the hierarchy attribute you are going to assign.

Note the following:

  • The Code should be a minimum of one character and a maximum of eight characters in length; it can be alphabetical, numerical (only 0-9) or alphanumerical characters.

  • The Code cannot contain special characters with the exception of the underscore symbol.

  • Once the Code and Description has been saved, it cannot be changed.

  • You cannot use the following as either Code or Short Description for an Essbase installation: "$$$UNIVERSE$$$", "#MISSING", "#MI", "CALC", "DIM", "ALL", "FIX", "ENDFIX", "HISTORY", "YEAR", "SEASON", "PERIOD", "QUARTER", "MONTH", "WEEK", "DAY".

Is Authorized

This feature allows the authorizer to approve hierarchy attributes created by other users. The right of authorization gives the authorizer permission to delete or modify the hierarchy attributes but not the user who created it. Only an authorized hierarchy attribute will be stored in the repository. To authorize the hierarchy attribute that has been created by another user, select the Is Authorized option.

You can authorize a hierarchy attribute only if you have authorization rights.

Short Description

Enter a Short Description based on the code you have defined for the hierarchy attribute definition.

Note the following:

  • It is mandatory to enter a Description.

  • The Description should be a minimum of one character and a maximum of eighty characters in length.

  • The Description cannot contain special characters with the exception of the underscore symbol.

Long Description

Enter a Long Description based on the code you have defined for the hierarchy attribute definition.

The Description should be a minimum of one character and a maximum of hundred characters in length.


Select the Level from the drop down list. The Level field displays the levels available in the hierarchy and the related entity in the Entity field.


Double-click the Expression field to open the Define Expression screen where you can select an expression for the selected entity. For more information refer, Expression section.

Join Condition

Double-click the Join Condition field to open the Define Expression screen where you can define the join condition between the selected entity node and the table column of the selected hierarchy node. This is similar to selecting the Expression.

It is not mandatory to specify a Function for a join condition.

  1. Click Next to go to the second screen of the Hierarchy Attributes wizard.

  2. Enter the Attribute Value for Total Node in the field.

  3. Click Save to save all details.

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Read Only Selected in Mapper Screen

  1. After selecting the Read Only option in the Mapper screen (New), click Save.

  2. In the Mapper List screen, the Read Only option against the created Map would appear as Y. Now select the defined Map and click button. The Mapper screen appears.

  3. You will notice that the Save Mapping and Delete Mapping options would be disabled. Select the Node and click on View Mapping. The View mapping screen appears. You will note that the Delete button will not be available. Click Close to exit the screen.

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Operator Types

The operators available are of three types:










Remaining Balance after Offset = Opening balance - (Expected balance on every payment date * Mortgage offset %)





CUR_PAYMENT = principal + interest













Parentheses group segments of an expression to make logical sense.




The comma separates statements of a function.


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Function Types and Functions

You select the type of function for your expression from the Type list.

The choices are:

The type of function you select determines the choices available in the Function box. These unique functions in the Functions Sub-container enable you to perform various operations on the data. The following table lists each available function and Detail on the operations of each function in which it appears.

Function Type

Function Name








Returns the positive value of the database column

{ABS( } followed by {EXPR1 without any embedded or outermost left-right parentheses pair} followed by { )}

ABS (-3.5) = 3.5.ABS(F), ABS(F + C), ABS(F + C * R + F) are possible. However, ABS((F + C + R)), ABS((F + (MAX * CEILING))) are not possible.


Ceiling (a)

Rounds a value to the next highest integer

Ceiling(column or expression)

3.1 becomes 4.0, 3.0 stays the same



GREATEST(column or expression, column or expression)

Returns the greater of 2 numbers, formulas, or columns

Greatest(column or expression, column, or expression

Greatest(1.9,2.1) = 2.1


Least (a,b)

LEAST(column or expression, column or expression)

Returns the lesser of 2 numbers, formulas, or columns

Least(column or expression, column or expression

Least(1.9,2.1) = 1.9

Natural Log



Returns the natural logarithm of a number. Natural logarithms are based on the constant e (2.71828182845904).

