Physical Inventory Values (C15)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the values required to perform a physical inventory.

Entry Method (A01)

Defines whether you enter counts using a ticket, worksheet, or neither. Valid options are:


Enter counts using the Entering Physical Counts by Tickets (MPIE) menu option or an RF gun in RF Physical Inventory.

Note: If you enter TICKETS, the File Generation Output (A09) system control value must also be set to TICKETS.


Enter counts using the Entering Physical Counts by Worksheets (MPIE) menu option or an RF gun in RF Physical Inventory.

You can also use this setting to enter the second and third count for a physical inventory uploaded from an external system (the Upload Counts (A12) system control value is selected).


• If you enter SHEET and the Upload Counts (A12) system control value is unselected, the File Generation Output (A09) system control value must be set to SHEET, LOCATION, or AISLE.

• If you enter SHEET and the Upload Counts (A12) system control value is selected, the File Generation Output (A09) system control value can be set to any value except TICKETS.


Upload counts from an external system using the Uploading Physical Counts (MPIU) menu option.

Note: If you leave this field blank, the Upload Counts (A12) system control value must be selected.

See Physical Inventory Process Summary to review a table that explains how you process physical inventories, based on the settings of the Entry Method (A01), File Generation Output (A09), and Upload Counts (A12) system control values.

File Generation Output (A09)

Defines whether the system prints a Physical Inventory Batch Work Sheet or Physical Inventory Ticket when you generate a physical inventory. Valid options are:


The system prints a Physical Inventory Ticket for each item location in the physical inventory.

Note: If you enter TICKETS, the Entry Method (A01) system control value must also be set to TICKETS.


The system prints the Physical Inventory Batch Work Sheet. See Assign Batch Numbers (A07) for more information on how the information prints on the work sheet.

Note: If you enter SHEET, the Entry Method (A01) system control value must also be set to SHEET.


The system prints the Physical Inventory Batch Work Sheet. See Assign Batch Numbers (A07) for more information on how the information prints on the work sheet.

Note: If you enter LOCATION, the Entry Method (A01) system control value must be set to SHEET.


The system prints the Physical Inventory Batch Work Sheet. See Assign Batch Numbers (A07) for more information on how the information prints on the work sheet.

Note: If you enter AISLE, the Entry Method (A01) system control value must be set to SHEET.

NONE or blank

The system does not print a Physical Inventory Ticket or Physical Inventory Batch Work Sheet when you generate a physical inventory.

Note: If you enter NONE or leave this field blank, the Upload Counts (A12) system control value must be selected.

See Physical Inventory Process Summary to review a table that explains how you process physical inventories, based on the settings of the Entry Method (A01), File Generation Output (A09), and Upload Counts (A12) system control values.

Upload Counts (A12)

Select this field if you upload inventory counts from an external system. See Uploading Physical Counts (MPIU) and Working with the Physical Inventory Upload (WPIU).

Unselect this field if you enter counts using the Enter Physical Counts (MPIE) menu option (by sheets or tickets) or use an RF gun to enter counts in RF Physical Inventory.

See Physical Inventory Process Summary to review a table that explains how you process physical inventories, based on the setting of the Entry Method (A01), File Generation Output (A09), and Upload Counts (A12) system control values.

Number of Outstanding Physicals (A05)

Enter the number of physical inventories that can be pending at one time. This is a check-and-balance in the system to ensure that you do not generate too many physicals without completing one.

This feature is typically used in cycle counting. If physical inventories are not updated in a timely manner, other operations, such as pick slip generation, will be affected.

If you leave this field blank, it implies that only one physical inventory can be pending at one time.

Number of Counts Required per Physical (A13)

Enter the number of physical counts that must be entered before you can update the system with the actual inventory counts. Valid options are:

1 or blank

Enter one, two, or three counts before you perform an update. The on-hand quantity for each item location is always updated with the last count entered.


The system requires that you enter at least two counts. However, if you are using sheets, you do not need to enter each item location on the second or final count. The on-hand quantity for an item location is always updated with the last count entered.

Freeze Item During Physical (A10)

Select this field to freeze item locations that are being counted during a physical inventory procedure (the Physical freeze field is selected). Freezing item locations prevents transactions that affect the on-hand balance from being performed. These transactions include: purchase order receiving, inventory adjustments, pick slip generation, confirmation, and billing. While an item is “frozen” during a physical inventory, the item will still be reserved for orders you take.

Note: Selecting this field will greatly reduce your chances of having inventory errors or incorrect updates as a result of a physical inventory.

