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Oracle® Retail Xstore Point of Service Mobile User Guide
Release 19.0
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46 Inventory Replenishment

The Inventory Replenishment function in Xstore Mobile allows stores to review suggested inventory orders that the Home Office has created for them. The store can then approve and/or edit the suggested orders and submit them to the Vendor.

This feature also gives stores the ability to create their own Inventory Replenishment orders.

Accessing Inventory Replenishment

  1. From the Main Menu, select the Inventory option.

    Figure 46-1 Main Menu - Inventory

    Description of Figure 46-1 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-1 Main Menu - Inventory''

  2. Select Inventory Replenishment from the Inventory menu.

    Figure 46-2 Mobile Handheld Inventory Menu

    Mobile Handheld Inventory Menu

    Figure 46-3 Inventory Menu - Mobile POS

    Inventory Menu - Mobile Tablet

    The Inventory Replenishment Order Search screen opens.

    Continue with Search for a Replenishment Document or Adding Items to an Inventory Replenishment Order.

Inventory Replenishment Document

This section describes the inventory replenishment document functions.

Search for a Replenishment Document

  1. At the Inventory Replenishment search form, enter your search criteria:

    Figure 46-4 Document Search Form

    Description of Figure 46-4 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-4 Document Search Form''

    • Scan or enter a specific Inventory Replenishment Request #

    • Enter Start and/or End Dates

    • Select one or more Status options:

      • Open

      • Submitted

      • Confirmed

      • Partially Received

      • Closed

      • Cancelled

  2. Select Process to display Inventory Replenishment Documents that match your search criteria.

More Information About Document Searches


If you know a Replenishment Document does not exist, you can select the Add New option at the Document Search form (Figure 46-4) to create a new Inventory Replenishment Document. Refer to Creating a New Inventory Replenishment Orderfor more information about creating a new Inventory Replenishment Document at the store.

If the document you are looking for is not found in the list of Replenishment Documents, select the Add New option at the Inventory Replenishment Document Search Results form (Figure 46-5) to create a new Inventory Replenishment Document. Refer to Creating a New Inventory Replenishment Order for more information about creating a new Inventory Replenishment Document at the store.

  1. Select the Replenishment Document you want to view from the list.

    Figure 46-5 Inventory Replenishment Document Search Results

    Description of Figure 46-5 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-5 Inventory Replenishment Document Search Results''

    Xstore Mobile POS displays the Replenishment screen for the selected document.

    Figure 46-6 Inventory Replenishment Screen Item List

    Description of Figure 46-6 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-6 Inventory Replenishment Screen Item List''

    This screen shows the following information for the Inventory Replenishment Document:

    • Replenishment Document Identifier

    • Items: how many unique items are in the order

    • Units: total number of items in the order


    • For each item:

      • Item ID

      • Description

      • On Hand Qty

      • Suggested Order

      • Order Qty

Inventory Replenishment Order Status Definitions

An Inventory Replenishment order can be in one of the following statuses:

  • OPEN: This is the initial status that an order is in after being created in Xstore or when sent as a suggestion from the Home Office. This is the only status an order can be in to update or edit.

  • SUBMITTED: The order can go into a SUBMITTED status when all items in the order are approved.

  • CONFIRMED: Home Office can send orders down in a CONFIRMED status which means they are not suggestions and are not changeable.

  • PARTIALLY RECEIVED: When any item in the order is received, but not all items, the order is PARTIALLY RECEIVED.

  • CLOSED: The order is considered CLOSED when all items are received or the order is Force Closed.

  • CANCELLED: Home Office or the Store can cancel an order. Once cancelled it cannot be edited or re-opened.

Adding Items to an Inventory Replenishment Order


Items can only be added to Inventory Replenishment Orders that are in an OPEN status. Follow step 2 to add items to an order.

