8 Installing the Order Control Application Client

This chapter describes how to install the Oracle Communications ASAP Order Control Application (OCA) client. Before installing the OCA client, read these chapters:

About Order Control Application Client Session and User Configuration

Any OCA client can have sessions to one or more ASAP instances. There is a one-to-one relationship between a session and an ASAP instance.

If you are planning to operate more than 500 OCA clients, consider increasing the value of OCA_MAX_SESSIONS parameter in the ASAP.cfg file. The default number of sessions is 100.

You may also extend OCA client to connect to multiple ASAP instances by adding new server sessions to OCA client.

You can configure additional OCA client users in the Oracle WebLogic Server. For more information on configuring OCA client users, see the discussion on GUI interface security in ASAP System Administrator's Guide.


If you have errors with the OCA client and security exceptions are generated by the WebLogic Server you may need to update an OCA-related security setting within a server domain.
  • In the WebLogic Server Administration Console, navigate to the Security section, and under Realms, click on your realm (For example, myrealm).

  • On the General tab, locate the Check Roles and Policies for entry and change it to Web Applications and EJBs protected in DD.

  • Click Apply.

  • Restart your Oracle WebLogic Server.

Types of Installation

The installation options for the OCA client are:

Installing Order Control Application Thick Client by Using the GUI Installer

The OCA thick client is supported on Microsoft Windows-based machines.

Installing OCA client involves the following tasks:

  • Installing the client GUIs using the install wizard

  • Specifying the OCA server so it can communicate with the ASAP servers

  • Editing the WebLogic Server service parameters

Use the OCA client checklist (see Table 8-1) to make sure that you have met all of the requirements prior to starting the installation process.

Table 8-1 OCA Client Checklist

Description Value

Record the hostname of the UNIX machine on which ASAP is running.


Record the IP address of the UNIX machine on which ASAP is running. If you are unsure of the IP address, see the system administrator.


Record the Environment ID of the ASAP Environment on UNIX machine


To install the OCA thick client by using the GUI installer:

  1. Close all other applications on the target machine.

  2. Remove all previous versions of the OCA client, including the AIMS client, if used.

  3. Ensure that a local administrator account has been created on the target system.

  4. Download the client installation executable, asapReleaseNumberBuildNumberClientWin.exe (for example, asap730B100ClientWin.exe), from the Oracle software delivery website.

  5. Double-click the executable to start the client installer.

    The ASAP splash screen appears followed by the Welcome dialog box. The Welcome dialog contains a Pre-installation Checklist. Ensure that you have completed the pre-installation requirements.

  6. Click Next.

    The Enter Client Destination Directory dialog appears.

  7. Do one of the following:

    • In the Directory Name field, type the name of the directory where you want to install the OCA client.

    • To install the OCA client to another directory, click Browse.

  8. Click Next.

    The Select Installation Type dialog box appears.

  9. Choose the type of OCA thick client installation you require.

    • If you selected Custom, the Select Components dialog appears. A custom installation allows you to select the components you want to install. Continue to next step.

    • If you selected Typical, the Disk Space Required dialog appears A typical installation type includes the Java Runtime Environment, the OCA client, and Business Intelligence (BI) publisher reports. Skip the next two steps.

  10. Click Next.

    The Select Components dialog box appears.

  11. Select the OCA client components you want to install.


    If you do not have the Java Runtime Environment installed on your machine, enable Java Runtime Environment in the Select Components dialog, as it is required to run the OCA Client.
  12. Click Next. The Components Selected - Disk Space Required dialog box appears, providing summary information on the ASAP installation location, the OCA client components to be installed, and the total size (in MB) of the installation.

  13. Click Next. The OCA client Installation Summary dialog appears, displaying the installation directory and the client settings.

  14. From the OCA client Installation Summary dialog click Save As to choose a directory to save the current ASAP installation settings. You can use this file for future unattended OCA client installation.

  15. Click Next. The Installing OCA client dialog appears as the installation executes.

  16. After the OCA client installation completes, the Installation Summary dialog appears. To view the README file, enable the check box.

  17. Click Next.

    The README file appears.

  18. Click Finish.

Setting Up the Order Control Application Thick Client

  1. Confirm that the ..\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file on the machine includes the fully qualified DNS name of the UNIX server where the ASAP server is running.

  2. Open the C:\Program Files\Oracle Communications\ASAP\OCAClient \config\OCA.cfg file.

  3. In the OCA.cfg file, set the session parameters and global parameters that are described in the topic about setting OCA SRP configuration parameters in ASAP Server Configuration Guide.

  4. Double-click the OCA client icon on the desktop.


    Log in to the OCA client using the OCA password that was specified during ASAP installation.
  5. If the OCA client does not start, ensure that the WebLogic Server and the SARM server are running.

Installing the Order Control Application Thick Client Using the Silent Installer

You can create a response file using the client GUI installer that records all settings and selections you made using the GUI installer. You can use this file to perform subsequent, silent installations on other machines. When you invoke a silent installation, you are not prompted for input - instead, this input is read from the response file at run time.


