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Siebel CRM Fundamentals Guide
Siebel Innovation Pack 2016
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W 


About Record feature
about, 6.13
and merging records, 6.13.1
Accessible Rich Internet Applications, about keyboard navigation in, A.7
Action Pane, about, 3.22
about defaults for, 12.5
about defaults for recurring, 12.6
about viewing, 12.4
adding contacts to, 12.20
adding employees to, 12.20
adding in the To Do list, 12.16
adding participants to, 12.20
adding to calendar, 12.12
changing, 12.18
changing recurring to nonrecurring, 12.14
creating recurring in calendar, 12.14
deleting from calendar, 12.13
deleting recurring in calendar, 12.15
reassigning, 12.22
removing employees and contacts from, 12.21
removing participants from, 12.21
rescheduling by changing date fields, 12.19
rescheduling by stretching, 12.19
rescheduling by using drag-and-drop, 12.19
saving recurring, 12.18
using alarms for, 12.11
viewing in daily, weekly, and monthly format, 12.10
advanced sorting, performing in lists, 6.21
about using for activities, 12.11
activating, 12.24
activating for all calendar activities, 13.17.3
dismissing, 12.25
postponing, 12.25
setting up default lead times for, 13.17.4
setting up default snooze times for, 13.17.5
triggering and displaying, 12.11
applet visualization, setting, 13.7
application management, keyboard shortcuts for, 14.3
application toolbar, about, 3.7
application window
about elements of, 3.1
application toolbar for, 3.7
application-level menu in, 3.5, 3.9
branding area in, 3.4
Site Map for, 3.15
application-level menu
about, 3.5, 3.9
using to create records, 6.1
using to delete records, 6.8
Apply Target List button, described, 3.7
adding files to records, 6.18
adding URLs to records, 6.19


bookmarks, adding to email or documents, 11.4, 11.7
branding area, about, 3.4
browser, using features for, 2.3


about, 4.10
button for, 4.8
about, 12.1
activating alarms for, 12.24
adding activities in the To Do list, 12.16
adding activities to, 12.12
changing length of day for, 13.17.1
changing recurring activities in, 12.14
creating recurring activities in, 12.14
deleting activities from, 12.13
deleting recurring activities in, 12.15
dismissing alarms in, 12.25
formats in, 12.2
granting others access to, 12.23
postponing alarms in, 12.25
saving recurring activities in, 12.18
setting up another user’s calendar as your default, 13.17.8
setting up aspects of, 13.17
setting up default activity duration in, 13.17.2
setting up default formats for, 13.17.7
viewing activities in, 12.10
viewing To Do list in, 12.1
views for, 12.3
calendar availability, about viewing, 12.9
calendar control
about, 4.9
calendar select button for, 4.9
calendar select button
about using, 4.8
calendar control and, 4.8
case and accent insensitive queries, 7.1.2
charts, about, 3.21
check boxes, about, 4.5
Cogwheel icon
using to attach files to records, 6.18
using to attach URLs to records, 6.19
using to create records, 6.1
using to delete records, 6.8
locking, 6.22
organizing in lists, 6.20
resizing, 6.23
sorting data in, 6.21
Columns Displayed dialog box, about buttons in, 6.20
communication management, keyboard shortcuts for, 14.11, 14.12
communications panel, about, 3.19
compound query operators, 7.12
confirmation prompt
setting for deleting records, 13.9
adding to activities, 12.20
removing from activities, 12.21
count of records, displaying, 6.12
currency calculator, about, 4.11


daily format
about, 12.2
adding activities to, 12.12
rescheduling activities by stretching, 12.19
rescheduling activities by using drag-and-drop, 12.19
setting up for calendar, 13.17.7
viewing activities in, 12.10
exporting to an external file, 11.6
importing into the Siebel application, 11.5
data access, about, 2.2
data, displaying
about record navigation buttons for, 3.11
charts for, 3.21
Explorer views for, 3.23
forms for, 3.11
lists for, 3.10
data, synchronizing
about and example, 10.1
illustration of, 10.2
initiating, 10.2
with Personal Information Manager (PIM) server, 10.3
default queries, about using, 7.9
Demo application, about, 2.1.1
Dismiss All button, using to dismiss alarms, 12.25
documents, adding URLs to, 11.4, 11.7
drag-and-drop, using to attach files to records, 6.18
drilling down and across, described, 6.11
drop-down lists, about using, 4.7
duplicate records, merging, 6.17


adding URLs to, 11.4, 11.7
keyboard shortcuts for, 14.11, 14.12
Send Email command for, 11.3
sending, 11.3
setting outbound communications preferences for, 13.11
setting up meeting prompts using, 13.17.6
viewing list of all attached items in, 11.3
adding to activities, 12.20
and deleting activities from the calendar, 12.13
removing from activities, 12.21
End By field, default values for, 12.6
Executed Query button, described, 3.7
Explorer views, about, 3.23


