Creating Process

You can build a Process by adding one or more members called Process Nodes. If there are Predecessor Tasks associated with any member, the tasks defined as predecessors precede the execution of that member. The Write role should be mapped to your user group, from the User Group Role Map window.

To define a process in the Process screen:

  1. Click New button from the List toolbar. The Process Definition (New Mode) screen is displayed.

  2. Click button adjacent to the Folder field in the Linked to grid. The Folder Selector window is displayed. The folders to which your user group is mapped are displayed.

  1. Enter the details of the Master info grid as tabulated:

Filed Name



Refers to the default ID of a newly created Process and is <<New>>.


Enter a valid code for the process. Ensure that the code is alphanumeric with a maximum of 30 characters in length and there are no special characters except underscore “_”.


Enter a valid name for the Process. Ensure that Process Name is alphanumeric and does not contain any of the following special characters: #, %, &, +, ", ~, and ‘.


By default the version field is displayed as <<NA>> for the new Process being created. Once the Process definition is saved, an appropriate version is assigned as either "-1" or "0" depending on the authorization permissions. For more information, see Process Definition Versioning.


By default, the Active field is displayed as <<NA>> for the new Process being created. Once the Process definition is saved, the status is set to "Yes" if you are an Authorizer creating the Rule or "No" if the created Rule needs to be Authorized by an Authorizer.


Select the Type based on which you would like to create the rule from the drop-down list.


Select the checkbox if you want to bunch rule executions for concurrency.

If you are selecting the checkbox, you can add only Computation or Classification Rules as Components. For more information, see Concurrent Rule Execution section.

Route Execution to High Precedence Node

Select the checkbox if you want to route the execution of this Process definition to the high precedence node set up in the AM server.

  1. Click Properties button in the Master information grid to edit the properties of Process. The Properties window is displayed.

Note: Effective Dating is not implemented for Process definition.

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Define Sub Process to Root

You can define sub processes to the base process being created or for a pre-defined sub process under a base process.

This option will not be available if you have selected the base process as executable.  A process can have multiple executable sub processes; however an executable sub process cannot have sub process within it. It can have only computation/ classification rule as components.

To create a sub processor in the Process Definition (New Mode) screen:

  1. Click Subprocess button. The Subprocess in ROOT dialog is displayed.

  2. Enter the Subprocess Code. You cannot enter any special characters except underscore “_”.

  3. Select the Executable checkbox to club the rules for concurrent execution. Executable sub process can have only Classification/ Computation Rules.

  4. Click OK.

The sub process is listed under the root process as a branch.

Note: You can further create sub processes for the existing processes or for the base process by selecting the process and following the above procedure; however an executable sub process cannot have sub process within it.

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Add Component to Base Process / Sub Process

You can add process components to the base process as well as the sub processes. For concurrent rule execution, you should select only rules, which comes under Base Rules node. See Concurrent Rule Execution section for the conditions to select the rules.

To add the process components from the Process Definition (New Mode) screen:

  1. Select the process for which you want to add the component.

  2. Click Component button.

The Component Selector screen is displayed.

On the List pane, click button to expand the members and view the process components. For more information, see Process Hierarchy Members.

  1. Select a Process Component and click to move the component to the Tasks In <Process Name> pane.

In Component Selector screen you can also:

The parameters must be specified in double quotes and in case of multiple parameters, specify the values separated by commas. For example, "value 1","value 2".

Note: Sub processes listed in Tasks In <Process Name> pane cannot be removed.

  1. Click OK. The components are listed under the selected process.

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Merging Rules for Concurrent Execution

After selecting Rules as components for concurrent execution, you can merge rules in a sub process to define that as a logical single rule.

To merge rules in a sub process:

  1. From the Component Selector window, select the required rules.

  2. Select the rules to be merged and click Merge Rules.

Note: You can merge only rules which are part of the same dataset.

  1. Specify the sub process code. The Executable checkbox will be selected. You cannot modify it.

  2. Click Ok. The merged rules will be placed under the new sub process.

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Add Precedence for Selected Components

You can add precedence for the selected components in the Process Definition (New Mode) screen. Precedence can be defined to peer processes in a selected parent process.

Note: Precedence cannot be set for the executable sub processes.

To add precedence for a selected component:

  1. Select the process for whose components you want to select the precedence.

  2. Click Precedence button

The Precedence Selector screen is displayed.

  1. Select Auto Map to override the predefined precedence and to set predecessor tasks as precedence.

  2. To manually select predecessor tasks for a task:

Note: You cannot select tasks as predecessor tasks if they have cyclic dependencies with the selected task.

In the Precedence Selector screen you can also:

  1. Click OK. The precedence is set for the tasks in the selected process.

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Move Tasks among Processes

You can move the tasks which have no dependency, among different processes in the Process Definition (New/ Edit Mode) screen. To move tasks:

  1. Select the task to be moved or the sub process under which the task to be moved comes. On the right pane, the task or sub process details are displayed.

  2. Select the checkbox(s) adjacent to the tasks to move to a different process.

  3. Click Move button. The Move dialog is displayed.

  4. Select the process / subprocess to which you want to move the task.

  5. Click OK. The screen is refreshed and the task is displayed under the selected process.

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Remove Tasks from a Process

You can remove / delete the tasks which has no dependency, from the Process Definition (New Mode) screen. To remove tasks:

  1. Select the checkbox(s) adjacent to the tasks you want to remove.

  2. Click Remove button. The Warning dialog is displayed.

  3. Click OK. The selected tasks are removed from the process.

In the Process Definition (New Mode) screen, you can also view the details of a selected task by clicking Show Details button.

Click Save. The process definition is saved with the provided details and is displayed in the Process screen.

Note that, the default version of a new Process definition created by an Authorizer is "0" and the one created by non Authorizer is "-1". For more details on Versioning, see Process Definition Versioning section.

The Audit Trail section at the bottom of Process Definition (New Mode) screen displays metadata information about the Process definition created. The User Comments section facilitates you to add or update additional information as comments.

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