Entering Physical Counts by Tickets (MPIE)

Purpose: Use the Physical Inventory Count Entry function to enter the first, second, and final counts for a physical inventory, and to print the tickets for the second and final counts. You can enter physical counts using system-generated tickets, or you can use your own tickets.

System-generated tickets for the first count are produced when you generate the physical inventory if you have entered TICKETS in the Entry Method (A01) and File Generation Output (A09) system control values. You can produce tickets for the second and final counts during count entry, or through Reprinting Batch Sheets or Tickets (RPIF).

RF Physical Inventory: Optionally, you can use RF Physical Inventory to use an RF gun to enter first, second, or final counts for a physical inventory batch. The system records the counts in the Physical Inventory Upload New table. When you accept the count in RF Physical Inventory, the system uploads the records from the Physical Inventory Upload New table to the Physical Inventory table.

Unlocking a physical inventory batch: If the physical inventory count process is interrupted by an unexpected browser session end, you can unlock the physical inventory batch using the Unlocking a Physical Inventory Batch (MUPB) menu option. Once you unlock a physical inventory batch, you can continue where you left off in the inventory verification process when the unexpected session end occurred.

In this topic:

Physical Inventory Entry Selection Screen

Ticket Entry Control Number Window (Selecting a Control Number)

Physical Inventory Ticket Entry Screen (Entering Counts)

Create Physical Inventory Ticket Screen

Generate Physical Inventory Tickets Screen (Second or Final Count)

Ticket Entry Report Prompt Screen (Printing Ticket Reports) (MPTE)

For more information: See Entering Counts for more background on entering physical inventory counts. See Printing Physical Inventory Reports (MPIR) for samples of each of the reports.

Physical Inventory Entry Selection Screen

Purpose: You use this screen to select the count number associated with the tickets you are entering. You can enter the first count, second count, or final count for each item location or LPN through this screen.

Access to the first, second, and final counts is controlled by secured features. In addition, you must enter the counts for each individual ticket in the correct sequence, and you cannot skip a count for a ticket (for example, you cannot enter a second count without previously entering the first count). See Entering Counts.

How to display this screen: Enter MPIE in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Enter Physical Inventory Counts from a menu.

Note: You also use this screen to begin entry of physical inventory counts using batch sheets. See Entering Physical Counts by Worksheets (MPIE).

Screen Option


Enter the first physical count

Select 1 in the Selection Option field. See Physical Inventory Ticket Entry Screen (Entering Counts).

Enter the second physical count

Select 2 in the Selection Option field. See Physical Inventory Ticket Entry Screen (Entering Counts).

Enter the final count

Select 3 in the Selection Option field. See Physical Inventory Ticket Entry Screen (Entering Counts).

Ticket Entry Control Number Window (Selecting a Control Number)

This window opens when you select a count at the Physical Inventory Entry Selection Screen.

How to complete this window: Enter the control number of the tickets you are about to enter. The control number is a 3-position numeric field representing the active physical inventories in your company. For example, if there is currently one physical inventory in process in your company, the control number will be 1.

The system updates the Status of the Physical Inventory Batch to L (locked) so that another user cannot enter counts at the same time for the same control number.

You advance to the Physical Inventory Ticket Entry Screen (Entering Counts).

RF physical inventory: An error message displays if the count for the control number entered has already been started in RF Physical Inventory: Count started in upload. You must complete and accept the count using RF Physical Inventory. Once you accept the count, you can enter the next count (second or final) using the Enter Physical Counts (MPIE) menu option or RF Physical Inventory, but not both.

Physical Inventory Ticket Entry Screen (Entering Counts)

Purpose: Use this screen to enter the physical counts for each item location or LPN included in the physical inventory.

You must enter the first count for an item location or LPN before you enter the second or final count. You cannot change information for the first count if a second or final count has been entered for the item location.

How to display this screen: Complete the Ticket Entry Control Number Window (Selecting a Control Number). The count number you selected at the Physical Inventory Entry Selection Screen and the control number you selected at the pop-up window are indicated at the top of the screen.

Field descriptions: The fields in the Ticket details section at the bottom of the screen are display-only; the Warehouse, Item/SKU, Location and LPN associated with the ticket number display when you enter a valid ticket number and count.



Count entry fields:

Ticket #

The ticket number associated with the item location or LPN for which you are entering the count. The system generates a new ticket number for each successive count of an item location or LPN.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.


The actual number of units of the item found in the location, or for the LPN in the location if you use LPN tracking. If you leave this field blank, the system records the count as zero.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Ticket detail fields:



The code of the warehouse where the physical inventory is being performed. The description of the warehouse is to the right.

See Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.


The code representing the unit of inventory being counted with this ticket. The description of the item is to the right.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The item's unique characteristics, such as its color and size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; display-only.


The location where the item was counted. See Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The license plate number associated with the count of the item in this location. You can have any number of LPNs of an item in a location. If you use LPNs to manage your inventory, the system generates a separate ticket for each LPN. If there are “loose” units of the item not associated with an LPN, the system produces an LPN with the number of 0. Using LPNs is part of radio frequency; see Radio Frequency Overview.

Note: The system discontinues LPN tracking for a quantity of an item when you place it in a primary location.

Numeric, 6 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Create a ticket for an item location

Select Create to create a ticket to enter a count for an item location that was not included in the physical inventory to advance to the Create Physical Inventory Ticket Screen.

Generate tickets and accept a count

Select Generate Tickets to print tickets for the second or final counts. See Generate Physical Inventory Tickets Screen (Second or Final Count).