LN(number) where number is the positive real number for which you want the natural logarithm

LN(86) equals 4.454347

LN(2.7182818) equals 1



Returns the minimum value of a -database column





Returns the maximum value of a -database column





POWER(coefficient, exponent)

Raises one value to the power of a second

{POWER(} followed by {EXPR1 without any embedded or outermost left-right parentheses pair followed by {,} followed by {EXPR1 without any embedded or outermost left-right parentheses pair} followed by { )}

Valid examples:


POWER(F + C * R, F / R)

Invalid examples:

POWER((F/R), F + R)

POWER((F + C), (C * R))





ROUND (number, precision)

Rounds a value to a number of decimal places

Round(x, n) returns x rounded to n decimal places




Sums the total value of a database column. Sum is a multi-row function, in

contrast to +, which adds 2 or more values in a given row (not column)



Weighted Average


WAvg (column being averaged, weight column)

Takes a weighted average of one database column by a second Column.

WAvg cannot appear in any expression.

If you have two formulas called F1 and F2, both of which are WAvg functions,

then you can form a third formula F3 as F1 + F2. If F3 is chosen as a calculated column, then an error message appears and the SQL code is not generated for that column. This is similar for nested WAvg functions if F3 is WAvg and it has F1 or F2 or both as its parameters.

WAvg(Column A, Column B)



Note : You cannot use the Maximum and Minimum functions as calculated columns or in Data Correction Rules. The Maximum, Minimum, Sum, and Weighted Average functions are multi-row formulas. They use multiple rows in calculating the results.


Build Date


Requires three parameters, (CCYY,MM,DD) (century and year, month, day). It returns a valid data and enables you to build a date from components.

CAUTION: If the parameters are entered incorrectly, the date is invalid.


BuildDate(95,11,30) is invalid (invalid century).

BuildDate(1995,11,30) is valid.

Go Month


Advances a date by x number of months. Go Month does not know the calendar. For example, it cannot predict the last day of a month. Typical functionality is illustrated in the following table:

GOMONTH(Date column, Number of months to advance)



Valid examples:



Invalid examples:



For Example:

Date Column

No of Months






Because 2/31/94 does not exist




Exactly 2 months:15th to 15th




Goes 28th to 28th: does not know that 31st is the end of May




Goes back 30th to 30th: does not know that 31st is end of May




Year(x) returns the data for year x.

Year(Column) returns the year in the column, where the column is a date column.

Year(Origination Date) returns the

year of the origination date.



Month(x) returns the month in x, where x is a numbered month.

Month(Column) returns the month in the column, where the column is a date column.

Month(9) returns September.

Month(Origination Date) returns the

month of the origination date.


Trim All



Trims leading and following spaces, enabling the software to recognize numbers (entered in

All Trim) as a numeric value, which can then be used in calculating



If statement


The IF function should always have odd number of parameters separated by commas. The first parameter is an expression followed by a relational operator, which is in turn followed by an expression.

Note: Avoid embedding multiple individual formulas in subsequent formulas. This can create an invalid formula.

If(Condition, Value if True, Value if False).

{IF( } followed by EXPR2 followed by {> | < | <> | = | >= | <=} followed by EXPR2 followed by {{,} followed by EXPR followed by ),} followed by EXPR}n followed by {)} where n = 1, 2, 3, .....

If(LEDGER_STAT.Financial= 110,

LEDGER_STAT.Month 1 Entry,0)

IF(((MAX + SUM) >= 30), F, POWER) is valid.


Lookup(OrigCol, LookupCol,...,ReturnedCol)

Enables you to assign values equal to values in another table for data correction.

LOOKUP function should always have an odd number of parameters separated by commas and with a minimum of 3 parameters.

Note: Lookup is used exclusively for data correction.

Lookup(O1,L1,O2,L2,...On,Ln,R) where O=Column from Original table

L=Column from Lookup table

R=Column to be Returned

So the previous statement would read:

where O1=L1 and O2=L2... Returned value R

Valid examples:



Invalid examples:



LOOKUP(F + R, (F + R), MAX)


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Significance of Pre-Built Flag

While defining a Rule, you can make use of Pre Built Flag to fasten the Rule execution process by making use of pre compiled technical metadata details. The purpose of Pre Built Flag is to enhance the Rule execution process bypassing the need to search for the required technical metadata within multiple database tables.


Process flow

Creating Rule:

Rule definition with Pre-Built Flag set to "Y" > Build the Rule query.

