Numerics - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y


30, 60, and 90 day pick-ups, about   1

Back to top


AAA Diamond rating, for a property   1

Abbreviation Fields | ABBR 0 user property   1

Abbreviation Fields | ABBR 1 user property   1

Abbreviation Fields | ABBR 2 user property   1

Abbreviation Fields | ABBR 3 user property   1

Abbreviation Fields | ABBR 4 user property   1

access groups, adding to catalogs and categories   1

account matrix   1

Account Profile Report

about   1

fields   1

Accounting Event Check Report

about   1

fields   1


about   1

brands   1

business plan, creating   1

competitors, adding   1

credit card spending details   1

event templates   1

intermediary accounts, adding   1

intermediary accounts, tracking   1

opportunities from event templates, creating   1

overview of managing   1

process of managing   1

transactions, viewing   1

travel control assessments, adding   1

travel profile, adding brands   1

travel profile, creating   1

travel profile, managing   1

Accounts screen   1 ,  2

Activation BC 1 user property   1

Activation BC 2 user property   1

Activation BC 3 user property   1

Activation BC user property   1

Activation Field 1 user property   1 ,  2

Activation Field 2 user property   1 ,  2

Activation Field 3 user property   1

Activation Fields user property   1 ,  2

active and backup bookings

defining colors   1

managing in the Function Space Diary   1 ,  2 ,  3

managing in the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI   1

Activities screen   1

activities, adding to a quote   1

Actual and Abbreviation Field 1 user property   1

Actual and Abbreviation Field 2 user property   1

Actual and Abbreviation Field 3 user property   1

Actual and Abbreviation Field 4 user property   1

Actual and Abbreviation Field 5 user property   1

Actual and Abbreviation Field 6 user property   1

Actual and Abbreviation Field 7 user property   1

Actual and Abbreviation Field 8 user property   1

Actual and Abbreviation Field 9 user property   1

Actual and Abbreviation Field 10 user property   1


function,   1

room block   1

addresses, creating for properties   1

AddSellNoteRowOnTop user property   1

AddToCart Proxy Buscomp2 user property   1

adjustment amounts, updating a series record   1

Adjustment Type field values   1

adjustment types, mapping to line item fields   1

administration screens, purpose of   1

administrator setup tasks

adding property records   1

assigning an employee to a property team   1

creating addresses for properties   1

creating sell notes for a property   1

defining property day parts   1

defining property facilities   1

defining room service attributes   1

Hospitality workflow processes, list   1

process of setting up properties   1

process of setting up workflows   1

removing an employee to a property team   1

setup tasks, list   1

verifying workflows are active   1

viewing the Special Dates calendar   1


host opportunity, associating with   1

host opportunity, creating   1

host-affiliate relationships, about   1

opportunity, creating   1

quotes, generating   1

aggregate quotes

about   1

compiling   1

evaluation, completing   1

price override   1

projected property, changing   1

agreements, generating from quotes   1


adding to a property   1

shuttle service, to a property   1

All Historical Opportunities user property   1

All Properties user property   1

allocations, calculating for menus and packages   1

alternate transportation to a property   1

applet user properties

Arrival Date Modifications   1

Banquet Event Order reports   1

Event Checks   1

Function Space Diary   1 ,  2 ,  3

Histories and Futures   1

Menus and Packages   1

Pivot Applets   1

Quotes   1

Apply Custom Visibility user property   1

Apply Visibility Field user property   1

Arrival Date BC Name user property   1

arrival date modifications, user properties   1

Arrival Date Popup Applet user property   1

Arrival Date SearchSpec user property   1

arrival dates

in a meeting package, modifying   1

modifying in an event quote   1

updating for a quote   1

Aspect BC ReadOnly: History user property   1

Aspect BC ReadOnly: TNT_EVENT_CHECK_STATUS user property   1

Aspect Child BC ReadOnly: History user property   1 ,  2

Aspect Child BC ReadOnly: TNT_EVENT_CHECK_STATUS user property   1

Aspect Default Value: Menu user property   1

Aspect Default Value: MenuEventItem user property   1

Aspect Default Value: Package user property   1

assessments, adding to an opportunity   1

asset inventory status indicators

assigning status colors   1

defining turntime and time interval information   1

asset status

color scheme in Function Space Diary   1


about and defined   1

about product revenue categories   1

adding catalog visibility   1

assigning status colors to assets   1

AutoBook and Non-Critical assets   1

automatic reservation of critical assets   1

booking critical and non-critical assets   1

cluster booking   1

cluster booking, starting   1

creating a parent revenue category   1

creating a product revenue category   1

creating a product revenue subcategory   1

creating a revenue category note   1

creating for property-specific products   1

creating generic catering products   1

creating generic room blocks   1

creating Hospitality assets   1

creating product revenue subcategories   1

creating property-specific products   1

creating simple products   1

defining asset display method   1

double booking and Availability Gantt Chart view   1

double booking critical and non-critical assets   1

locating a substitute asset   1

locating owner of the booked asset   1

mapping a generic catering product to property-specific product   1

process of booking   1

process of creating complex products   1

process of setting up products and assets   1

simple and complex products   1

viewing asset availability and booking information   1

viewing assets associated with a product   1

Assets Administration screen   1

Async Workflow Call for Source Recalculate Invoice user property   1

asynchronous generation of multiple quotes   1


adding to an event opportunity   1

adding to an event order   1

creating for a quote   1

viewing an opportunity attachment   1

attributes, defining for a product   1

audit trail

Audit Trail option, activating   1

orders, viewing   1

authorization level inventory controls, about   1

AutoBook and Non-Critical assets   1

automatic process, circumventing   1

automatic reservation of critical assets   1

AVEO (Audio/Visual Event Order) order type   1

average values

overriding   1

setting up   1

Back to top


backup bookings   1

backup of quote, about generating   1

backup space

about   1

adding to functions   1

booking types   1

identifying function spaces that require   1

identifying specific spaces that require   1

switching to   1

Banquet Event Order Report

12-hour format, process of converting   1

about   1

fields   1

STHeader calculated field, configuring   1

template, configuring   1

template, downloading   1

template, uploading   1

user properties   1

BC Date Context Field user property   1

BC Field Search LHS 1 user property   1

BC Field Search LHS 2 user property   1

BC Field Search LHS user property   1

BC Name Field user property   1

benchmark pricing, for sleeping rooms   1

BEO (Banquet Event Order) order type   1

Best Fit Process, quotes   1

Best Fit Suite Only flag, about   1

BI Publisher, and Hospitality reports   1

billable line items, viewing   1

billing information

adding to an opportunity   1

gathering and confirming   1

managing event deposits using bill-to-form   1

updating and verifying billing information   1

using bill-to-information in event sales   1

BO Name Field user property   1


fees, entering and tracking   1

types, for function spaces   1

booking assets

about and defined   1

AutoBook and Non-Critical assets   1

automatic reservation of critical assets   1

booked asset owner, locating   1

critical and non-critical assets   1

double booking and Gantt Chart view   1

process of booking Hospitality assets   1

substitute asset, locating   1

viewing asset availability and booking information   1

Booking Drop Conflict Popup Default user property   1

Booking Drop Conflict Popup Name user property   1

business component user properties

Arrival Date Modifications   1

Banquet Event Order reports   1

Event Checks   1

Function Space Diary   1 ,  2

Histories and Futures   1

Menus and Packages   1

Opportunities   1

Pivot Applets   1

Quotes   1

Sleeping Room Mapping   1

TNT SHM Gantt AX Date Time Interval PopUp   1

business plan, creating for an account   1

Button Drilldown user property   1

Bypass button   1

Bypass flag, managing at the opportunity stage   1

Back to top


Calculate Tax & Service Charges for Room user property   1

Calendar screen   1

calendar, viewing Special Dates calendar   1

CanInvokeCustomMethod 1 user property   1

CanInvokeCustomMethod 2 user property   1

CanInvokeMethod: ConfirmVoidEventCheck user property   1

CanInvokeMethod: CopyRecord user property   1 ,  2

CanInvokeMethod: DeleteRecord user property   1

CanInvokeMethod: NavigateToView user property   1

CanInvokeMethod: PostCheck user property   1

CanInvokeMethod: RecalculateInvoiceItemsAndTaxes user property   1

CanInvokeMethod: ReleaseInventory user property   1

CanInvokeMethod: ShowPopup user property   1

CanInvokeMethod: VoidEventCheck user property   1

CanModifyLayout user property   1 ,  2


categories, assigning to property-specific products   1

visibility, adding to products   1


about creating product revenue categories   1

adding product attributes   1 ,  2

administration, associating revenue categories with products   1

booking specific suites   1

booking suite categories   1

canceling a suite category   1

creating a parent revenue category   1

creating a product revenue category   1

creating a product revenue subcategory   1

creating a revenue category note   1

creating product revenue subcategories   1

revenue, managing as a product   1

reviewing charge codes for a revenue category   1

scheduling a function in a specific suite   1

Category Administration screen   1

catering products

about booking as assets   1

creating generic   1

mapping a generic catering product to property-specific   1

pricing administration, about   1

catering, gathering and confirming function details   1

charge codes

about and process of defining   1

associating a service charge with a property   1

associating a tax code with a property   1

associating categories with products   1

associating charge codes with service charges   1

associating charge codes with tax codes   1

associating tax codes to service charges   1

charge code administration   1

creating a service charge   1

creating a tax code   1

defining charge codes   1

process of setting up   1

revenue category administration tasks   1

reviewing charge codes associated with a category   1

service charge administration   1

tax code administration   1

viewing property-specific service charges   1

viewing property-specific taxes   1


functions   1

opportunity   1

quotes   1

revenue analysis   1

room blocks   1

Child BC user property   1

child functions and dependencies, defining display options   1

child products without child records, event check calculation rules   1

Cluster BC user property   1

Cluster BO user property   1

cluster booking

assets   1

starting   1


See Process of Setting Up Property Clusters

Clusters Historical Opportunities user property   1

Clusters user property   1

Color Code Holiday Type user property   1

Color Code Major Axis 1 user property   1

Color Code Major Axis 2 user property   1

Color Code Major Axis 3 user property   1

Color Code Major Axis 4 user property   1

Color Code Major Axis 5 user property   1

Color Code Major Axis 6 user property   1

Color Code Minor Axis 1 user property   1

Color Code Minor Axis 2 user property   1

Color Code Sell Note Type user property   1

Color Code Special Events Type user property   1

Color Code Weekend Type user property   1

colors, assigning status colors to assets   1

Column Name Field user property   1

compact sequence, about   1 ,  2


adding to accounts   1

competitor properties, adding records   1

complex products

about   1

defined   1

menus and packages   1

process of creating   1

complimentary room pricing   1

configured space, defined   1


fields   1

multiple quotes   1 ,  2

opportunity quotes   1

quotes   1

Consider Complimentary user property   1


about   1

event templates, creating   1

opportunities, creating from event templates   1

overview of managing   1

process of managing   1

travel profile, managing   1

Contacts screen   1 ,  2

Copy Function Calculate Price user property   1

Copy Line Items, workflow process   1


function   1

multiple related functions, creating   1

room block line items   1

core fields, behavior in quotes   1

costing and profitability, setting up sleeping room data   1

credit card spending details   1

credit check information, entering for an event quote   1

Critical product resource type

about   1

automatic reservation of critical assets   1

booking   1

double booking   1

Back to top


Data Administration screen   1

database triggers, generating for workflows   1

date and time changes

configuring availability status checking   1

inventory critical field   1

reserved room block, for a   1

Date XMLTagName user property   1


synchronization, disabling   1

viewing the Special Dates calendar   1

Dates/Notes button, using for a property   1

DateTime Popup Name user property   1

Day Assignment Business Component user property   1

Day Assignment Date Field Name user property   1

Day Assignment Popup Applet user property   1

Day Number: Room Block Refresh BC Name user property   1

day parts

defining property day parts   1

process of defining   1

setting up property day parts   1

validating   1

DCPivot Aggregation user property   1

DCPivot Attribute List 0 user property   1

DCPivot Attribute List 1 user property   1

DCPivot Attribute List 2 user property   1

DCPivot Attribute List 3 user property   1

DCPivot Attribute List 4 user property   1

DCPivot Attribute LOV Name user property   1

DCPivot Attribute Read-Only List 0 user property   1

DCPivot Attribute Read-Only List 1 user property   1

DCPivot Data BusComp Link user property   1

DCPivot Data BusComp user property   1

DCPivot Data Search Spec user property   1

DCPivot DC Field Format user property   1

DCPivot DC Horizontal Totals user property   1

DCPivot DC Set Size user property   1

DCPivot DC Totals Field user property   1

DCPivot DC Unit Size user property   1

DCPivot DC Vertical Totals user property   1

DCPivot Default DC DataType user property   1

DCPivot Default DC FieldName user property   1

DCPivot Group Key List 0 user property   1

DCPivot Group Key List 1 user property   1

DCPivot Group Key List 2 user property   1

DCPivot Parent Search Field user property   1

DCPivot Update Primary BC user property   1

decoration and presentation, gathering and confirming function details   1

Deep Copy 1 user property   1

Deep Copy 2 user property   1

Deep Copy user property   1

Deep Delete 1 user property   1

Deep Delete 2 user property   1

Default Aspect user property   1 ,  2

Default Function Space Type user property   1

Default Start Date Time user property   1

Definite, setting quote status to   1

Delimiter user property   1

deposits, managing for events   1

designation management information, gathering details   1

detailing function spaces, about   1


See Process of Managing the Function Space Diary

See Process of Managing the Function Space Diary in Siebel Open UI

Diary User Preferences Fields user property   1

Diary User Preferences for End Time user property   1

Diary User Preferences for Start Time user property   1

Disable Buscomp Hierarchy user property   1

Disable Hierarchy: SHM Invoice user property   1

Disable Hierarchy: TNT SHM Order Entry user property   1

disabling date synchronization   1


account matrix   1

discount price, applying to line items   1

full day discounts   1

functions, reviewing   1

matrix discount   1

percentages, applying   1

quote, reviewing   1

room blocks, reviewing   1

segment matrix   1

total order discount, viewing   1

total quote discount, reviewing   1

volume discounts   1

display options, child functions and dependencies   1

Do Not Move flag

configuring   1

using   1

double booking

critical and non-critical assets   1

Gantt Chart view, and the   1

Double Click Applet Method user property   1

driving directions

guest conveniences   1

property   1

Drop Conflict Popup Name user property   1

Dyn Field Name Field user property   1

Back to top



See Setting Up Nonparticipating Properties

Editable for TimeScale user property   1

Effective Dates Constraint BC user property   1


assigning to a property team   1

removing from a property team   1

Employee BC user property   1

Employee BO user property   1

Enable Color Icon user property   1

Enable Single Button Toggle user property   1 ,  2

Enable Sub Function Dependency At Detail Function user property   1

End Date user property   1

end-user screens, purpose   1

Enter Key Method user property   1

equipment, about setting up bundles   1

evaluation activities

aggregate quote, completing   1

assigning   1

evaluation response, creating   1

response, viewing   1

revenue manager approval with negative profit variance   1

Evaluations Calendar, using   1

Evaluations screen   1

Event Booking Centers   1

event change management, pre-event confirmation details   1

event check calculation rules

child products without child records   1

meeting packages   1

mid-tier products with child records   1

parent products with child records   1

simple and generic products   1

event checks

about   1

activating the status state model   1

billable line items, viewing   1

calculation rules for generating and displaying   1

cancelling event checks   1

dividing   1

generating a trial check for an event   1

generating for all orders in a day   1

generating for an individual order   1

generating, scenario   1

guest and accounting event check rules   1

line items, adding   1

menus and packages, adding as line items   1

moving line items between   1

nonbillable line items, viewing   1

nonfunction line items, adding to a package event check   1

orders, viewing   1

package event check, about   1

package event check, generating scenario   1

posting event checks   1

process of generating   1

reviewing event checks   1

updating event orders   1

user properties   1

workflows   1

Event Checks screen   1

event deposit, managing using bill-to-form   1

event details

confirming event details scenario   1

confirming sleeping room details   1

event change management   1

gathering and confirming billing information   1

gathering and confirming function details   1

gathering and confirming parking and transportation   1

gathering and confirming special request information   1

process of confirming function space details   1

process of gathering and confirming event details   1

event functions, performing a time shift   1

event items, taxes and service charges   1

event manager, changing   1

event opportunity

about adding function agenda and line items   1

about querying for selected properties   1

adding a property to an opportunity   1

adding activities   1

adding an assessment   1

adding attachments   1

adding event billing information   1

adding notes   1

adding room block information   1

capturing property information   1

copying a room block line item   1

creating a hierarchy of functions   1

entering a function agenda   1

function agenda buttons   1

managing event deposits using bill-to form   1

process of adding details   1

specifying function agenda line items   1

using bill-to information in event sales   1

using Bypass button   1

using copy to create multiple related functions   1

viewing an opportunity attachment file   1

event orders

creating a hierarchy of functions   1

process of generating and managing   1

scenario for generating and managing   1

specifications, viewing   1

synchronizing functions and function line items   1

updating   1

visibility and viewing   1

event property

adding functions and function line items to a quote   1

adding quote notes   1

creating attachments for a quote   1

creating quote for   1

entering and tracking booking fee information   1

entering credit check information for an event quote   1

managing quote functions from the Function screen   1

modifying an event quote   1

modifying multiple quotes   1

process of adding details to event quote   1

quote summary functions list   1

quote summary negotiation rates list   1

quote summary revenue thresholds list   1

quote summary room block line items list   1

reviewing function revenue estimates   1

reviewing quote details and review estimates   1

reviewing quote summary information   1

updating and verifying billing information   1

validating functions and function line items associated with a quote   1

event quotes

arrival date, modifying   1

creating a hierarchy of functions   1

Event Template Id user property   1

event templates

about   1

account templates, creating   1

adding nonfunction line items   1

applying to an opportunity   1

contacts, creating   1

creating from a quote   1

creating from an opportunity   1

creating opportunities from contact   1

function agenda and line items, adding   1

generic, creating   1

generic, defined   1

opportunities, creating from   1

process of creating   1

property-specific, creating   1

property-specific, defined   1

quotes, applying to   1

room block information, adding   1

room blocks and line items, adding to   1

setting up for Histories and Futures   1

event turnover checklist

completing and submitting   1

rejecting the turnover checklist   1

reviewing and accepting the turnover checklist   1

submitting the turnover to events management   1


opportunity arrival date, changing   1

sales, using bill-to information   1

shifting, at the quote stage   1

Events Report

about   1

fields   1

Exclude Function For Time Shift user property   1

Exclude RmBlk For Time Shift user property   1

exporting historical and future data   1

Back to top


facilities, defining for a property   1


about   1 ,  2

managing at the opportunity stage   1

Field Core Flg user property   1

Field Name

Shifted Start Date user property   1

TNT Meeting Package Picklist Search Spec user property   1

Field Name: Arrival Date user property   1

Field Name: ChildFuncBCToRefresh user property   1

Field Name: ChildRoomBcToRefresh user property   1

Field Name: Function Instructions user property   1

Field Name: IsExtendedQuantity user property   1

Field Name: IsMenuPackageType user property   1

Field Name: RoomBlock Instructions user property   1

Field Name: TNT TaxRequired Flag user property   1

Field Name: TNT TopLevelParentFlag user property   1

Field Name: TNT TopLevelParentPIP user property   1

Field Read Only Field: Authorization Level user property   1

Field Read Only Field: Date user property   1

Field Read Only Field: Day# user property   1 ,  2

Field Read Only Field: Locked Flag user property   1

Field Read Only Field: Product user property   1

Field Read Only Field: Start Date user property   1

field values, calculating in a meeting package   1

fields, configuring for reports   1

finalization process, quotes for nonparticipating properties   1

floor plans

adding for a property   1

viewing in the Function Space Diary   1

viewing in the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI   1

Format Specifier Major user property   1

Format Specifier Minor user property   1

FSI Diary

See Process of Managing the Function Space Diary

See Process of Managing the Function Space Diary in Siebel Open UI

full day discounts

about   1

defining   1

example of working   1

function agenda

about adding to an event opportunity   1

creating a hierarchy of functions   1

entering a function agenda   1

event template, adding to   1

function agenda buttons   1

specifying function agenda line items   1

using copy to create multiple related functions   1

Function Drop Conflict Popup Default user property   1

Function Drop Conflict Popup Name user property   1

function line items

associating with a meeting package   1

associating with a quote meeting package   1

conditions for copying   1

copying to a different quote   1

function orders, creating   1

Function Scheduling button   1

Function screen

about   1

managing quote functions   1

function space

about associating setup styles with suites   1

about function status values   1

about pricing   1

about time shifts for function spaces and sleeping rooms   1

adding product attributes   1 ,  2

adding product features   1 ,  2

assigning a setup style to a function space category   1

assigning a setup style to a property and associated a package   1

assigning a specific space   1

assigning colors to active and backup function spaces   1

associating a specific space with a category   1

associating suites with a category   1

booking types   1

canceling a function   1

completing the detailing of a function   1

copying a function   1

creating a function space category   1

creating a subfunction   1

creating a subfunction for the subfunction   1

creating an indivisible specific-space suite   1

creating configured space   1

creating sleeping rooms   1

defined and characteristics   1

defining function space inventory controls   1

defining setup style LOVs   1

defining turntime and time interval information   1

editing function space inventory controls   1

event change management   1

flagging a function for spacious set   1

gathering and confirming billing information   1

gathering and confirming function details   1

gathering and confirming parking and transportation   1

gathering and confirming special request information   1

inconsistent setup style and function space   1

managing as a product   1

managing ineffective function spaces in the Function Space Diary   1

managing ineffective function spaces in the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI   1

optimizing setup styles for specific spaces   1

optioning function space   1

overbooking function space   1

pricing waterfall, reviewing   1

process of confirming function space details   1

process of setting up   1 ,  2 ,  3

process of setting up suites for a property   1

querying function space inventory controls   1

requiring backup space   1

reservation   1

room rentals   1

setting up a category for suites   1

setting up a configured specific space suite   1

setting up an indivisible specific space suite   1

setting up function space style translations   1

setting up suite administration   1

setup style combinations, and   1

suite booking for functions   1

unit of measure conversions for function space area   1

using Reserve and Next Fit to hold function space   1

with product features, changing   1

Function Space Administration screen   1

Function Space Calendar, using   1

Function Space Diary

about   1

Assign Method   1

assigning category bookings to specific spaces   1

changing booking inventory statuses   1

color coding   1

configuring, process   1

converting bookings   1

defining asset display method   1

deleting out of order designations   1

deleting unavailable designations   1

dragging and dropping objects   1

expanding and collapsing all data   1

floor plan website option   1

floor plan, allowing viewing   1

function, function space, and booking details, viewing   1

icons, about   1

icons, configuring   1

information display options   1

moving forward and backward in the time range   1 ,  2

navigating to the Function Space Diary   1 ,  2

overview   1

printing   1

process of using   1

querying for bookings and functions   1

querying for function spaces   1

querying for related function spaces   1

screen elements   1

setting user properties   1

space holds, moving   1

space holds, setting   1

ToolTips, viewing   1

total sleeping room availability   1

user preferences, storing   1

user properties   1

user properties, applet   1 ,  2

user properties, business component   1 ,  2 ,  3

viewing floor plans   1

visibility layers   1

Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI

about controls   1

active bookings   1

adding a function   1

administering   1

Assign Method   1

assigning category bookings to specific spaces   1

booking order   1

changing booking inventory statuses   1

color code legend   1

color coding   1

configuring, process   1

converting bookings   1

copying a function   1

dependency bookings   1

dragging and dropping objects   1

effective start and end times   1

filtering   1

function, function space, and booking details, viewing   1

icons, about   1

icons, configuring   1

navigating to the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI   1 ,  2

out of order function spaces   1

overbookings   1

overview   1

paused on information, viewing   1

process of using   1

screen elements   1

space holds, moving   1

time-shifted bookings   1

ToolTips, viewing   1

total sleeping room availability   1

unreserved bookings   1

user preferences, storing   1

viewing floor plans   1

visibility layers   1

Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI, views   1

Compact Diary view   1

Revenue Management view   1

Sales/Execution Diary view   1

Function Space Diary, views   1

Compact Diary view   1

Revenue Management view   1

Sales/Execution Diary view   1

Total Availability view   1

function space line items, mapping to rental allocations   1

function space pricing

defining default rules   1

exceptions, defining   1

full day discounts, setting up   1

setting up minimum and maximum controls   1

unavailable or out of order   1

function space pricing administration

about and tasks   1

defining a profit series and percentages   1

defining function space pricing types and rental fees   1

defining function space type exceptions   1 ,  2 ,  3

setting up pricing day parts   1

function spaces

detailing a function   1

detailing, about   1

line items, mapping to rental allocations   1

space holds, about   1

status color schemes   1

status colors to inventory and assets   1

function status

color scheme in Function Space Diary   1

and released inventory   1

function types, setting up   1


accessing through quotes and orders   1

actualizing   1

adding attachments to an event order   1

adding functions and function line items to a quote   1

adding menu and package line items   1

adding notes to an event order   1

adding to a quote   1

associating event orders to a function line items   1

associating with a meeting package   1

associating with a quote meeting package   1

backup space, about   1

backup space, adding   1

changing the primary event   1

charts   1

conditions for copying line items   1

copying line items to a different quote   1

creating a hierarchy   1

creating a hierarchy in orders   1

creating custom menus and packages   1

creating functions   1

detailing   1

discount percentages, applying   1

discounts, reviewing   1

historical functions, entering   1

line items, adding to a quote   1

managing quote functions from the Function screen   1

performing a time shift of event functions   1

preventing functions from being moved   1

revenue analysis charts   1

revenue estimates, reviewing   1

switching to backup space   1

synchronizing functions and function line items   1

validating   1

validating functions and function line items associated with a quote   1

viewing all orders associated with a quote   1

visibility and viewing event orders   1

function-specific comments, adding to reports   1

future date adjustments, defining   1

Back to top


Gantt chart calendar   1

Gantt Prefix user property   1

general policies   1

Business Mix   1

Cancellation Policy   1

Cross Selling Policy   1

Future Year Booking Policy   1

Opportunity Policies   1

Sleeping Room Policies   1

Special Property Policies   1

General product resource type, about   1

generic comments, adding to reports   1

generic event template, creating   1

generic products, event check calculation rules   1

Get Service Method user property   1

Get Service Name user property   1

Go to Diary button, using for a property   1

government rates

default pricing rules   1

exception rules   1

sleeping room pricing, defining   1

GRC View:TNT SHM Site Function Space Diary Total Availability View user property   1

Grid Background Color user property   1

Grid Line Color user property   1

Grid Line Style user property   1

group projected and blocked availability, viewing   1

guest conveniences

driving directions   1

setting up   1

Guest Conveniences screen   1

Guest Event Check Report

about   1

fields   1

guest event checks

about   1

calculating rules for generating and displaying   1

cancelling event checks   1

reviewing event checks   1

Back to top


headers, configuring for reports   1

historical data, adding   1 ,  2 ,  3 ,  4

Histories and Futures

about   1

adding competitor property records   1

applying an event template to a historical opportunity   1

associating future opportunities with a present opportunity   1

associating historical opportunities with a present opportunity   1

configuring fields   1

entering historical data   1 ,  2 ,  3 ,  4

exporting historical and future data   1

importing historical and future data   1

process of managing   1

process of setting up   1

scenario   1

setting up event templates   1

setting user properties   1

sharing historical and future opportunities with another property   1

user properties   1

workflow processes   1

home page, about and example   1

Home screen   1

Hospitality Accounts

See About Hospitality Accounts and Contacts

Hospitality Contacts

See About Hospitality Accounts and Contacts

Hospitality revenue management evaluation

See About Managing Hospitality Revenue

host quotes, generating   1

host-affiliate opportunities

affiliate opportunity, creating   1

associating affiliates   1

generating quotes from   1

host opportunity, creating   1

host-affiliate relationships, about   1

Back to top


Icon Display Fields 0 user property   1

Icon Display Fields 1 user property   1

Icon Display Fields 2 user property   1

icons, Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI, configuring   1

icons, Function Space Diary, configuring   1

Ignore Case Sensitivity user property   1

importing historical and future data   1

Include End Time in Label Major user property   1

indivisible space, defined   1

Ineffective Field user property   1

integration object user properties for Sleeping Room Mapping   1

intermediary accounts   1

defined   1

opportunities, viewing   1

tracking   1

inventory controls, setting up

defining function space inventory controls   1

defining sleeping room inventory controls   1

displaying function space inventory control information   1

displaying sleeping room inventory control information   1

editing function space inventory controls   1

editing sleeping room inventory controls   1

process of setting up   1

querying function space inventory controls   1

querying sleeping room inventory controls   1

visibility layers   1

inventory critical fields

about   1

date and time changes at the function level   1

date and time changes at the room block level   1

function space and setup style combinations   1

function status and released inventory   1

quote level   1

room block changes and availability checks   1

room block level   1

inventory reservations

about changing critical attributes   1

inventory-critical fields at the function level   1

inventory status

assigning status colors to assets   1

booked asset owner, locating   1

booking critical and non-critical assets   1

double booking and Gantt Chart view   1

double booking critical and non-critical assets   1

locating a substitute asset   1

viewing asset availability and booking information   1

viewing assets associated with a product   1

inventory status, color scheme in Function Space Diary   1

inventory, working with

about function status values   1

actualizing a function   1

actualizing a room block   1

assigning a function to a specific space   1

background workflow processes at the quote level   1

booking specific suites   1

booking suite categories   1

canceling a function   1

canceling a suite category   1

canceling room blocks   1

changing attributes critical to inventory reservation   1

checking inventory availability   1

completing the detailing of a function   1

copying a function   1

creating a subfunction   1

creating a subfunction for the subfunction   1

creating and reserving a new room block   1

detailing a function   1

event shifting at the quote stage   1

flagging a function for spacious set   1

function space reservation   1

inconsistent setup style and function space   1

inventory critical fields at the function level   1

managing function characteristics   1

managing functions at quote stage   1

managing property characteristics   1

managing room block characteristics   1

managing room blocks at the quote stage   1

optioning function space   1

overbooking a room block   1

overbooking function space   1

parceling   1

performing a time shift of event functions   1

performing a time shift of room blocks   1

process of working with   1

quote generation processes   1

reviewing group availability   1

reviewing group projected and blocked availability   1

reviewing SR Type Availability   1

reviewing total availability   1 ,  2

reviewing total group availability   1

reviewing transient availability   1

room block inventory buttons   1

scheduling a function in a specific suite   1

sleeping room availability logic   1

suite booking for functions   1

unit of measure conversions for function space area   1

using reserve and next fit to hold function space   1

IsParentMPTypeField user property   1

IsSearchSpecFldMVG user property   1 ,  2

Item Admin Color BC Name user property   1

Item Admin Color BO Name user property   1

Item Admin Special Control BC Name user property   1

Item BC Assignable Field user property   1

Item BC Dependency Field user property   1

Item BC Drillable Field user property   1

Item BC Editable Field user property   1

Item BC Inventory Status Field user property   1

Item BC Search Space user property   1

Item Border Style Fields user property   1

Item Border Style No Setup Time Fields user property   1

Item Border Style No Teardown Time Fields user property   1

Item Border Style No Turn Time Fields user property   1

Item Business Component user property   1

Item Color Fields user property   1

Item Color Toggle Activate Fields user property   1

Item Color Toggle BC Name user property   1

Item Color Toggle Field user property   1

Item Drag Method user property   1

Item Drilldown Assignment user property   1

Item Drilldown Src Field Substitutes user property   1

Item Fill Style Fields user property   1

Item Function Business Component user property   1

Item Icon Clip Text LIC user property   1

Item Icon Clip Text LOV Name user property   1

Item Icon Fields user property   1

Item Icon Ids user property   1

Item Id Field user property   1

Item Join Field user property   1

Item Left Click Method user property   1

Item Mouse Over Ids user property   1

Item Resize Method user property   1

Item Right Click Method user property   1

Item Segment Left Click Methods user property   1

Item Time Dependency Fields user property   1

Item Time Dependency Tooltip Fields user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle LOV Type user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 0 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 1 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 10 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 12 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 13 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 17 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 2 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 3 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 4 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 5 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 6 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 7 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 8 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Label 9 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Tooltip 0 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Tooltip 1 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Tooltip 17 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Tooltip 2 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Tooltip 3 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Tooltip 4 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Tooltip 5 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Tooltip 6 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Tooltip 7 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Tooltip 8 user property   1