Print ticket reports

Select Print Ticket Reports to print the Physical Evaluation Variance Report by Unit Variance, the Physical Evaluation Variance Report by Item Warehouse, the Physical Inventory Ticket Listing, or the Compare Physical Count Tickets Report. See Ticket Entry Report Prompt Screen (Printing Ticket Reports) (MPTE).


1. Enter the ticket number in the Ticket field.

2. Enter the item quantity counted in the location in the Counted field.

3. The ticket details display at the bottom of the screen.

A message such as the following indicates that you entered an invalid ticket number for the control number and count:

Ticket number 99999 not found for Control number 1, count # 1.

A message such as the following indicates that you entered a valid ticket number:

PI Updated. TKT 2, ITM BIGMUG, SKU BLUE, LOC BU52, LPN 107, CNT 26.

This message includes the ticket number, item and SKU codes, location code, LPN (if applicable), and the item location count you entered.

If you try to enter a second or final count without entering the first count, the following message indicates:

Physical Count 2 has been entered, can not maintain Physical 1 counts.

Create Physical Inventory Ticket Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to add a ticket to the physical inventory. For example, if you are using system-generated tickets, and you find an item in an unexpected location, you can create a ticket so that you can create a record of the item in this location when you process the physical inventory update.

You can also use this function to enter physical counts when you are using your own tickets.

Note: You can create physical inventory tickets only when you are entering first item counts, not when entering second or final counts. The item number and location for which you are creating the ticket must be valid for the warehouse; you cannot create new items or new locations when creating tickets.

You will create the item location record and LPN (if entered) when you process the physical inventory update.

How to display this screen: Select Create at the Physical Inventory Ticket Entry Screen (Entering Counts).



Control #

The physical inventory control number and batch number you want to assign to the ticket. The control number, which defaults from your entry earlier, represents the number of outstanding physical inventories in your company; for example, if you are currently running two physical inventories, this number is 2. You must enter an existing batch number for the control number indicated and the warehouse code you enter below. Even if you do not use batching, the system assigns a batch number of 1. The last batch number used defaults.

Control #: numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Batch #: numeric, 5 positions; required.

Ticket #

The ticket number to create. The next available ticket number defaults.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.


The quantity of the item in the location (or, optionally, LPN).

Numeric, 7 positions; required.


The warehouse of the item location.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Item number

The code representing the item you are counting in this location. You cannot create a ticket for a non-inventory item, or an item/location with a pending transaction quantity.

If the item is not located in the warehouse you enter, the following error message indicates:

Item Warehouse does not exist, use F6 to create.

If you select Create, you advance to the Create Item Warehouse Screen. After creating the item warehouse, select Exit to return to the Create Physical Inventory Ticket Screen.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse table; see Creating and Maintaining Warehouses (WWHS).

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.


The item's unique characteristics, such as its color and size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; required if the item has SKUs.


The location where the item is being counted. This must be a valid location in the warehouse indicated. See Creating and Maintaining Locations (WLOC).

Alphanumeric, 7 positions; required.


The license plate number to assign to the item count in this location. You cannot create an LPN in a primary location.

The system will validate that this LPN does not already exist in the current physical inventory. If this LPN currently exists in your company (although not the physical inventory) the record you are creating now will replace the currently existing LPN record.

If you use LPNs to manage inventory in your warehouse, you can have any number of LPNs for the same item in a location. Using LPNs is part of radio frequency; see Radio Frequency Overview.

Numeric, 6 positions; optional.

Completing this screen: Complete each field on this screen, including the LPN field if you use LPNs and want to create or replace a record. (You cannot create an LPN in a primary location.)

Note: If a ticket is created in error, enter a count of 0 for the ticket. The record will be deleted when you process the physical inventory update, and you will not update your actual inventory erroneously.

When you create a ticket, the Physical freeze flag for the item location will be selected if the Freeze Item During Physical (A10) system control value is selected.

Generate Physical Inventory Tickets Screen (Second or Final Count)

Purpose: Use this screen to generate tickets for the second and final counts for the batch. You must use this option to generate these tickets, so that you can enter subsequent counts. When you use this option, the system creates the necessary records in the Physical Inventory table. Tickets are generated for all item locations or LPNs in the batch, even those without entered counts.

Once you generate the tickets at this screen, you can use Reprinting Batch Sheets or Tickets (RPIF) to reprint the tickets if desired.

Tickets for the second count are usually generated when you finish entering the first count information for the batch; tickets for the final count are usually generated after you have entered the second count for the tickets in the batch. However, you can generate tickets for subsequent counts at any time, but you must enter counts sequentially for each item location or LPN. You can still correct count information after ticket generation, as long as you have not entered the next count for that item location or LPN.

You can request and print tickets separately for each batch, or generate tickets for all batches. See Physical Inventory Ticket.

How to display this screen: Select Generate Tickets to generate tickets at the Physical Inventory Ticket Entry Screen (Entering Counts).

Screen Option


Print tickets for the second count

Select 1 in the Selection Option field.

Print tickets for the final count

Select 2 in the Selection Option field.


1. Enter the Batch # of the tickets you want to print, or leave this field blank to generate tickets for all batches.

2. Type the option number for the type of tickets you want to print in the Selection option field.

3. You will return to the Physical Inventory Entry Selection Screen.

4. Continue with the above steps until all ticket requests have been entered.

If you generate tickets for the subsequent count The system will display the message:

Physical Count 2 has been entered, can not maintain Physical 1 counts.


WH01_03 Serenade 5.0 March 2015