Rule definition with Pre-Built Flag set to "N" > Do not build the Rule query during Rule Save.

Executing Rule:

Pre-Built Flag set to "Y" > Retrieve the rule query from appropriate table and execute.

Pre-Built Flag set to "N" > Build the Rule query by referencing the related metadata tables and then execute.

For example, consider a scenario where Rule 1 (RWA calculation), using a Dataset DS1 is to be executed. If the Pre-Built Flag condition is set to "N", then the metadata details of From Clause and Filter Clause of DS1 are searched through the database to form the query. Whereas, when the Pre-Built Flag condition is set to "Y", then the From Clause and Filter Clause details are retrieved from appropriate table to form the query and thereby triggered for execution.

Like Dataset, pre-compiled rules also exist for other Business Metadata objects such as Measures, Business Processors, Hierarchies, and so on.

Note the following:

When you are sure that the Rule definition is not modified in a specific environment (production), you can set the flag for all Rule definitions as "Y". This would in turn help in performance improvement during Rule execution. However, if the Rule is migrated to a different environment and if there is a change in query, change the status back to "N" and also may need to resave the Rule, since there could be a change in metadata.

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Populate Execution Statistics

This feature is introduced as a part of OFSAAI IR to determine which case statement of a rule has updated how many corresponding records.

On selecting this checkbox in Others tab of System Configuration > Configuration screen, an insert query is generated and executed just before the merge statement of the rule is executed. This in turn lists the number of records processed by all mappings and also stores information about Run ID, Rule ID, Task ID, Run Skey, MIS Date, number of records fetched by each mapping, order of evaluation of each mapping, and so on, in configuration table (EXE_STAT).

Typically, the insert query lists the number of records processed by each condition in the rule and is done just before the task gets executed and not after the batch execution is completed (since the state of source data might change). This insert query works on all types of query formation including Computation Rules with and without Aggregation, Classification Rules, Rules with multiple targets, Rules with default nodes, Rules with Parameters in BPs, and Rules with exclusions.


Consider the following scenario where, a typical rule would contain a series of Hierarchy Nodes (BI/Non BI) as Source and one or more BPs or BI Hierarchy Leaf Nodes in the Target.

Rule 1 consists of the following:



Condition 1

Target 1

Condition 2

Target 1

Condition 3

Target 1

Condition 4

Target 2

The insert query execution populates execution statistics based on the following:

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Seeded Component Parameters in RRF

Following are the seeded component parameters available with the base installation of OFSAAI 7.3.2 IR.

Cube Aggregate Data (CubeAggregateData)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


Cube Parameter (System Defined)

Unique Name of the component definition


Optional Parameters (System Defined)

It is a set of different parameters like Run ID, Process ID, Exe ID, and Run Surrogate Key. For example, $RUNID=123,$PHID=234,$EXEID=345,$RUNSK=456


Operation (User Defined)

It is a drop down list with the following optional values - "ALL", "GENDATAFILES", and "GENPRNFILES" to generate Data files or PRN files or both, during Cube build.


Create Cube (CubeCreateCube)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


Cube Parameter (System Defined)

Unique Name of the component definition


Operation (User Defined)

It is a drop down list with the following optional values - "ALL", "BUILDDB", "TUNEDB", "PROCESSDB", "DLRU", "ROLLUP", "VALIDATE", "DELDB", "OPTSTORE"


Data Extraction Rules (ExtractT2F)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


Extract Name (System Defined)

Unique Name of the component definition


Source Name (System Defined)

The scope of T2F is limited to the Source of the tables and this gives the name of the source.


Load Data Rules (LoadF2T)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


File Name (System Defined)

Unique Name of the component definition


Source Name (System Defined)

The scope of this component is limited to the source and it gives the name of the source file.


Load Mode (System Defined)

Additional parameter to differentiate between F2T and T2T

File To Table

Data File Name (User Defined)

Name of the source file. If not specified, the source name provided in the definition will be used.


Load Data Rules (LoadT2T)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


File Name (System Defined)

Unique Name of the component definition


Source Name (System Defined)

The scope of this component is limited to the source and it gives the name of the source table.


