9 ASAP Post-Installation Tasks

This chapter provides instructions for performing Oracle Communications ASAP post-installation tasks.

Configuring ASAP to Support TAF for Oracle RAC

To configure the ASAP_home/config/ASAP.cfg file to take advantage of the Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) system functionality and transparent application failover (TAF), use the following procedure:

  1. Using a text editor, open the ASAP.cfg file in the ASAP_home/config/ directory.

  2. Configure the entries in ASAP.cfg listed in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1 ASAP.cfg Entries

Entry Description


Specify the number of times you want ASAP to retry the connection when the connection to the database fails. For example, DB_RETRY_NUMBER = 11.


Specify the interval (in seconds) between attempts for establishing the connection. For example, DB_RETRY_INTERVAL = 10.

The following are reliability related configuration parameters in the ASAP.cfg file:

# ASAP Availability Enhancement Parameters
DB_RETRY_NUMBER = 5 # Manual Retry count on loss of DB Connection
DB_RETRY_INTERVAL = 1 # Sleep period between each manual retry on loss of DB connection
USE_OCI_EVENTS = 1 # Activates OCI_EVENTS on OCI Environment

For information about troubleshooting ASAP, see the ASAP System Administrator's Guide.

Installing and Testing a Cartridge

This section describes the following procedures related to installing and testing a cartridge:

Downloading a Cartridge

To download the a cartridge:

  1. Go to the Oracle support website:


  2. On your workstation, create a repository directory with a name of your choice.

  3. Download the cartridge to a temporary directory.

  4. Extract the TAR file.

    tar xvf TAR_file.tar

    The directory structure should look like the following:


    This is the minimum required structure. You can enhance this directory structure with additional directories.

Installing a Cartridge

There are two ways of installing a cartridge:

Before installing a cartridge, ensure that ASAP is running.

To start ASAP:

  1. Start ASAP:

    start_asap_sys -d
  2. Verify that the Orace WebLogic Server instance for this ASAP environment is running.

The ASAP System Administrator's Guide contains more information on starting the ASAP server, the ASAP Daemon, and the WebLogic Server.

Installing a Cartridge Using Scripts

The installCartridge script executes the following tasks:

  • Configures the cartridge-specific NE using the Service Activation Configuration Tool (SACT).

  • Deploys the cartridge service model (only if the cartridge service model is not yet deployed) using the Service Activation Deployment Tool (SADT).

  • Copies the cartridge-specific JAR files to the ASAP environment.

  • Using the PostDeploySarFile script:

    • Searches for and invokes the SarPatch script inside a SAR file.

    • Searches for and populates all SQL files whose name has no undeploy_ prefix.

    • Searches for all .tst work order files and load the work order defined in them.

For information about the SACT refer to the ASAP Server Configuration Guide. For more information about SADT and the PostDeploySarFile, refer to the ASAP Cartridge Development Guide.


Before deploying an XML file for the first time, ensure that the ASAP_home/SYBASE/interface file exists.

To install the cartridge:

  1. Run the ASAP_home/samples/DIT/scripts/installCartridge script.

    installCartridge SAR_file.sar

    Where SAR_file is the name of your SAR file.

  2. The script prompts you for the values of the following WebLogic Server login parameters:

    • WebLogic Hostname

    • WebLogic HTTP Port

    • WebLogic Login User ID

    • WebLogic Login Password

    The script loads the NEP-NE configuration and the CSDL-ASDL configuration to the SARM database, and loads sample work orders to the SRP database. The script also copies the cartridge-specific jar files to the ASAP environment.

  3. Add ${ASAP_BASE}/lib/studio_2_6_0.jar to the CLASSPATH in the JInterpreter file under $ASAP_BASE/programs directory.

  4. Restart ASAP to upload the cartridge configuration into ASAP.

Installing a Cartridge Using Studio

Ensure ASAP and WebLogic Server are started and running. For more information on using Design Studio with ASAP, see Design Studio Help for ASAP.

