Siebel Hospitality Guide > Generating and Managing Event Orders >

About Event Orders

When a customer accepts a quote for an event, a Siebel Hospitality user can generate an order for that event from the chosen quote. This topic describes event orders. This topic covers the following subjects:

About Generating Event Orders

When a quote includes all the necessary details, the event manager or sales manager generates an order for that quote. This order contains details of all functions and function line items associated with the quote.

If there are a number of functions associated with a quote, the event manager can add as many details as necessary about a function, and then generate a single order for this function instead of generating a primary order for the entire quote. Thus, a number of orders can be generated for any one quote.

Even though a separate order is usually created for each function associated with a quote, it is possible to generate a single order for all functions in the quote. This capability gives event managers the flexibility to generate orders as they see fit.

When an order is generated from a quote, all functions associated with the quote, line items associated with the functions, and all pricing information are copied to the order. Similarly, when an order is generated from a function, line items and related pricing information are copied to the order.

Different order types exist for different purposes. If there are multiple orders for the event, any combination of order types can be used. The following order types are available:

  • AVEO (Audio/Visual Event Order). The AVEO might span several days.
  • BEO (Banquet Event Order). Used as guides to event setup by generating BEO reports. This type is intended for covering one day of an event only.
  • No BEO. This type indicates that the customer must not be invoiced for any line items on the selected order.

Each order is also associated with a price list. The price list determines the list price of each line item in the order. If there is a price list associated with the property where the parent event is located, that price list is the default price list for all the orders associated with the event.

About Order Visibility

As with quotes, order records have visibility requirements that determine which orders the event user can view. Table 123 lists the types of users and the type of order records they are able to access.

Table 123. Event Users and Order Record Visibility
Visibility Rule

Director of Event Management

View the orders associated with his or her property.

View the orders for the property in the All Event Orders for My Property visibility list.

Corporate Vice President for Event Execution

Query for all orders across Siebel Hospitality.

View the orders for the entire Siebel Hospitality instance in the All Event Orders Across Organizations visibility list.

Regional Event Manager

Query for all orders in his or her property cluster.

View the orders for a cluster of properties in the visibility list.

Event Manager

Review all orders for his or her Orders Team.

View the orders for an Orders Team on his or her home page, and on the Orders screen, My Event Orders visibility list.

About Synchronizing Orders and Quotes

Orders and quotes are separate entities at different stages of the event sales execution. Orders are generated from quotes after the quotes have been detailed as much as possible. Because event managers can modify order functions, line items, and line item attributes, a synchronization process is built into Siebel Hospitality to make sure that any changes made to the order are reflected in the associated quote and also that any changes made at the quote stage are reflected in the associated order. The synchronization process is capable of dealing with both simple and complex products.

Synchronization between orders and quotes operates as follows:

  • Functions. The function entity is shared between orders and quotes. The same record is used to provide details to both orders and quotes, and so does not have to be synchronized.
  • Line Items. A two-way synchronization occurs between quote line items and order line items. Whenever an order line item or quote line item is added, modified, or deleted, the associated quote or order line items are updated accordingly. Also, a list of fields, including Product, Quantity, Price, and Discount, are also synchronized for the modified line items.
  • Line Item Attributes. A two-way synchronization occurs between quote line item attributes and order line item attributes. Whenever an order line item attribute or quote line item attribute is added, modified, or deleted, the associated quote or order line item attributes are updated accordingly. The Value field of the attribute is also synchronized.

About Orders with Meeting Package Components

Meeting package functions and function line items can be associated with orders. For more information about meeting packages, see About Meeting Packages.

When a meeting package is booked, components associated with a meeting package administration record are automatically created as associated objects for that booking. These items are known as core components. Items that are not associated with any meeting package administration record are known as noncore components. A noncore item can be manually associated with a meeting package within an order.

The functionalities that accommodate meeting package functions and function line items in orders are as follows:

  • Add. You can add noncore functions and associate them with a meeting package that exists in an order. You can add noncore function line items and associate them with the meeting package of the parent function.
  • Update. In core functions and function line items, most fields cannot be edited.
  • Delete. Core functions and function line items cannot be deleted. Noncore function line items can be deleted.
  • Cancel. Core functions cannot be cancelled. Noncore functions can be cancelled.
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