Customer Scan Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select a customer:

• for an order, in order entry

• for maintenance, in customer maintenance

• when creating a catalog request

• for a customer membership through the Working with Customer Memberships (WWCM) option

Used when? You advance to this screen if the Relate Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT. Otherwise, you advance to:

• the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen in order entry

• the Select Customer Sold To Screen in customer maintenance

• the Select Customer for Catalog Request Screen when you are creating a catalog request

• the Select Customer Sold To pop-up window when you are creating a customer membership through the Working with Customer Memberships (WWCM) option

Searching in Relate: When you use this screen, the system first calls Relate when searching for customers, and checks the CWSerenade Customer Sold To table only if Relate does not return any records that match your search criteria.

If any records found in Relate: If there is at least one customer record in Relate that matches your search criteria, the screen displays the results from Relate only and does not display any matching records from the CWSerenade Customer Sold To table.

In this topic:

Search Criteria tab

Results tab

Order entry: available options

Customer maintenance: available options

Creating a catalog request: available options

Creating a customer membership: available options

For more information: See the Relate Customer Integration for an overview and background on the integration.

How to display this screen: If the Relate Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT:

order entry:

• select OK at the Request Order Batch screen if you do not use the Customer Selection Screen, or

• prompt on the Sold To field at the Customer Selection Screen

• prompt on the Customer sold to field at the Work with B2B Order Screen

• prompt for a recipient sold to customer at the Work with Order Screen.

customer maintenance: enter WCST in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Work with Customers from a menu

creating a catalog request: at the Create Catalog Request Screen, select Select Customer

creating a customer membership: prompt on the Customer# field at the Create Customer Membership Window

Search Criteria tab

All of the fields on the Search Criteria tab, with the exception of the Batch # available in order entry, are optional; however, you need to enter at least one criterion to search.

Combining search criteria: If you enter more than one search criterion, the Results tab displays customer records only if they match all entered criteria. You can combine any search criteria except for the Customer # and the Alt cust#.



Batch #

The number identifying the batch you are currently working with. Available only if you are in order entry and you selected the Are the orders batched? option at the Request Order Batch screen.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.

Postal code

A postal delivery area, such as a zip code. Enter a full or partial code to scan for customers whose postal codes match your entry.

Note: The Postal Code Scan Length (F61) system control value does not control how to search for or sort customer records based on postal code. For example, if you normally use a postal code scan length of 5 for searching, and some customers have the full ZIP+4 postal code, customers with the full ZIP+4 are listed after customers whose postal codes are just 5 positions long.

For more information: See Setting Up the Zip/City/State (Postal Code) Table (WZIP).

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.

Last name

The sold-to customer's last name. Enter a full or partial last name to scan for customers whose last names match your entry.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions.

First name

The sold-to customer’s first name. Enter a full or partial first name to scan for customers whose first names match your entry.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions.

Phone number

Any of the sold-to customer’s phone numbers. Enter a full or partial phone number to display customers with phone numbers that start with your entry. When you search based on phone number, the Phone # displayed on the Results tab is the one matching your entry.

Formatting not required: When you search using phone number against the Relate database, it is not necessary to enter any formatting for the phone number; for example, an entry of 5085550100 matches a phone number formatted as (508) 555-0100.

Deleted phone numbers: Even if you delete the phone number from Relate and the number is no longer visible on Relate screens, Relate still stores the phone number for the customer in the database, and returns the customer in search results when you search based on the deleted phone number.

Changed phone number: Similarly, if you change the phone number in Relate, Relate still stores the original phone number in its database and returns the customer in search results when you searched based on the original phone number.

Deleted or changed phone number not displayed in results: If your search is based on a deleted or changed phone number for the customer, the Phone # field is blank at the Results tab, even if the customer has a current primary phone number.

Searching based on phone number in CWSerenade: Enter a full, valid phone number to display customers who have a phone number that matches your entry exactly, including formatting. The screen displays results from CWSerenade only if no customer records in Relate match your entry.

You can define a telephone number format for each country to map to the phone numbers operators enter into the system. See Setting Up the Country Table (WCTY).

Alphanumeric, 14 positions.

Email address

Any of the customer’s email addresses.

Searching based on email address: Enter a full or partial email address to display customers with email addresses that start with your entry. The email address that matches your entry is displayed in the Email field at the Results tab, even if it is not the customer’s primary email address in Relate or in CWSerenade.

