Setting Up Interface Values

Purpose: The Interface section of the System Control table defines parameters that control:

• system information

• program names

• program information

For more information: See Point of Sale Integration Overview.

Quick Reference of Interface System Control Values

This table describes briefly each system control value for the point of sale interface and lists the control code, control value, a short definition, other control values to which you should refer in this section, if necessary, and a column where you can indicate the value that you assigned for your company.

If you have more than one company on your system, make a copy of this table for each.

Purpose: Company: ________________________________

System Control Value


Your Value

Generic Integration Values (I13)

Outbound Interface Trigger File Purge Days (I14)

Defines the number of days to retain processed IL outbound triggers before purging them.

Number field:

Create Generic Item Download Trigger Records (I15)

Defines whether the system creates triggers in the IL Outbound Trigger table when you add, change, or delete item or SKU information.

Selected/ Unselected:

Create Generic Vendor Download Trigger Records (I16)

Defines whether the system creates triggers in the IL Outbound Trigger table when you add, change, or delete vendor information.

Selected/ Unselected:

Create Generic Invoice Download Trigger Records (I17)

Defines whether the system creates triggers in the IL Outbound Trigger table when you create or update an invoice.

Selected/ Unselected:

Create Generic Pick Download Triggers (I31)

Indicates whether to generate pick download trigger records (file type = PCH).

Selected/ Unselected:

Create Generic PO Download Triggers (K26)

Indicates whether the system creates trigger records for the Outbound Purchase Order API. (file type = POH).

Selected/ Unselected:

Create Generic PO Download Trigger for PO Receipt (K27)

Defines whether the system creates a purchase order download (POH) trigger for a purchase order receipt transaction.

Selected/ Unselected:

Create Return Download Triggers (K28)

Indicates whether to create trigger records for the Outbound Return Authorization API (file type = RAD).

Selected/ Unselected:

Create Generic Inventory Download Triggers (I32)

Indicates whether to create trigger records for the generic inventory integration (file type = ITW) based on changes in inventory levels.

Selected/ Unselected:

Create Generic Customer Download Triggers (L12)

Indicates whether to create trigger records for the Generic Customer Outbound API (file type = CST).

Selected/ Unselected:

Include PO Updates (J93)

Indicates whether to generate inventory download trigger records when you create or change a purchase order.

Selected/ Unselected:

Include Non-Allocatable Warehouses (I34)

Indicates whether to include warehouses whose Allocatable flag is unselected when generating trigger records for the generic inventory integration.

Selected/ Unselected:

Item Values (I91)

Defines whether certain fields are required when creating an item:

Require L/S Division with L/S Department (E85)

Defines whether the long SKU division is a required field when you create or change a long SKU department.

Selected/ Unselected:

Require L/S Department (I92)

Defines whether the long SKU department code is required when creating or maintaining an item.

Selected/ Unselected:

Require L/S Class (I93)

Defines whether the long SKU class code is required when creating or maintaining an item.

Selected/ Unselected:

Require L/S Style (I94)

Defines whether the long SKU style code is required when creating or maintaining a SKU.

Selected/ Unselected:

Require Item Class (F06)

Defines whether an item class is required when creating or maintaining an item.

Selected/ Unselected:

Order Broker Values (K15)

Defines default rules and settings for integration with the Order Broker in Locate.

Use Merchandise Locator (I38)

Defines whether merchandise locator searches are available for information and to support store pickup order creation.

Selected/ Unselected

Merchandise Locator Distance Measurement (I39)

Defines whether the distance measurement for merchandise locator or store pickup searches is miles or kilometers.


Use Split Order (L56)

Defines whether to submit all brokered backorders on an order in a single Submit Order message.

Selected/ Unselected

Default Search Within Radius (I40)

Indicates the default search radius, in miles or kilometers, for merchandise locator or store pickup searches.


Send B/O to Locate (K08)

Indicates whether to send fulfillment requests for backordered items (brokered backorders) to Locate’s Order Broker module.

Selected/ Unselected:

Order Broker Status Update Interval (K10)

Defines how many minutes to wait before sending a new status inquiry request for to the Order Broker for brokered backorders or for retail pickup, delivery, or store pickup orders.


Order Broker Include Ship Complete Orders (K12)

Indicates whether backordered items on orders flagged to ship complete are eligible for fulfillment through the Order Broker.

Selected/ Unselected:

Order Broker Due Date Threshold (K11)

Defines the number of days in the future a purchase order’s expected date needs to be before the system requests the Order Broker fulfill a backordered item, or for the system to reject a retail pickup or delivery order.


