Working with Add on Request Items (WSAI)

About add on request items: Add on request items are inventory items you can add to a store's regular restock order for a one-time shipment of the requested items. You can create add on requests at Work with Store Add-on Request Items, or the add on requests may be uploaded to CWSerenade through an interface. The add on request items must be approved before they can be added to a retail store restock order through restock processing.

For more information: See Working with Retail Store Restock (WRSR).

About add on request item status: When you create an add on request item at the Work with Store Add on Request Items Screen, the system assigns a status of U (Unprocessed) to the item. You can assign a status of A (Approved) to an item to make it eligible for processing, or you can assign a status of C (canceled) or R (rejected) to prevent the requested item from being processed and added to a restock order. Only items that are in an open status (A or U) display on the Work with Store Add on Request Items screen; Open/Unproc. toggles between displaying all open add on requests or only unprocessed add on requests.

Store add on requests that are uploaded through an interface will be automatically assigned a status of A if the quantity ordered is less than or equal to the item maximum in the retail warehouse. Otherwise, the requests are assigned a status of U and must be approved at Work with Store Add on Request Items before they are eligible to be processed.

Purpose: Use Work with Add on Request Items to add requested inventory items to restock orders for retail stores. Work with Add-on Request Items is also used to approve, reject or cancel add-on requests which have been uploaded to CWSerenade from an interface.

In this topic:

Select Stores for Add-on Request Item Screen

Work with Store Add on Request Items Screen

Create Store Add-on Request Items Screen

Canceling, Approving or Rejecting Add-on Request Items

For more information: See Purge Store Add-on Request Item Records (MSAP).

Select Stores for Add-on Request Item Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to work with or create add-on requests for a single store, or to review all open add-on request items for all stores.

How to display this screen: Enter WSAI in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Work with Store Add-on Request Items from a menu.



Store ID

This code identifies the warehouse that represents a retail store.

Enter a store code in this field to advance to the Work with Store Add on Request Items Screen, which displays open add-on request items for the store you have selected.

Leave this field blank if you want to work with open add-on requests for all retail stores.

You cannot enter both a store ID code and a replenishment day code. The following message indicates if you enter values in both fields:

Selection must be by Store -OR- Replenishment day.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Replenishment day

This code identifies the replenishment day assigned to a group of stores.

Valid entries are the numbers 1 through 14. Replenishment days for related stores are set up and maintained in Working with Store Promotions (WSPR).

Enter a valid replenishment day in this field to advance to the Work with Store Add on Request Items Screen, which will display open add-on requests for stores assigned to the replenishment day you entered.

Leave this field blank to work with add-on requests which are not restricted to a replenishment day.

You cannot enter both a store ID code and a replenishment day code. The following message indicates if you enter values in both fields:

Selection must be by Store -OR- Replenishment day.

Numeric, 2 positions; optional.


Leave both fields blank and select OK to advance to the Work with Store Add on Request Items Screen, displaying open add-on request items for all stores.

Instructions: To select a store or group of stores for working with store add-on request items.

1. Enter the code for a store to advance to the Work with Store Add on Request Items Screen, which will display a list of open add-on requests for the store you have entered. Or,

2. Enter a number from 1 to 14 to select a replenishment day, to advance to the Work with Store Add-on Request Items screen for all stores assigned to the replenishment day you have selected. Or,

3. If you wish to review all open add-on request items, leave both fields blank and select OK to advance to the Work with Store Add on Request Items Screen, which will display a list of all open add-on request items.

Work with Store Add on Request Items Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to create, change, cancel, approve, reject, or print a list of open add-on request items. This screen displays add on requests that you have created or that have been uploaded from a retail store system.

How to display this screen: Select either a store or a replenishment day on the Select Stores for Add-on Request Item Screen, or leave both fields blank and select OK to advance to this screen, which displays unprocessed add-on request items for a store, for a replenishment day, or for all stores and replenishment days. To display approved as well as unprocessed add-on requests, select Open/Unproc..




The code identifying the store for which add-on request items are displayed.

0 in this field indicates that add-on request items are not restricted by store.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Replenishment day

The code identifying the selected replenishment day. Add-on requests for all stores assigned to this replenishment day display on the screen.

0 in this field indicates that add-on request items displayed are not restricted by replenishment day.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.


The status of each add-on request. Only add-on request items with a status of A (Approved) or U (Unprocessed) display on this screen. By default, only unprocessed add-on request items display; select Open/Unproc. to display approved as well as unprocessed add-on requests.

U in this field indicates the add-on request is unprocessed.

Note: All add-on request items are assigned a status of U when they are created from this screen.


A in this field indicates the add-on request has been approved. See Canceling, Approving or Rejecting Add-on Request Items.

Add-on requests with a status of A will not display on the screen until you select Open/Unproc., which toggles between displaying unprocessed add-on requests and displaying both unprocessed and approved add-on requests.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


This code identifies the store requesting the add-on item.

If you did not select a store when displaying this screen, enter a store code in the scan field to display all add-on request items for the store you have entered.

If the store code uploaded from an external system is invalid, the following message is in the Error/Description field: S Invalid Store. You cannot correct an invalid store code uploaded from the external system; you must delete the add-on request item and create a new add-on request, using a valid store code.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional..

Store Description (Below store code)

A description of the store.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions; display-only.


The date the add-on request was created, or the date it was uploaded to CWSerenade.

Numeric, 6 positions, MM/DD/YY format; optional.


This code identifies the item or SKU requested.

Item: Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.

SKU: Alphanumeric, 14 positions or 3 4-position entries; optional

Item Description (Below Item/SKU number)

A description of the item/SKU.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Req qty (Requested quantity)

The quantity of the item requested.