keyboard shortcuts for, 14.11, 14.12
Send Fax command for, 11.3
field controls
about, 4.4
buttons for, 4.8
check boxes and, 4.5
currency calculator and, 4.11
drop-down lists and, 4.7
option buttons and, 4.6
text fields and, 4.3
field hyperlinks in records, using, 6.11
field management, keyboard shortcuts for, 14.10
fields, about, 4.2
attaching to records, 6.18
exporting to an external file, 11.6
importing into the Siebel application, 11.5
about editing, 3.11
common icons in, 3.14
long and short, 3.11
fourth level subview bar, about, 3.8.2


group calendars, about using, 12.8


home page
about, 2.1.2
about for screens, 3.13
setting as startup view, 13.3
setting up default queries for, 13.12
setting up view links for, 13.15
How Do I button, described, 3.7
HTML editor
toolbar buttons in, 11.3.2
using, 11.3.2


about, 8.1
using to complete tasks, 8.2
iHelp Map, using, 8.3
Inbox, using, 11.1


keyboard navigation
about, 3.24
in Accessible Rich Internet Applications, A.7
keyboard shortcuts
about, 14.1
application management and, 14.3
communication management and, 14.11, 14.12
field management and, 14.10
general navigation and, 14.5
layout management and, 14.6
online help and, 14.4
query management and, 14.9
record management and, 14.7
record navigation and, 14.8
tables of, 14.2


layout management, keyboard shortcuts for, 14.6
about, 3.10
about expanding and collapsing, 3.10.4
common icons in, 3.14
finding records in, 7.4
horizontal scrolling in, 3.10.3
locking columns in, 6.22
navigating between records in, 3.10.2
organizing columns in, 6.20
performing advanced sorting for, 6.21
resizing columns in, 6.23
show less button in, 3.10.4
show more button in, 3.10.4
sorting columns in, 6.21
using visibility filter in, 3.10.1
logging in
about data access and responsibilities for, 2.2
to Siebel application, 2.1
long forms, about, 3.11


meetings, setting up email prompts for, 13.17.6
menu toolbar, about, 3.6
messages, about sending, 3.18
mobile devices, sending message to, 11.3
monthly format
about, 12.2
adding activities to, 12.12
setting up for calendar, 13.17.7
viewing activities in, 12.10
multiple selection dialog box, using to associate records, 5.3
multi-value group fields, exporting records that include, 11.6


keyboard shortcuts for, 14.5
using Site Map for, 3.15
navigation options, setting, 13.4
New File button, using to attach files to records, 6.18
New Query button, described, 3.7
New URL button, using to attach URLs to records, 6.19
notes, adding to records, 6.16
Notification icon
about, 3.20.1
setting up, 13.14
notification panes
about, 3.20.1
setting up, 13.14
about, 3.20
about colors for, 3.20.2
setting up aspects of, 13.14


online help, keyboard shortcuts for, 14.4
compound query, 7.12
simple query, 7.11
option buttons, about, 4.6
Owner field, about using to reassign activities, 12.22


Participant Availability subview
about using, 12.7
setting up default display for schedule in, 13.17.9
adding to activities, 12.20
removing from activities, 12.21
setting up default schedule display for, 13.17.9
setting up email prompts for, 13.17.6
See predefined queries, 7.1.1
Personal Information Manager (PIM) server, about using to synchronize, 10.3
physically disabled users, about utilities for, A.6
plus (+) icon, using to create records, 6.1
predefined mapping, about using to import data, 11.5
predefined queries
about, 7.1.1
modifying, 7.13
primary employee, and deleting activities from the calendar, 12.13


about, 7.1
about predefined, 7.1.1
about user-defined, 7.3
about using default, 7.9
canceling long running, 7.7
common buttons in, 7.2
compound operators for, 7.12
creating, 7.3
deleting, 7.6
drop-down list for saved, 3.16, 7.3
executing, 7.3
limiting report data by using, 11.2
modifying predefined, 7.13
refining, 7.5
saving, 7.3
saving using another name, 7.13
setting up default, 13.12
simple operators for, 7.11
tips for creating and executing, 7.13
use of blank spaces in, 7.13
viewing results list for, 7.13
viewing saved, 13.13
Query Assistant, using, 7.8
query control, about, 3.17
query management, keyboard shortcuts for, 14.9
quick fill
deactivating templates for, 13.18
deleting templates for, 13.18
reactivating templates for, 13.18
renaming templates for, 13.18
using to create records, 6.2


radio buttons, about, 4.6
record count, displaying, 6.12
record management, keyboard shortcuts for, 14.7
record navigation, keyboard shortcuts for, 14.8
about, 4.1
adding notes to, 6.16
associating using multiple selection dialog box, 5.3
associating using single selection dialog box, 5.2
associating with other records, 6.9
attaching files to, 6.18
attaching URLs to, 6.19
canceling changes to, 6.7
changing multiple, 6.5
copying, 6.3
creating, 6.1
deleting, 6.8
editing, 6.4
entering characters to find, 5.5
finding in lists, 7.4
finding in selection dialog box, 5.5
finding information about, 6.13
flagging, 6.15
identifying new, 6.14
merging duplicate, 6.17
printing, 6.10
querying for in selection dialog box, 5.4
saving, 6.6
using field hyperlinks in, 6.11
using quick fill to create, 6.2
accessing and running, 11.2
button for, 3.7
role of queries in, 11.2
resizing indicator, about, 4.3
responsibilities, about, 2.2