Load Mode (System Defined)

Additional parameter to differentiate between F2T and T2T

Table To Table

Default Value (System Defined)

It is a set of different parameters like Run ID, Process ID, Exe ID, and run surrogate key. For example, $RUNID=123,$PHID=234,$EXEID=345,$RUNSK=456


Data File Name (User Defined)

Not Applicable since this parameter is only used for F2T not T2T


Modeling Framework - Model (MFModel)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


Operation (System Defined)

Refers to the operation to be performed. You can click the drop down list to select additional parameters to direct the engine behavior.


Model Code (System Defined)

Unique Name of the component definition


Optional Parameters (System Defined)

It is a set of different parameters like Run ID, Process ID, Exe ID, and Run Surrogate Key. For example, $RUNID=123,$PHID=234,$EXEID=345,$RUNSK=456


Modeling Framework - Optimizer (MFOptimizer)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


Operation (System Defined)

Refers to the operation to be performed. You can click the drop down list to select additional parameters to direct the engine behavior.


Model Code (System Defined)

Unique Name of the component definition


Optional Parameters (System Defined)

It is a set of different parameters like Run ID, Process ID, Exe ID, and run surrogate key. For example, $RUNID=123,$PHID=234,$EXEID=345,$RUNSK=456


Modeling Framework - Pooling (MFPoolling)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


Operation (System Defined)

Refers to the operation to be performed. You can click the drop down list to select additional parameters to direct the engine behavior.


Model Code (System Defined)

Unique Name of the component definition


Optional Parameters (System Defined)

It is a set of different parameters like Run ID, Process ID, Exe ID, and run surrogate key. For example, $RUNID=123,$PHID=234,$EXEID=345,$RUNSK=456



Process component does not have any seeded parameters and are the same defined in the Process screen.

Base Rules - Classification Rule (RuleType2)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


Rule Code (System Defined)

This is the rule ID


Build Flag (System Defined)

The status Y - yes or N - no indicates if the rule query has to be re-built before execution or not.


Optional Parameters (System Defined)

It is a set of different parameters like Run ID, Process ID, Exe ID, and run surrogate key. For example, $RUNID=123,$PHID=234,$EXEID=345,$RUNSK=456


Base Rules - Computation Rule (RuleType3)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


Rule Code (System Defined)

Rule ID


Build Flag (System Defined)

The status Y - yes or N - no indicates if the rule query has to be re-built before execution or not.


Optional Parameters (System Defined)

It is a set of different parameters like Run ID, Process ID, Exe ID, and run surrogate key. For example, $RUNID=123,$PHID=234,$EXEID=345,$RUNSK=456


Run Executable (RunExecutable)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


Wait (System Defined)

This determines if the executable is Synchronous (Y) / Asynchronous (N)


Batch Parameter (System Defined)

This determines if the implicit system parameters like batch ID, MIS date, and so on are to be passed or not.


Executable (User Defined)

It is name of the ".sh" file that has to be executed through this run executable component.


Stress Testing -Variable Shocks (SSTVariableShock)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


Variable Shock Code (System Defined)

Unique Name of the component definition


Operation (System Defined)

Refers to the operation to be performed. You can click the drop down list to select additional parameters to direct the engine behavior.


Optional Parameters (System Defined)

This consists of Run Surrogate Key.


Transformation Rules (TransformDQ)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


Rule Name (System Defined)

Unique Name of the component definition


Parameter List (User Defined)

It is a user defined parameter list along with different system defined parameters like Run ID, Process ID, Exe ID, and Run Surrogate Key only if the subtype is SP (Stored Procedure) or EXT (External).

For example, <<ParameterList>>,"$RUNID=123","$PHID=234","$EXEID=345","$RUNSK=456" otherwise it will be only "$RUNID=123","$PHID=234","$EXEID=345","$RUNSK=456"


Transformation Rules (TransformDQ)

Parameter Name / (Type)


Default Value

IP Address (System Defined)

Refers to the IP Address of the server where the OFSAAI Database components for the particular information domain have been installed. This IP Address also specifies the location (server hostname / IP Address) where the component is to be executed.


Datastore Type (System Defined)

Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)


Datastore Name (System Defined)

Information Domain Name


Rule Name (System Defined)

Unique Name of the component definition


Parameter List (User Defined)

It is a user defined parameter list along with different system defined parameters like Run ID, Process ID, Exe ID, and Run Surrogate Key only if the subtype is SP (Stored Procedure) or EXT (External).