  1. Enter or scan an item or use the Item Lookup option in the Context Menu to search for an item in the database.

  2. Enter the quantity and select OK.

Inventory Replenishment Options

The following option is available at the Inventory Replenishment screen for all orders/statuses:

Print Options: Select this option to view the printable reports available for this order. Refer to Print Options for procedural information.

The following option is available at the Inventory Replenishment context menu for all CONFIRMED, SUBMITTED, and PARTIALLY RECEIVED orders:

Force Close: Select this option to force close the order without manually receiving the items. Refer to Force Close for procedural information.

Figure 46-7 Inventory Replenishment Context Menu - Open Status

Description of Figure 46-7 follows
Description of ''Figure 46-7 Inventory Replenishment Context Menu - Open Status''

The following options are only available at the Inventory Replenishment Context Menu for orders that are in an OPEN status:

Save & Exit: Select this option to save your changes and return to the list of documents.

Submit Order: Select this option to approve the order. This will change the status of the order to Submitted. Refer to Submit an Order for procedural information.

Add/Edit Header Comment: Select this option to add comments to the document. Refer to Add or Edit Header Comments for procedural information.

Delete Header Comment: Select this option to remove comments from the document. Refer to Delete Header Comments for procedural information.

Add Non-Merch: Select this option to add Non-Merchandise items to the document. Refer to Add Non-Merchandise for procedural information.

Cancel Order: Select this option to cancel the order. This will change the status of the order to Cancelled. Cancelled orders cannot be edited or submitted.

Print Options: Select this option to print either a Request Detail Status or Replenishment Order Worksheet report.

Item Lookup: Select this option to look up an item ID in the file. You also have the options to add the item to the Replenishment Document. Refer to Item Lookup.

Selecting an item on the Replenishment screen with a status of Open allows you to:

Change Item: Select this option to change the quantity of, add/edit/remove comments for, or edit the source of a specific item within the order. Refer to Change an Item for procedural information.

Print Options

Select Print Options from the Context Menu within a Replenishment Order for the following printing options.

There are two reports to help manage your Inventory Replenishment orders.

Print Request Detail Status Report

The Replenishment Product Request Report allows you to query by Order Status, Date Range or Specific Date, Requestor ID, Item ID, and Sourcing Entity. The report can be viewed on the screen and printed.

This report includes the following information for each item:

  • Item ID: Item identifier.

  • Item Description: Item description.

  • Quantity Requested: Requested quantity for this item.

  • Confirmed Date: Date the quantity for the item was confirmed

  • Confirmed Quantity: Confirmed quantity for this item.

  • Confirmed Number: The PO number, DC shipment number, or any other number generated by the home office to fulfill the store's request.

  • Received Date: Date item was received for this request.

  • Quantity Received: Quantity of this item received for this request.

  • Status: Status of this item.

  • Total Weight: Total shipping weight of all items for the request.

Figure 46-9 Replenishment Product Request Detail Report

Description of Figure 46-9 follows
Description of ''Figure 46-9 Replenishment Product Request Detail Report''

Replenishment Order Worksheet

The Replenishment Order Worksheet is a summary by item ID and shows one line for each item Id on the current order. This report prints automatically when chosen so there are no criteria selections available. The following parameters are shown:

  • Source ID: The default source id for the item.

  • Item ID: The item identifier.

  • Item Description: The item description.

  • Order Quantity: The total number of items that have been ordered but not confirmed by the home office yet.

  • Pack Size: The item pack size.

  • On Hand: The on-hand quantity of the item.

  • Suggested (quantity): The suggested quantity of the item.

  • Confirmed (quantity): The confirmed quantity of the item.

  • Shipped (quantity): The shipped quantity of the item.

  • Received (quantity): The received quantity of the item.

Force Close

Replenishment Orders with a CONFIRMED, SUBMITTED, or PARTIALLY RECEIVED status can be forced to close without receiving the items. Once force closed, the order cannot be edited or reopened.

  1. Select Force Close from the Context Menu on the Replenishment screen.

  2. Enter your Employee ID and Password if your system requires a security login to perform a force close. Select Process to continue.

