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Wrapping Up Siebel Chat Sessions

When a chat session is released by either an agent or a customer, agents can wrap up the interaction provided that wrap-up is configured for Siebel Chat. If wrap-up is configured for Siebel Chat, agents can record wrap-up details for the chat interaction in Siebel Call Center.

For more information about wrapping up a chat session, see the following:

Configuring Wrap-Up for Siebel Chat

To configure wrap-up for Siebel Chat, you must enable wrap-up for user accounts in Oracle Contact On Demand Administration Manager, and specify the amount of time that agents have to wrap-up chats.

To enable wrap-up for a user account in Oracle Contact On Demand

  1. Navigate to the Options screen, then the Agents view in Oracle Contact On Demand Administration Manager, and select an agent.
  2. Go to the Controls and Restrictions tab, and enable wrap-up for the user account:
    1. Select the Allow Wrap-up Time After Call check box.
    2. Specify the amount of time (in seconds) that the agent has to wrap-up an interaction.

      After this specified time, wrap-up ends and the agent is available for the next chat request.

      NOTE:  Wrap-up starts from when a customer or agent releases a chat, and continues until either the agent ends the wrap-up or the wrap-up time runs out. For more information about releasing and wrapping up a chat session, see Releasing a Chat Where Wrap-Up Is Configured.

    3. Click OK or the Apply button to save the changes.

For more information about user accounts, see Setting Up User Accounts in Oracle Contact On Demand Administration Manager.

Wrapping Up a Chat

Wrap-up can be performed by the agent handling a chat interaction when the chat session is released, provided wrap-up is enabled for the agent's user account in Oracle Contact On Demand (described in Configuring Wrap-Up for Siebel Chat).

To wrap up a chat in Siebel Call Center

  1. When a chat session is released (see Releasing a Chat Where Wrap-Up Is Configured), point your mouse to the center of the screen to set focus, then press the Shift+Alt+W hot key to navigate to the Wrap-up tab for the corresponding inbound chat activity.

    By default, the multichannel_enhanced_chat.def file defines the hot key (Shift+Alt+W) that is used to navigate the agent's screen to the Wrap-up tab. This default hot key can be changed by modifying multichannel_enhanced_chat.def, then importing the new file in to your communications configuration. The hot key combination that you set must be unique. For more information about multichannel_enhanced_chat.def, see Configuring Communications in Siebel Call Center for Siebel Chat.

    NOTE:  Agents can access the Wrap-up tab at any time by navigating to the Activities - Activities List view, selecting an inbound chat activity, and then the Wrap-up tab. The Wrap-up tab is a generic Siebel applications applet, which can be modified using Siebel Tools.

  2. On the (Wrap-up tab of the) Chat - Inbound screen that opens, specify the following:
    1. Activity Outcome: The result of handling the inbound chat request
    2. Activity Feedback: Satisfaction with the outcome
    3. Activity Reason: The area where the inbound chat interaction applies

      The following table describes the default LOVs available within the Wrap-up tab. These values can be modified, using Siebel Tools, to fit your specific business needs. To add a new wrap-up LOV or modify an existing one, see Extending Wrap-Up LOVs in Siebel Call Center for Siebel Chat.

      Field Name

      Activity Outcome

      Record the result of handling the inbound chat request. Options are:

      • No answer
      • Problem solved
      • Left a message
      • Payment taken

      Activity Feedback

      Record satisfaction with handling the chat request. Options are:

      • Satisfied
      • Unsatisfied
      • Somewhat satisfied

      Activity Reason

      Specify the area where the chat request applies. Options are:

      • General inquiry
      • Customer support
      • Technical support
      • Other reason

Wrapping Up a Transferred Chat

If an agent reassigns a chat interaction to another workgroup, both the transferring and the receiving agent can perform wrap-up on the interaction, if configured to do so. In such a case, the sequence of events is as described in the following procedure.

To wrap up a transferred chat in Siebel Call Center

  1. The transferring agent reassigns the chat to another workgroup. For more information about how to reassign a chat, see Transferring Siebel Chat Interactions to Others.
  2. The transferring agent is prompted to wrap up the chat that is reassigned. For more information about wrapping up a chat, see Wrapping Up a Chat.
  3. When the receiving agent accepts the reassigned chat, a new chat activity is created.

    This new chat activity has the same interaction ID as the reassigned chat from Step 1. Transferred chats also retain their links to service requests and contacts.

  4. The receiving agent is prompted to wrap-up when the chat session is released. For more information about wrapping up a chat, see Wrapping Up a Chat.
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