Unselect this field to avoid freezing item locations during a physical inventory (the Physical freeze field is unselected). If you leave this field unselected, there will not be any records on the On Hand Not Changed Report that is produced when you process a physical inventory update, since this report includes only item locations which remain frozen.

Cycle Counting (A06)

Defines whether you will use the cycle counting feature for physical inventory. Cycle counting allows you to select groups of items periodically for physical inventory. You can assign a cycle code to an item using the Cycle field in the Item table. The Generate Physical Inventory Screen allows you to enter up to 10 cycle codes to be counted. The system compares the physical inventory generation date against the Last physical date defined for the Item Location and uses the Days defined for the cycle code to determine which item locations for an item assigned to the cycle code to include in the physical inventory.

Select this field to select cycle count as an option when performing a physical inventory.

Unselect this field if you do not want the cycle count option to appear on the Generate Physical Inventory Selection screen.

For more information: See Working with Item Cycles (WICY).

Assign Batch Numbers (A07)

Defines whether the system assigns a batch number to groups of physical inventory tickets or worksheets.

Select this field to have the system assign a batch number to groups of tickets or worksheets. The system groups tickets or worksheets according to the Batch Size (A08) and Batch Grouping (L64) you define.

Assigning batch numbers allows you to generate Physical Inventory reports by specific batch, and update the system with physical inventory counts by batch. This may make your count entry process easier, since you can have more than one person entering counts at one time with less chance of mistakenly overwriting each others' entries. However, if you assign batch numbers, you cannot produce a variance report that includes all item locations in a warehouse.

Unselect this field to not assign batch numbers. In this situation, the entire physical inventory is assigned to batch 1.

The table below explains the information that prints on the Physical Inventory Batch Work Sheet, based on the settings of the File Generation Output (A09) and Assign Batch Numbers (A07) system control values.

Generation Output

Assign batch numbers?

Batch Inventory Worksheets Results



Item locations appear in alphanumeric sequence by location code, then item code, then by the Sort sequence number for the SKU. Page breaks by location type and batch quantity (specified in the Batch Size (A08) system control value). Batches may be split across sheets. If a batch splits across sheets because of different location types, the sheets within the batch appear in location type sequence (PRIMARY, SECONDARY, BULK, then TEMPORARY).



Item locations appear in location type sequence (PRIMARY, SECONDARY, BULK, then TEMPORARY), then alphanumeric sequence by location code, then alphanumeric sequence by item code, then by the Sort sequence number for the SKU. Page breaks by size of batch sheet and location type, but not by location code.



Item locations appear in alphanumeric sequence by location code, then item code, then by the Sort sequence number for the SKU. Page breaks by location and batch quantity. Batches are not split across sheets. A blank sheet appears between each batch sheet.



Item locations appear in location type sequence (PRIMARY, SECONDARY, BULK, then TEMPORARY), then alphanumeric sequence by location code, then alphanumeric sequence by item code, then by the Sort sequence number for the SKU. Page breaks by size of batch sheet and location code.



Item locations appear in zone/aisle sequence, then alphanumeric sequence by item code, then by the Sort sequence number for the SKU. Page breaks by size of batch sheet and zone/aisle.



Item locations appear in location type sequence (PRIMARY, SECONDARY, BULK, then TEMPORARY), then alphanumeric sequence by location code, then alphanumeric sequence by item code, then by the Sort sequence number for the SKU. Page breaks by size of batch sheet and location code.

Batch Size (A08)

The number of item locations or the number of locations (based on the setting defined in the Batch Grouping (L64) system control value) to include in each physical inventory batch. The number you enter can be up to five positions.

This system control value assumes that you are using worksheets to perform and enter your physical counts.

• This field controls the number of item locations or locations in a batch, not the number of LPNs. Since you can have any number of LPNs within an item location, your batch sheets may be of a variable number of LPNs.

• You must complete this value if you selected the Assign Batch Numbers (A07) system control value.

• If you leave this field blank, the batch size defaults to 1.

• Enter a small number in this system control value if you wish multiple people to work on the physical inventory count. You can assign a different person to each batch generated.

Batch Grouping (L64)

Indicate whether Physical Inventory Generation uses location or item/location, along with the Batch Size (A08), to determine the number of batches in a physical inventory.

ITEM/LOC (default if not defined) = The system uses item/location and batch size to determine the number of batches in a physical inventory. A location could appear in more than one batch.

LOCATION = The system uses location and batch size to determine the number of batches in a physical inventory. A location would not appear in more than one batch.

