1 Installation Overview

This chapter provides an overview of installing software on the Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine. The Exalytics Machine is an engineered solution that includes a memory-centric hardware platform, proven in-memory technology from Oracle TimesTen, and an optimized version of Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite functionality.

Oracle Business Intelligence applications, Oracle Enterprise Performance Management applications, and Oracle Endeca can be installed on an Exalytics Machine to provide greater value to Exalytics customers.

The Exalytics Machine enables Oracle Business Intelligence software users to gain quick insight, make better decisions, and take immediate actions. For system administrators, the pre-engineered system simplifies the process of configuring and maintaining an enterprise-level, high-performance Oracle Business Intelligence implementation. It eliminates the risks associated with procuring, deploying, maintaining, and tuning the system infrastructure from multiple vendors. Oracle's technology is designed to scale seamlessly from small workgroup installations to large scale enterprise Business Intelligence deployments.

The term "Oracle Business Intelligence" is used throughout this guide to collectively refer to Oracle BI Enterprise Edition and Oracle BI Publisher. In cases where a description or instruction specifically applies to one of these products, the individual product's name is used instead.

This chapter includes the following sections:

1.1 Existing Installations

If you are an existing customer running Oracle Exalytics Release 1 Patchset 5 ( or Base Image, you must upgrade to Oracle Exalytics Release 2. See Chapter 2, "Upgrading to Oracle Exalytics Release 2 ( on Non-Virtual Deployments." If you are an Exalytics customer running PS5 with OVM, you must upgrade as described in Chapter 3, "Upgrading to Oracle Exalytics Release 2 ( on Virtual Deployments."

To access documentation for prior releases, see the Oracle Exalytics Release 1 Patchset 5 documentation in Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation and Administration Guide for Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine located at:


1.2 New Installations

If you are a new customer, perform the following actions:

1.3 Installable Components

Oracle Exalytics Release 2 ( comprises the following system components that are installed on an Exalytics Machine to work together in an optimized manner:

1.3.1 System Components

The system components include the following:

  • Exalytics Base Images for Linux x86-64 for both Linux 5 and Linux 6 operating systems.

    Base Images for Linux 5 and Linux 6 (x86-64) are based on Oracle Enterprise Linux specifically optimized and built for analytical workload. Exalytics base images also includes additional utilities like Flash storage configuration utilities, network utilities, Auto Service Request utilities, and other system configuration utilities.

  • Exalytics Base Image for Oracle VM x86-64 for Linux 5 operating system.

    Exalytics Base Image for Oracle VM is an Oracle VM based optimized and custom configured VM built for analytic usage. This image includes Exalytics specific VM system components and utilities.

  • Exalytics Oracle VM Templates for both Linux 5 and Linux 6 operating systems.

    Oracle Exalytics Oracle VM template is a customized Oracle VM template for analytics use cases on Exalytics.

1.3.2 Application Software Components

The application software components include the following:

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Foundation Suite

  • Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Applications

  • Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database for Exalytics

  • Oracle Database In-Memory

  • Oracle Business Intelligence Applications

  • Oracle Endeca

In addition, note the following:

  • This guide does not provide information on installing Essbase on the Exalytics Machine using the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installer. For information about using the EPM System Installer to install Essbase, see Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

For detailed information about supported products on each component, see the Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix at the following location:


1.4 Oracle Exalytics Architecture

Figure 1-1 contains a diagram of the architecture for the Exalytics Machine. The Exalytics Machine includes software for the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database or Oracle Database In-Memory, Oracle Business Intelligence, and the Administration Server and Managed Server for Oracle WebLogic Server. The Exalytics Machine is connected to a client computer on which the Oracle BI Administration Tool runs, including the Summary Advisor wizard. Another computer holds the database on which schemas that are created with the Repository Creation Utility reside, including usage tracking summary statistics.

Figure 1-1 Oracle Exalytics Architecture

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 1-1 Oracle Exalytics Architecture''

1.5 System Requirements and Certification

This guide provides specific information about system requirements and software versions that the Exalytics Machine uses. For information about the client computer that you use with the Exalytics Machine, refer to the system requirements and certification documentation for information about hardware and software requirements, platforms, databases, and other information. Both of these documents are available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN).