Generating Slotting Transfer Data (GSLT)

Purpose: Generating Slotting Transfer Data allows you to transfer an item/SKU from one pickable primary location to another within a specific warehouse, based on analysis of the Slotting report. You can sort and limit the results that print on the Slotting report based on top or bottom performers. You can use the Slotting Detail Worksheet to help you physically move items from their current pickable primary location to their new pickable primary location.

The typical flow is:


Use the Printing Primary Capacity Reports (PPCR) menu option to generate the following reports, which you can use to determine if there are any items/SKUs that should be transferred to another primary pickable location.

Primary Capacity Report

Maximum SKUs Report

SKU Primary Location Mismatch Report

Empty Primary Location Report


Use the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen to generate the Slotting Report and populate the Location Slotting Work table with the item/SKUs to include in slotting.


Use the Transfer Items Primary Location for Slotting Screen to:

• Review and manage the item location transfer records that were generated during slotting. For each item location transfer record, you can update the To Loc, Min quantity, and Max quantity.

• Print a Slotting Detail Worksheet to help you physically move items from their current primary location to a new primary location.

• Once you are done working with the item location transfer records, you can select Process to perform a T Transfer type inventory transaction to transfer the on-hand quantity from the From location to the To location and generate the Processed Slotting Primary Transfers Report, which lists all of the primary location transfers that were processed successfully.

Uploading slotting data: You can also upload slotting item location data from an external system against which the slotting transfer will occur; see Slotting Item Location Upload.

In this topic:

Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen

Transfer Items Primary Location for Slotting Screen

Slotting Item Location Transfer Process

Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select options for generating the slotting output to the Transfer Items Primary Location for Slotting Screen or to the Slotting Report.

How to display this screen: Enter GSLT in the Fast Path field or select Generate Slotting Transfer Data from a menu.




The code and description of the warehouse where you wish to perform slotting. This is the warehouse the system uses to calculate product data such as open purchase orders, on hand quantity, and locations for slotting.

The warehouse defined in the Default Warehouse (A04) system control value defaults, but you can override it.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table.

Code: Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.

Unit Sales date range

The unit sales for each item/SKU from the Item Transaction History table, based on the selected warehouse and specified unit sales date range. The date range for the last 30 days defaults, but you can override it.

The From date cannot be greater than the To date.


• Entering a long date range could impact performance.

• The unit sales date range determines the total sales units and % of sales that displays on the Slotting Report for an item/SKU. The system does not restrict the items/SKUs that display on the Slotting report based on unit sales date range.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Open POs date range

The open POs for each item/SKU from the PO Detail table, based on the selected warehouse and the PO detail due date for the specified open POs date range.

The From date cannot be greater than the To date.

Note: The PO date range determines the open PO quantity that displays on the Slotting Report for an item/SKU. If you do not define an open POs date range, the system includes all open POs for the specified warehouse on the Slotting report. The system does not restrict the items/SKUs that display on the Slotting report based on the open PO date range.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Item Status...Include/Exclude

The item status code to include or exclude on the Slotting Report.

Include (default) = Include the specified item status on the Slotting report.

• If the item status code in the Item table matches the selected item status, the system includes the item and all of its SKUs on the Slotting report.

• If the item status code in the Item table does not match the selected item status, the system includes only SKUs whose item status code in the SKU table matches the selected item status.

• If the item status code in the Item table and SKU table does not match the selected item status, the system does not include the item or its SKUs on the Slotting report.

• If an item status code is not specified, the system includes all item/SKUs in the specified warehouse, regardless of item status.

Exclude = Exclude the specified item status on the Slotting report. You must specify an item status code if you select Exclude.

• If the item status code in the Item table matches the selected item status, the system excludes the item and all of its SKUs from the Slotting report.

• If the item status code in the Item table does not match the selected item status, the system excludes only SKUs whose item status code in the SKU table matches the selected item status.

• If the item status code in the Item table and SKU table does not match the selected item status, the system does not exclude the item or its SKUs on the Slotting report.


Item Status...Include/Exclude Examples

Item status code in Item table for item SLT01 = D

Item status code in SKU table:


MED = blank


If you run slotting for:

• Item status = D, Include, the system includes all 3 SKUs of item SLT01.

• Item status = A, Include, the system includes SKUs SML and LRG only.

• Item status = D, Exclude, the system excludes all 3 SKUs of item SLT01.

• Item status = A, Exclude, the system excludes SKUs SML and LRG, but includes SKU MED.

Item status codes are defined in and validated against the Item Status table.

Item status code: Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.


The ABC/Velocity code used to select the items/SKUs to include on the Slotting Report.

If an ABC/Velocity code is not defined, the system includes all eligible items/SKUs on the Slotting report, regardless of the assigned ABC/Velocity code.

ABC/Velocity codes are defined in and validated against the ABC/Velocity table.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Item Category

The Item category code used to select the items/SKUs to include on the Slotting Report.

Item category codes are defined in and validated against the Item Category table.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Bin Type

The bin type code used to select the item locations to include on the Slotting Report.

Bin type codes are defined in and validated against the Location Bin Type table.

Alphanumeric, 4 positions; optional.

Velocity Rank

The velocity rank used to select the item locations to include on the Slotting Report.

Valid ranks are Rank 1 - Rank 5, with Rank 1 being the golden/hot zone velocity rank where top performing items should be placed.

Alphanumeric, optional.

Last Slot Date

The latest slot date used to select items/SKUs to include on the Slotting Report.

The system includes items/SKUs whose last slot date in the SKU table is less than or equal to the date entered. Items/SKUs whose last slot date is blank are included on the report.

Example: Enter the date for the previous day to exclude anything slotted for the current day.

The current date defaults, but you can override it.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); required.

Limit Results

Indicates whether you want to restrict the items/SKUs on the Slotting Report based on performance.

No Limit = Include all eligible items/SKUs on the Slotting report, regardless of performance. The system includes all items/SKUs with an on hand quantity or open PO quantity that is greater than 0.

Top = Include only top performing items/SKUs based on unit sales, up to the value defined in the Quantity or Percentage field. The system determines the top performing items/SKUs by summing the unit sales quantity in the Item Transaction History table for the unit sales date range.

Bottom = Include only bottom performing items/SKUs based on unit sales, up to the value defined in the Quantity or Percentage field. The system determines the bottom performing items/SKUs by summing the unit sales quantity in the Item Transaction History table for the unit sales date range.

Note: If you select to limit results to top or bottom performing items/SKUs, the system automatically changes the Sort By to Unit Sales.


The number of items/SKUs to include on the Slotting Report when you select Top or Bottom for the Limit Results field.

• If you selected Top for the Limit Results field, the system restricts the items/SKUs on the Slotting report to the top performers until this quantity is reached. For example, if you enter 10 in this field, the system includes the 10 top performing items/SKUs on the report.

• If you selected Bottom for the Limit Results field, the system restricts the items/SKUs on the Slotting report to the bottom performers until this quantity is reached. For example, if you enter 10 in this field, the system includes the 10 bottom performing items/SKUs on the report.


• If you define a Quantity, you cannot define a Percentage.

• You cannot enter a quantity if the Limit Results field is set to No Limit.

Numeric, 5 positions; required if Limit Results is set to Top or Bottom and a Percentage is not defined.


The percentage of items/SKUs to include on the Slotting Report when you select Top or Bottom for the Limit Results field.

• If you selected Top for the Limit Results field, the system restricts the items/SKUs on the Slotting report to the top performers until this percentage is reached. For example, if you enter 10 in this field, the system includes the 10% top performing items/SKUs on the report.

• If you selected Bottom for the Limit Results field, the system restricts the items/SKUs on the Slotting report to the bottom performers until this quantity is reached. For example, if you enter 10 in this field, the system includes the 10% bottom performing items/SKUs on the report.


• If you define a Percentage, you cannot define a Quantity.

• You cannot enter a percentage if the Limit Results field is set to No Limit.

Numeric, 5 positions; required if Limit Results is set to Top or Bottom and a Quantity is not defined.

Sort By

Indicates how to sort the Slotting Report.

Item/SKU (default) = Sort the results in ascending item/SKU sequence. Note: This option is available only if the Limit Results field is set to No Limit.

Location = Sort the results in ascending location sequence, then by ascending item/SKU. This is the location where the item/SKU currently resides. Note: This option is available only if the Limit Results field is set to No Limit.

Velocity Rank = Sort the results in descending velocity rank sequence, then ascending location sequence. This is the velocity rank associated with the item/SKUs current primary location, with 1 representing the highest rank. Note: This option is available only if the Limit Results field is set to No Limit.

Unit Sales = Sort the results in unit sales sequence, then ascending item/SKU sequence. Note: The system automatically changes the sort to unit sales if Limit Results is set to Top or Bottom.

• If the Limit Results field is set to Top, the system sorts the results in descending unit sales sequence.

• If the Limit Results field is set to Bottom, the system sorts the results in ascending unit sales sequence.

Save Results

Indicates whether the system saves the results in the Location Slotting Work table to display on the Transfer Items Primary Location for Slotting Screen.

Selected = The system generates the Slotting Report and saves the results in the Location Slotting Work table to display on the Transfer Items Primary Location for Slotting Screen.

Unselected (default) = The system generates the Slotting Report and does not save the results.

Current Results

The number of records in the Location Slotting Work table for the specified Warehouse.

Numeric; updated by the system.



Generate the Slotting Report for the specified warehouse and selection criteria

Enter a Warehouse and any other selection criteria select Submit. The system advances you to the menu screen and displays the message Job (SLOT_DATA) has been submitted to batch.

• If the Save Results field is unselected, the system displays the message Job has been submitted to batch and generates the Slotting Report.

• If the Save Results field is selected, the system:

• Validates that records do not exist in the Location Slotting Work table. If records do exist, the system does not generate the Slotting report and displays an error message: Records already exist in Location Slotting Work - must process first. Use the Transfer Items Primary Location for Slotting Screen to process the item location transfers or clear the results.

• If no records exist in the Location Slotting Work table, the system generates the Slotting Report and saves the report data in the Location Slotting Work table. You can review the item location transfer information on the Transfer Items Primary Location for Slotting Screen.

Review the suggested item location transfers based on the slotting results

Enter a Warehouse and any other selection criteria and select View Results to advance to the Transfer Items Primary Location for Slotting Screen.

This option is available only if:

• the Save Results field was selected when you selected Submit to generate the Slotting Report, or

• you uploaded records to the Location Slotting Work table from an external system using the Standard Item Location Slotting Upload Process.

Note: You cannot advance to the Transfer Items Primary Location for Slotting Screen when the Generate Slotting Transfer Data active procedure is running: Slotting Item Primary Location Screen in use by user SFLYE.

Clear the suggested item location transfers based on the slotting results

Enter a Warehouse and select Clear Results to clear all records from the Location Slotting Work table for the specified warehouse. The system displays the message: Records have been cleared from the Location Slotting Work table.

An error message displays if there are no records in the Location Slotting Work table for the specified warehouse: The Slotting Location Work table is currently empty.

Upload records from the Location Slotting Upload Table to the Location Slotting Work table for the specified warehouse

Enter a Warehouse and select Upload. The system displays the message Job (SLOT_UPLD) has been submitted to batch. See Standard Item Location Slotting Upload Process for processing details.

An error message displays if there are no records to process for the specified warehouse: There are no records to process in the upload table for the current warehouse.

An error message displays if records already exist in the Location Slotting Work table for the specified warehouse: Results exist. Upload cannot be performed. Must clear or process first.