Order Broker Include Coordinate Grouped Orders (K13)

Indicates whether backordered items assigned coordinate group codes are eligible for fulfillment through the Order Broker.

Selected/ Unselected:

Order Broker Include Gift Orders (K14)

Indicates whether backordered items on gift orders are eligible for fulfillment through the Order Broker.

Selected/ Unselected:

Locate Account (K49)

Defines the account number to specify in Order Broker request messages to identify the Locate database.

System name:

Locate System (Serenade) (K50)

Defines the system code to specify in Order Broker request messages to identify the requesting system.

System name:

Locate Default Location (K51)

Defines the default location code to specify in Order Broker request messages to identify the requesting warehouse in CWSerenade.

System name:

Locate Default Location Code/Unfulfillable (K56)

Defines the location code the Order Broker assigns to a brokered backorder when it cannot find a location to fulfill it.

System name:

Send Inventory by Warehouse to Locate (L06)

Indicates whether to send inventory information to and request orders from Locate separately by warehouse, or to aggregate information and to use the Locate Default Location (K51).

Selected/ Unselected:

System Name in Locate for Point of Sale (L09)

Defines the code in Locate identifying your default integrated point of sale system for assignment of ship-to-store or store pickup orders.


Retain Backordered Lines Brokered to Serenade (K89)

Indicates whether to accept delivery or retail pickup orders assigned by the Order Broker even if they include items that are backordered.

Selected/ Unselected:

Order Type for Orders Brokered for Delivery (K91)

Defines the order type to apply to delivery orders assigned by the Order Broker.


Order Broker Error Batch Number (K90)

Define the batch number to use for delivery or retail pickup orders in error that are assigned by the Order Broker.


Sold to Email Update for Orders Brokered to Serenade (K96)

Indicates whether to update a customer’s email address based on the information received from the Order Broker when it sends delivery or retail pickup orders to CWSerenade for fulfillment.

Selected/ Unselected:

Order Type for Retail Pickup Orders Brokered to Serenade (K92)

Defines the order type to apply to retail pickup orders assigned by the Order Broker.


Order Broker Hold Reason (Cancel) (L02)

Defines the hold reason code to apply to a delivery or retail pickup order when Locate indicates that the order has been canceled during pick slip generation in CWSerenade.


Sold to Address Update for Orders Brokered to Serenade (K97)

Indicates whether to update a customer’s email address based on the information received from the Order Broker when it sends delivery or retail pickup orders to CWSerenade for fulfillment.

Selected/ Unselected:

Order Broker Source Code (K93)

Defines the default source code to apply to delivery or retail pickup orders assigned to CWSerenade for fulfillment if no source code was specified in the message from the Order Broker or for the Store Cross Reference record.


Hold Reason for Errored Ship to Store Orders (L10)

Defines the hold reason code to apply to ship-to-store orders if Locate returns an error when CWSerenade.sends the submit order request during pick slip generation.


Ship Complete for Orders Brokered to Serenade (L01)

Indicates whether to flag a retail pickup or delivery order to ship complete.

Selected/ Unselected:

Order Broker Payment Type (K98)

Defines the pay type to apply to retail pickup or delivery orders assigned to CWSerenade for fulfillment.


Order Broker Price Override (K95)

Defines the price override reason code to use for order lines on retail pickup or delivery orders assigned to CWSerenade for fulfillment.


Gift Flag for Orders Brokered to Serenade (L03)

Indicates whether to flag retail pickup or delivery orders as gifts in order to prevent prices from printing on pick slips.

Selected/ Unselected:

Order Broker Ship Via (K94)

Defines the default ship via code to apply to retail pickup or delivery orders assigned to CWSerenade for fulfillment if a ship via code is not specified in the message from the Order Broker.


Calculate Freight for Store Pickup Orders (L32)

Indicates whether to calculate freight for store pickup orders that you create in interactive order entry.

Selected/ Unselected:

Re-Polling for Orders Brokered to Serenade (L04)

Indicates whether to send a status update of polled when a delivery or retail pickup order is received from the Order Broker and the order is in error.

Selected/ Unselected:

Store Pickup Order Type (L33)

Defines the order type to assign to store pickup orders.


Cancel Reason (Rejected Store Pickup Orders) (G11)

Defines the cancel reason code to apply to store pickup orders rejected by Locate or by the assigned fulfilling location.


Payment at POS for Ship to Store (L60)

Defines whether you collect payment for a ship-to-store order at the store location rather than billing the order when you ship it from the warehouse.

Selected/ Unselected:

Cancel Reason (Pick In) (L86)

Defines whether to automatically cancel retail pickup, delivery, or special ship-to-store orders if their pick slips are voided through the generic pick in API.