Item Time Display Toggle Time Tooltip ABBR 0 user property   1

Item Time Fields user property   1

Item Time Ineffective Tooltip Fields user property   1

Item Time TurnTime Toggle BC Method user property   1

Item Time Unavailable Tooltip Fields user property   1

Item Tooltip Fields user property   1

Item Type Field user property   1

Item Unavailable Color Field user property   1

Back to top


line item fields, adjustment type mapping   1

Line Item Sum field   1

line items

adding to a quote function   1

adding to event checks   1

adding to room blocks   1

billable, viewing   1

discount percentages, applying   1

discount price, applying   1

functions, validating   1

moving between event checks   1

nonbillable, viewing   1

orders, viewing   1

resource cluster, adding   1

room blocks, copying   1

Line Items BC Name: Quote user property   1

Line Items BC Name: TNT Function Line Item Quick Entry View user property   1

Line Items BC Name: TNT SHM Function user property   1

Line Items BC Name: TNT SHM Order Entry user property   1

Line Items BC Name: TNT SHM Order Function Line Items View user property   1

Line Items BC Name: TNT SHM Quote Function Line Items View user property   1

Line Items BO Name: Quote user property   1

Line Items BO Name: SHM Invoice user property   1

Line Items BO Name: TNT SHM Function user property   1

Line Items BO Name: TNT SHM Order Entry user property   1

Line Items BO Name: TNT SHM Templates user property   1

Load Business Component Name user property   1

logos, associating with reports   1

Back to top


macro estimates

adding to an opportunity   1

Calculated Average Check   1

Calculated Total Revenue   1

quotes, reviewing   1

Major Label Drilldown Name user property   1

matrix series

about   1

account matrix   1

creating   1

segment matrix   1

setting up   1

updating adjustment amounts   1

Max X Pages user property   1

Max X Rows Per Page user property   1

maximum pricing

room types   1

sleeping rooms   1

meeting packages

about and definition   1

applet user properties, for Quotes   1

arrival dates, modifying   1

associating functions and function line items   1

associating nonfunction line items   1

associating pricing intervals   1

associating sleeping room types   1

business component user properties, for Opportunities   1

business component user properties, for Quotes   1

creating   1

event check calculation rules   1

field values, calculating   1

Function Space Diary applet user properties   1

Function Space Diary business component user properties   1

functions and function line items, managing in a quote   1

functions and function line items, updating in a quote   1

managing in a quote, process   1

nonfunction line items, managing   1

in orders, managing   1

package event check, generating scenario   1

package event checks, about   1

price per day calculations   1

price per day calculations, about   1

price per day calculations, example   1

quote function line items, associating with   1

quote functions, associating with   1

quote pricing, about   1

quote, adding to   1

room block floor negotiation rates, managing   1

room block line items, updating]   1

room block negotiation rates, managing   1

room blocks and room block line items, managing   1

set menu, scenario for processing   1

setting up, process   1

split menu, scenario for processing   1

split menus   1

user properties   1

validations, about   1

menu and package types

Menu Per Person, set price   1

Menu Per Person, split price   1

Package Each   1

Package Item Price   1

Package Per Person   1

Menu Item Field Map 1 user property   1

Menu Item Field Map 7 user property   1 ,  2

menus and packages

defined   1

revenue breakouts   1

revenue estimate examples   1

types   1 ,  2 ,  3

user properties   1

menus and packages, managing

about managing   1

accessing functions through quotes and orders   1

adding line items to a function   1

adding line items to an event check   1

adding products   1

calculating system allocations   1

creating custom menus and packages   1

displaying revenue estimates   1

editing menus, packages, and line items   1

number of times a menu was sold, viewing   1

process of managing   1 ,  2

substituting products   1

menus and packages, setting up

about setting up   1

adding items to a menu   1

adding items to a package   1

adding menus to a property   1

adding packages to a property   1

associating prices with a menu   1

associating prices with a package   1

creating menus   1

creating packages   1

menu types, examples   1

package types, examples   1

process of setting up   1

revenue allocations   1

user properties   1

menus, gathering and confirming function details   1

Method Name 1 user property   1 ,  2

mid-tier products with child records, event check calculation rules   1

Min Duration and Max Duration fields, validation   1

minimum pricing

room types   1

sleeping rooms   1

Minor Default Day Part Duration user property   1

Minor Default Day Part Labels user property   1

Minor Label Drilldown Name user property   1

Mobil Star rating, for a property   1

Mode user property   1

Month Day View user property   1

My Historical Opportunities user property   1

My Properties user property   1

Back to top


Named Method 1 user property   1 ,  2

Named Method 1: DeleteRecord user property   1

Named Method 11 user property   1

Named Method 12 user property   1

Named Method 2 user property   1

Named Method 2: DeleteRecord user property   1

Named Method 3 user property   1 ,  2 ,  3

Named Method 4 user property   1

Named Method 7 user property   1

Named Method 8 user property   1

Named Method 9 user property   1

Named Method 10 user property   1

Named Method 11 user property   1 ,  2

Named Method 13 user property   1

Named Method 14 user property   1

Named Method 15 user property   1

Named Method 16 user property   1

Named Method 17 user property   1

Named Method 18 user property   1

Named Method 19 user property   1

Named Method 21 user property   1

Named Method 22 user property   1

Named Method user property   1

Named Method: CreateMenuPackages user property   1

Named Method: NavigateToView user property   1

Named Method: QuickAddItem user property   1

Named Method: ShowDatePopup user property   1

National Sales Organization   1

negotiation floor

defined   1

modifying the negotiation floor rate   1

sleeping rooms   1

updating and reducing the negotiation floor   1

updating the existing negotiation rate   1

negotiation floor and exceptions

defining a profit series and percentages   1

defining function space pricing types and rental fees   1

defining function space type exceptions   1

defining sleeping room exceptions   1 ,  2

defining weekend prices   1

function space pricing administration   1

setting up pricing day parts   1

negotiation rates

on quote summary   1

quotes, updating   1

sleeping room taxes and service charges   1

neighborhood characteristics, defining for a property   1

Next Fit button, using to hold function space   1

nightly workflows, running   1

No BEO order type   1

Noise Flag, about   1

Non Critical product resource type

about   1

AutoBook and Non-Critical assets   1

booking   1

double booking   1

nonbillable line items, viewing   1

noncore fields, behavior in quotes   1

nonfunction line items

adding to a quote   1

adding to an event template   1

associating with a meeting package   1

in a meeting package, managing   1

package event check, adding to   1

nonparticipating properties

about   1

about pricing   1

Event Booking Centers   1

finalization process for quotes   1

generating quotes for   1

National Sales Organization   1

opportunity development   1

orders   1

process of managing   1

quote summary, sending to   1

quotes, and   1

sending a quote evaluation to   1

setting up   1


adding notes to an event opportunity   1

adding quote notes   1

adding to an event order   1


See Setting Up Nonparticipating Properties


See Setting Up Nonparticipating Properties

Number of Rows to Overlap user property   1

Back to top


occupancy, and pricing   1

On Field Update Invoke user property   1 ,  2 ,  3

On Field Update Invoke 1 user property   1 ,  2

On Field Update Invoke 10 user property   1

On Field Update Invoke 11 user property   1

On Field Update Invoke 12 user property   1

On Field Update Invoke 13 user property   1 ,  2

On Field Update Invoke 14 user property   1

On Field Update Invoke 15 user property   1

On Field Update Invoke 16 user property   1

On Field Update Invoke 17 user property   1

On Field Update Invoke 18 user property   1

On Field Update Invoke 19 user property   1

On Field Update Set user property   1

On Field Update Set 1 user property   1

On Field Update Set 10 user property   1

On Field Update Set 11 user property   1

On Field Update Set 47 user property   1

On Field Update Set 48 user property   1

OnDoubleClick Invoke BC user property   1

OnDoubleClick Invoke Service Method user property   1

OnDoubleClick Invoke Service user property   1

Open Day Async user property   1


about adding a function agenda and line items   1

about associating historical and future data   1

about querying for selected properties   1

accessing historical and future opportunities from other properties   1

adding a property to an opportunity   1

adding activities to the event opportunity   1

adding an assessment   1

adding attachment to an event opportunity   1

adding details to the event opportunity   1

adding event billing information   1

adding features to the function agenda   1 ,  2

adding notes to an event opportunity   1

adding room block information   1

affiliate opportunity, creating   1

associating event templates with historical opportunities   1

associating future opportunities with   1

associating historical opportunities with   1

capturing property information   1

capturing with Rapid Room Block   1

charts   1

contact event templates, creating from   1

copying a room block line item   1

creating a hierarchy of functions   1

creating an event template from   1

creating an opportunity   1

entering a function agenda   1

event arrival date, changing   1

event templates, applying   1

event templates, creating from   1

function agenda buttons   1

generating quotes from   1

historical opportunities, entering   1

host opportunity, associating with affiliates   1

host-affiliate, creating   1

macro estimates, adding   1

making historical and future opportunities available to other properties   1

managing event deposits using bill-to-form   1

nonparticipating properties   1

Opportunity Explorer, using   1

process of capturing opportunities   1

properties, adding   1

Property Locator, using   1

Property screen, using   1

Quick Opportunity Capture   1

recurrence details   1

recurring event, creating   1

recurring events, about   1

recurring events, process of creating   1

recurring opportunity, creating   1

room block information, adding   1

room block line items, adding   1

room blocks, adding   1

scenario   1

segment   1

sleeping room rates applied   1

specifying function agenda line items   1

subfunctions at the opportunity stage   1

subopportunities   1

using bill-to-information in event sales   1

using Bypass button   1

using copy to create multiple related functions   1

viewing an opportunity attachment file   1

Opportunities screen   1

Opportunity Explorer, using   1

opportunity functions, creating a hierarchy   1

opportunity properties, generating quotes for   1

opportunity quotes, configuring   1

opportunity stage

managing function characteristics   1

managing property characteristics   1

managing room block characteristics   1

optioned bookings   1

Order Functions view, adding products   1

Order Item BC Name user property   1

order pricing

about and quotes   1

calculating weighted average room rates   1

complimentary room pricing   1

function line item and revenue data repricing   1

function space pricing   1

function space room rentals   1

minimum and maximum price   1

pricing and room occupancy   1

pricing and the negotiation floor   1

profit and revenue thresholds   1

Refresh button   1

Reprice All button   1

Reprice button   1

sleeping room pricing   1

suite pricing   1

threshold calculation example   1

weekday and weekend pricing   1

Order screen   1


about event order generation   1

adding attachments   1

adding notes   1

associating event orders to a function line item   1

audit trail, viewing   1

changing the primary event   1

creating a hierarchy of functions   1

creating function orders   1

creating functions   1

event checks, viewing   1

event order specifications, viewing   1

generating event checks for all orders in a day   1

generating event checks for an individual order   1

generating primary event orders   1

line items, viewing   1

meeting package orders, managing   1

nonparticipating properties   1

record visibility   1

total discount, viewing   1

viewing all orders associated with a quote   1

overbook and option level inventory controls, about   1


function space   1

room block   1

OverridePopupVisibility user property   1

oversold policies

Arrange Accommodation   1

defined   1

Direct Billing Can Be Arranged   1

Pay For One Night Room/Tax   1

Provide One Phone Call   1

Provide Transportation   1

owner, locating for a booked asset   1

Back to top


package event check, nonfunction line items, adding   1

Package Item Field Map 3 user property   1

Package Item Field Map 6 user property   1


See About Menus and Packages Administration

Parallel Quote Generation user property   1

parceling room block inventory   1

Parent BC Constraint Field 1 user property   1

Parent BC Constraint Field 2 user property   1

Parent BC Constraint Field user property   1

Parent BC Date Context Field user property   1 ,  2

Parent Field 1 user property   1

Parent Item Product Type user property   1

Parent Pick Field user property   1 ,  2 ,  3

Parent Product Type user property   1

parent products with child records, event check calculation rules   1

parent revenue category, creating   1

Parent Src Field Default user property   1

Parent StartDate Field user property   1

parking and transportation, gathering and confirming   1

paused on information, viewing in the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI   1

