New Features in Oracle Exalytics Release 2 (

This preface describes the new features and certifications for the components in Oracle Exalytics Release 2 (

The Oracle Exalytics Release 2 ( includes additional certifications and new capabilities for the components that are described in the following sections:

Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.11 and Linux 6 Operating Systems

Oracle Exalytics Release 2 includes the updated Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.11 and the new Oracle Enterprise Linux 6 Operating System, specifically optimized and built for analytical workload.

New Base Images for Release 2, Upgrade Utility, and Hardening Script

Oracle Exalytics Release 2 includes the following enhancements for non-virtualized deployments:

  • New Base Images: Includes the following base images for Linux 5 and Linux 6:

    • Base Image Version Release 2, EL5 Base Image for Linux 5

      Kernel: EL5 - 2.6.39-400.248.3.el5uek.x86_64

    • Base Image Version Release 2, EL6 Base Image for Linux 6

      Kernel: EL6 - 2.6.39-400.248.3.el6uek.x86_64

    • Both base images and utilities compatible on all Exalytics X2, X3, X4-4, and X5-4 models

  • Release 2 Upgrade Utility: Existing customers on Release 1 Patchset 5 (Base Image can use the utility to upgrade to Release 2 (Base Image Version


    Existing customers that have a base image installed on Linux 5 operating system can only upgrade the base image to Base Image Version For example, customers on Base Image can only upgrade to Release 2 Base Image Version that is installed on a Linux 5 operating system. They cannot upgrade to Release 2 Base Image Version that is installed on a Linux 6 operating system. For instructions on upgrading to Release 2 Base Image Version, see Chapter 2, "Upgrading to Oracle Exalytics Release 2 ( on Non-Virtual Deployments."
  • Exalytics Hardening script for increased security to comply with the Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs) standards. See Chapter 9, "Hardening an Exalytics Machine."

Virtual Deployments

Oracle Exalytics Release 2 includes the following enhancements for virtual deployments:

  • Oracle VM Server 3.2.9 Base Image (

    Kernel: 2.6.39-400.215.9.el5uek x86_64

  • Oracle VM Guest EL5 upgrade patch (

    My Oracle Support Patch number: 20618011

  • Oracle VM Guest Template EL5(

    Kernel: EL5 - 2.6.39-400.248.3.el5uek.x86_64

  • Oracle VM Guest Template EL6 (

    Kernel: EL6 - 2.6.39-400.248.3.el6uek.x86_64

  • Compatible on all Exalytics X2, X3, X4-4, and X5-4 models

Exalytics Domain Management Utility Supports Oracle Database In-Memory

The Exalytics Domain Management Utility can now install Oracle Database In-Memory.

For instructions on how to use the Exalytics Domain Management Utility to install and configure Oracle Database In-Memory on an Exalytics Machine, see Section, "Installing Oracle Database In-Memory Using the Exalytics Domain Management Utility."

Application Software Components

The following application software components are certified to run on Oracle Exalytics Release 2.

For the latest application software component certifications on Exalytics, see the Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix at the following location:

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition and

Both Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition and are certified to run on the Exalytics Machine.

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition includes a number of bug fixes for the components that comprise Oracle Exalytics. These bug fixes are described in the component-specific ReadMe files.

The links to the Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Releases and documentation are available from the Oracle Exalytics Documentation library.

Oracle TimesTen for Exalytics

For the latest Oracle TimesTen certifications on Exalytics, see the Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix at the following location:

For information, see the "Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database" documentation at the following link:

The link to the "Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database" documentation is also available from the Oracle Exalytics Documentation library.

Oracle Endeca

Both Oracle Endeca Information Discovery (3.0 and 3.1) and Oracle Endeca Server (7.5.1 and 7.6.0) are certified to run on the Exalytics Machine. Key parts of Oracle's extensive range of business analytics products and solutions, these components are designed to help customers make smarter and faster decisions. For more information, see Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix at the following location:

Also see "Oracle Endeca Information Discovery" documentation, the link to which is available from the Oracle Exalytics Documentation Library.

Oracle BI Applications

For the latest Oracle BI application software component certifications on Exalytics, see the Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix at the following location:

For information on using new Oracle BI Applications features see "Oracle Business Intelligence Applications" documentation, the link to which is available from the Oracle Exalytics Documentation Library.

Oracle Enterprise Performance (EPM) Applications

For the latest EPM application component certifications on Exalytics, see the Oracle Exalytics Certification Matrix at the following location:

For information on using Oracle EPM Applications, see "Oracle Enterprise Performance Management" documentation, the link to which is available for the Oracle Exalytics Documentation library.