When running a silent installation of the OCA client, the OCA client, and JRE are installed by default.

You can edit the variables contained in the response file before invoking the silent installation to customize it. You can edit some of the custom values in the response file which pertain to ASAP. For example:

-P installLocation="C:\ASAP73"

To create a response file without installing the OCA client:

  1. Perform the installation steps and answer the prompts.

  2. When you reach the Summary Panel, click Save As to save the response file to disk.

  3. Cancel the remaining installation. In other words, do not install the OCA client.

  4. You can edit the response file so that the installer has the specific information that is required.

To invoke a silent installation:

  1. Ensure that the response file and the client installation executable are in the same folder.

  2. Enter the command prompt.

  3. Go to the directory that contains the response file and the client installation executable.

  4. Type:

    asapReleaseNumberBuildNumberClientWin -silent -options Response_filename

Configuring the Order Control Application Thick Client in the ASAP Environment

The following procedure enables you to configure the OCA thick client located on your UNIX system. This deployment of the OCA client is automatically installed in the ASAP environment when you install the ASAP server.

To configure the OCA client thick client in the ASAP environment:

  1. In the ASAP_home/config/OCA.cfg file, set the session parameters and global parameters that are described in the topic about setting the OCA SRP configuration parameters in ASAP Server Configuration Guide.

  2. Modify $ASAP_BASE/scripts/runocaclient as required.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Run runocaclient

    • Type the following command:

      java -ms64m -mx64m -classpath "$ASAP_BASE/lib/ocac.jar" architel.OCA.OCAClient.app.OCAMain -c $ASAP_BASE/config/oca.cfg


    Log in to the OCA client using the OCA password that was specified during ASAP installation.

Configuring Order Control Application Thin Client (Java Applet)

To set up the OCA think client application, ensure that your browser has the required Java plug-in for the OCA client.


There can be large performance differences when performing queries which return large numbers of work orders. See "Software Requirements" for your release to confirm the recommended JRE browser plug-in version.

Adding Oder Control Application Thin Client Server Sessions

The following procedure describes how to add new server sessions for a given OCA client.

OCA users that have access privileges to multiple OCA sessions can select one or more sessions to use when performing order queries or audit log queries.

You need to perform the following procedure only if you intend to add new session configurations; ASAP installation automatically creates one session to the OCA JSRP.

To add new server session configurations to the OCA web client application:

  1. To open the web-based client, open a web browser and type:


    For example:

    ASAP_envID is the ASAP environment ID. An ASAP system can have multiple ASAP instances with multiple environments.

    The OCA Web Client Configuration screen appears.

    Description of oca_configuration.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ''oca_configuration.gif''

  2. Click Add Server Session Configuration. The following screen appears.

    Description of oca_register.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ''oca_register.gif''

  3. Supply the following information.

    • ASAP Environment ID: The ASAP environment ID is a unique identifier for each ASAP environment within an ASAP instance. Maximum of four alphanumeric characters.

    • Control Database Host: The host name or IP address of the ASAP server.

    • Control Database Port: Enter Control Database Port.

    • Control Database Name: The name of the control database for the ASAP instance.

    • Control User Name: The control database user ID.

    • Control User Password: The control database user password.

    • WebLogic Administrator: WebLogic Server system administration login ID.

    • WebLogic Password: WebLogic Server system administration login password.

    • WebLogic Target Server: The name of the WebLogic Server for the ASAP instance.

  4. Click Add Server Session.

    A message appears confirming the successful addition of the server session, or any errors related to the addition of the server session.

  5. Click Continue to return to the OCA Web Client Configuration screen. The new server session appears in the Registered Server Sessions list.

Launching an Order Control Application Thin Client Server Session

To launch an OCA thin client server session:

  1. Open a web browser and type:


    For example:

    ASAP_envID is the ASAP environment ID. An ASAP system can have multiple ASAP instances with multiple environments.

    The OCA Web Client Configuration screen appears.

    Description of oca_configuration.gif follows
    Description of the illustration ''oca_configuration.gif''

  2. Select a server to launch from the Select from the following Registered Server Sessions list.

  3. Set the following global parameters:

    • Language Code: Language code for the language in which translatable information is returned to and displayed by the client. If applied, all translatable fields are shown in the OCA client native language, as specified by the LANGUAGE variable.

    • Idle Timeout: Maximum idle time, in minutes, after which the OCA SRP server terminates the OCA client connection. Set to zero (0) to disable this feature.

    • Events Supported: Enables the propagation of SARM events.

    • Max Open Windows: The number of detail windows a user can have open at one time.

  4. Click Launch Selected Server Sessions.


    The ASAP installer creates a user named ASAP_admin that you can use to access the OCA client. Users with the access privileges can change the default user name and password using the WebLogic Server Administration Console.

