
A set of rules collectively form a Process. A process definition is represented as a Process Tree. The Process option in the Rules Designer Framework provides a framework that facilitates the definition and maintenance of a process. By defining a Process, you can logically group a collection of rules that pertain to a functional process. You can define a Process with the existing metadata objects using a hierarchical structure which facilitates the construction of a process tree. Process tree can have many levels and one or many nodes within each level. Sub-processes are defined at level members and process hierarchy members form the leaf members of the tree. Refer Process Hierarchy Members for more information.

Note the following:

Consider the following illustration:

Further, the business may require simulating conditions under different business scenarios and evaluate the resultant calculations with respect to the baseline calculation. Such simulations are done through the construction of Processes and Process trees. Underlying metadata objects such as Rules, T2T Definitions, Processes, and Database Stored Procedures drive the Process functionality.

Concurrent Rule Execution

You can define a process to combine different computation/ classification rules for concurrent execution by marking the process or sub process as executable.

Conditions for execution

The Roles mapped for Process module are: Process Access, Process Advanced, Process Authorize, Process Read Only, Process Write and Process Phantom. Based on the roles mapped to your user group, you can access various screens in Process module.

You can access Process window by expanding Rule Run Framework within the LHS menu and selecting Process. The Process screen displays the processes created in the current Information Domain with the metadata details such as Code, Name, Folder, Version, and Active status. For more information on how object access is restricted, see Object Security section.

The Folder drop-down list displays all Public folders, shared folders to which your user group is mapped and Private folders for which you are the owner. You can make use of Search and Filter option to search for specific Processes based on Code, Name, Folder, Version, or Active status. The Pagination option helps you to manage the view of existing Processes within the system.

Authorize Process Definition

A process definition when created/modified should be approved by an authorizer. An authorizer can approve/ reject a pre-defined process definition listed within the Process window. To approve/ reject process(s) in the Process window, you need to have the Authorize role mapped to your user group. If you are an authorizer, then all the process definitions created/ modified by you are auto approved and the Active status is set to Yes. Otherwise, the Active status is set to No and an authorizer needs to approve it to change the Active status to Yes.

  1. Select the checkbox(s) adjacent to the required Process Codes.

  2. Do one of the following:

A Process is made available for use only after the approval. For a rejected definition a comment with the rejection details will be added.

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Export Process to PDF

You can export single/multiple Process definition details to a PDF file. To export the Process definition details in the Process screen:

  1. Select the checkbox(s) adjacent to the required Process Codes.

  2. Click Export in the toolbar and click PDF. The Export dialog is displayed.

The Export dialog displays the Export Format, Definition Type, the names of the Selected Definitions, and the Trace Options.

To select the Trace Options:

  1. Click Export. The process is initiated and is displayed in a pop-up specific to the current download. Once the pdf is generated, you can open / save the file from the File Download dialog.

You can either save the file on the local machine or view the file contents in a PDF viewer. The downloaded PDF displays all the details such as Linked to, Properties, Master info, Audit Trail, List, Mapping Details, and Comments of all the Process definitions selected.

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Trace Process Definition Details

You can trace the metadata details of individual Process definitions. To trace the underlying metadata details of a Process definition in the Process screen:

  1. Select the checkbox adjacent to the Process Code whose details are to be traced.

  2. Click Trace Definition from the toolbar.

The Trace Definition window is displayed with the details such as Traced Object (Name and Definition Type), other Processes and Runs in which the selected Process is used. In the Trace Definition screen you can also select individual Process or Run and click Show Details button to view the definition details.

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Delete Process Definition

You can remove Process definition(s) which are no longer required in the system by deleting from Process screen.

  1. Select the checkbox(s) adjacent to the Process Code(s) whose details are to be removed.

  2. Click Remove from the toolbar.

  3. Click OK in the information dialog to confirm deletion.

An information dialog is displayed confirming the deletion of the Process definition(s) and asking the authorization of the same.

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