A/R Printing and Archiving

Topics in this part: The following topics describe the functions you use to print various reports and journals.

A/R Printing Functions presents the options you use to print invoices, statements, and daily and monthly cash receipt journals to manage your Accounts Receivable.

Purging (MOIP) and Resetting (TARO) describes two “housekeeping” functions to remove or adjust Accounts Receivable data.

Printing the A/R Aging Summary Reports (MPAR) presents the options of printing the following A/R reports: A/R Aging Summary, Summary Aging Report and Detail Aging Report.

Printing the A/R Control Report (PARC) compares the staring balance of A/R to the ending balance of A/R by viewing each A/R category and the total.

Printing the A/R Adjustments Journal (ARAJ) provides a view of detailed audit trails of A/R Adjustment transactions entered in Cash Receipts.

Printing the A/R Adjustments Journal (ARAJ) provides a view of a detail listing by the general ledger account number of sundry cash transactions.

AR04_00 Serenade 5.0 March 2015