You must complete this value if you selected the Assign Batch Numbers (A07) system control value.

When Assign Batch Numbers (A07) is selected, the setting of the File Generation Output (A09) system control value determines when the system starts a new batch.

File Generation Output (A09)

Batch Grouping (L64)

System starts a new batch when:



• The warehouse changes.

• The number of item/locations is greater than the batch size.



• The warehouse changes.

• The number of locations is greater than the batch size.



• The zone changes.

• The number of item/locations is greater than the batch size.



• The zone changes.

• The number of locations is greater than the batch size.



• The aisle changes.

• The number of item/locations is greater than the batch size.



• The aisle changes.

• The number of locations is greater than the batch size.



The number of item/locations is greater than the batch size.



The number of locations is greater than the batch size.



If File Generation Output (A09) is set to NONE, the system does not assign batch numbers. In this situation, the entire physical inventory is assigned to batch 1.

For more information: See Using Physical Inventory Batches for an example of when the system starts a new batch, based on the setting of this system control value.

Print On Hand Quantity (A11)

Select this field to print the on-hand quantity for each item on the Physical Inventory Batch Work Sheet or Physical Inventory Ticket.

Unselect this field to suppress the printing of the on-hand quantity.

The advantage of suppressing the printing of the on-hand quantity is so that your warehouse workers may take an accurate count that is not influenced by the system count.

If you Select this field and you use LPNs, you will notice that the total on-hand quantity for the item location that appears under LPN 0 represents the total on-hand not currently assigned to LPNs. For example, if the item location includes 65 units, including 60 that are assigned to 10-unit LPNs, a quantity of 5 will appear next to LPN 0, while a quantity of 10 will appear next to each of the LPNs.

Default Item in RF Physical (K67)

Select this field to have the system default the item and SKU for a location when you scan the location barcode on the Count Entry Screen in RF Physical Inventory.

Unselect this field to have the system default the location when you scan the location barcode on the Count Entry Screen in RF Physical Inventory. You will also need to scan the short SKU or UPC barcode or manually enter the item information.

See RF Physical Inventory for more information on using an RF gun to enter counts.

When you complete this screen: When you complete this screen you can advance to screen 2 of the Physical Inventory values; see Physical Inventory Values (Screen 2).

Physical Inventory Values (Screen 2)

Purpose: Use this screen to define variance thresholds to print on the Physical Evaluation Variance Report by Unit Variance.

The system will identify an exception for any item that meets any one condition defined on this screen. For example, if you specify 5 in the Units Variance (A20) field and $100.00 in the Cost Variance (A21) field, the system will note the item on the variance report if it is 5 units off; it does not have to meet the criteria for cost variance.

These values are defaults only. You can override any or all of them at the time you generate the report.

Variance Report Setup:

Units Variance (A20)

Enter the quantity over or under which an exception will appear on the Physical Inventory Evaluation report. This is a 7-position, numeric field.

For example, if this value is set to 5 units, and the on-hand count is 100, but the physical count is 110, an exception will be noted, because the variance is greater than 5 units. This value is used to catch deviations, potential inventory shrinkage, or the need for a recount.

Cost Variance (A21)

Enter the dollar amount over which or under which an exception will appear on the Physical Inventory Evaluation report. This field is 12 positions with a 2-place decimal.

For example, if this dollar value is set to $25.00, and the on-hand value of an item is calculated at $100.00, but the on-hand value of the counted quantity is $70.00, an exception will be noted, because the variance is greater than 25 dollars. This dollar value is used to catch deviations, potential inventory shrinkage, or the need for a recount.

Percent Units Variance (A22)

Enter the percentage over which or under which an exception will appear on the Physical Inventory Evaluation report. This field is 6 positions with a 2-place decimal.

For example, if this value is set at 5%, and the on-hand count is 100, but the physical count is 110, an exception will be noted, because the percentage of variance is greater than 5%. This value is used to catch deviations, potential inventory shrinkage, or the need for a recount.

Percent Cost Variance (A23)

Enter the dollar percentage over which or under which an exception will appear on the Physical Inventory Evaluation report. This field is 6 positions with a 2-place decimal.

For example, if this dollar percentage is set to 5%, and the on-hand value of the item is calculated at 100.00, but the on-hand value of the counted quantity is $75.00, an exception will be noted, because the variance is greater than 5%. This dollar percentage is used to catch deviations, potential inventory shrinkage, or the need for a recount.

IN03_03 Serenade 5.0 March 2015