Configuring the OCA Client on Systems with Multiple Interfaces or IP Addresses

If the Windows computer hosting your OCA client is configured with more than one network interface or IP address or if the hostname of your computer maps to a network address that the WebLogic Server cannot contact (for example when the OCA user is accessing ASAP over a VPN) configure your client as follows.

Configuring the Windows Order Control Application Thick Client

  1. On your Windows system, click Start, point to Programs, point to Oracle Communications, point to ASAP, point to OCA Client.

  2. Right-click on OCA Client and select Properties.

  3. In the Properties dialog box, click the Shortcut tab.

  4. In the Target field, between the entries



    -ms64m -mx64m -classpath "C:\Program Files\Oracle Communications\ASAP\OCAClient\lib\ocac.jar" architel.OCA.OCAClient.app.OCAMain 




    Do not overwrite the existing entries.

    Your entry must now look like this (the new entry is highlighted in bold letters):

    C:\WINDOWS\system32\javaw.exe -Dweblogic.corba.client.bidir=true -ms64m -mx64m -classpath "C:\Program Files\Oracle Communications\ASAP\OCAClient\lib\ocac.jar" architel.OCA.OCAClient.app.OCAMain

Configuring the Order Control Application Thin Client (Java Applet)

  1. On your Windows system, click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel. The Control Panel dialog appears.

  2. Double-click the Java icon to open the Java Control Panel.

  3. In the Java Control Panel, open the Java tab.

  4. In the Java Applet Runtime Settings box, click View.

    The Java Runtime Settings dialog appears.

  5. In the Java Runtime Versions table, add the following entry to the Java Runtime Parameters column for your preferred version of JRE:



    Do not overwrite the existing entries.

Localizing the Order Control Application Client

Perform the following procedures to translate OCA client interface components as well as the OCA applet to a language other than English. This procedure does not extend to the HTML page within which the OCA applet runs.

All elements that can be translated are contained in the OCAResources.properties file. Specifically, elements that can be translated are:

  • Screen titles

  • Field labels

  • Informational labels (such as the number of work orders found)

  • Menus and their contents

  • List headers

  • OCA-specific error messages

  • Tooltips

  • OCA-populated drop-down lists

Elements that cannot be translated are:

  • Error messages that are generated by the OCA SRP

  • Data that appears within fields and data lists

  • Data that appears in some drop-down lists populated by systems external to the OCA client

It is not necessary to modify the OCA.cfg file.

Configuring Your Locale

To configure your locale:

  1. On your Windows system, click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel. The Control Panel dialog appears.

  2. Double-click the Regional and Language Options icon. The Regional and Language Options dialog appears.

  3. Select the target locale, such as "French (Canada)".

Configuring Your Browser if Running the OCA Applet

To configure your browser if you are running the OCA applet:

  1. Open the web browser and select Tools > Internet Options.

  2. In the General tab, click Languages.

  3. In the Language Preference dialog, click Add.

  4. Ensure that "French(Canada)[fr-ca]" and "English(United States)[en-us]" are included in the list.

  5. Click OK.

Translating the Template File

To translate the template files:

  1. Open the OCAResources.properties file and save it with a different name. For example, if you are producing a French properties file, you could name it OCAResources_fr_ca.properties.

  2. Open the OCAResources_fr_ca.properties file and translate the values to the right of the equals sign as required. For example:

    # OCA Frame Temp Action
    TMP_ASDLDELAYFAIL=ASDL insuccès retardée
    TMP_ASDLRETRY=ASDL réessayage
  3. Package the translated OCAResources_fr_ca.properties file into a new JAR file (ocac_lang.jar).

    For example, type:

    jar uvf ocac_lang.jar

    For the OCA client (Windows platform), ocac_lang.jar is located in $OCA_ClientHOME\lib.

    For example, C:\Program Files\Oracle Communications\ASAP\OCAClient\lib.

    If you are running OCA as a web application, you must copy the OCAResources_fr_ca.properties to the UNIX platform using FTP, compile it, and package it to ocac_lang.jar on the server side. On the server side, ocac_lang.jar is normally bundled in asapENV.ear.

  4. In the Target command, add the "-Duser.language=fr_ca" flag before the classpath flag.

  5. Append the ocac_lang.jar file to the classpath.

Installing Order Control Application Client Report Templates

When the OCA client is installed, the following templates are created:

  • OCA_clien_home\BIReports\report_name\report_name.xdoz

  • OCA_client_home\BIReports\report_name\report_name.xdmz

Where OCA_client_home is the location of your OCA thick client installation directory and report_name is the name of the report.

For example, when the OCA client is installed with ASAP report templates, the Activity_Report directory is created with the following templates:

  • C:\Program Files\Oracle Communications\ASAP\BIReports\Activity_Report\Activity_Report.xdoz

  • C:\Program Files\Oracle Communications\ASAP\BIReports\Activity_Report\Activity_Report.zdmz


If you select the installation type as Custom, ensure that you select Report.

For more information about ASAP reports, see Order Control Application User's Guide.