To install a cartridge using Design Studio:

  1. From the File menu, select Import, then select Activation Archive (SAR) under Studio Wizards to import the SAR file. Browse for the path of the SAR file and click Finish.

  2. Create a new Service Activation Project.

  3. Define a new NE Entity based on the NE Template contained in the cartridge provided by Oracle.

  4. Ensure that the primary pool of the newly created NE is different from the NE template primary pool. You can modify it, if necessary.

  5. Ensure that the test work order provided with the cartridge targets the newly defined NE. If not, then modify the test work orders file(s).

  6. Create a new Activation Environment Project from the Studio menu. See Studio documentation for more information.

  7. Create Activation Environment inside the Activation Environment Project and configure the Connection Details tab with your Environment ID, Activation version, and WebLogic Server data.

  8. Connect to your environment using the Connect button.

  9. Select the Cartridge tab of the Activation Environment and click Add to add your projects to the environment. The cartridge and the newly created Service Activation should appear in the Cartridges list.

  10. Deploy the NetworkActivation (NA) cartridge provided by Oracle. (No NE information is to be deployed with this cartridge, therefore it is not necessary to deploy the NEP map info).

  11. Deploy the Service Activation (SA) project as follows:

    • On the Cartridge tab, select the necessary SA cartridge and click Deploy.

    • Select the NEP Map tab of the Activation Environment. Select the required NEP server from Network Element Processors. See Studio documentation for more information.

    • Select the SA cartridge from the Network Element Processor Map and click Deploy.

  12. Verify the SADT console to confirm the installation.

  13. Go to ASAP environment.

  14. Add ${ASAP_BASE}/lib/studio_2_6_0.jar to the CLASSPATH in the JInterpreter file under $ASAP_BASE/programs directory.

  15. Restart ASAP in order to start working with the cartridge.

Installing a Cartridge to a Distributed ASAP Environment

To install an ASAP cartridge to an ASAP environment that has been distributed over several UNIX machines:

  1. Install the cartridge to the master ASAP environment as described in "Installing a Cartridge Using Scripts" or "Installing a Cartridge Using Studio."

  2. Archive the following files and folders:

    • ASAP_home/Environment_Profile

    • ASAP_home/config/ASAP.cfg

    • ASAP_home/SYBASE/interfaces

    • ASAP_home/lib/

    • ASAP_home/install/cwallet.sso

    • ASAP_home/ASAP.properties

    • ASAP_home/programs/JInterpreter

    For example:

    zip -r Masterfile.zip Environment_Profile config/ASAP.cfg SYBASE/interfaces lib/ install/cwallet.sso ASAP.properties programs/JInterpreter
  3. Copy the archive to the ASAP_home directory in your slave environment, using FTP for example.

  4. From the slave ASAP environment extract the archive.

    unzip Masterfile.zip
    replace config/ASAP.cfg? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one, [r]ename: A

Redirecting Work Orders to a Remote Backup NEP Server

This procedure assumes that you have set up a remote NEP server to act as a backup in the event that he local NEP server fails.

To redirect work orders to the remote backup NEP server:

  1. Install ASAP with a distributed remote NEP server as described in "Installing ASAP Across Multiple UNIX Machines."

  2. Create a cartridge that is mapped to the local NEP.

  3. Deploy the cartridge to the master environment and the slave environment as described in "Installing a Cartridge to a Distributed ASAP Environment." In this scenario, after deploying the cartridge, the remote NEP does not need to be running.

  4. Create an SACT XML file that you can use to remap the work order from the local NEP server to the remote NEP server. For example:

    <element name="MSLV-TELNET-HOST">
     <routingElement name="MSLV-TELNET-HOST">

    Where NEP_Server can is the name of the remote backup NEP server.

  5. If the local NEP server fails, run SACT with the NEP backup server XML file to update the SARM database with the new routing information.

  6. Restart the ASAP server.

    stop_asap_sys -d
    start_asap_sys -d
  7. When the local NEP server become available again, repeat steps 4 to 6 using the NEP_Server name of the local NEP server.