Pick List SearchSpec:MenuEventItem user property   1

Pick List SearchSpec:Package user property   1

Pivot 0 Aggregate Type user property   1

Pivot 0 BC Name user property   1

Pivot 0 BC Search Spec user property   1

Pivot 0 BC Sort Spec user property   1 ,  2

Pivot 0 BO Name user property   1

Pivot 0 Can Update user property   1

Pivot 0 Dynamic Field user property   1

Pivot 0 Group by Group Field user property   1

Pivot 0 Group Field user property   1

Pivot 0 Parent Filter Field 0 user property   1

Pivot 0 Parent Filter Field 1 user property   1

Pivot 0 Type 0 user property   1

Pivot 0 Type 1 user property   1

Pivot 0 Type 2 user property   1

Pivot 0 Type 3 user property   1

Pivot 0 Type 4 user property   1

Pivot 0 Type 5 user property   1

Pivot 0 Type 6 user property   1

Pivot 0 Type 7 user property   1

Pivot 0 Type 8 user property   1

Pivot 1 Aggregate Type user property   1

Pivot 1 BC Name user property   1

Pivot 1 BC Search Spec user property   1

Pivot 1 BO Name user property   1

Pivot 1 Dynamic Field user property   1

Pivot 1 Group Field user property   1

Pivot 1 Parent Filter Field 0 user property   1

Pivot 1 Parent Filter Field 1 user property   1

Pivot 1 Type 0 Sub Group 0 user property   1

Pivot 1 Type 0 user property   1 ,  2

Pivot 1 Type 1 user property   1

Pivot 1 Type 2 Sub Group 0 user property   1

Pivot 1 Type 2 user property   1 ,  2

Pivot 2 Aggregate Type user property   1

Pivot 2 BC Name user property   1

Pivot 2 BC Search Spec user property   1

Pivot 2 BO Name user property   1

Pivot 2 Dynamic Field user property   1

Pivot 2 Group Field user property   1

Pivot 2 Parent Filter Field 0 user property   1

Pivot 2 Parent Filter Field 1 user property   1

Pivot 2 Type 0 user property   1

Pivot 2 Type 1 user property   1

Pivot 2 Type 2 user property   1

Pivot 2 Type 3 user property   1

pivot applets, user properties   1

Pivot Calc Type 0 user property   1

Pivot Calc Type 1 user property   1

Pivot Calc Type 2 user property   1

Pivot Calc Type 3 user property   1

Pivot Calc Type 4 user property   1

Pivot Date Range user property   1

Pivot Dynamic Field Format user property   1

Pivot LOV Type user property   1

Pivot Static Field 0 user property   1

Pivot Static Field 1 user property   1

Pivot Static Field 2 user property   1

Pivot Static Field 3 user property   1

policies, defining for properties   1

Popup Applet Name user property   1

Popup BC Name user property   1

Popup Dimension user property   1 ,  2

Popup End Date Field user property   1

Popup Start Date Field user property   1

Popup user property   1

Prefix For Custom Product user property   1

price lists

note, about using sample pricing model   1

setting up   1

viewing for properties   1

price override, room blocks associated with aggregate quotes   1

price per day calculations

example   1

in meeting packages   1

for meeting packages   1


associating with menus and packages   1

associating with property-specific menus   1

associating with property-specific products   1

creating intervals for property-specific products   1


calculating weighted average room rates   1

complimentary room pricing   1

day parts, setting   1

minimum and maximum for room types   1

pricing and the negotiation floor   1

room occupancy, and   1

suite pricing   1

types, defining   1

waterfall, reviewing   1

weekday and weekend pricing   1

Pricing Administration screen   1

pricing intervals, associating with a meeting package   1

primary event

changing primary event order   1

generating orders   1

Pro Forma Event Check Report

about   1

fields   1

Product Administration screen   1

product attributes

adding to a product   1

defining   1

Product BC Name: TNT Function Line Item Quick Entry View user property   1

Product BC Name: TNT SHM Order Function Line Items View user property   1

Product BC Name: TNT SHM Quote Function Line Items View user property   1

product catalog

adding access groups   1

adding products   1

creating   1

creating a category   1

product category

adding access groups   1

adding products   1

product consumption

examples   1

forecasting   1

product pricing

about creating a property pricing profile   1

about products and property pricing   1

aggregate volume discounts   1

catering product pricing administration   1

creating a property pricing profile   1

creating default prices for sleeping rooms   1

creating exception to default prices for sleeping rooms   1

defining a profit series and percentages   1

defining function space pricing rules   1

defining function space type exceptions   1

defining sleeping room exceptions   1 ,  2

defining weekend prices   1

function space pricing administration   1

function spaces, unavailable or out of order   1

future date adjustments   1

nonparticipating properties pricing   1

note, about using sample pricing model   1

process of setting up product and property pricing   1

property pricing administration   1

setting up average values and function types   1

setting up price lists   1

setting up pricing day parts   1

setting up sleeping room costing data   1

sleeping room pricing administration   1

special dates, setting up   1

suite pricing administration   1

volume discounts   1

volume discounts, associating with a property   1

volume discounts, creating   1

weekend and weekday property pricing   1

product revenue category

creating   1

creating notes   1

creating product revenue subcategories   1

product revenue subcategory, creating   1

Product Search Fields user property   1


about product administration   1

about product revenue categories   1

adding catalog visibility   1

adding product attributes   1 ,  2

adding product to the Order Function view   1

adding products to catalogs and categories   1

adding to a menu or package   1

adding to properties   1

associating categories with products   1

associating revenue categories with   1

attributes, adding   1

attributes, defining   1

complex   1

creating a catalog   1

creating a catalog category   1

creating a parent revenue category   1

creating a revenue category   1

creating a revenue category note   1

creating a revenue subcategory   1

creating generic catering products   1

creating generic room blocks   1

creating Hospitality assets   1

creating product revenue subcategories   1

creating property-specific products   1 ,  2

creating simple products   1

defining asset display method   1

event check calculation rules for child products without child records   1

event check calculation rules for mid-tier products with child records   1

event check calculation rules for parent products with child records   1

event check calculation rules for simple and generic products   1

features, about   1 ,  2

features, changing function spaces   1

forecasting product consumption   1

managing function spaces, sleeping rooms, and revenue categories as products   1

mapping a generic catering product to property-specific product   1

process of creating complex products   1

process of setting up products and assets   1

property pricing views   1

simple   1

simple and complex products   1

substituting in a menu or package   1

viewing assets associated with a product   1

profile, defining for a property   1

profit and revenue thresholds

about   1

threshold calculation example   1

profit series, defining with percentages   1


AAA Diamond rating   1

about associating setup styles with suites   1

about querying for selected properties   1

about time shifts for function spaces and sleeping rooms   1

adding a property to an opportunity   1

adding activities to a quote   1

adding functions and function line items to a quote   1

adding menus   1

adding packages   1

adding products   1

adding property records   1

adding quote notes   1

adding to an opportunity   1

aggregate quotes, changing   1

airport   1

airport shuttle service   1

alternate transportation to   1

assigning a setup style to a function space category   1

assigning a setup style to a property and associated a package   1

assigning an employee to a property team   1

associating a service charge with a property   1

associating a specific space with a category   1

associating a tax code with a property   1

associating suites with a category   1

associating with default catalog categories   1

capturing property information   1

clusters   1

creating a function space category   1

creating addresses   1

creating an indivisible specific-space suite   1

creating attachments for a quote   1

creating configured space   1

creating property-specific menus   1

creating property-specific packages   1

creating quote for event property   1

creating sell notes for a property   1

creating sleeping rooms   1

defining property day parts   1

defining property facilities   1

defining room service attributes   1

defining setup style LOVs   1

driving directions   1

entering and tracking booking fee information   1

entering credit check information for an event quote   1

floor plans, adding   1

function space defined and characteristics   1

general policies   1

generating quotes from opportunities   1

guest conveniences, setting up   1

managing quote functions from the Function screen   1

Mobil Star rating   1

modifying an event quote   1

modifying multiple quotes   1

neighborhood characteristics   1

nonparticipating   1

nonparticipating, about   1

optimizing setup styles for specific spaces   1

oversold policies   1

policies   1

process of adding details to event quote   1

process of setting up function space   1 ,  2 ,  3

process of setting up properties   1

process of setting up suites for a property   1

profile, defining   1

Property Locator, using   1

Property screen, using   1

quotes and nonparticipating properties   1

removing an employee to a property team   1

setting up a category for suites   1

setting up a configured specific space suite   1

setting up an indivisible specific space suite   1

setting up suite administration   1

updating and verifying billing information   1

validating functions and function line items associated with a quote   1

viewing price lists   1

viewing property-specific service charges   1

viewing property-specific taxes   1

viewing SR (sleeping room) type availability   1

viewing the Special Dates calendar   1

Property Administration screen   1

Property BC user property   1

property clusters

about   1

assigning to a user   1

booking assets   1

creating   1

defined   1

viewing records   1

property day parts

setting up   1

validating   1

Property Locator, using   1

property pricing

about creating a property pricing profile   1

about products and property pricing   1

catering product pricing administration   1

creating a profile   1

creating default prices for sleeping rooms   1

creating exception to default prices for sleeping rooms   1

defining a profit series and percentages   1

defining function space pricing rules   1

defining function space type exceptions   1

defining sleeping room exceptions   1 ,  2

defining weekend prices   1

function space pricing administration   1

function spaces, unavailable or out of order   1

future date adjustments   1

nonparticipating properties pricing   1

note, about using sample pricing model   1

process of setting up product and property pricing   1

property pricing administration   1

property pricing views   1

setting up average values and function types   1

setting up price lists   1

setting up pricing day parts   1

setting up sleeping room costing data   1

sleeping room pricing administration   1

special dates, setting up   1

suite pricing administration   1

volume discounts, associating with a property   1

weekend and weekday property pricing   1

Property Pricing Administration screen   1

Property screen

described   1

using   1

property team

assigning an employee   1

removing an employee   1

property-specific event templates

applying to a quote   1

creating   1

property-specific products

adding to properties   1

assigning to catalog categories   1

associating prices   1

creating   1 ,  2

creating assets   1

creating pricing intervals   1

mapping generic to   1

sharing with other properties   1

property-specific quotes

See About Property-Specific Quotes

Back to top


querying, for selected properties   1

quick opportunity capture   1

quote and order pricing

about   1

calculating weighted average room rates   1

complimentary room pricing   1

function line item and revenue data repricing   1

function space pricing   1

function space room rentals   1

minimum and maximum price   1

pricing and room occupancy   1

pricing and the negotiation floor   1

profit and revenue thresholds   1

Refresh button   1

Reprice All button   1

Reprice button   1

sleeping room pricing   1

suite pricing   1

threshold calculation example   1

weekday and weekend pricing   1

quote evaluation

about   1

assigning evaluation activities   1

creating an evaluation response   1

revenue manager approval with negative profit variance   1

sending to nonparticipating properties   1

Quote Event Calendar, viewing   1

Quote Item BC Name user property   1

Quote Meeting Pkgs BC user property   1

Quote Revised Item BC user property   1

quote status, color scheme in Function Space Diary   1

quote summary

accessing   1

functions list   1

negotiation rates   1

revenue thresholds   1

room block line items list   1

sending to nonparticipating property   1


about and process flow   1

about time shifts for function spaces and sleeping rooms   1

adding activities to a quote   1

adding functions and function line items   1

adding quote notes   1

aggregate evaluation   1

aggregate, changing projected property   1

aggregate, compiling   1

aggregate, price override   1

asynchronous generation of multiple   1

Best Fit Process   1

calculating weighted average room rates   1

charts   1

completing and submitting the event turnover checklist   1

complimentary room pricing   1

configuring   1

configuring multiple   1 ,  2

confirming sleeping room details   1

copying function line items   1

core and noncore field behaviors   1

creating a hierarchy of functions   1

creating an even template from   1

creating attachments for a quote   1

discounts, applying percentage   1

discounts, reviewing   1

entering and tracking booking fee information   1

entering credit check information for an event quote   1

evaluating the event quote   1

evaluation response, viewing   1

evaluation, sending to nonparticipating properties   1

event arrival date, modifying   1

event change management   1

event manage, changing   1

event templates, applying   1

finalizing scenario   1

function line item and revenue data repricing   1