Deleted email addresses: Even if you delete the email address from Relate and the email is no longer visible on Relate screens, Relate still stores the email address for the customer in the database, and returns the customer in search results when you search based on the deleted email address.

Changed email address: Similarly, if you change the email address in Relate, Relate still stores the original email address in its database and returns the customer in search results when you searched based on the original email address.

Deleted or changed email address not displayed in results: If your search is based on a deleted or changed email address for the customer, the Email field is blank at the Results tab, even if the customer has any current email addresses.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions.

Customer #

A number assigned by the system to identify the customer in CWSerenade. Saved in Relate as an alternate key. Enter a valid customer number to advance immediately to:

• the Work with Order Screen in order entry

• the Change Customer (1 of 2) screen in customer maintenance

• the Create Catalog Request screen when creating a catalog request

You cannot enter any additional search criteria when you enter a customer number.

Prospect? Entering a Prospect Finder record is not supported at this screen.

Numeric, 9 positions.

Loyalty card #

The loyalty card number assigned to the customer through the Relate Loyalty Integration.

Enter a valid loyalty card number display customers whose loyalty card number matches your entry.

Note: This field is available only if the Use Relate Loyalty (M06) system control value is selected.

Numeric, 16 positions.

Results tab

System Providing Customer Information: The Results tab indicates whether the results displayed are from Relate or CWSerenade. If there is at least one record found in Relate that matches your search criteria, the results from Relate are displayed instead of any results from CWSerenade.

Maximum search results exceeded: The Results tab displays the error message Maximum search results exceeded, please refine your search if the number of matching records exceeds the Customer Lookup Limit setting in Conflate. In this situation, you need to make your search criteria more specific to make sure that you can find the customer record you are looking for.




The customer's name, consisting of the last name, middle initial, and first name.

If results are from Relate: The company name is not displayed; and if the customer has a company name only, but no first and last name, then no name is displayed.

Last name: alphanumeric, 25 positions.

Middle initial: alphanumeric, 1 positions.

First name: alphanumeric, 15 positions.

Company name (from CWSerenade only): alphanumeric, 30 positions.


The customer’s address, consisting of the first address line, city, and state.

Street: alphanumeric, 32 positions.

City: alphanumeric, 25 positions.

State: alphanumeric, 2 positions.

Postal code

The customer’s postal code.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions.


If results are from Relate: The customer’s primary email address, unless:

• An alternate email address was one of the search criteria; in this case, the alternate email address is displayed.

• An email address was one of the search criteria, but the customer does not have a primary email address in Relate; in this case, the email address matching the search criterion is displayed.

• An email address was one of the search criteria, and the customer once had this email address in Relate, but the email address has been deleted or changed; in this case, the email address field is blank.

• Email address was not one of the search criteria, and the customer does not have a primary email address in Relate; in this case, no email address is displayed, even if the customer has one or more email addresses in Relate.

Ordinarily, the customer’s email address is the same in both CWSerenade and Relate.

If results are from CWSerenade: The customer’s primary email address, unless an alternate email address was a search criterion.

Alphanumeric, 50 positions.

Phone #

If results are from Relate: The customer’s primary phone number, unless:

• an alternate phone number was one of the search criteria; in this case, the alternate phone number is displayed.

• there is no primary phone number, and a phone number was not a search criterion; in this case, no phone number is displayed.

Note: The phone number is displayed using the formatting, if any, from Relate.

If results are from CWSerenade: The customer’s:

• daytime phone number, if any, unless a different phone number was a search criterion; otherwise,

• the phone number entered as a search criterion, if any; otherwise,

• the customer’s evening number, if any; otherwise,

• the customer’s fax or mobile number, if any; otherwise,

• this field is blank.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions.

Order entry: available options

Screen Option


Select a customer for order entry

Click the customer’s name, or select Select from the Action drop-down menu. See Entering Orders for standard order entry or Entering Pre-Order Quotes for quote entry.

Change a customer

Select Change for a customer from the Action drop-down menu to advance to the Change Cust Sold to Name & Address Screen.

Display a customer

Select Display for a customer from the Action drop-down menu to advance to the Display Customer Sold To screen. See the First Create Sold To Customer Screen for field descriptions.

Review loyalty account information from Relate for a customer

Select Loyalty from the Action drop-down menu for a customer. When you select this option, the system retrieves the sold to customer’s information from Relate.

• If Relate finds a loyalty card assigned to the customer, the system advances you to the Display Loyalty Account Screen. If more than one loyalty card is assigned to the customer in Relate, the system displays loyalty account information for the first card assigned to the customer.