You can change the quantity displayed on the screen by typing over the entry.

If the requested quantity exceeds the quantity available in the restocking warehouse, the message Quantity Available is in the Error/Description field when you select OK. You specify the restocking warehouse for each store when you set up the store. See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS) for more information on setting up retail store warehouses.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Retl prc (Retail price)

The current retail price of the item/SKU, from the Item Warehouse table for the restocking warehouse. See Working with Item Warehouse Values (WIWV).

Numeric, 8 positions; display-only.

Qty Avail (Quantity available)

The quantity of the item available in the restocking warehouse. You specify the restocking warehouse for each store when you set up the store. See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS) for more information on setting up retail warehouse stores.

If the quantity requested exceeds the quantity available, the message Quantity Available is in the Error/Description field when you select OK.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


An error code and description which identifies invalid add-on request items or stores created through an interface.

I Invalid Item/SKU in this field indicates an invalid item or SKU.

To correct the invalid entry, select Change for the item to advance to the Change Add-on Request Items screen, where you can correct the item code.

S Invalid Store in this field indicates an invalid store.

You cannot correct this error; you must cancel the add-on request item by selecting Cancel for the item, and then re-enter the add-on request by selecting Create to advance to the Create Store Add-on Request Items Screen.

Quantity Available in this field indicates that the requested quantity of this item exceeds the quantity available in the restocking warehouse.

Enter I or S in the scan field to display a list of all add-on request item errors that match your entry.

Error code: alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Description: alphanumeric, 18 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Create an add-on request item

Select Create to advance to the Create Store Add-on Request Items Screen.

Change an add-on request item

Select Change for an add-on request item to advance to the Change Store Add-on Request Items Screen.

Cancel an add-on request item

Select Cancel for an add-on request item. See Canceling, Approving or Rejecting Add-on Request Items.

Approve an add-on request item

Select Approve for an add-on request item. See Canceling, Approving or Rejecting Add-on Request Items.

Reject an add-on request item

Select Reject for an add-on request item. See Canceling, Approving or Rejecting Add-on Request Items.

Approve all add-on request items

Select Approve All. See Canceling, Approving or Rejecting Add-on Request Items.

Toggle between displaying only unprocessed add-on requests, or unprocessed and approved add-on requests.

Select Open/Unproc..

Create Store Add-on Request Items Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to enter an add-on request item for a retail store.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Work with Store Add on Request Items Screen.




This code identifies the store requesting the add-on item.

If you have selected a store at the Work with Store Add on Request Items Screen, the selected store code will default to this field.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Item number

The item number code.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

SKU number

The item SKU code.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions or 3 4-position entries; required if the item is SKU’d.

Requested qty (Requested quantity)

The quantity of the item requested. This number must be greater than 0.

Numeric, 5 positions; required.

Canceling, Approving or Rejecting Add-on Request Items

Purpose: From the Work with Store Add on Request Items Screen, you can also change, delete, approve or reject add-on request items.

Approving add-on request items: Store add-on request items cannot be processed and added to a restock order until they are approved. All add-on request items are assigned a status of U (Unprocessed) when they are created at Work with Store Add-on Request Items. Add-on request items uploaded through an interface are assigned a status of A (Approved) if the quantity requested is less than or equal to the retail store's specified maximum for the item; otherwise, the add-on request is assigned a status of U (unprocessed). Unprocessed add-on requests must be assigned a status of A (Approved) before they can be processed and added to a restock order. At the Work with Store Add-on Request Items screen, you can approve unprocessed add-on requests item by item, or you can approve all displayed add-on requests in one batch.

Displaying approved add-on request items: When an add-on request is approved, it is removed from the display on the Work with Store Add-on Request Items screen. You can display approved add-on request items by selecting Open/Unproc., which toggles between the default display (unprocessed items only) and display of approved as well as unprocessed add-on request items.

To cancel: Select Cancel for a store add-on request item to display the Confirm Cancel Request pop-up window. Select OK again to delete the add-on request item, or select Exit to return to the Work with Store Add-on Request Items screen without canceling the add-on request item.

Use this option to cancel an invalid store entry which has been uploaded from an external system. Optionally, you can create a new add-on request item with the correct store number.

To reject: Select Reject for a store add-on request item to display the Confirm Reject Request pop-up window. Select OK again to confirm the rejection, or select Exit to cancel the rejection.

The rejected add-on request item will not be eligible for processing and will not be added to a store restock order.

To approve: Select Approve for an add-on request item to approve the request. The add-on request is now eligible to be processed and added to a store restock order and will no longer display on the screen.

To display approved add-on request items along with unprocessed add-on request items, select Open/Unproc., which toggles between displaying only unprocessed add-on request items, and displaying approved as well as unprocessed add-on request items.

See Working with Retail Store Restock (WRSR) for more information on processing restock orders.

To approve all store add-on request items: To approve all add-on request items displayed on the Work with Store Add-on Request Items screen, select Approve All. All add-on request items are now eligible to be processed and added to store restock orders, and will no longer display on the screen.

To display approved add-on request items along with unprocessed add-on request items, select Open/Unproc., which toggles between displaying only unprocessed add-on request items, and displaying approved as well as unprocessed add-on request items.

Change Store Add-on Request Items Screen

To change: Select Change for a store add-on request item at the Work with Store Add on Request Items Screen to advance to the Change Store Add-on Request Items screen. At this screen you can change the store, the item, the SKU, and the quantity requested.

An invalid item entry which has been uploaded from an external system can be corrected at this screen; an invalid store cannot be corrected. To correct an invalid store, you must delete the add-on request item and create a new add-on request item using a valid store.

See the Create Store Add-on Request Items Screen for field descriptions.

WSAI Serenade 5.0 March 2015