function space pricing   1

function space room rentals   1

functions and function line items, managing in a meeting package   1

functions and function line items, updating in a meeting package   1

functions, adding   1

gathering and confirming billing information   1

gathering and confirming function details   1

gathering and confirming parking and transportation   1

gathering and confirming special request information   1

generating affiliate quotes   1

generating an agreement from a quote   1

generating an event quote   1

generating for all opportunity properties   1

generating from host-affiliate opportunities   1

generating from opportunities   1

generating from recurring events   1

generating host quotes   1

generating subopportunity   1

historical quotes, entering   1

line items, adding to a function   1

list of tasks   1

macro estimates, reviewing   1

managing meeting packages, process   1

managing quote functions from the Function screen   1

meeting package function line items, associating   1

meeting package functions, associating   1

meeting package pricing   1

meeting packages, adding   1

minimum and maximum price   1

modifying an event quote   1

modifying multiple quotes   1

negotiation rates   1

nonfunction line items, adding   1

nonparticipating properties finalization process   1

nonparticipating properties, generating   1

order pricing and quotes   1

overriding average values   1

pricing and room occupancy   1

pricing and the negotiation floor   1

process of adding details to event quote   1

process of confirming function space details   1

process of gathering and confirming event details   1

profit and revenue thresholds   1

quote approval with negative profit variance   1

Quote Event Calendar   1

quote generation process   1

quote summary functions list   1

quote summary negotiation rates list   1

quote summary revenue thresholds list   1

quote summary room block line items list   1

quotes and nonparticipating properties   1

Refresh button   1

rejecting the turnover checklist   1

Reprice All button   1

Reprice button   1

resource cluster line items, adding   1

responding to a quote evaluation   1

reviewing and accepting the turnover checklist   1

reviewing function revenue estimates   1

reviewing quote details and review estimates   1

reviewing quote summary information   1

roadmap for finalizing a quote and managing turnover   1

room block information, managing   1

Room Block Summary   1

room blocks, copying   1

room blocks, updating   1

sales manager, changing   1

scenario   1

setting the quote status to Definite   1

sleeping room pricing   1

submitting a quote for revenue evaluation   1 ,  2

submitting the turnover to events management   1

suite pricing   1

summary, accessing   1

summary, sending to nonparticipating property   1

synchronizing   1

threshold calculation example   1

total discount, reviewing   1

updating and verifying billing information   1

validating functions and function line items   1

validating functions and line items   1

viewing all orders associated with quotes   1

weekday and weekend pricing   1

Quotes screen   1

quotes stage

about function status values   1

assigning a function to a specific space   1

background workflow processes at the quote level   1

booking specific suites   1

booking suite categories   1

canceling a function   1

canceling a suite category   1

canceling room blocks   1

completing the detailing of a function   1

copying a function   1

creating a subfunction   1

creating a subfunction for the subfunction   1

creating and reserving a new room block   1

detailing a function   1

event shifting   1

flagging a function for spacious set   1

inconsistent setup style and function space   1

managing functions at quote stage   1

managing room blocks at the quote stage   1

optioning function space   1

overbooking a room block   1

overbooking function space   1

reviewing time shift information   1

scheduling a function in a specific suite   1

sleeping room availability logic   1

suite booking for functions   1

unit of measure conversions for function space area   1

using reserve and next fit to hold function space   1

Back to top


Rapid Room Block, using   1

Recalculate Workflow Name user property   1

recurring events

about   1

aggregate quote, compiling   1

creating   1

opportunity, creating   1

price override   1

process of creating   1

quotes, generating from   1

recurrence details   1

subopportunities, creating   1

types   1

Recursive Link user property   1

Refresh Applet user property   1

Refresh button, using   1

relationships, host-affiliate   1

released inventory, and function status   1

rental allocations, mapping to function space line items   1

rental fees, defining   1


about   1

Account Profile Report   1

Accounting Event Check Report   1

administering, process   1

Banquet Event Order Report   1

configuring fields   1

configuring headers   1

descriptions   1

Events Report   1

function-specific comments, adding   1

generating   1 ,  2

generic comments, adding   1

Guest Event Check Report   1

logos, associating   1

Pro Forma Event Check Report   1

Resume Report   1

taxes and service charges, setting up text   1

Reprice All button, using   1

Reprice button, using   1


AutoBook and Non-Critical assets   1

automatic reservation of critical assets   1

run of house rooms, scenarios   1

Reserve button, using to hold function space   1

resource cluster line items, adding   1

resource types   1

Restrict Diary BC Date user property   1

Resume Report

about   1

fields   1

Retain Unreserve Popup Default user property   1

Retain Unreserve Popup Name user property   1

Revenue Adjusted Price Field user property   1

revenue allocations

for menus and packages   1

package within a package example   1

three-item package with menu per person example   1

two-item package example   1

two-item package with discounted price example   1

revenue analysis, charts   1

revenue categories

administration, list of tasks   1

associating with products   1

changing for sleeping rooms   1

revenue estimates, changing   1

for sleeping rooms   1

revenue estimates

changing   1

charts   1

displaying for menus and packages   1

functions, reviewing   1

macro estimates, adding to an opportunity   1

macro estimates, reviewing   1

Menu Per Person, Set Price example   1

Menu Per Person, Split Price example   1

Package Each example   1

Package Item Price example   1

Package Per Person example   1

quote negotiation rates, updating   1

quote summary functions list   1

quote summary negotiation rates list   1

quote summary revenue thresholds list   1

quote summary room block line items list   1

reviewing and quote details   1

reviewing function revenue estimates   1

reviewing quote summary information   1

revenue management evaluation

about   1

completing the revenue evaluation form   1

evaluating the quote event   1

modifying the negotiation floor rate   1

responding a quote evaluation   1

revenue manager procedures   1

sales representative procedures   1

scenario   1

submitting a quote   1 ,  2

updating and reducing the negotiation floor   1

updating the existing negotiation rate   1

revenue manager

modifying the negotiation floor rate   1

quote approval with negative profit variance   1

revenue management procedures   1

submitting a quote evaluation form   1 ,  2


scenarios for calculating   1

thresholds, on quote summary   1

ROH Main Search Spec Field Name user property   1

ROH Sub Search Spec Field Name user property   1

room block information

adding   1

event templates, adding to   1

managing in quotes   1

room block line items

adding   1

copying   1

in meeting packages, managing   1

in meeting packages, updating   1

Room Block Summary form   1

room blocks

actualizing   1

adding   1

adding room block information   1

booking specific suites   1

booking suite categories   1

canceling a suite category   1

canceling room blocks   1

charts   1

copying at the quote stage   1

copying line items   1

creating and reserving a new room block   1

discount percentages, applying   1

discounts, reviewing   1

event templates, adding to   1

floor negotiation rates, for a meeting package   1

historical room blocks, entering   1

inventory critical fields   1

inventory, parceling   1

line items, adding   1

managing at the quote stage   1

managing property characteristics   1

managing room block characteristics   1

in meeting packages, managing   1

negotiation rates, for a meeting package   1

overbooking a room block   1

performing a time shift   1

performing a time shift of room blocks   1

price override, aggregate quotes   1

quotes, managing   1

Rapid Room Block   1

room block changes and availability checks   1

scheduling a function in a specific suite   1

sleeping room availability logic   1

Summary form   1

updating in quotes   1

Room Blocks screen   1

Room Name Field user property   1

room service attributes, defining   1


about associating setup styles with suites   1

about time shifts for function spaces and sleeping rooms   1

adding room block information   1

assigning a setup style to a function space category   1

assigning a setup style to a property and associated a package   1

associating a specific space with a category   1

associating suites with a category   1

calculating weighted average room rates   1

copying a room block line items   1

creating a function space category   1

creating an indivisible specific-space suite   1

creating configured space   1

creating default prices for sleeping rooms   1

creating exception to default prices for sleeping rooms   1

creating generic room blocks   1

creating sleeping rooms   1

defined and characteristics   1

defining government sleeping room pricing types and rates   1

defining setup style LOVs   1

defining weekend prices   1

function space room rentals   1

occupancy, and pricing   1

optimizing setup styles for specific spaces   1

pricing and the negotiation floor   1

process of setting up   1 ,  2 ,  3

process of setting up suites for a property   1

run of house   1 ,  2

setting up a category for suites   1

setting up a configured specific space suite   1

setting up an indivisible specific space suite   1

setting up suite administration   1

sleeping room pricing administration   1

run of house

about   1

inventory controls   1

mapping to property-specific rooms   1

reserving rooms, scenarios   1

sleeping rooms   1

user properties   1

Back to top


sales manager, changing   1

sales representative

revenue management procedures   1

updating the existing negotiation rate   1

Scale Unit Major user property   1

Scale Unit Minor user property   1

scenario for histories and futures   1


purpose of administration screens   1

purpose of end-user screens   1

Search Spec Condition BC user property   1

searching, about querying for selected properties   1

SearchSpecField user property   1 ,  2

segment matrix series   1

Segments Per Page Major user property   1

Segments Per Page Minor user property   1

sell note, creating for a property   1

Sell Notes - Special Dates Business Component user property   1

Sell Notes - Special Dates Popup Applet user property   1

Sell Notes - Special Dates Start Date Field Name user property   1

Sequence Field user property   1

service charges

about and process of defining   1

associating a tax code with a property   1

associating categories with products   1

associating charge codes with service charges   1

associating charge codes with tax codes   1

associating tax codes to service charges   1

associating with a property   1

changing for sleeping rooms   1

charge code administration   1

creating a service charge   1

creating a tax code   1

defining charge codes   1

event items   1

list of revenue category administration tasks   1

process of setting up   1

on quote summary   1

report text setting up   1

reviewing charge codes associated with a category   1

scenarios for calculating   1

service charge administration   1

tax code administration   1

viewing property-specific service charges   1

viewing property-specific taxes   1

set menus, in quote meeting packages, processing   1

setting up

histories and futures, process   1

meeting packages   1

setup style

combination, and function space   1

inconsistent setup style and function space   1

setup tasks

See Roadmap for Setting Up Siebel Hospitality

Shift Functions user property   1

Shift RoomBlocks user property   1

Shift SubOpportunities user property   1

SHM Post Check Workflow   1

SHM Recalculate Invoice Items Workflow   1

SHM Trial_Open Check Workflow   1

simple products

about   1

creating   1

defined   1

event check calculation rules   1

Skip Setup Style Initialization user property   1

Sleeping Room Calendar, using   1

Sleeping Room Mapping

run of house   1

setting user properties   1

user properties   1

sleeping room pricing

benchmark pricing   1

default rules   1

exceptions   1

maximum pricing   1

minimum pricing   1

negotiation floor   1

setting up minimum and maximum controls   1

sleeping room rates, applied to an opportunity   1

sleeping room service charges, user properties   1

sleeping room taxes, user properties   1

sleeping room types, associating with meeting packages   1

sleeping rooms

about associating setup styles with suites   1

about time shifts for function spaces and sleeping rooms   1

adding product attributes   1 ,  2

assigning a setup style to a function space category   1

assigning a setup style to a property and associated a package   1

associating a specific space with a category   1

associating suites with a category   1

availability logic   1

booking specific suites   1

booking suite categories   1

calculating weighted average room rates   1

canceling a suite category   1

canceling room blocks   1

complimentary room pricing   1

confirming sleeping room details   1

creating a function space category   1

creating an indivisible specific-space suite   1

creating configured space   1

creating default prices for sleeping rooms   1

creating exception to default prices for sleeping rooms   1

creating sleeping rooms   1

defined and characteristics   1

defining government sleeping room pricing types and rates   1

defining setup style LOVs   1

defining sleeping room inventory controls   1

defining weekend prices   1

displaying inventory control information   1

editing inventory controls   1

editing sleeping room inventory controls   1

Function Space Diary and total sleeping room availability   1

Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI and total sleeping room availability   1