• If Relate does not find a loyalty card for the customer, the system advances you to the Customer Loyalty Registration Window, where you can select to enroll the customer in the Relate Loyalty program.

• If a Relate ID is not defined for the customer in the Customer Sold To table, the system displays an error message similar to the following: Loyalty cannot be displayed, there is no Relate ID.

• If a connection could not be made to Relate, the system displays an error message similar to the following: Unable to connect to Relate.

Note: This option is available only if the Use Relate Loyalty (M06) system control value is selected.

See Relate Loyalty Integration for processing details.

Review the customer’s purchase history from Relate

Select Purch Hist. When you select this option, the system retrieves the sold to customer’s information from Relate and advances you to the Display Purchase History Screen where you can review the completed sales and returns transactions from Relate.

If a connection could not be made to Relate, the system displays an error message similar to the following: Unable to connect to Relate.

Note: This option displays only if the Relate Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT; see Relate Purchase History Integration.

Switch between search criteria and search results

Use the Search Criteria tab and Results tab at the top of the screen.

Change the default value for one or more order entry fields

Select Change Dflts from the bottom of the screen. See Setting Defaults in Order Entry.

Enter an order or quote for a new customer

Select Create from the bottom of the screen. See Entering Orders for standard order entry or Entering Pre-Order Quotes for quote entry.

Change an existing order or quote

Select Maintain from the bottom of the screen See Performing Order Maintenance for standard order maintenance or Maintaining Quotes in Order Maintenance for quote maintenance.

Review a batch of mail orders

Select Review Order. See Entering Batched Orders.

Accept a batch of mail orders (which accepts all orders entered for the batch)

Select Accept Batch. See Entering Batched Orders.

Reject a batch of mail orders (which rejects all orders entered for the batch)

Select Reject Batch. See Entering Batched Orders.

Inquire on an item's availability, use the notepad function to select items for a new order, or capture lost sales

Select Item Avail from the bottom of the screen. See Display Item Availability Screen.

Mail a catalog to a new or existing customer

Select Catalog Req from the bottom of the screen. See Entering Catalog Requests (WCAT).

Display current and control totals for a batch of mail orders

Select Batch Totals. See Entering Batched Orders.

Display the special item promotions for the day

Select Daily Promo. See Upselling the Customer in Order Entry.

Note: This option is not available if the Tax Included in Price (E70) system control value is selected.

Scan for an individual customer

select Individual from the bottom of the screen to advance to the Select Customer Individual Screen.

Review your current totals and daily totals (or those of another operator) for orders entered and rejected

Select Operator Stat from the bottom of the screen to advance to the Operator Statistics Inquiry Screen (DOPR).

Review the customer’s wish list from Relate

Select Wish List. When you select this option, the system retrieves the sold to customer’s wish list information from Relate and advances you to the Display Wish List Screen where you can review the items on the customer’s wish list from Relate that exist in CWSerenade.

The message No items in wish list displays if no wish list items are returned from Relate.

Note: This option displays only if the Use Relate Wish List (M26) system control value is selected and the Relate Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT; see Relate Customer Wish List Integration.

Exit the screen and return to the main menu

Select Exit.

If the Capture Order/Call Disposition (K03) system control value is se to ALL, and you advanced to this screen from a call received from an external order call center, the system displays the Confirm Order/Call Disposition Window where you must enter the reason for exiting this screen instead of creating an order. In addition, the system creates a record in the Order Disposition Table; see Tracking Order/Call Disposition Activity.

Customer maintenance: available options

Screen Option


Create a new customer

Select Create from the bottom of the screen. See the First Create Sold To Customer Screen.

Change information about the customer

Select Change from the Action drop-down menu for a customer. See Changing Sold To Customers.

Display information about the customer

Select Display from the Action drop-down menu for a customer. You advance to the first Display Customer screen. You cannot change any information on this screen. See the First Create Sold To Customer Screen for field descriptions.

Review accounts receivable (A/R) history for a customer

Select AR Info from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Customer A/R Sales History Screen if there is a bill-to customer associated with the sold-to customer.

Work with actions for a customer

Select Actions from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Edit Customer Actions Window.

Work with Affinity Preferences for a customer

Select Affinity from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Work with Affinity Preferences Screen.

Work with bill-to customers

Select Bill To from the Action drop-down menu for a customer. If the customer:

• already has a bill-to customer, you advance to the Display Customer Bill To screen. See the Create Bill-to Customer Screen for field descriptions.

