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Oracle® Developer Studio 12.5: Distributed Make (dmake)

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Updated: June 2016


If there are any problems with using dmake in distributed mode, verify the following:

  • The $HOME environment variable is set to an accessible directory.

    % ls -la $HOME
  • The file $HOME/.dmakerc exists, is readable, and contains correct information.

    % cat $HOME/.dmakerc
  • All hosts mentioned in the $HOME/.dmakerc file are alive. Use the /usr/sbin/ping command to check each host.

    % /usr/sbin/ping $HOST

    $HOST is the name of the system that is listed as the host in $HOME/.dmakerc file.

  • Verify that the path to the dmake binaries is correct by using the which command to find the dmake, rxm, and rxs commands:

    % which dmake
    % which rxm
    % which rxs
  • The remote login (rsh or ssh) on each host works without a password, and each remote login takes an acceptable time (less than 2 seconds).

    % time rsh $HOST uname -a
  • The file /etc/opt/SPROdmake/dmake.conf exists on each host and contains the correct information. If this file does not exist, dmake will distribute only one job on this system:

    % rsh $HOST cat /etc/opt/SPROdmake/dmake.conf
  • The path to the dmake binaries is correct for each host:

    % rsh $HOST `which dmake`
    % rsh $HOST `which rxm`
    % rsh $HOST `which rxs`
  • The build area is available from each host (rwx):

    % cd $BUILD
    % rm $HOST.check.tmp
    % echo "Build area is available from host $HOST" > $HOST.check.tmp
    % rsh $HOST cat $BUILD/$HOST.check.tmp

    where $BUILD is the full path to the build area.

  • That $HOME is available from each host:

    % cd $HOME
    % rm $HOST.check.tmp
    % echo "HOME is available from host $HOST" > $HOST.check.tmp
    % rsh $HOST cat $HOME/$HOST.check.tmp