managing as a product   1

minimum and maximum price   1

optimizing setup styles for specific spaces   1

pricing   1

pricing administration   1

pricing and room occupancy   1

pricing and the negotiation floor   1

pricing waterfall, reviewing   1

process of setting up   1 ,  2 ,  3

process of setting up suites for a property   1

querying inventory controls   1

revenue categories   1

revenue categories, changing   1

run of house   1 ,  2

scheduling a function in a specific suite   1

setting up a category for suites   1

setting up a configured specific space suite   1

setting up an indivisible specific space suite   1

setting up suite administration   1

suite pricing   1

tax and service charge options, changing   1

taxes and service charges for negotiation rates   1

viewing group projected and blocked availability   1

viewing SR (sleeping room) type availability   1

viewing Total Group Availability   1

weekday and weekend pricing   1

Slider Width(Height) user property   1

Small Red Triangle Comment Icon user property   1

Sort Specification Field user property   1


See About Function Space Administration

space holds

about   1

function spaces, detailing   1

moving in the Function Space Diary   1

moving in the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI   1

setting in Function Space Diary   1

user properties   1

Spacious Set flag

about   1

configuring   1

flagging a function   1

special date   1

Special Date BC Name user property   1

Special Dates button, using for a date range   1

Special Dates calendar, viewing   1

Special Day Description user property   1

Special Day Type user property   1

special request information, gathering and confirming   1

specific space, marking as requiring backup   1

Spl Date BC Description Field user property   1

Spl Date BC End Date Field user property   1

Spl Date BC Start Date Field user property   1

Spl Date BC Type Field user property   1

split menus, in meeting packages   1

SR Type Availability, viewing   1

Start Date user property   1

State Model user property   1

state model, activating TNT Event Check Status   1

Status Color Scheme LIC user property   1

status color schemes, in Function Space Diary   1

status indicators

defining function space and asset status indicators   1

process of defining   1

STHeader calculated field, configuring for the Banquet Event Order Report   1

Sub Opportunity SearchSpec user property   1

subfunctions, overriding average values   1


generating quotes   1

recurring events   1

suite booking, for functions   1

suite categories

about booking   1

booking specific suites   1

canceling a suite category   1

scheduling a function in a specific suite   1

suite pricing administration   1


about associating setup styles with suites   1

assigning a setup style to a function space category   1

assigning a setup style to a property and associated a package   1

associating a specific space with a category   1

associating suites with a category   1

creating a function space category   1

creating an indivisible specific-space suite   1

creating configured space   1

creating sleeping rooms   1

defined and characteristics   1

defining setup style LOVs   1

managing suites in the Function Space Diary   1 ,  2

optimizing setup styles for specific spaces   1

pricing   1

process of setting up suites   1 ,  2 ,  3

process of setting up suites for a property   1

setting up a category for suites   1

setting up a configured specific space suite   1

setting up an indivisible specific space suite   1

setting up suite administration   1

Sum BC Name user property   1

Sum Field 1 user property   1

Sum Field 2 user property   1

Sum Field 3 user property   1

Sum Field 4 user property   1

Sum Field 5 user property   1

Sum Key Field 1 user property   1

Sum Key Field 2 user property   1

switching to backup space   1

synchronization, disabling for dates   1

synchronizing, functions and function line items   1

Back to top


taste panel, gathering and confirming function details   1

Tax Service Administration screen   1


about and process of defining   1

associating a service charge with a property   1

associating a tax code with a property   1

associating categories with products   1

associating charge codes with service charges   1

associating charge codes with tax codes   1

associating tax codes to service charges   1

changing for sleeping rooms   1

charge code administration   1

creating a service charge   1

creating a tax code   1

defining charge codes   1

event items   1

list of revenue category administration tasks   1

process of setting up   1

on quote summary   1

report text, setting up   1

reviewing charge codes associated with a category   1

scenarios for calculating   1

service charge administration   1

tax code administration   1

viewing property-specific service charges   1

viewing property-specific taxes   1

Template Copy Fields user property   1 ,  2 ,  3 ,  4

Template Copy History user property   1


Banquet Event Order Report, configuring   1

Banquet Event Order Report, downloading   1

Banquet Event Order Report, uploading   1

temporarily assigned function spaces   1

Tentative/Not Tentative button, switching display of tentative records   1


about profit and revenue   1

threshold calculation example   1

Time BC Start Time Field user property   1

Time Business Component user property   1

time intervals and turntimes, defining   1

Time Part BC Major user property   1

Time Part BC Minor 2 user property   1

Time Part BC Minor 3 user property   1

Time Part BC Minor End Date Field user property   1

Time Part BC Minor End Time Field user property   1

Time Part BC Minor Name Field user property   1

Time Part BC Minor Property Field user property   1

Time Part BC Minor Start Date Field user property   1

Time Part BC Minor Start Time Field user property   1

Time Part BC Minor user property   1

Time Shift: Meeting Pkg BC Name user property   1

time shifting

about for function spaces and sleeping rooms   1

performing of event functions   1

reviewing at the quote level   1


Day/Day-Part user property   1

Day/Half-Hour user property   1

Day/Hour user property   1

Day/Quarter-Hour user property   1

Month/Day user property   1

Month/Day-of-Week user property   1

Month/Day-of-Week/Day Part user property   1

Week/Day user property   1

Week/Day/Day Part user property   1

TNT Allocation Validation Diff user property   1

TNT Apply Package Workflow   1

TNT AvoidBookmark user property   1

TNT CMT CI Property Field Name user property   1

TNT CMT Same Time Frame - Show Move Popup Applet user property   1

TNT Event Check Status state model, activating   1

TNT Extended Net Price Flag user property   1

TNT Item Price Field user property   1

TNT Manual Allocation Field user property   1

TNT MPType Flag user property   1

TNT Nightly 30 60 90 Day Pickup workflow   1

TNT Nightly Update History Opportunity workflow   1

TNT No Display Flag user property   1

TNT SHM Arrival Date Field user property   1

TNT SHM Calc Revenue For Which Field user property   1

TNT SHM Copy Line Items Workflow   1

TNT SHM Create Function Order workflow   1

TNT SHM Create One Quote workflow   1

TNT SHM Departure Date Field user property   1

TNT SHM Field Names user property   1 ,  2

TNT SHM Gantt AX Date Time Interval PopUp business component, user properties   1

TNT SHM Has Function Space Field user property   1

TNT SHM Line Item Total Field user property   1

TNT SHM Number of Nights Field user property   1

TNT SHM Parent Function Field Names user property   1

TNT SHM Parent Function Write Field Names user property   1

TNT SHM Site Function Space Diary Total Availability View:BC 1 user property   1

TNT SHM Total Service Charge Amount Field user property   1

TNT SHM Total Tax Amount Field user property   1

TNT SHM Weekend Total Service Charge Amount Field user property   1

TNT SHM Weekend Total Tax Amount Field user property   1

TNT SHM Write Field Names user property   1

TNT Update History Opportunity workflow   1

TNT Wrapper Trial_Open Check Workflow   1

Tool Tip Delimiter user property   1

ToolTips, viewing in the Function Space Diary   1

ToolTips, viewing in the Function Space Diary for Siebel Open UI   1

total availability

about and total availability list   1

reviewing   1

Total Availability Applet Name user property   1 ,  2

total discount

viewing for a quote   1

viewing for an order   1

Total Group Availability, viewing   1

transactions, viewing account   1

Transient Suite Field user property   1


process of defining   1

setting up function space style translations   1

travel control assessment, adding   1

travel profile

brands, adding   1

competitors, adding   1

contact, managing   1

creating account   1

credit card spending details, adding   1

intermediary accounts, adding   1

managing account   1

travel control assessment, adding   1

trial check, generating for an event   1

triggers, generating for workflows   1


completing and submitting the event turnover checklist   1

confirming sleeping room details   1

Evaluations Calendar   1

event change management   1

gathering and confirming billing information   1

gathering and confirming function details   1

gathering and confirming parking and transportation   1

gathering and confirming special request information   1

generating an agreement from a quote   1

process of confirming function space details   1

process of gathering and confirming event details   1

rejecting the turnover checklist   1

reviewing and accepting the turnover checklist   1

roadmap for finalizing a quote and manager turnover   1

scenario   1

setting the quote status to Definite   1

submitting the turnover to events management   1

turnover checklist

completing and submitting   1

rejecting the turnover checklist   1

reviewing and accepting the turnover checklist   1

submitting the turnover to events management   1

Turnover Evaluations screen   1

turntimes and time intervals, defining   1

Back to top


Unavailable Field user property   1

unavailable function spaces   1

Undo Method Name 1 user property   1 ,  2

unit of measure conversions, for function space areas   1

Units Per Segment Major user property   1

Units Per Segment Minor user property   1

Use Working Hours user property   1

user properties

about   1

applet user properties for Arrival Date Modifications   1

applet user properties for Banquet Event Order reports   1

applet user properties for event checks   1

applet user properties for Function Space Diary   1 ,  2 ,  3

applet user properties for Histories and Futures   1

applet user properties for Menus and Packages   1

applet user properties for Pivot Applets   1

applet user properties for Quotes   1

Arrival Date Modifications   1

Banquet Event Order Report   1

business component user properties for Arrival Date Modifications   1

business component user properties for Banquet Event Order reports   1

business component user properties for event checks   1

business component user properties for Function Space Diary   1 ,  2

business component user properties for Histories and Futures   1

business component user properties for Menus and Packages   1

business component user properties for Opportunities   1

business component user properties for Pivot Applets   1

business component user properties for Quotes   1

business component user properties for Sleeping Room Mapping   1

business component user properties for TNT SHM Gantt AX Date Time Interval PopUp   1

business service user properties   1

business service user properties for event checks   1

event checks   1

Function Space Diary   1

Histories and Futures   1

integration object user properties for Sleeping Room Mapping   1

meeting packages   1

Menus and Packages   1

Pivot Applets   1

Run of House   1

setting for Function Space Diary   1

setting for Histories and Futures   1

setting for Menus and Packages   1

setting for Sleeping Room Mapping   1

Siebel Hospitality   1

Sleeping Room Mapping   1

Sleeping Room Taxes and Service Charges   1

Space Hold   1

virtual business component user properties for Pivot Applets   1

Back to top



of meeting packages   1

of Min Duration and Max Duration fields   1

of day parts   1

View Aspect: SHM Invoice Detail View (Accounting) user property   1

View Aspect: SHM Invoice Detail View user property   1

View Aspect: SHM Invoice More Info View (Detail) user property   1

View Aspect: TNT SHM All Across Organizations Invoice List View user property   1

View Aspect: TNT SHM All Invoices by Cluster View user property   1

View Aspect: TNT SHM All Invoices by Quote Property View user property   1

View Aspect: TNT SHM Event Check Line Item Attribute View user property   1

View Aspect: TNT SHM Event Check Line Items More Info View user property   1

View Aspect: TNT SHM Event Check Notes View user property   1

View Name user property   1

ViewMode Sort:3 user property   1 ,  2

Views Displaying Across The Months user property   1

Views Having No Space for Icons in Major Axis user property   1

Views Having No Y-Axis Header user property   1

Views Having Space Crunch for Icons user property   1

virtual business component user properties, Pivot Applets   1

visibility, order record visibility   1

volume discounts

about   1

aggregate volume discounts, sleeping rooms and suites   1

associating with a property   1

creating   1

line items, adding   1

Back to top



pricing   1

property pricing   1


defining weekend prices   1

pricing   1

property pricing   1

Weekend Admin BC Name user property   1

Weekend BC Activation Field 1 user property   1

Weekend BC Activation Field 2 user property   1

Weekend BC Activation Field 3 user property   1


Field Name user property   1

Status user property   1

Undo Method Name user property   1

WithoutTentative:Field Name user property   1

WithoutTentative:Status user property   1

WithoutTentative:Undo Method Name user property   1

WithTentative:Undo Method Name user property   1 ,  2

Workflow Monitor Agent, triggering workflows with   1

workflow processes

for Copy Line Items   1

for event checks   1

generating database triggers   1

for Histories and Futures   1

nightly workflows, running   1

process of setting up   1

SHM Post Check   1

SHM Recalculate Invoice Items Workflow   1

SHM Trial_Open Check Workflow   1

TNT Apply Package Workflow   1

TNT Nightly 30 60 90 Day Pickup   1

TNT Nightly Update History Opportunity   1

TNT SHM Copy Line Items Workflow   1

TNT SHM Create Function Order   1

TNT SHM Create One Quote   1

TNT Update History Opportunity   1

TNT Wrapper Trial_Open Check Workflow   1

triggering with Workflow Monitor Agent   1

workflow processes, activating

list of processes   1

verifying workflows are active   1

Back to top


X Axis Popup Height user property   1

X Axis Popup Width user property   1

X-Axis Background Color user property   1

X-Axis Drill Down Enable user property   1

X-Axis Height user property   1

X-Axis Line Color user property   1

X-Axis Line Style user property   1

Back to top


Y Axis Join Field user property   1

Y-Axis Background Color user property   1

Y-Axis Business Component user property   1

Y-Axis Draw Sides user property   1

Y-Axis Drill Down Enable user property   1

Y-Axis Drilldown Index Field user property   1

Y-Axis Drilldown Src Field Substitutes user property   1

Y-Axis Header Background Color user property   1

Y-Axis Header Display Format user property   1

Y-Axis Header Label Text user property   1

Y-Axis Header Line Color user property   1

Y-Axis Header Line Style user property   1

Y-Axis Hierarchy Drilldown Assignment user property   1

Y-Axis Hierarchy user property   1

Y-Axis Item Dimensions user property   1

Y-Axis Item Fields user property   1

Y-Axis Item Font Colors user property   1

Y-Axis Item Icons user property   1

Y-Axis Item Tooltip Fields user property   1

Y-Axis Item Types user property   1

Y-Axis Left Click Methods user property   1

Y-Axis Line Color user property   1

Y-Axis Line Style user property   1

Y-Axis Line Width user property   1

Y-Axis Mouse Over Cursor Ids user property   1

Y-Axis Row Type Field user property   1

Y-Axis Width user property   1

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