Backing Up the InstallShield Directory

Certain install files are created during installation and contains information about which components were installed into an ASAP environment. They are stored under $HOME/InstallShield/... and are referred to by the installer when the ASAP environment is subsequently upgraded.

You should back up the $HOME/InstallShield/directory for each ASAP installation you perform. Ensure that you are able to identify which ASAP version and EFix number the backed updirectory is associated with.

Note that the $HOME/InstallShield/ directory can be overwritten by a subsequent install if:

  • You have more than one ASAP environment installed on one machine

  • These installations share the same $HOME location

  • The $HOME location is different than the $ASAP_BASE location

Using ASAP with Oracle Database 12c and NLS_CHARACTERSET WE8ISO8859P15

Perform the following tasks if you are using Oracle Database 12c with NLS_CHARACTERSET WE8ISO8859P15.

To enable ASAP to function with the NLS_CHARACTERSET WE8ISO8859P15

  1. After you install the ASAP server software, you must copy the Oracle 12c version of orai18n.jar from Middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.nlsrtl_12.1.0 to ASAP_home/JLIB.

  2. Add Middleware_home/oracle_common/modules/oracle.nlsrtl_12.1.0 to the CLASSPATH for WebLogic Server.

  3. Add PRE_CLASSPATH in domain_home/bin/setDomainEnv.sh.

  4. Clear the PRE_CLASSPATH in case an application template wants to set it before the larger PRE_CLASSPATH is invoked as shown below:

    export PRE_CLASSPATH 
    export PRE_CLASSPATH

Creating a Backup of ASAP, WebLogic Domain, and ASAP Schemas

After installing or before upgrading ASAP, create a backup of the ASAP environment, WebLogic Server domain, and ASAP schemas. These backups can be used to recover from system or upgrade failures.

Ensure that you have installed the zip and unzip utility (or a similar utility such as tar) before you start the backup procedures.

The Oracle database server provides the impdp and expdp utilities to import and export database schemas.


While backing up ASAP, you must shutdown ASAP and the ASAP WebLogic Server domain. Do not start these backup procedures until the status for all work orders indicate Completed, Cancelled, or Failed, and no work order status indicates in Loading, Initial, or in progress. The Oracle database server must be running.

To minimize service outage while you upgrade, perform the backup during off-peak hours.

Creating a Backup of the ASAP Environment

To create a backup of the ASAP environment, use the following procedure:

  1. Source the ASAP_home/Environment_Profile.

    . ./Environment_Profile
  2. Shut down ASAP.

    stop_asap_sys -d
  3. From the directory that contains ASAP_home, use the zip utility to generate an ASAP backup file:

    zip -r ASAP720_BACKUP.zip ASAP_home
  4. Store the backup file in a safe location.

Creating a Backup of the WebLogic Server

To create a backup of the WebLogic Server:

  1. Shut down the WebLogic Server using the domain_home/bin/stopWeblogic.sh script or from the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. From the directory that contains the domain_home folder, use the zip utility to generate an WebLogic Server Domain backup file.

    zip -r WLDOMAIN_BACKUP.zip WeblogicDomain


    It is also good practice to backup the WebLogic Server software located at Middleware_home.
  3. Store the backup file in a safe location.

Creating a Backup of the ASAP Schemas

To create a backup of the ASAP Database:

  1. Ensure that your database is running.

  2. Source the ASAP Environment_Profile in the ASAP_home folder.

    . ./Environment_Profile
  3. Use the following command to generate a backup file for the Control, Admin, SARM, NEP, and SRP servers, where password is the database system admin password and filename is the name you want to give your DMP file.

    expdp system/password SCHEMAS=$CTRL_USER,$SARM_USER,$ADM_USER,$NEP_USER,$SRP_USER DUMPFILE=filename.dmp


    You can find the location for the DMP file at the end of the output from this command. For example:
    Dump file set for SYSTEM.SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA_01 is:

    Where path is the path to the dpdump directory.

    If the database is co-resident with ASAP, you must log in with a database user account to access the file. If the database is on a different UNIX machine, you must log into the UNIX machine with a database user account to access the file.