For example, <<ParameterList>>,"$RUNID=123","$PHID=234","$EXEID=345","$RUNSK=456" otherwise it will be only "$RUNID=123","$PHID=234","$EXEID=345","$RUNSK=456"


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Populating Assignment Type Details

To populate the Assignment Type details, select any of the below Assignment Type option from the drop down list and do the following:

Note: The Expression you define in an Assignment Type field basically derives the Assignment value and is not a filter condition as defined for Additional Condition field. Hence, you need to specify an expression to derive only the resultant value, which needs to be updated into the base column.

For example, the expression "STG_NON_SEC_EXPOSURES.n_accrued_interest * 1.34" on validation, will update the base column with the derived value after multiplying "n_accrued_interest" value by 1.34. Therefore, expressions such as "STG_NON_SEC_EXPOSURES.n_accrued_interest = 1.34" are considered as invalid.

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Save with Authorization

The "Save with Authorization" checkbox in Forms Designer (Sort Fields Selection screen) facilitates to authorize data intermediately after upload. Authorization serves as a checkpoint for validation before uploading the data into Atomic Schema.

For example, consider the following scenario:

Note the following:

Consider the following example which explains the auto update process of Maker ID, Maker Date, and Authorization status.



  N_CAUSE_KEY               NUMBER(10) not null,

  N_CAUSE_CODE              NUMBER(10) not null,

  V_CAUSE_NAME              VARCHAR2(60),

  V_CAUSE_DESC              VARCHAR2(200),

  FIC_MIS_DATE              DATE,




  V_MAKER_ID                VARCHAR2(20),

  D_MAKER_DATE              DATE,

  V_CHECKER_ID              VARCHAR2(20),

  D_CHECKER_DATE            DATE,

  F_AUTHFLAG                VARCHAR2(1),

  V_MAKER_REMARKS           VARCHAR2(1000),


  N_PARENT_KEY              NUMBER(10)


  1. You will first require to do the Excel Mappings as indicated below:

  1. Next, when you Upload the data, system auto populates the following information:

  1. Then, navigate to Forms Designer screen and create a Form such that:

  1. In the Data Entry screen, the data uploaded through Excel Upload is displayed in unauthorized state by default. Login to the system as Authorizer and authorize the records for upload.

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LDAP Server Details

This feature allows you to configure and maintain multiple LDAP servers in the OFSAA instance. You can add a new LDAP server, modify/ view LDAP server details, and delete an existing LDAP server.

 The LDAP Server Details window displays the details such as ROOT Context, ROOT DN, LDAP URL, LDAP SSL Mode, LDAP Properties File Name, and LDAP Server name.

To add a new LDAP Server

4.      Select LDAP Authentication & SMS Authorization from the Authentication Type drop-down list in the General Details tab, the LDAP Server Details window is displayed.

5.      Click  button in the toolbar. The LDAP Server Details window is displayed.

6.      Enter the details as tabulated:




Enter the LDAP URL from which the system authenticates the user.

For example, ldap://hostname:3060/.

LDAP Server

Enter the LDAP Server name.

For example,

LDAP Properties File Name

Enter the LDAP Properties file name. For example,

This file should be present in $FIC_HOME/ficapp/common/FICServer/conf folder. For every LDAP server to be configured, there should be a corresponding Properties file present in the conf folder. To add additional LDAP Servers, copy and rename the file and edit with details for additional LDAP Servers.


Select the checkbox to enable LDAP over SSL.


Enter the ROOT Distinguished Name.

For example, cn=orcladmin,cn=Users,dc=oracle,dc=com.

ROOT Password

Enter the LDAP server root password for authentication.


7.      Click Save.

When a business user accesses OFSAA login window where multiple LDAP servers are configured in the OFSAA instance, the LDAP Server drop-down list is displayed. If the user selects an LDAP server, he will be authenticated only against the selected LDAP server. If the user does not select any LDAP server, he will be authenticated against the appropriate LDAP server.

NOTE: For SYSADMN/ SYSAUTH/ GUEST users, no need to select any LDAP server as they are always authenticated against SMS store. Additionally, in case a specific user has been marked as “SMS Auth Only” in the User Maintenance window even though the OFSAA instance is configured for LDAP authentication, then that user will also be authenticated against SMS store instead of LDAP store. The user has to enter password as per SMS store.