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Siebel CRM Fundamentals Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2016
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About Lists

A list consists of multiple records, presented as rows. An example of a list is shown in Figure 3-1. For information about determining the number of records in a list, see "Displaying Record Count".

Each record consists of multiple fields. The first record in a list is selected and highlighted a color (for example, blue) when you access the list. You can select a record in a list by clicking any field in the record. Your selection highlights the selected record. If the field you click is editable, then the field converts to edit mode, and you can enter a value in the field.

In a list, you navigate vertically to view data and scroll horizontally to view data.

This topic contains the following information:

Using the Visibility Filter in Lists

The visibility filter, which appears in list headers, lets you access a set of records by filter values, such as My Accounts, My Team's Accounts, and so on. An example of a visibility filter bar is shown in Figure 3-1.

For example, you want to query for information about an account. However, you do not own the account. The default filter value for the Accounts screen is My Accounts, which displays only your account records. To see every account record that you can access, use the visibility filter to choose the All Accounts filter value. You can then see all of the account records that you can access.

Table 3-2 describes each filter value in the visibility filter. In this table, the Accounts screen is used as an example, but these filters can appear in any screen. Because of your responsibilities, you might not see some filters in this table.


My views show your login name in the Team field if the field appears in the view. All views show the login name of the primary team member in the Team field if the field appears in the view.

Table 3-2 Visibility Filter Values

Filter Description

My Accounts

Shows items that are specific to you. You are the only user who can see these items, unless you are a member of a team that can access them.

My Team's Accounts

Allows a manager to look at the items belonging to that manager's team. For example, a manager can select the My Team's Accounts visibility filter and view the accounts that each team member is currently working on. You cannot add a new record to My Team's Account view unless users report to you.

All Accounts

Allows you to view all accounts that you are permitted to access.

All Accounts Across Organizations

Allows a user with the appropriate responsibilities to view all of the accounts in all of the companies. This view is for companies that have partnerships with other companies.

Navigating Between Records in Lists

Use the navigation buttons that appear at the bottom of a list to navigate between the records in the list. Table 3-3 describes the navigation buttons.

Table 3-3 Description of Navigation Buttons for Lists

Button Description

Previous record set button.

Navigates to the previous record set.

Previous record button.

Navigates to the previous record.

Next record button.

Navigates to the next record.

Next record set button.

Navigates to the next record set.


There is no Go to First record or Go to Last record navigation button. It is recommended that you use Search to reduce data sets.

The record number range for a list appears in the top right corner of the list, and shows the number range for the records that appear in the list. The record number range changes as you navigate between the records in the list. An estimate of the total number of list records appears to the right of the record number range. You must navigate to the end of the list to see the exact total number of list records to the right of the record number range.

Horizontal Scrolling in Lists

Use the horizontal scroll bar to navigate through all of the columns in a list. The horizontal scroll bar appears above the vertical navigation buttons in lists that contain more columns than can fit on the screen. For information about designating the columns that appear on the screen, see "Organizing List Columns".

Expanding and Collapsing Lists

Every list has a show more button or a show less button in the top right corner. Clicking the show more or show less button allows you to see more or fewer records in a list. Table 3-4 describes the show more and show less buttons.

Table 3-4 Description of Show More and Show Less Buttons

Button Description

Expand collapsed list button.

Displays more records to expand a collapsed list.

Collapse expanded list button.

Displays fewer records to collapse an expanded list.