Siebel Hospitality Guide > Managing the Function Space Diary > Process of Managing the Function Space Diary >

Dragging and Dropping Objects in the Function Space Diary

Users can perform many drag-and-drop operations in any view of the Function Space Diary. The descriptions in this topic illustrate typical drag-and-drop operations, as follows:

This task is a step in Process of Managing the Function Space Diary.

Dragging a Booking to a Different Time or Function Space

Users can drag a booking to a different time, drag a booking within the same time period to a different function space, or drag a booking to a new function space at a different time.

To drag a booking to a different time or function space

  1. Navigate to the Function Space Diary screen.
  2. In the Properties form, query for the property record.
  3. Click the appropriate view tab from one of the following: Sales/Execution, Revenue Management, Compact Diary, or Total Availability.
  4. In the selected view, enter the required start date and time scale, and then click Go.
  5. Select the booking that you want to move and drag it to a new location within the diary.

    While moving the booking, you can drag and scroll at the same time. You can scroll horizontally or vertically.

  6. Drop the booking on the new location.

    The Select Reservation to Move dialog box appears.

  7. In the Select Reservation to Move dialog box, complete the fields, as required.

    The Select Reservation to Move dialog box enables you to fine-tune and confirm the drag-and-drop operation. Some fields are described in the following table.



    Select the function space to which the function space is moving.

    If you drop the booking on a space that is part of a configured space, then the selection options include all the spaces that are components of that configured space. Otherwise, this field displays only the specific space on which you have dropped the booking.

    Start Time

    Starting time of the function. By default, displays the beginning time on which the booking has been dropped. You can modify the new starting time of the booking by changing this time.

    End Time

    Ending time of the function. By default, displays the end time on which the booking has been dropped. You can modify the new ending time of the booking by changing this time.

  8. Click OK to confirm the changes to the booking.

Converting Between Specific Space Bookings and Category Bookings

This topic describes how to convert a specific space booking into a category booking.

To convert a specific space booking into a category booking

  • Drag the specific space booking, and position it on the category bar.

    The booking is temporarily assigned and shown against the specific space if possible. If the booking is not assigned, then it still appears under the category bar.

Temporarily assigned category bookings can be converted to specific space bookings by dragging and dropping the category bookings to the specific space. Category Overflow bookings that are dragged to a specific space are automatically converted to specific space bookings.

Optioning and Overbooking a Specific Space

This topic describes how to option or overbook a specific space.

To option or overbook a specific space

  • Drag a specific space booking, and drop it on another booking, such as a specific space or a dependency.

    A dialog box appears notifying you that the selected function space time conflicts with an existing booking.

Optioning and Overbooking a Specific Category

This topic describes how to option or overbook a specific category.

To option or overbook a specific category

  • Drag a booking, and drop it on the category bar.

    The booking is automatically reserved and assigned if possible. If the booking cannot be reserved, then a dialog box appears notifying you that a conflict exists.

    In both of these cases, you can change the booking to an option, overbook, or cancel the change by clicking the appropriate buttons (Overbook, Option, Cancel) in the dialog box. You can also click OK to acknowledge that the booking was unsuccessful and allow it to be unreserved.

Moving Space Hold Bookings

You can drag and drop bookings within a detailed function or a space hold function. For example, Salon ABCD has been detailed, and it has a booking in Salon A. The booking in Salon A can be moved to a different salon within Salon ABCD or to a different time within the start and end times of the detailed function. You can also drag and drop existing bookings out of a space hold or into a space hold.

You can promote a subfunction to a function by dragging and dropping it out of a space hold, which breaks the child-to-parent dependency of the subfunction. Conversely, you can drag and drop a function onto a detailed function to make it a subfunction of the detailed function.

