Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Reference Materials for Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Properties of Object Types >

Type Property of a Business Component Field

Table 90 describes the data types that Siebel CRM includes in the Type property of a business component field. Siebel CRM prefaces all field data types with the following text: DTYPE_.

Table 90. Type Property of a Business Component Field
Field Data Type
Physical Type
Maximum Length




Describes data as Y or N. Siebel Tools often displays this type in the following ways:

  • checked or unchecked




Describes data as currency.

You can use the Windows Control Panel to control the appearance of currency values that Siebel CRM displays in a screen.

To define an explicit format mask in the Display Format property, you can use the following symbols:

  • Dollar sign ($). Specifies the position for the currency symbol.
  • Trailing period (.). Specifies the default precision for the currency.
  • All valid symbols described for DTYPE_NUMBER.




Describes data as a date. When Siebel CRM returns the date, it ignores other information, such as time. For more information, see Formats for the Date Physical Type.


Date Time


Describes data as a date and time. You can use the Windows Control Panel to set the appearance of time and date values. You can use a combination of DTYPE_DATE and DTYPE_TIME to configure an explicit date format.

Alternatively, you can use one of the following properties. Each of these properties use the format configured in the Windows Control Panel:

  • Date. Displays only the date portion of the value.
  • Time. Displays only the time portion of the value.
  • TimeNoSec. Displays only the hour and minute portion of the value.


UTC Date Time


Describes data as date information that includes a date and a time component that Siebel CRM stores in the Siebel database in UTC time. UTC is the equivalent of Greenwich Mean Time without any adjustments for daylight savings time.

A field of this type must correspond to a database column of type U. The default time zone that is configured in the user preferences determines how Siebel CRM converts the display value for this field to or from UTC time.




Describes data as the primary key that Siebel CRM creates.

A field mapped to an extension column with a physical type of Varchar(15) defaults to a DTYPE_ID data type.




Describes data as a whole number ranging in value from negative 2147483648 to 2147483647.



16 KB

Describes data as a long string that is less than or equal to 16 KB, or 16383 bytes. If the length is not explicitly defined, then the default is 16 KB. If used with the Pop-up Edit property in a control or list column, then the DTYPE_NOTE data type indicates to the Siebel client to use a multiline edit box.

The user cannot query on a DTYPE_NOTE field.




Describes data as a number. For more information, see Formats for a DTYPE_NUMBER Business Component Field.




Describes data as a phone number. Siebel CRM ignores the DisplayFormat property for DTYPE_PHONE values.



2 KB

Describes data as a string that is less than or equal to 4000 bytes. The default value is 255. Siebel CRM ignores the DisplayFormat property for DTYPE_TEXT values.




Describes data as a time.

When Siebel CRM gets the time, it ignores other information. You can set the appearance of time values through the Windows Control Panel, or you can use the following symbols to specify an explicit time:

  • HH. Hour according to a 24-hour clock without a leading zero.
  • H. Hour according to a 24-hour clock with a leading zero.
  • hh. Hour according to a 12-hour clock without a leading zero.
  • h. Hour according to a 12-hour clock with a leading zero.
  • mm. Minute without a leading zero.
  • m. Minute with a leading zero.
  • ss. Second without a leading zero.
  • s. Second with a leading zero.
  • Colon (:). The position of the time separator. You specify the character in the Windows Control Panel.

Formats for the Date Physical Type

You can use the Windows Control Panel to control the appearance of date values that Siebel CRM displays in a screen.

To define an explicit date format, you can use the following symbols:

  • YY. Two-digit year without a leading zero.
  • Y. Two-digit year with a leading zero.
  • YYYY. Four-digit year without a leading zero.
  • YYY. Four-digit year with a leading zero.
  • MM. Month without a leading zero.
  • M. Month with a leading zero.
  • DD. Day without a leading zero.

For more information, see How Siebel CRM Handles Certain Date Formats.

Formats for a DTYPE_NUMBER Business Component Field

You can use the Windows Control Panel to control the appearance of numeric values, or you can use the following symbols to specify an explicit format mask:

  • Zero (0). Specifies the position of a mandatory digit.
  • Pound sign (#). Specifies the position of an optional digit.
  • Comma (,). Specifies the position of the thousands separator. You specify the character in the Windows Control Panel.
  • Period (.). Specifies the position of the decimal separator. You specify the character in the Windows Control Panel.
  • Trailing period (.). Specifies default display precision.
  • Plus sign (+). Specifies the position and appearance of the positive value indicator.
  • Minus sign (-). Specifies the position and appearance of the negative value indicator.

Restrictions exist regarding the number of digits you can use with a business component field whose Type property is DTYPE_NUMBER. For more information, see Maximum Number of Digits for a Numeric Physical Type.

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