Payment at POS for Store Pickup (M16)

Controls whether to authorize store pickup orders for verification only, or to authorize and bill store pickup orders in CWSerenade.

Selected/ Unselected:

Suppress Returns for Retail Pickup/Delivery (L88)

Defines whether you can process a return or a negative additional charge for a retail pickup or delivery order.

Selected/ Unselected:

Locate Product Code ID (K66)

Indicates the field where you store Locate’s default product code.


Use WMS Integration (K25)

Identifies whether or not an external warehouse management system is being used with CWSerenade.

Selected/ Unselected:

Use Rewards Integration (K86)

Defines whether the system uses the Rewards integration to enroll customers in the Rewards membership program and to allow customers to redeem membership certificates on an order.

Selected/ Unselected:

Alternate ID Required for Displaying Customer Profile (K87)

Defines whether the system automatically advances you to the Work with Customer Profile Screen in order entry and order maintenance for all customers that require customer demographics or only for customers that have an alternate customer number defined.

Selected/ Unselected:

Store Pickup Confirmation Email Program (L48)

Defines the program that generates the store pickup notification email.

Program name:

Relate Integration Values (L52)

These values control integration with Relate.

Relate Customer Integration (L37)

Defines how CWSerenade sends customer information to Relate.


MICROS Integration Item ID (L38)

Defines how CWSerenade identifies items/SKUs for integrations with other systems.


Item for Non-Merchandise Amounts (L39)

Defines the item code to include in the Relate Post POSlog Transaction Message to represent all non-merchandise amounts for an item, such as freight, additional freight, handling and additional charges.


Cross Channel Orders to Exclude in Sales Feed (L35)

Defines the types of orders CWSerenade excludes in the Relate Sales Feed.


Return Disposition Code to Exclude in Relate Sales Feed (M22)

Defines the return disposition code assigned to return (credit) invoices that CWSerenade excludes from the Relate Sales Feed. In addition, CWSerenade does not generate a return confirmation for these returns.


Merchandise Only in Sales Feed (L36)

Defines whether CWSerenade includes full invoice totals or only merchandise and tax amounts in the Relate Sales Feed.

Selected/ Unselected:

Relate Organization Descriptor (L50)

Identifies the Relate organization that maps to your CWSerenade company.


Send Profile Data to Relate (L51)

Defines whether to include customer profile information when sending new or changed customer information to Relate through the interactive customer integration.

Selected/ Unselected:

Default Location for Sales Download (K69)

Indicates the store cross-reference record you use as part of an integration with a point-of-sale system.


Use Relate Wish List (M26)

Defines whether you use the Relate Customer Wish List Integration.

Selected/ Unselected:

Use Relate Loyalty (M06)

Defines whether you use the Relate Loyalty Integration.

Selected/ Unselected:

Prompt to Join Loyalty (M07)

Defines whether the system automatically displays the Customer Loyalty Registration Window during Order Entry and Work with Customers (WCST) when the customer is not assigned to a loyalty card in Relate.

Selected/ Unselected:

Relate Loyalty Card Prefix (M08)

Defines the 5 digit prefix assigned to the Loyalty Card Definition in Relate that is used to assign new loyalty cards to sold to customers that join the loyalty program.


Relate Loyalty Card Series Sequence Number (M09)

Defines the 2 digit card series number assigned to the Loyalty Card Definition in Relate that is used to assign new loyalty cards to sold to customers that join the loyalty program.


Relate Loyalty Registration Notification Email Program (M10)

Defines the program used to generate a Loyalty Registration Notification email when a sold to customer joins the loyalty program and is assigned a loyalty card in Relate.

System Name:

Rewards Certificates Pay Type (L54)

Defines whether the system applies rewards certificates to an order as a payment method or as a pro-rated merchandise discount during order repricing.


Use External Item Image (L55)

Defines whether you store item images on the CWSerenade application server or on an external image hosting application.

Selected/ Unselected:

Periodic Process History Purge Days (L77)

Defines the number of days old a periodic process history record should be before it is eligible for purge.


Create Separate Picks for Ship to Store (L89)

Defines whether to generate separate pick slips or drop ship purchase orders for ship-to-store orders so that each line creates a separate order in Locate.

Selected/ Unselected:

ChannelAdvisor Order Type (L90)

Defines the order type to assign to orders you process through the ChannelAdvisor integration.


ChannelAdvisor Inventory Level Default (L91)

Defines the available quantity to report to ChannelAdvisor for drop ship and non-inventory items.


ChannelAdvisor SKU X-Ref Offer (L92)

Defines the offer associated with item and SKU cross-references for ChannelAdvisor.


IN03_17 Serenade 5.0 March 2015