    Figure 46-10 Security Verification Prompt

    Description of Figure 46-10 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-10 Security Verification Prompt''

  3. An Inventory Replenishment prompt displays to confirm that you want to force close the request:

    Figure 46-11 Force Close Prompt

    Description of Figure 46-11 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-11 Force Close Prompt''

    • Select Yes to close the Replenishment Order.

    • Select No to return to the Replenishment screen.

Submit an Order

Once a Replenishment Order is reviewed and approved you can submit the order to the vendor(s).

  1. Select Submit Order from the Replenishment screen Context Menu. See Figure 46-7.

    Figure 46-12 Submit Order Prompt

    Submit Order Prompt
  2. When prompted, select Yes to submit the order.


    If you do not want to submit the order, select No to cancel the request and return to the Replenishment screen.

    The Submit Order prompt will ask if you want to print a copy of the request.

    Figure 46-13 Submit Order Print Copy Request Prompt

    Description of Figure 46-13 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-13 Submit Order Print Copy Request Prompt''

Add or Edit Header Comments

Xstore allows you to add delivery or free-form comments to a Replenishment Order that is in an OPEN status. These comments display on the Replenishment screen as well as the Product Detail Status Report.

  1. Select Add/Edit Header Comment from Context Menu in the Replenishment screen. See Figure 46-7.

  2. Select the type of comment you want to add or edit: Next Day Delivery, Second Day Delivery, or Free Form.

    Figure 46-14 Header Comment Prompt

    Description of Figure 46-14 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-14 Header Comment Prompt''

  3. For Next Day Delivery and Second Day Delivery, confirm that you want to add a comment.

    Figure 46-15 Header Comment Confirmation

    Description of Figure 46-15 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-15 Header Comment Confirmation''

    • Select Yes to create a comment.

    • Select No to cancel and return to the Replenishment screen.

  4. Enter the comment that you want to display. If there is already a comment of the selected type, then you will be able to edit it here.

    • Select OK to save your comment and return to the Replenishment screen.

    • Select Cancel to cancel your request.

  5. The comment(s) display on the Replenishment screen.


    If you do not select Save & Exit after entering header comments, they will not save with the order.

Delete Header Comments

Remove header comments quickly by using the Delete Header Comment function.

  1. Select Delete Header Comment from the Replenishment screen. See Figure 46-7.

  2. Select the comment that you would like to delete and select OK.

    Figure 46-17 Delete Header Comment Selection

    Description of Figure 46-17 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-17 Delete Header Comment Selection''

  3. The selected comment is removed from the Replenishment order.

Add Non-Merchandise

Xstore allows you to add Non-Merchandise items to a Replenishment Order.

  1. Select Add Non-Merch from Context Menu in the Replenishment screen. See Figure 46-7.

  2. Select the Non-Merchandise code from the list.

    Figure 46-18 Add Non-merchandise Selection

    Description of Figure 46-18 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-18 Add Non-merchandise Selection''

  3. Select a Non-Merchandise item.

    Figure 46-19 Non-Merchandise Items

    Description of Figure 46-19 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-19 Non-Merchandise Items''

    Figure 46-20 Inventory Replenishment Options Menu

    Inventory Replenishment Options Menu
  4. Select Change Quantities. In the Quantity to Order field, type the quantity and select OK.

    Figure 46-21 Non-Merchandise Quantity

    Description of Figure 46-21 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-21 Non-Merchandise Quantity''

  5. The Non-Merchandise item is added to the item list.

Change an Item

Selecting an item on the Replenishment screen with a status of Open allows you to:

  • Change the quantity

  • Add or edit an item comment

  • Delete an item comment

  • Edit the source of an item

  • Void an item

To Change Item Quantities

  1. Select the Item on the Replenishment screen. See Figure 46-6.

  2. Select Change Quantities. See Figure 46-23.

  3. In the Quantity to Order field, type the new quantity and select OK. The system displays the new quantity.

    Figure 46-23 Quantity to Order Field

    Description of Figure 46-23 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-23 Quantity to Order Field''