Once you perform the upload you can select View Results to advance to the Transfer Items Primary Location for Slotting Screen, where you can review the records in the Location Slotting Work table and either process or reject the transfer.

Note: You cannot submit the slotting location upload process while another slotting location upload is running.

Upload records from the Location Slotting Upload Table to the Location Slotting Work table and process the item location transfers for the specified warehouse

Enter a Warehouse and select Upload/Process. The system displays the message Job (SLOT_UPLD) has been submitted to batch. See Streamlined Item Location Slotting Upload Process for processing details.

An error message displays if there are no records to process for the specified warehouse: There are no records to process in the upload table for the current warehouse.

An error message displays if records already exist in the Location Slotting Work table for the specified warehouse: Results exist. Upload cannot be performed. Must clear or process first.

Note: You cannot submit the slotting location upload process while another slotting location upload is running.

Transfer Items Primary Location for Slotting Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the item/SKUs that are eligible to transfer from one primary location to another primary location, based on the criteria you entered on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen. This screen displays all records in the Location Slotting Work table for the company you are currently in.

For each item/SKU you wish to transfer, enter the new location, min quantity, and max quantity. When you process the updates, the system performs a T Transfer type inventory transaction for each record with a To Location entered, transferring the on-hand quantity from the original From location to the new To location.

How to display this screen: Select View Results on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen. This option is available only if:

• the Save Results field was selected when you generated the Slotting report, or

• you uploaded records to the Location Slotting Work table from an external system; see Slotting Item Location Upload.

Note: You cannot advance to this screen when the Generate Slotting Transfer Data active procedure is running.

Column sort: You can sort on the Item, SKU, Unit Sales, Rank, and From Loc columns on this screen by clicking on the column name. An arrow pointing up displays next to the field when the values for the field display in ascending sequence; an arrow pointing down displays next to the field when the values for the field display in descending sequence.

Items first display on this screen in ascending item/SKU sequence.




The code and description of the warehouse associated with the slotting results. This is the warehouse you entered on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

Code: Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Description: Alphanumeric, 30 positions; display-only.


The code for an item that is eligible for slotting, based on the criteria you entered on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


A code for the SKU of an item that is eligible for slotting, based on the criteria you entered on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; display-only.

Unit Sales

The unit sales for the item/SKU from the Item Transaction History table, based on the selected warehouse and specified unit sales date range on the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen.

Note: This field is blank if you uploaded records to the Location Slotting Work table from an external system; see Slotting Item Location Upload.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.


The velocity rank assigned to the location. Valid ranks are 1 - 5, with 1 being the golden/hot zone velocity rank where top performing items should be placed.

Note: This field is blank if you uploaded records to the Location Slotting Work table from an external system; see Slotting Item Location Upload.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

From Loc

The pickable primary location in the warehouse where the item/SKU currently resides.

This field may be blank if the item does not have a primary primary location or primary item location.

The From item location cannot be part of a pending replenishment or pending inventory batch.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; display-only.

To Loc

The pickable primary location in the warehouse where you wish to transfer the item/SKU. The To Location must be different from the From Location.

Select the primary pickable location where you wish to transfer the item/SKU; otherwise, leave this field blank if you do not wish to transfer the item/SKU.

When you enter a primary location in this field, the system automatically updates the Confirm field to Yes, unless:

• the From Location has printed pick slips; in this situation, the system displays a warning window when you enter a To Location. Select Confirm at this window to update the Confirm field to Yes; otherwise, select Cancel to update the Confirm field to No. Note: If you change the Confirm setting to Y and process the transfer, the system updates records in the Pick Location table that are associated with the From Location to the new To Location and moves the printed quantity for the From item location to the new item location.

• the From Location is involved in a pending replenishment; in this situation, the system displays a warning window when you enter a To Location. Select Confirm at this window to update the Confirm field to Yes; otherwise, select Cancel to update the Confirm field to No.

