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Oracle® Developer Studio 12.5: Distributed Make (dmake)

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Updated: June 2016


These options and the environment variables and makefile macros described later in this man page modify the same behavior.

Their order of precedence is defined as:

  1. Command-line options

  2. Makefile macros

  3. Environment variables

  4. dmake default

-c dmake_rcfile

Specifies an alternate runtime configuration file.

The default runtime configuration file is $(HOME)/.dmakerc.

-g dmake_group

Specifies the name of the build server group to which jobs are distributed.

You define server groups in the runtime configuration file.

The default server group is the first group in the runtime configuration file.

-j dmake_max_jobs

Specifies the maximum total number of jobs that are distributed to the specified group of build servers in the runtime configuration file.

The default maximum number of jobs is the sum of all the specified jobs in a build server group.

The jobs are subtracted from, or added to, hosts by 1 in the order they appear in the runtime configuration file.

For example, if all jobs specified in the runtime configuration file total 8:

host earth { jobs = 3 }
host mars  { jobs = 5 }

and dmake_max_jobs is specified as 11, dmake adds three more jobs to the current total maximum number of jobs (which is eight) as follows:

host earth { jobs = 5 }
host mars  { jobs = 6 }

Also, if dmake_max_jobs is specified as 4, dmake subtracts four jobs (from the original eight) as follows:

host earth { jobs = 1 }
host mars  { jobs = 3 }

-m {serial | parallel | distributed | grid}

Specify one of the following key words:


Causes dmake to behave like the standard serial version of make.


Causes dmake to distribute jobs to only the dmake host.


Causes dmake to behave in fully distributed mode. This is the dmake default.


Causes dmake to use Oracle Grid Engine (formerly known as Solaris Grid Engine) to distribute build jobs.

-o dmake_odir

Specifies a common physical directory that dmake can write temporary output files to and read temporary output files from. The directory used is $(HOME)/.dmake and this or whichever directory is specified, must be visible to all build servers.

Use this option only if the $(HOME) directory on your local host and the $(HOME) directory on all of your remote hosts are not the same physical $(HOME) directory. For example, a root user would use this option.