Restrictions That Apply to Dragging and Dropping Space Hold Bookings

The following restrictions apply to dragging and dropping space hold bookings:

  • Drag-and-drop works only for subfunctions. You cannot drag and drop a parent detailed function or a space hold function.
  • Dragging and dropping can occur only if the Time Scale is set to Day/Hour.
  • The entire function must be within the time period of the space hold for it to be part of the space hold.
  • If a function is moved into or out of a space hold, then the corresponding relationships (that is, parent and child) are reflected in the function lists. For example, if you drag and drop a subfunction out of a detailed function, the subfunction is no longer part of that detailed function. Consequently, in the Quote screen, Functions view, the subfunction you dragged and dropped in the diary is no longer displayed under the detailed function.
  • A space hold function holds space for a specific quote. Therefore, you cannot drag and drop functions belonging to a different quote into a space hold. If you can successfully option or overbook the function space time for the active booking, then the backup space is also moved to the new time. All functions within a space hold must belong to the quote for which the space hold was created.

Problems Moving Bookings with Backup Spaces to New Times

When you move an active booking to a new time period, the backup space must also be able to move to the new time for the booking to be successful. When you successfully drag an active booking to an available time period, the backup booking moves with it. However, if the move is not successful, then one of the following might have occurred:

  • Backup space is unavailable for the new time period. If the active space can be moved but the backup space is unavailable for the new time period, then a dialog box appears allowing you to option, overbook, cancel, or unreserve the booking.
  • Active booking cannot be moved due to conflicts. If the active booking cannot move to the new time period due to conflicts, then a dialog box appears allowing you to option, overbook, cancel, or unreserve the booking. If you click OK, then both the active and the backup bookings are unreserved.
  • Conflict with the backup booking. If a conflict occurs when you try to move the backup booking, then you can try overbooking or optioning the backup space time in the dialog box that appears. However, if this attempt is unsuccessful, then you must unreserve the backup booking or cancel the change.

Moving Bookings with Backup Spaces to New Spaces

When moving active bookings to a new function space, Siebel Hospitality verifies whether the new function space also requires a backup space. Four outcomes are possible:

  • If the new space does not require a backup space and the function space is available for the active booking, then a dialog box appears asking whether or not to keep the backup space booking. Depending on your selection, the backup space booking is reserved or unreserved.
  • If the new space does not require a backup space and the function space is unavailable for the active booking, then you can try overbooking or optioning the function space in the dialog box that appears. If the function space can be optioned or overbooked, then you can select whether or not to keep the associated backup space booking. If it is not possible to option or overbook the function space, then you must unreserve the active booking or cancel the change.
  • If the new space requires a backup space and the function space is available for the active booking, then a dialog box appears asking whether or not to keep the backup space booking. Depending on your selection, the backup space booking is reserved or unreserved.
  • If the new space requires a backup and the function space is unavailable for the active booking, then you can try overbooking or optioning the function space in the dialog box that appears. If the function space can be optioned or overbooked, then you are asked whether you want to keep the associated backup space booking. If it is not possible to option or overbook the function space, then you must unreserve the active booking or cancel the change.

Exchanging Specific Space Bookings

This topic describes how to exchange specific space bookings.

To exchange specific space bookings

  • To exchange specific space bookings, for example, exchange Space A and Space B, drag Space A onto Space B.

    Space B becomes either optioned or overbooked. You can then drag Space B to the place previously occupied by Space A.

Extending Bookings

This topic describes how to extend a booking.

To extend a booking

  1. Drag either end of the indicator bar of the booking. Drag the right side of the indicator bar to extend the booking into a later time period, and drag the left side of the indicator bar to extend the booking into an earlier time period.
  2. Use the ToolTip to check the precise time period to which you have extended the booking.

Restrictions on Dragging and Dropping Bookings

You cannot perform the following operations with bookings:

  • Drag a booking to a position that has no y-axis bar.
  • Drag a booking to a specific space that does not accommodate the setup style of the booking.
  • Drag a booking with a turn time that overlaps with the turn time of another booking.
  • Drag a booking to an ineffective specific space or category.
  • Drag an active booking that has an associated backup booking to another function space.

    However, you can drag a backup booking to a different function space.

  • Drag a backup booking to a different time period.
  • Drag an active booking to a time period occupied by another booking.
  • Drag a function that is scheduled in a reserved suite to a different function space.
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