• the From Location is involved in a pending inventory batch. Select Confirm at this window to update the Confirm field to Yes; otherwise, select Cancel to update the Confirm field to No.


• This field is initially populated only if you uploaded records to the Location Slotting Work table from an external system; see Slotting Item Location Upload.

• If an item location does not already exist for the To location, the system creates it when you process the primary location transfer.

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; optional.


The minimum quantity to include in the new item location.

• If you populated the Location Slotting Work table using the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen, the minimum quantity for the From Location defaults, but you can override it.

• If you populated the Location Slotting Work table using Slotting Item Location Upload, this is the minimum quantity you uploaded from the external system.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.


The maximum quantity to include in the new item location.

• If you populated the Location Slotting Work table using the Generate Slotting Transfer Data Screen, the minimum quantity for the From Location defaults, but you can override it.

• If you populated the Location Slotting Work table using Slotting Item Location Upload, this is the minimum quantity you uploaded from the external system.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Transfer Qty

The quantity of the item/SKU to move from its current primary location to its new primary location.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


Indicates whether the system should perform the primary location transfer.

Yes = When you select to process the transfer, the system transfers the specified Transfer Qty for the item/SKU from the From Location to the To Location. See Slotting Item Location Transfer Process.

No = When you select to process the transfer, the system leaves the item/SKU in its current item location. The record remains in the Location Slotting Work table until you either confirm or reject the transfer.




Indicate which item/SKUs you wish to transfer from their current primary locations to their new primary locations

For each item/SKU you wish to transfer:

1. Enter the To Loc where you wish to transfer the item/SKU.

2. Optionally, enter a Min and Max quantity for the new item location.

3. Select Yes for the Confirm field.

Process the primary location transfer

Select Process; see Slotting Item Location Transfer Process for the updates that are performed.

An error message displays if you select Process while a slotting location transfer is currently in process: Primary Transfers in progress.

Reject the primary location transfer

Select Reject. The system advances you to a Reject Primary Transfer Warning window; select OK to confirm the reject; otherwise, select Cancel.

If you select OK to confirm the reject, the system deletes the records in the Location Slotting Work table, regardless of the Confirm setting for a location slotting work record.

Generate the Slotting Detail Worksheet

Select Print Worksheet to generate the Slotting Detail Worksheet, which lists all of the information in the Location Slotting Work table. You can use this worksheet to help you physically move items from their current primary location to a new primary location.

Slotting Item Location Transfer Process

The system performs the following updates when you process a slotting item location transfer.

Transfers the On-Hand Quantity from the Original From Location to the New To Location

The system performs a T Transfer type inventory transaction, transferring the on-hand quantity from the original From location to the new To location. You can review the processed item location transfers in Display Inventory Transaction History (DITH).

• The system transfers the entire on-hand quantity, regardless of whether there is a printed pick for the From location.

• If a printed pick exists for the From location, the system updates records in the Pick Location table that are associated with the From Location to the new To Location and moves the printed quantity for the From item location to the new item location.

• If an item location does not already exist for the To location, the system creates it. The system uses the New Loc Min Qty and New Loc Max Qty fields to create the new item location. If these values are blank, the system updates the Min and Max quantities for the new item location to 0.

• Regardless of the setting of the Allow Multiple Primary Item Locations (D12) system control value, if the original From location was the item’s primary primary location, or if a primary primary location was not defined for the item, the system updates the primary primary location in the SKU table to the new item location. The system also updates the Min qty for location and Max qty for location with the Min quantity and Max quantity. The system updates the Last Slot Date with the date when the item location transfer was processed.

• Once the system creates the new To location, the system deletes the original From location.

• Once the transfer is complete, the system deletes the processed records from the Location Slotting Work table.

Generates the Processed Slotting Primary Transfers Report

At the end of the slotting location transfer process, the system generates the Processed Slotting Primary Transfers Report, which lists all of the primary location transfers that were processed successfully.

GSLT Serenade 5.0 March 2015