• does not already have a bill-to customer, you advance to the Work with Bill To Customers Screen.

Note: If you do not have authority to the Work with Customer Bill To menu option, the Bill To option is not available in the Action drop-down menu.

Review item ordering history for a customer

Select Itm Hist from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Customer Sold To Item History Screen. See Reviewing Customer History for an overview of customer history.

Review loyalty account information from Relate for a customer

Select Loyalty from the Action drop-down menu for a customer. When you select this option, the system retrieves the sold to customer’s information from Relate.

• If Relate finds a loyalty card assigned to the customer, the system advances you to the Display Loyalty Account Screen. If more than one loyalty card is assigned to the customer in Relate, the system displays loyalty account information for the first card assigned to the customer.

• If Relate does not find a loyalty card for the customer, the system advances you to the Customer Loyalty Registration Window, where you can select to enroll the customer in the Relate Loyalty program.

• If a Relate ID is not defined for the customer in the Customer Sold To table, the system displays an error message similar to the following: Loyalty cannot be displayed, there is no Relate ID.

• If a connection could not be made to Relate, the system displays an error message similar to the following: Unable to connect to Relate.

Note: This option is available only if the Use Relate Loyalty (M06) system control value is selected.

See Relate Loyalty Integration for processing details.

Review mail history for a customer

Select Mail Hist from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Display Customer Mail History Screen. See Reviewing Customer History for an overview of customer history.

Work with notes about a customer

Select Notes from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Edit Customer Notes Screen.

Display customer order history

Select Ord Hist from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Display Customer Order History Screen. See Reviewing Customer History for an overview of customer history.

Exclude pay types for a customer

Select Pay Excl from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Exclude Pay Types By Customer Screen.

Work with contract pricing for a customer

Select Price from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Work with Contract Price Screen.

Work with the profile for a customer

Select Profile from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Work with Customer Profile Screen.

Review address changes for a customer

Select Prv Addr from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Display Address Changes Screen. See Reviewing Customer Address Changes for an overview.

Review the customer’s purchase history from Relate

Select Purch Hist. When you select this option, the system retrieves the sold to customer’s information from Relate and advances you to the Display Purchase History Screen where you can review the completed sales and returns transactions from Relate.

If a connection could not be made to Relate, the system displays an error message similar to the following: Unable to connect to Relate.

Note: This option displays only if the Relate Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT; see Relate Purchase History Integration.

Work with ship-to customers

Select Ship To from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Work with Customer Ship Tos Screen.

Work with subscriptions for a customer

Select Subscrp from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Work with Subscriptions Screen.

Work with state-specific tax exemptions for a customer

Select Tax from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Work with Customer Tax Screen. See Working with Customer Tax Status for an overview.

Enter information in the user-defined fields for a customer

Select User Fld from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Work with User Fields Screen.

Work with warranty information for a customer

Select Warrnty from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Work with Customer Warranty Information Screen.

Review the customer’s wish list from Relate

Select Wish List. When you select this option, the system retrieves the sold to customer’s wish list information from Relate and advances you to the Display Wish List Screen where you can review the items on the customer’s wish list from Relate that exist in CWSerenade.

The message No items in wish list displays if no wish list items are returned from Relate.

Note: This option displays only if the Use Relate Wish List (M26) system control value is selected and the Relate Customer Integration (L37) system control value is set to INTERACT; see Relate Customer Wish List Integration.

Creating a catalog request: available options



Select a customer for a catalog request

Select Select from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to return to the Create Catalog Request Screen with that customer’s name and address defaulted.

Change a customer’s name and address information

Select Change from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Change Cust Sold to Name & Address Screen.

Display a customer’s name and address information

Select Display from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Display Customer Sold To screen. See the First Create Sold To Customer Screen for field descriptions.

Create a catalog request for a new customer

Select Create at the bottom of the screen to return to the Create Catalog Request Screen without selecting an existing customer.

Creating a customer membership: available options



Select a customer for a customer membership

Select Select from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Customer Membership Screen (Change Mode) with that customer’s name and address defaulted.

Change a customer’s name and address information

Select Change from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Change Cust Sold to Name & Address Screen.

Display a customer’s name and address information

Select Display from the Action drop-down menu for a customer to advance to the Display Customer Sold To screen. See the See the First Create Sold To Customer Screen for field descriptions.

Create a catalog request for a new customer

Select Create at the bottom of the screen to return to the Create Catalog Request Screen without selecting an existing customer.

OE01_03 Serenade 5.0 March 2015