To Add/Edit Item Comments

  1. Select the item that you want to add a comment to from the Replenishment screen. See Figure 46-6.

  2. Select Add/Edit Item Comment.

  3. Select the type of comment you want to enter for the item.

  4. Enter or update the comment and select OK to save.

  5. The comment displays in the item list.

    Figure 46-24 Item Comment Example

    Description of Figure 46-24 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-24 Item Comment Example''

To Delete an Item Comment

  1. Select the item that you want to remove a comment from the Replenishment screen. See Figure 46-6.

  2. Select Delete Item Comment.

  3. Select the type of comment you want to delete and then select OK to delete.

To Void an Item

  1. Select the item you want to remove from the order.

  2. Select Void Item.

  3. The Void Item prompt will ask you to confirm that you want to remove the item. Select Yes to void the item.

    Figure 46-26 Void Item Prompt

    Description of Figure 46-26 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-26 Void Item Prompt''

Item Lookup

Use the Item Lookup option to search for an item in the database. The item can then be added to the Replenishment Document if it is a store-created document.

  1. Select the Item Lookup option from the Context Menu.

  2. Xstore displays the Item Lookup form. Enter the search criteria and select Process.

    Figure 46-27 Item Lookup Form

    Description of Figure 46-27 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-27 Item Lookup Form''

  3. If more than one item matches the search criteria you entered, select the item from the list of items and select OK. Xstore displays the item information.

  4. Select the item to add the item to the Replenishment Document.

  5. Select Add Item from the context menu.

Creating a New Inventory Replenishment Order

Inventory Replenishment Documents are downloaded from the home office; however, you can also create a Replenishment Document in your store. Use the following process to create a new Inventory Replenishment Document.

  1. Select Add New from the Inventory Replenishment Search or Results form to create a new Replenishment Document.

    Figure 46-30 Document Search Form

    Description of Figure 46-30 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-30 Document Search Form''

    Figure 46-31 Document Search Results

    Description of Figure 46-31 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-31 Document Search Results ''

  2. Xstore displays a blank Replenishment form.

    Figure 46-32 New Inventory Replenishment Screen

    Description of Figure 46-32 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-32 New Inventory Replenishment Screen''

    Figure 46-33 New Inventory Replenishment Context Menu

    New Inventory Replenishment Context Menu
  3. Scan or enter the item ID of the item you want added to the document.

  4. Click the item to open the options menu. Select Change Qty to change the quantity required.

  5. Enter the quantity and select OK.

    Figure 46-34 Quantity To Order Prompt

    Description of Figure 46-34 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-34 Quantity To Order Prompt''


    If the item has a Pack Size defined then you must enter a quantity that is a multiple of the pack size. Otherwise Xstore will prompt if you want to round your quantity to the nearest multiple.
    • Select Yes to add the item with the Quantity rounded to the nearest multiple of the Pack Size. For example, you entered a quantity of 1 but the pack size is 5, quantity will be rounded up to 5.

    • Select No to return to the Item Entry screen without adding the item.

    Figure 46-35 Item Entry Screen

    Description of Figure 46-35 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-35 Item Entry Screen''

    Xstore displays the following information for the item entered:

    • Item ID

    • Description

    • Quantity (Suggested, Order, On Hand)

    • Pack Size (if applicable)

    • Source Id (if applicable)

    • Source Name (if applicable)

  6. When you have entered all the information for this new Replenishment Document, select Save & Exit from the Context Menu.


    To modify the replenishment order before saving, see Inventory Replenishment Options.

  7. Answer the confirmation prompt:

    Figure 46-36 Save & Exit Prompt

    Description of Figure 46-36 follows
    Description of ''Figure 46-36 Save & Exit Prompt''

    • Select Yes to save the Replenishment Order and return to the document search screen.

    • Select No to return to the Item Entry screen without saving the document. Your changes are not lost.