Sample database, about, 2.1.1
Save All button, about using, 12.18
Save Target List button, described, 3.7
Save This One button, about using, 12.18
Saved Queries, about field, 3.16
screen readers, about, A.4
about, 3.12
about home pages for, 3.13
changing order of, 13.16
setting up default views for, 13.16
showing or hiding, 13.16
scroll speeds, setting for tile applets, 13.8
second level view bar, about, 3.8
Section 508, about, A.1
select buttons
about, 5.1
about using, 4.8
selection dialog boxes
finding specific records in, 5.5
launching, 5.1
multiple, 5.1
querying for records in, 5.4
single, 5.1
using multiple to associate records, 5.3
using single to associate records, 5.2
Send Email command, 11.3
Send Fax command, 11.3
Send Page command, 11.3
Send Wireless Message command, 11.3
short forms, about, 3.11
show less button, 3.10.4
show more button, 3.10.4
Side Menu, about, 3.3
Siebel application
about Siebel user interface behavior, 3.25
logging in to, 2.1
logging out of, 2.4
setting a user profile image, 13.19
Siebel bookmarks, adding to email or documents, 11.4, 11.7
simple query operators, 7.11
simplified user interface, about, 3.26
single selection dialog box, using to associate records, 5.2
Site Map
about, 3.15
button for, 3.7
using to navigate, 3.15
snooze time for alarms
and postponing alarms, 12.25
setting default, 13.17.5
star icon
in required fields, 4.2
in required form fields, 3.11
using to identify new records, 6.14
startup view, setting, 13.3
Strict Date Format system preference, 4.9
synchronizing data
about and example, 10.1
about setting up user preferences for, 13.20
illustration of, 10.2
initiating, 10.2
with Personal Information Manager (PIM) server, 10.3


Task UI
about, 9.1
navigational buttons for, 9.3
setting pause behavior for, 13.10
using, 9.2
tasks, button for, 3.7
telephone number, querying for, 7.10
templates, quick fill, 6.2
text fields, about, 4.3
themes, setting, 13.5
third level view bar, about, 3.8.1
thread bar, and drilling across, 6.11
To Do list
adding activities, 12.16
marking activities complete in, 12.17
viewing in calendar, 12.1
transition effects, setting, 13.6
Trash Can icon
using to delete records, 6.8


Undo Record, using, 6.7
adding to email or documents, 11.4, 11.7
attaching to records, 6.19
user preferences
about, 13.1
about availability fields in Profile view of, 13.21
about setting up synchronization preferences, 13.20
activating alarms for all calendar activities, 13.17.3
changing length of calendar day, 13.17.1
changing order of screens, 13.16
changing the order of views, 13.16
setting a default time zone, 13.2
setting a startup view, 13.3
setting a user profile image, 13.19
setting applet visualization, 13.7
setting confirmation before deleting records prompt, 13.9
setting navigation options, 13.4
setting outbound communications preferences for email, 13.11
setting pause behavior for Task UI, 13.10
setting scroll speeds for tile applets, 13.8
setting themes, 13.5
setting transition effects, 13.6
setting up another user’s calendar as your default, 13.17.8
setting up aspects of notifications, 13.14
setting up default alarm lead times, 13.17.4
setting up default alarm snooze times, 13.17.5
setting up default calendar activity duration, 13.17.2
setting up default calendar formats, 13.17.7
setting up default display for participant schedule, 13.17.9
setting up default queries, 13.12
setting up default views for screens, 13.16
setting up email prompts for meetings, 13.17.6
setting up view links for home pages, 13.15
showing or hiding screens, 13.16
showing or hiding views, 13.16
user profile image, setting, 13.19
user-defined queries, about, 7.3


about for calendar, 12.3
changing the order of, 13.16
showing or hiding, 13.16
visibility filter, using in lists, 3.10.1
visibility, about, 2.2
visually impaired users, about utilities for, A.5
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, about, A.3


Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, about, A.2
weekly format
about, 12.2
adding activities to, 12.12
rescheduling activities by stretching, 12.19
rescheduling activities by using drag-and-drop, 12.19
setting up for calendar, 13.17.7
viewing activities in, 12.10